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1、Think about it!1. Have you visited a zoo?2. What did you see in the zoo?bearmonkeyelephantliontigerpandagiraffeTeaching aims 1.背诵下列单词背诵下列单词 danger, dangerous, bamboo, giraffe 2.背诵下列短语背诵下列短语 instead of. take photos/take a photo go through. wake up. point to/at. 3.understand the text 重点重点 words and ph

2、rases .instead of用法用法 难点难点 stop from doing. danger/dangerous (1)自学单词短语并背诵)自学单词短语并背诵(2)读课文,理解文章大意)读课文,理解文章大意,独立完成独立完成5个个问题。小组合作,对答案;问题。小组合作,对答案;(3)完成探究案学习,先独立完成,在小)完成探究案学习,先独立完成,在小组内讨论;组内讨论;(4 )完成当堂检测并且小组内讨论答案,)完成当堂检测并且小组内讨论答案,当堂展示。当堂展示。自学指导自学指导New wordsdanger dangerousbamboo giraffe mainly危险危险危险的危险的

3、竹子竹子长颈鹿长颈鹿主要地主要地照相照相 _用用代替,是代替,是而不是而不是_ 醒来醒来_ 害怕害怕 _ 穿过穿过_翻译短语翻译短语take photos / take a photoinstead ofgo throughbe scared ofwake up Read the text and answer them1.What day is it today according to the text?2.Where do they go?3.What time do they arrive at the zoo?4.What do they see at the entrance?5.

4、What animals do they see?Its SaturdayThey go to the zoo.A quarter to elevenA signA bear, giraffes1.用用代替,是代替,是而不是而不是going , driving ,singing 2.形容词,危险的形容词,危险的.danger.危险危险dangerous, danger 3.learning. A4.D. feed on5. wakes me up 当堂检测当堂检测1.Instead of _ a hand, he laughed at us.A. lend B . lending C. to

5、lending D. lends2.The rain stopped us from_ the sports meeting. A. hold B . to hold C. holding. D. held3.Dont touch machine when it is working. Its very_. A. danger B. dangerous C. in danger D. safe4. Mum will _ at 6:00 tomorrow morning.A wake me B wake up me C. wake me up D. wakes me up5. The child

6、ren need help. They are in_ (dangerous)BCBCdanger6.The boy feeds the monkey _ (介词)介词)bananas.7.She stopped the boy from _ the tree.A. climbing B. climb C. to climb D. climbs本课中出现的本课中出现的go through 意思是意思是_.与其相似与其相似go across用法区别是用法区别是_/_.They go _the forest. Its dangerous for kids to go _the road.on/withA穿过穿过throughacrossHomework1. Review Lesson 15. 2. Write a story about your trip to the zoo.1. Learn the words in Lesson 16 by heart.2. Read the text in Lesson 16 and underline the useful phrases.



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