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1、Unit 5 China and the World Topic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. Section C寺河乡初级中学寺河乡初级中学 李飞飞李飞飞 教材分析教材分析说说课课流流程程 学情分析学情分析仁仁爱爱版版九九年年级级英英语语Unit5 Topic1 Section C 教学过程教学过程 教法学法教法学法 Analysis of teaching material Analysis of studentsTeaching methods and studying ways Teachi

2、ng procedures 一 教 材 分 析(一)教 材 地 位 和 作用 (二) 课标要求 (四)教学重难点 (三)教学目标Section A 语言输入(听说)语言输入(听说)Section B 语言输入语言输入 (听说听说)Section C语言输出语言输出(阅读)(阅读) 层层层层递递进进 (一)本课在教材中的地位和作用(一)本课在教材中的地位和作用 Section C知识难度增加,以短文阅读为主,知识难度增加,以短文阅读为主, Unit 5 Topic1 Section C是以阅读为主是以阅读为主,同时涉及听说写。本课围绕中国名胜古迹长同时涉及听说写。本课围绕中国名胜古迹长城展开话题

3、,可以极大地提高学生学习英语的积极性城展开话题,可以极大地提高学生学习英语的积极性,同时本话题继同时本话题继续复习定语从句的用法。续复习定语从句的用法。 Section D语言输出语言输出(写作)(写作)一、教材分析一、教材分析 说说:学生能就:学生能就名胜古迹长城名胜古迹长城发表自己的看发表自己的看法。法。读读:能通过自:能通过自读或小组合作读或小组合作形式,读懂本形式,读懂本课的短文并找课的短文并找出关键信息。出关键信息。听听:能听懂与名能听懂与名胜古迹相关的短胜古迹相关的短文,做出相应的文,做出相应的回应回应写写:能口头表能口头表达并写出有关达并写出有关名胜古迹的英名胜古迹的英语短文语短

4、文(二)课标对本课的要求(二)课标对本课的要求知识目标知识目标能力目标能力目标情感目标情感目标 Master the basic methods of writing EncourageEncourage the the students to love students to love places of interestsplaces of interestsand develop a and develop a positive attitude positive attitude Key words,phrases, the Attributiveclauses Master the

5、basic methods of reading教学目标教学目标教学重难点教学重难点重点重点难点难点1 1、能够正确读记重点单词,运、能够正确读记重点单词,运用重点短语用重点短语remain, separate, expect, stretch fromto, bring into, be regarded as,be famous for2 2、复习并能够运用定语从句、复习并能够运用定语从句1 1、能够掌握略读,寻读,猜、能够掌握略读,寻读,猜词,分析文章结构等阅读技词,分析文章结构等阅读技能。能。2 2、综合运用本话题的语法,、综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型写关于旅游胜地词汇,句型写关于

6、旅游胜地的短文。的短文。中考连接:中考连接:阅读理解,完型填空书面表达1乐乐于于参参与与思思维维活活跃跃好好胜胜心心强强2具具备备听听说说读读写写能能力力,掌掌握握一一定定的的英英语语学学习习方方法法学情分析学情分析3大大大大多多多多数数数数同同同同学学学学对对对对英英英英语语语语充充充充满满满满兴兴兴兴趣趣趣趣,喜喜喜喜欢欢欢欢阅阅阅阅读读读读,个个个个别别别别学学学学生生生生有有有有畏畏畏畏难难难难情情情情绪绪绪绪(1) 说教法说教法1.1.直观教学法。直观教学法。2.2.情景教学法。情景教学法。3.3.任务型教学法。任务型教学法。(2) 说学法说学法1 1、自主学习法、自主学习法 2 2

7、、合作学习法、合作学习法3 3、探究学习法、探究学习法三、教法学法三、教法学法 教学模式:导学结合,练评促能教学模式:导学结合,练评促能四四. Teaching procedure Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Showing learning aims 1 1、能够正确读记重点单词,运用重点短、能够正确读记重点单词,运用重点短语,并能够运用定语从句语,并能够运用定语从句 2 2、能够掌握略读,寻读,猜词义,分析、能够掌握略读,寻读,猜词义,分析文章结构等阅读技能。文章结构等阅读技能。情景导入情景导入 激发兴趣激发兴趣情景教学法情景教学法Pre-

8、readingthe Seven Wonders of the WorldPre-readingstretch from tobring tourists into China Free talk a treasure of Chinese civilizationbe made of packed earth and wood or of stone and brickPre-readingWhile-reading整体感知,合作操练整体感知,合作操练Listen to 1a and mark T or F.1.The Great Wall of China is one of the gr

9、eatest wonders of the world. ( )2.The Great Wall is made of packed earth and wood all the time. ( )3. The Great Wall was first built by ancient people to bring tourists into China. ( )设计意图:设计意图:培养学生通过跳读查找信息的阅读培养学生通过跳读查找信息的阅读技能。技能。 Read 1a and match the words with their meanings. 1. separate a. to di

10、vide things into different parts or groups v.使分开,分离使分开,分离2. enemy b. to think or believe that something will happen n.敌人敌人3. expect c. gold or other things that are worth lots of money v.预料,预期预料,预期4. treasure d. a person who hates you and wants to harm you n.财富,珍宝财富,珍宝While-reading整体感知,合作操练整体感知,合作操练

11、设计意图:设计意图:培养学生略读和猜测词义的阅读技巧。培养学生略读和猜测词义的阅读技巧。 to _their people Purpose to _ them from their _MaterialThe Great Wall a _ of Chinese civilization Meaning a _ of the Chinese nation Read 1a again and complete the diagram.Qin dynasty_total length_Ming dynasty_beginning time_设计意图:设计意图:训练学生细读,寻读技巧和分析文章结构的阅读

12、技能训练学生细读,寻读技巧和分析文章结构的阅读技能Discuss and find out the main phrases , sentences and the Attributive Clauses.合作交流,突破疑点合作交流,突破疑点教法:任务型教学法教法:任务型教学法学法:探究学习法学法:探究学习法 合作学习法合作学习法展示新知,疑难点拨展示新知,疑难点拨1. It stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. stretch fromto 从延伸到2. bring into 把带进3. be reg

13、arded as 被当作4. The construction was begun during the Warring States Period, which was about 2 500 years ago. 5. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.设计意图:设计意图:培养学生独立思考,查找疑难的阅读技能。培养学生独立思考,查找疑难的阅读技能。 Suppose you are a tourist guide and your group members are tourists from America

14、who are very interested in the history of the Great Wall. Introduce the Great Wall to them.设计意图:设计意图:引导学生通过阅读,把握文章结构,复述文引导学生通过阅读,把握文章结构,复述文章,训练学生口头作文表达能力章,训练学生口头作文表达能力Post-reading整体把握,深化巩固整体把握,深化巩固 to _their people Purpose to _ them from their _MaterialThe Great Wall a _ of Chinese civilization Mean

15、ing a _ of the Chinese nationRetell 1a.Qin dynasty_total length_Ming dynasty_beginning time_设计意图:设计意图:引导学生通过阅读,把握文章结构,复述文章,训练引导学生通过阅读,把握文章结构,复述文章,训练学生口头作文表达能力学生口头作文表达能力.Post-reading 学以致用,反馈提高学以致用,反馈提高Dear David, The West Lake is my favorite tourist attraction. It lies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

16、and it attracts many people from all over the world.I like the West Lake because it is one of the most beautiful lakes in China. There are lots of beautiful places which are worth visiting. The scenery is so beautiful that visitors often lose themselves in it. The West Lake is famous for not only it

17、s special scenery but also some beautiful poems that were written by Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo. Besides, it is the home of the famous Longjing Tea.Yours, KangkangNew wordsstate, remain, separate, enemy, expect, treasure, supposePhrasesstretch fromto, bring into, be regarded as,be famous forThe Attribut

18、ive ClausesThe construction was begun during the Warring States period, which was about 2 500 years ago. Reading strategies skimming, scanning and so onBlackboard design教师教师 激情激情 、创新、创新、 会教、幸福会教、幸福 学生学生 肯学、会学、肯学、会学、 学会学会、快乐快乐 课堂课堂 蓬勃的生命活力蓬勃的生命活力 强大的团队合力强大的团队合力 不凡的成功魅力不凡的成功魅力 Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。世上无难事,只怕有心人。Action speaks louder than word.行动重于言行。行动重于言行。He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。不到长城非好汉。.



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