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1、维克多初中英语 每日金句 第一期1. Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。2. Never give in before difficulties. 绝不在困难面前低头。3. They will do anything to achieve their goals.他们会不惜一切代价实现目标。4. Above all, I think you should be confident in yourself.最重要的事,我认为你应该对自己有信心。5. I can hardly believe my eyes. 我几乎无法相信自己的眼睛。6. As a s

2、tudent, its very important to care about what we do in public.作为一名学生,注意我们在公共场合的行为很重要。7. I did badly in my exams. 我考试考砸了。8. Your success depends on how hard you work at your lessons.你的成功取决于你学习的努力程度。9. Jenny worked hard in order to catch up with others.为了赶上其他人,詹妮非常努力地学习。10. We were about to leave when

3、 Jerry arrived.我们正要离开,这时杰里到了。11. Jack has passed his exam. We are going out to celebrate.杰克通过了考试,我们要出去庆祝一下。12. What about having a drink? 来杯饮料怎么样?13. One must have the ability to work with others.一个人必须有与他人合作的能力。14. There is a big pack across from the supermarket.超市对面有一个大公园。15. If you get a chance to

4、 travel to Iceland, take it.如果你有去冰岛旅行的机会,就抓住它。16. My life has changed a lot in the past three years.过去三年里我的生活发生了很大变化。17. Could you give me some advice on learning English?你能给我一些关于学英语的建议吗?18. Im afraid that Ill fail the exam.恐怕我考试要失利了。19. After you finish your homework, what will you do?你写完作业后会做什么?20

5、. The weather is getting warmer and warmer day by day.天气一天天地暖和起来。21. What shall we have for dinner tonight?今天晚餐我们吃什么?22. The students took an active part in the competition.学生们积极参与了这次比赛。23. Mr. Wang always encourages us to speak English in class.王老师总是鼓励我们课上说英语。24. Well all learn to get along better

6、with each other!我们都将学会彼此更好地相处。25. I think friendship is more important than anything else.我认为友谊重于一切。26. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.我四点半放学回家,然后做作业。27. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。28. Dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties.梦想和自信是我们面对困难时不断前进的动力。29. World Book Day falls on April 23rd every year.世界读书日是每年的 4月 23日。30. We should develop a good study habit of taking notes in class.我们应该养成上课记笔记这一好的学习习惯。



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