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1、怎样分析和描述图表怎样分析和描述图表(Writing a Composition Accordingto Tables and Graphs) Table of Contents图表作文和一般作文的区别图表作文和一般作文的区别看懂图表要领(看懂图表要领(1)看懂图表要领(看懂图表要领(2)图一、图二分析图一、图二分析易犯错误易犯错误&解决方法解决方法常用数字表达法常用数字表达法Basic Writing Structure etc.More Exercises图表作文和一般作文图表作文和一般作文一般作文:在指示中把作文要讨论的问题一般作文:在指示中把作文要讨论的问题或者现象直接用文字告诉你。或

2、者现象直接用文字告诉你。图表作文:把问题或者现象用图表反映出图表作文:把问题或者现象用图表反映出来。要求:把图表看懂,并用文字叙述出来。要求:把图表看懂,并用文字叙述出来,才能对这个问题或现象展开讨论。来,才能对这个问题或现象展开讨论。看懂图表要领(看懂图表要领(1)看懂图表,弄清它所反映的问题或现象。看懂图表,弄清它所反映的问题或现象。第一,熟悉图表的各种类型,了解它们的第一,熟悉图表的各种类型,了解它们的特点和作用。常见图表有四种:特点和作用。常见图表有四种:Pie Chart(饼图(饼图)这种图表多数用来表示各种事物在总数百这种图表多数用来表示各种事物在总数百分之一百中所占的各自比例。分

3、之一百中所占的各自比例。Line Graph(线图)(线图)这种曲线图用来表示一种事物的上升趋势这种曲线图用来表示一种事物的上升趋势或下降趋势。或下降趋势。Bar Graph(条形棒图(条形棒图)一般用来比较几种事物在同一时期上升或一般用来比较几种事物在同一时期上升或者下降的情况。者下降的情况。Table(表格图)(表格图)这种图表用于表示多种事物间的相互关系这种图表用于表示多种事物间的相互关系。看懂图表要领(看懂图表要领(2)要善于从众多的数字中抓住主要问题。给要善于从众多的数字中抓住主要问题。给出的图表和数字并不是要求简单的描写,出的图表和数字并不是要求简单的描写,而是要求通过图表上的数字

4、抓住所反映的而是要求通过图表上的数字抓住所反映的社会问题进行评论。因此社会问题进行评论。因此从数字中看出主从数字中看出主要问题或现象至关重要要问题或现象至关重要。1)借助于题目和指示里的要求来抓主要问)借助于题目和指示里的要求来抓主要问题。题。2)看一下图表中的哪些数字前后变化最大。)看一下图表中的哪些数字前后变化最大。图一图一(Job Problems for College Graduates)上图上图1、2 、3分别表示分别表示:1:Graduates who continue to study2:Graduates who take jobs irrelevant to their m

5、ajors3:Graduates who hold jobs in their majors图一分析图一分析一、一、借助于题目借助于题目Job Problems for College Graduates,可以看出是关于大学毕业生找工作的可以看出是关于大学毕业生找工作的问题。因此尽管表中有许多数字,但只要顺着有问题。因此尽管表中有许多数字,但只要顺着有关工作职业的数字,就能发现图表所要反映的问关工作职业的数字,就能发现图表所要反映的问题。题。二、看图表哪些数字变化最大:图表中有三组六二、看图表哪些数字变化最大:图表中有三组六个数字,分别表示毕业生继续读书、找专业对口个数字,分别表示毕业生继续读

6、书、找专业对口的工作和找专业不对口的工作。但以后两组数据的工作和找专业不对口的工作。但以后两组数据在十年里的变化最大。因此它们就是文章要讨论在十年里的变化最大。因此它们就是文章要讨论的主要问题。的主要问题。语言表达语言表达抓住了所要评论的问题,接着就是先把它抓住了所要评论的问题,接着就是先把它用语言表述出来。在描写中,对数字的运用语言表述出来。在描写中,对数字的运用要有针对性,不要把图表中的数字全描用要有针对性,不要把图表中的数字全描写出来。写出来。图一:第一段表达图一:第一段表达Each year thousands upon thousands of graduates flood the

7、 job market, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed. According to the charts, only 58% percent of college graduates in 1992 could find jobs in their specialties, compared with 89% percent in 1981 when Chin had its

8、 first college graduates after the Cultural Revolution. Why do college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a rewarding job?Tips开头段落在六个数字中仅仅列举了开头段落在六个数字中仅仅列举了1981和和1992年有关找专业对口的工作的毕业生人年有关找专业对口的工作的毕业生人数的两个数字,因为这是文章要重点讨论数的两个数字,因为这是文章要重点讨论的,其余四个数字就不必列出了。的,其余四个数字就不必列出了。图二图二Enthusiasm for Spor

9、tsEnthusiasm for Sports. You must write no less than 120 words and explain WHY many TV viewers like to watch sports.图二:第一段表达图二:第一段表达Modern sports are becoming more spectator-oriented (观赏者为导向的观赏者为导向的) than participant-oriented(参与者为导向的参与者为导向的). Just think of millions and millions of people who spend c

10、ountless hours before TV sets watching sports of all sorts: Olympic Games, World Series Games and the World Cup Soccer Game. According to a survey, among various televised events, sports have the greatest number of viewers. When an important football match is televised live, the streets of a big cit

11、y are often left deserted.Tips图二第一段范文中对图表上四个数据连提图二第一段范文中对图表上四个数据连提都不提,就是对看体育节目人数这个作文都不提,就是对看体育节目人数这个作文要讨论的主题也只是用要讨论的主题也只是用the great number of等笼统地加以概况。我们要讨论的是为什等笼统地加以概况。我们要讨论的是为什么有许多人观看体育节目,而不是要介绍么有许多人观看体育节目,而不是要介绍各类节目的收视率,所以具体准确的数字各类节目的收视率,所以具体准确的数字就没有必要写出来了。就没有必要写出来了。易犯错误易犯错误&解决方法解决方法盲目地把图表中所有数据都描写

12、出来,不盲目地把图表中所有数据都描写出来,不管是否和主题有关。管是否和主题有关。解决方法:可以在描写和引用数字前,先解决方法:可以在描写和引用数字前,先把这些数据要反映的问题用一句话写出来。把这些数据要反映的问题用一句话写出来。这样就把数据看成是一种用来说明问题的这样就把数据看成是一种用来说明问题的具体数据材料具体数据材料 (statistical evidence) 。选。选用的数据必须和论述有关。用的数据必须和论述有关。例例1图一第一段第一句:图一第一段第一句:Each year thousands upon thousands of graduates flood the job mar

13、ket, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed.例例2Rising Divorce Rates in ChinaSampleIn recent years the divorce rate in China has increased drastically. According to a 1992 Census Bureau(人口调查局人口调查局) report on marria

14、ge and divorce in some big cities, during the past five years, the divorce rate has increased as much as it had in the entire previous twenty years. In 1967 there were only 0.5 divorced persons for every 1000 married people, and in 1987 the rate was 7 per thousand, but in 1992 the rate jumped to 15

15、divorced per 1000 married.常用数字表达法常用数字表达法1. In 1990, it increasedrosejumped shot upfrom 5 to 10 percent of the total.to 15 percent.by 15 percent.2. By comparison with 1990, it decreaseddroppedfellfrom 10 to 5 percent.to 15 percent.by 15 percent.3. The that of last year.figurepercentagenumberpopulatio

16、nhas nearlyhas almosthas more thandoubled,tripled,compared withas compared withas against4. It has compared with .droppedincreaseddecreasedalmostmore thanabouttwo and a half times,twice,six times,5. The as much as that of 1990.numberpercentageis twiceis 4 timesis half6. It has reachedapproachedrisen

17、 tosomething of a plateau50 percentan average of 50 percentin the recent 5 years.in the past few years.since 1992.7. It accounts for(在数量、比例上在数量、比例上 占占) 15 percent of the total 8. Therein March, was werehas been26 traffic accidents26 teenage suicidesa 26 percent increase/decline in birth ratesup from

18、 20 percent for the same period last year.an increase of 3 percent in a three-month period.only 65.3 births per 1000 females of childbearing age.That is the rate in history, continuing a(n) trend begun in the 1970s. second-highestsecond-lowestupwarddownward9. By 1990, onlyless thanmore thanalmostabo

19、utoveras many asthree-quarters40 percent ofone out of fiveone in fourcollege populationsgraduateshousewivespreferred to liked as againstas compared withlast year,1980,10. The was of the 1990 total . numberrate 15 percent/15 per thousand,less thanmore thana halfa third/quarterBasic Writing Process of

20、 the Composition 1)Have a correct understanding of the given information, and grasp the main idea;2) Make a careful analysis of the information;3) Use the right technique of writing; (The most common techniques used in this kind of writing are: comparison and contrast.)4) Make a comment on the main

21、topic, then reach a conclusion Basic Writing Structure 1) Describe the information given in the chart or table;2) Analyze the phenomenon (its causes, consequences, etc.);3) Predict the future tendency or give your suggestions or solutions. A Writing Pattern for ReferenceDescription:In recent years C

22、hina has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate. According to a 1996 census on _ in some big cities, _ has continued an upward trend since forty years ago. In 1956 there were only _, and in 1986 the rate was _, but in 1996 the rate jumped to _. According to the chart, during the last de

23、cade, _ in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years. A Writing Pattern for ReferenceAnalysis:The upward trend in _ seems to be a mirror of some important changes in Chinese society. First, _. Second, _. Finally, _. A Writing Pattern for ReferenceConclusion:Whatever cha

24、nges lead to the rise in _, the fact and the statistics alone reflect the change in _. Exercise : Rising Divorce Rates in China (Topic One)Directions:描写图表所反映的问题。描写图表所反映的问题。你认为最近几年中国离婚率高的原因是什么?你认为最近几年中国离婚率高的原因是什么?Sample One In recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate

25、. According to the chart, during the last decade, the divorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years. The upward trend in divorce seems to be a mirror of some important changes in Chinese society. First, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and r

26、emoved barriers to divorce. More and more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, even taking advantage of the new law which for the first time in history allows a couple to get divorced merely for loves sake. Second, there has been a significant change in social attitude towards the di

27、vorced persons. The act of divorce is no longer considered a social stigma(耻辱耻辱). Finally, the change in personal economic activities also facilitate (vt. 促进,助长促进,助长) )divorce. The unprecedented(前前所未有的;空前的所未有的;空前的) social mobility in the last 10 years both within the country and across the land has

28、placed severe strains on married couples, not only in terms of geographic separation, but also psychological change. Whatever changes leading to the rise in divorce rates, the fact and the statistics alone reflect the change in peoples traditional view of marriage and family life.Changes in Peoples

29、Diet (Topic Two) Year Food19961997199819992000Grain49%47%46.5%45%45%Milk10%11%11%12%13%Meat17%20%22.5%23%21%Fruit & Vegetables24%22%20%20%21%Changes in Peoples Diet1.1.根据上图描述在过去根据上图描述在过去5 5年里人们饮食年里人们饮食上的变化;上的变化;2.2.分析产生这些变化的原因;分析产生这些变化的原因;3.3.你的结论你的结论Sample Two In the last 20 years, a marked change

30、has taken place on the family dining table. According to the table, rice, the staple food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in their diet, while the consumption of high quality food such as meat, fish, milk and fruit has greatly increased. Two factors may contribute to the change

31、. One important factor is that people now enjoy a higher standard of living than ever before. In the old days few people could afford meat and milk every day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income. But now people have enough money to taste a rich variety of food. Another factor is that

32、people of today pay more attention to nutrition. They are not merely content to fill the stomach. They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health. In short, with peoples standard of living getting higher and higher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater.

33、Car Explosion in China (Topic Three)Car Explosion in China1.1.根据上图描述在过去根据上图描述在过去1010年里私人拥有年里私人拥有小汽车情况的变化;小汽车情况的变化;2.2.分析产生这些变化的原因;分析产生这些变化的原因;3.3.你的结论你的结论Sample Three As is vividly described in the table above, great changes in car ownership have taken place in China over past decade. The number of

34、private cars has accordingly increased nearly 7 times from more than 2 million in 1996 to over 14 million in 2006. Whats the reason? There are two main factors for these changes. To begin with, development in economy plays a vital role in these years. The higher incomes results in Chinese peoples ow

35、ning private cars. Whats more, in modern society, time means money, many Chinese need a car to do business on time. In my view, however, the car explosion will constantly increase year by year, a large number of social problems such as traffic jams, among other things, are turning up nearly every ci

36、ty in China. Homework Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How People Spend Their Holidays. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the table and the outline given below: 1、根据上表,简要描述1990年、1995年、 2000年某城市人们度假方式的情况及其 变化;2、请说明发生这些变化的原因; 3、得出结论。



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