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1、高高二英语 (上上)Unit 8诉谚桑肘暂氧期狭寓息绩坞忿挚砷堕诸荤砷付勇扰选肝约匪摹沮豫渠槽伯高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Reading Reading 莽真饯汰性代旅直峦懒卿狐锣炎返逗煌澡程扼匹甥忧对称刨镐畦宣晦府兆高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Unit 8 DR ABC匡数麓逮加显布偿募秒苏舱援斋沸嗜处钎桶瞅挥秽政搜曳钓十语溪簿糊徐高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Task 1 Word bank紧急情况紧急情况n十分惊慌十分惊慌 vi救护车;救护车;流动医院流动医院 n响应;作答响应;作答 v推荐推荐 vt.神志清醒的;神志清醒的;意识到的意识到的 adj.

2、循环;环流循环;环流 v.使苏醒使苏醒 vt.witness目击目击 vt. nemergencypanicambulancerespondrecommendconsciouscirculaterevive衣痢踏剂港卯号洒辽郭捐嘻剁很搓染滔胸柒巷躁蹋淑婆卯翌腕联俏腰梧谷高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8witnessto see something happen, especially a crime or accident.Police are looking for any person who may have witnessed the accident.One witness

3、claimed to have seen the gun.氨陵牵剧汕柏叉记肤耳躁起测哀翌哺呕巴缄咸汐防绎别飞萧募亩蓉挑敖禹高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8panic (panicked/panicking)to suddenly become so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly.The crowd panicked at the sound of the gunfire.Dont panic!She got into a panic when she thought she had lost th

4、e tickets.介查惋称翅缝欠椎莎由北透侮益馋镣改砖虾绰脚巷淬赡任跪捞习表柞至讲高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8respondto react to something that has been said or doneJackie responded to my suggestion with a laugh.Her cancer failed to respond to the treatment.The law was passed in response to public pressure.His question failed to get a response fr

5、om any of the students.恒堑刽撩币齿旷掸迪底首茶穷颤槐魁糙瞧等典彬絮经袭锁型歌泥薯扇淹瞅高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8recommendto advise sb to do sth. especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject.Doctors that all children should be immunized against measles.His father strongly ed sending the boy to school in Englan

6、d.I would him for the position of Assistant Manager.The committee made a number of recommendations for improving safety standards.氮顷煎珍救烹委克馋涣决谓出途香又晰喂毗样专措稿孕辣诀风亩郊饲棕赞高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8conscious=aware I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression. The driver was still conscious

7、when the ambulance reached the scene.David lost consciousness at 8 Oclock and died a few hours later.She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness.劈办拉驭沉交淆趁锥盂禁浚裂展既帜端焊态醇壕扬蓝谅缚伶图甲渠倔份娃高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8circulateto move around within a system, or to make sth to do this.Blood circula

8、tes in the body.Exercise improves the circulation.葵戳田蜀地荆丛榷匙秉状审掂抒蔚驰撇潦穿赡手黔栈楼楷羡乳时级弗氟橱高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8reviveto become or make sb conscious, healthy or strong again.The plant will revive if you water it.Her trip to her hometown revived memories of her childhood.The government is taking measures to st

9、imulate an economic revival.面馒幢逮粥既妊振岗驾牢半暮呆迂蜂绵刹杏沾办束赂旗涣阎缮蘑袜里驳疵高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Pre-reading 1. Why is first aid important in our daily life? 秘扎予编尸哨楔己叹扔污肠钝庐但奠探麦假找集有恤篙经存日瑞尿瞎剪耪高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 2. Whats the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency? 3. What do the hospitals rec

10、ommend? 钻孕墒宅卡纲妥汉理晓着樊速咎羞干壤琵邹蚌服接舰带刃盐吃浦设校澄诲高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 4. What do the letters “DR ABC” stand for? 译啄被讳畜小厕朽蒙铱墟溅嘻降誉砚僳嗽卞涌脯舜驼宁汁泡牲垣馒权炸秧高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 1. What is very important in an emergency? Which of the following is true? A. Blood B. A witness C. Timely first aid D. Good wishes鲍忌趾疏乓粹箔嫉铝烘鲁插

11、讨唱错凯惑盾龚贬藐唱掖部惹韶歇攫弊膛吩舒高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 2. Where can we receive the training of first aid? A. In a factory B. In a hospital and a school C. In a shop D. At home. 迭辣粥帜钾哼贷已拈免缝讲木沁拒镍德拄象均粮旱厌通坛忧产评实瘦辰扳高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Para.1 The importance of first aid Para.2 The importance of staying calm The main id

12、ea of each part晨沛坐誊涝壶弄筋菩毡为冶雄棺镐噎怪狄怠虫酶紫粟性羽沧撅正旅彰铜泪高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Para.3 The principle of giving first aid DR ABC Para.4 The meaning of DR ABC Para.5 The learning of first aid Para.6 What we should do after giving first aid 谁他猪酥赖诵戳貌嗅棠珊掀莎碴蹭卓丫姓燥铅缎懂凳荧隅纽隶比炯届王免高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 1. We must make sure

13、the persons airway is open and it is easy to breathe. 2. If the person cant breathe, we can start his or her breathing sooner or later. TFTrue or False孤孰坯糊摧腑摧翰畸涌辐躁浩港瞄脊疤躁惟躯谜贞氧笺悲抨氨募卖默梯美高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 3. If someone cant breathe for 5 minutes, he or she will die. 4. If a person is bleeding we must

14、nt do anything to stop bleeding. TF靳崔臀啦亏眼赚彰诚橇挂吼折襟撬猴糙留陷籽土括锦伎债钡碑稠嘶太对萨高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Explanation 1. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them. 如果我知道更多关于急救方面的知如果我知道更多关于急救方面的知识识, 我就有可能救了他们我就有可能救了他们.省琶衰撬磨弱当膜箕丈沥哮能赶泽勘屯谰菌甚浦烃牟搜吾邪炔密港靴雪跑高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 1) Should you run into

15、 John (= If you run into John), tell him he owes me a letter. 万一你碰到约翰,告诉他他欠万一你碰到约翰,告诉他他欠我一封信。我一封信。 2) Were you to move (= If you were to move) your chair a bit to the left, we could all sit down.如果你把椅子向左如果你把椅子向左移一点,我们大家都可以坐下来。移一点,我们大家都可以坐下来。适掇纬肆饯荫诫揽肘头捕圃祖虫促碧抱涧埃握疤胸架蝗秆朝炯粕盂庶殆规高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 3) Had

16、 I known (=If I had known) you were coming, I would have stayed home. 我要是知道你来,我就呆在家里不我要是知道你来,我就呆在家里不出去了。出去了。啄泄吕槛毡冠利沽绵抛孽寸孽菲娟娄抚撒肖烛副覆产镑坷蒙肋供户驼饿漂高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit82. Many hospitals recommend that we use the letters DR ABC to remember what to do when we have to think fast. (subjunctive mood) 许多医院都推荐我们使用

17、字母许多医院都推荐我们使用字母DR ABC来使我们在紧急时记住做什么来使我们在紧急时记住做什么. 瘫苛究乃剔纠锁苏庸埃迹烧蜒如黄探圈麦凄痞校惕货烂静术杂裔棚酿涕督高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 3. aid n. 救助,救援救助,救援 例例: They came to my aid. 他们来援救我。他们来援救我。 first aid 急救(不可数)急救(不可数) with the aid of = with the help of 在在.帮助下帮助下 with ones aid = with ones help aid v. aid sb. to do/in doing sth. 帮

18、助某人做事帮助某人做事乍疼马状塌负俭葫垂开皖卡戈惧朵饯胰训逢哉匪氟甲哭浦退咖偏受类潞昌高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 4. mouth-to-mouth “口对口的口对口的”, a face-to- face meeting 面对面的会晤面对面的会晤 a heart-to- heart talk 促膝交谈促膝交谈 a shoulder-to- shoulder cooperation 通力协作,团结协作通力协作,团结协作 back-to- back houses 背靠背的房屋背靠背的房屋炔吏菠卫绢曰墒诬库顿尊申雁圃径厨来江缎纫衅粗都枚谊昏此般跑崩么脂高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Un

19、it8 5. within prep. 后跟时间,表示在一段后跟时间,表示在一段时间之内(的任何一点)。时间之内(的任何一点)。 We shall arrive at the house within ten minutes. 我们将在我们将在10分钟之内到达该房屋。分钟之内到达该房屋。 in: prep (从现在开始从现在开始)一段时间之后。一段时间之后。 忘尤耻卖驰县烯仍箍俗绽喧篙茄鹿辟咙巡困刀寂饰是运拔窗牌菲而柑柄溜高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Theyll arrive in ten minutes. 10分钟后他们就到。分钟后他们就到。 adj. 表示地理范围、能力等,表

20、示地理范围、能力等, 在在.之内。之内。 This is not within my power. 这不在我权力之内。这不在我权力之内。 He lives within his income. 他在他收入范围之内维持生活。他在他收入范围之内维持生活。浅俄谷弹杆赫世浑摊谬刁菠鲜蔽疫仿诸犹邯焚晋吱帝惋汕汪率算惮办哭挥高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 6. Should a person be breathing but not conscious, it is usually best if he or she not be moved. 伤者要是有呼吸但无知觉,那么最伤者要是有呼吸但无知

21、觉,那么最好不要移动他(她)。好不要移动他(她)。 条件状语从句中的动词部分有条件状语从句中的动词部分有should, were, had时时, 常将常将if省略省略, 而而 采用倒装结构。采用倒装结构。忽秋令袍瞩沙札员坛咽战友党江撑糕嗜卸濒宽耀罩邢席革吵旭躯哀朔们耪高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8Post-readingPost-reading所畔多讹希祁究梯啦愿肌屿旭跟矾教悄芋只籽斯狸婚轻睛呀幕横辨式鲁奢高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 1.Finish the exercises on Page 60. 双过溜谁仿匹谦磨阂黔剑旨床训柔澄辱嘲炮挂锯串檀厨港冰刃歼耳夜拔判高二

22、英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 In Picture 1 the man is gently tipping the persons head back to make sure that his airway is open and it is easy to breathe.花溜绷妮沪诬造砌臭坐森营虑白忘捏囤逸瞎则雌试袜瘟葵冬迷耶房扣靳跃高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8鹏陆狰碉赚曳美娟蔬逢星扣五了壹虐昧梆杆朗芽德授蜀仲粥同沫灭糯绵肘高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 In picture 2 the person is using the mouth-to-mouth

23、method. If the person is not breathing at once, using the mouth-to-mouth method.倾萎窖浅虹瘴氦汁池煤捡烂洋久源织旧嘻已氖拌俐罚宜忧掉封惧慌继兜护高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8想达湖褐菠拐寥讽磅孪厂诌菠宋甫豁媚钙樱孵嫡携另或废凉碗皱刑味茧劲高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 In picture 3 the person is stopping the victims bleeding. If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a

24、 clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.问肠鸽轧讨狙鬼父晚汇龋册牢剖国橇胳俊投是撬虐潦谩挂眯霓挎酒慑竿丸高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Work in pairs, use the letters DR ABC First, you should make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous. Second, you should try to get a response from the injured persons.住

25、际来难厄蛋迈狐爸峰篓言擂衫趋藩剃啡搐牵褒杰亩禾颠洼虎荐堕遍撇苑高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Third, you should make sure that the persons airway is clear. Fourth, you should check if the person is breathing. Last, you should make sure that the persons blood is circulating.胜箩填尹装涛痛辈勘拂吩嗅没毫绊骂搏治沃尉戌诗柬尔宛酒住爆搁甘切职高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8 Homework 1. Complete the exercises on Page 132 in the workbook. 2. Recite the key sentences in the text. 3. Preparations: Language study and practice on Page 61.挑鳞乖李莉词鱼窟椿劝璃靴拆骸揪徒闲狼吭统猎汁淤剐坑郊屿梯材破呵芦高二英语上Unit8高二英语上Unit8



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