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1、Unit2Workingtheland第一页,共35页。pre-readingWhat problem do they show ?How do you feel when you see the pictures?第二页,共35页。How much land can be used for farming?1.3/4 of our earth is covered with water!2. 1/2 of this piece is too hot, cold, or wet for farming!3. 3/4 of this part is used for roads, buildin

2、gs like houses, schools!4. Only 1/32 of the earth is used for farming!第三页,共35页。Super hybrid rice第四页,共35页。Task1Scanning Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams. Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality. Para3 C. Dr Yuans biography. Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement.第五页,共35页。Para 1 Appearance and Achievement.1.A

3、ppearance face: arm: body:sunburntsunburntslim but stronglookslikea_farmerAlthough he is one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research.第六页,共35页。Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those

4、of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he struggled for the past five decades.Dr Yuan is like more a farmer than a scientist.第七页,共35页。Para 1 appearance and achievement.1.Appearance face: arm: body:sunburntsunburntslim but stronglookslikea_farmer2. achievementsHe grows what is called_, which makesi

5、tpossibleto produce_ more of the crop in the same fields.super hybrid riceone-fifth第八页,共35页。Para.2HisbiographyTimeinformation19301953As a young manIn a recentharvestnowBorn in Beijing Graduated from collegeHunger was a disturbing problem. search for a way to increase the rice harvest. 200 million to

6、ns was producedCirculating his knowledge22%7%Means?UN rid the world of hunger第九页,共35页。Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界(shji)饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as la

7、rge as before.using 作状语,修饰后面整个作状语,修饰后面整个(zhngg)句子句子第十页,共35页。Paragraph 3Topic sentence?Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.He doesnt care about _ and _. He likes freedom for his search and hobbies.famemoneyPersonality第十一页,共35页。第十二页,共35页。Para 4: his dreamsHis first dreamHis second dreamAs tall as

8、 sorghum As big as an ear of cornAs huge as a peanutTo export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe.第十三页,共35页。1.himself(as)afarmer认为他自己是个农民认为他自己是个农民2.theland耕种耕种(gngzhng)土地,在田间耕作土地,在田间耕作3.doones进行研究进行研究4.faceandarms被太阳晒黑的脸庞和手臂被太阳晒黑的脸庞和手臂5.thepastfive在过去的在过去的50年里年里6.thefirstagriculturalpi



11、sth给他更少的自由给他更少的自由27._from从从中醒来中醒来28.thehopeof怀着怀着希望希望29._rice出口大米出口大米30.theglobe全球,全世界全球,全世界31.makeitpossible_使使成为可能成为可能第十六页,共35页。1.As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.2.At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside.Whenhewasyoung,hek

12、nowhowimportantitwastoproducebiggerricecrops.=itisimportantto=doingsth.isimportant/ofgreatimportanceDuringhisearlyyears,muchofthecountrysidewastroubledbyhunger.=bebadlyinfluenced/affectedbyhaveabadeffecton第十七页,共35页。3.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.4.Sp

13、ending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him.Astheyusehishybridrice,farmersareproducingtwiceasmuchriceasbefore.Heisnotinterestedin/careslittleaboutbuyingthingsforhimselforhavinga第十八页,共35页。5.Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.Itdoesntcostanythingto

14、dreamforsomething.第十九页,共35页。A3 B篇What is CA?What are the three principles of CA?How does CA help reduce soil damage?What are the functions of cover crops?What is the rotation of crops?第二十页,共35页。It is meant to keep soil healthy, develop sustainable farming, and prevent the damaging overuse of land.Ga

15、ining popularity, CA aims to help famers keep land healthy and productive bybecomepopular第二十一页,共35页。Control tillageWhat is tillage? turn over nutrient currentunusableBy avoiding tilling, organic soil matter may actually benefit as crop pieces form a protective surface over the soil.第二十二页,共35页。cover

16、crops1.These crops prevent water and soil loss by2.Cover crops also 第二十三页,共35页。By cycling crops that need different nutrients through the same field, the soil第二十四页,共35页。. statistics sunburnt output circulated nationalitystruggled decade regret Therefore nutrition. A) 1.根据 2.build up 3. 幸亏,由于 4. lead

17、 to 5. 对感到满意 6. focus on 7. 宁愿,宁可(nngk) 8. keepfree from/of 9. 摆脱,除去 10. with the hope of1. with the hope of 2. lead to 3. build up 4. would rather 5. keep free from 6. be focused on 7. was satisfied with 8. According to 9. Thanks to 10. rid of第二十五页,共35页。第二十六页,共35页。.underlinesummaryexportsbacteriach






23、解释8.爆发,突发爆发,突发(tf)9.与其,不愿与其,不愿10.定居,平静下来,专心于定居,平静下来,专心于11.离开,启程,出发离开,启程,出发12.偶然遇见偶然遇见13.继续,坚持继续,坚持14.逐渐增强,建立,开发逐渐增强,建立,开发第三十二页,共35页。Dear Mr. Smith, Im writing to invite you to join us in the English poetry recital competition on July 4. the competition is going to take place on the second floor of t

24、he teaching building from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., during which time participants will recite their favorite English poems. Those who win the prizes will share their experience in learning English. It would be a great pleasure if you could come and be one of the judges. Im sure we will have a wonderful tim

25、e together. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua第三十三页,共35页。But Mom refused to give up.“Imsuresheisstillinside,”shesaidasshekickedthedoorwithgreatforceandshoutedinaloudvoice,“Wakeup,Makcik!”Bythen,bothofuswerecoughingbadly.IwastryinghardtopullMomawaywhenthedooropened.Momwasright-Mak

26、cikstoodthere,totallyconfused.Therewasnotimetoexplain.MomimmediatelyledMakcikdownstairsandoutsidetoasafespotwherepeoplehadgatheredtowitnessthefire.Realizingtheseriousnessofthesituation,Makcikheldmymothershandstightly,withtearsrollingdownhercheeks.第三十四页,共35页。A newspaper reporter came forward and inte

27、rviewed Mom.MomsaidthatshewasfamiliarwithMakciksdailyroutineandwascertainshewasstillsleepingthen.Whenaskedifshewasscared,Momreplied,”Myneighborwasindanger,sothethoughtoffearnevercrossedmymind.”ThereporterpraisedMomforherbraveandselflessact.Momsetagoodexampletome.Shetaughtmetheimportanceofhelpingothersoutoftrouble.Mymomwasgreat.第三十五页,共35页。



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