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1、英语文学欣赏要英语文学欣赏要点点I-1. 课程重点l英国文学重点时期:英国文学重点时期:l Renaissance Period l Romantic Period l Victorian Age l美国文学重点时期美国文学重点时期lRomanticism lRealismlModernismII-2II-2.课程重点l英国重点作家英国重点作家 (姓名,文学地位,代表作):(姓名,文学地位,代表作):lGeoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, lJohn Milton,Daniel Defoe,Jonathan Swift lWilliam Wordswor

2、th, George Gordon ByronlPercy Bysshe Shelley,John Keats,Jane AustenlCharles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Bernard Shaw, Thomas Hardy, lJames Joyce, D.H. Lawrencel乔叟,乔叟, 莎士比亚,莎士比亚, 弥尔顿,笛福,斯威夫特弥尔顿,笛福,斯威夫特l 华兹华斯,华兹华斯, 拜伦,雪莱,济慈,拜伦,雪莱,济慈, 简简奥斯丁奥斯丁l 狄更斯,夏洛蒂狄更斯,夏洛蒂勃朗特,艾米丽勃朗特,艾米丽勃朗特,勃朗特,l 萧伯纳,哈代萧

3、伯纳,哈代, 乔伊斯,劳伦斯乔伊斯,劳伦斯II-3II-3.课程重点l美国重点作家(姓名,文学地位,代表作):美国重点作家(姓名,文学地位,代表作):l-Washington Irving,Edgar Allan Poe,lNathaniel Hawthorne; Walt Whitman, EmilylDickinson,Mark Twain,Henry James,Theodore Dreiser;Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, Scott Fitzgerald,John Steinbeck,William Faulknerl欧

4、文,爱伦坡,霍桑,惠特曼,迪金森,l马克吐温,詹姆斯,德莱塞,海明威,庞德,l斯蒂文斯,菲茨杰拉德, 斯坦贝克,福克纳III-1III-1.英国文学精读部分英国文学精读部分 l lHamletHamlet (Act III)(Act III)l lSonnet 18Sonnet 18l lThe Chimney SweeperThe Chimney Sweeperl lA Red, Red RoseA Red, Red Rosel lI Wandered Lonely as a CloudI Wandered Lonely as a Cloudl lShe Walks in BeautyShe

5、 Walks in Beautyl lEagleEaglel lPride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice (Chapter I) (Chapter I)l lHe Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven l lArabyArabyIII-2III-2. 美国文学精读部分美国文学精读部分 l lIm Nobody! Who Are You?Im Nobody! Who Are You?l lTheme for English BTheme for English Bl

6、 lIn a Station of the MetroIn a Station of the Metro l lA Story Wet as TearsA Story Wet as Tearsl lAnecdote of the JarAnecdote of the Jarl lA Well-lighted Place A Well-lighted Place l lThe Story of an HourThe Story of an Hourl lMy Oedipus ComplexMy Oedipus Complexl lChristmas Day in the MorningChris

7、tmas Day in the MorningIV-1IV-1. 英国作品理解英国作品理解 l(人物分析,主题,写作特色等(人物分析,主题,写作特色等)lRomeo and JulietlOliver TwistlPride and PrejudicelJane EyrelWuthering HeightslTess of the DUrbervilleslPygmalionIV-2IV-2. 美国作品理解美国作品理解 l(人物分析,主题,写作特色等(人物分析,主题,写作特色等)lThe Scarlet LetterlHuckleberry FinnlGone with the WindlTh

8、e Joy Luck ClublThe HoursV. Literary TermsV. Literary Terms (文学术语)l1. 1 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)lRenaissance (文艺复兴文艺复兴)lHumanism (人文主义人文主义)lSentimentalism (感伤主义感伤主义)lRomanticism (浪漫主义)(浪漫主义) lRealism (现实主义)(现实主义)lCritical Realism (批判现实主义批判现实主义)lModernism (现代主义)(现代主义)lFeminism (女性主义)女性主义)V. Lit

9、erary TermsV. Literary Terms (文学术语)l1. 2 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)lNarrative Poem(叙事诗)(叙事诗)lEpic (史诗)(史诗)lLyric (poem) (抒情诗)(抒情诗) lSonnet (十四行诗)(十四行诗) lFree Verse(自由诗)(自由诗)lHeroic Couplet(英雄联韵体)(英雄联韵体)lMetaphysical Poetry (玄学诗)(玄学诗)lLost Generation (迷惘的一代)迷惘的一代)lStream of Consciousness (意识流)(意识

10、流)V. Literary TermsV. Literary Terms (文学术语)1. 3 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解)Alliteration (头韵头韵)Ballad (民谣)(民谣)Blank Verse(无韵诗)(无韵诗)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄拜伦式英雄)Conceit (巧思妙喻巧思妙喻)Dramatic Monologue (戏剧化独白)戏剧化独白)Point of View (视点,观点)(视点,观点)Literary TermsLiterary Terms (文学术语)2.1 理解和运用类文学术语理解和运用类文学术语Aesth

11、eticism (唯美主义唯美主义) Allegory (寓言,讽喻)(寓言,讽喻) Allusion (引喻)(引喻) Climax (高潮高潮) Comedy(喜剧)(喜剧)Conflict (冲突冲突) Elegy (挽诗)(挽诗)Foot (音步音步)Literary TermsLiterary Terms (文学术语)2.2 理解和运用类文学术语理解和运用类文学术语Gothic Novel (哥特式小说)(哥特式小说)Image(意象)(意象)Irony (反讽反讽)Metaphor (隐喻隐喻)Meter (格律格律): Picaresque Novel (流浪汉小说流浪汉小说)P

12、un (双关语双关语) Rhyme (韵律韵律) Literary TermsLiterary Terms (文学术语)2.3 理解和运用类文学术语理解和运用类文学术语Rhyme Scheme (韵式韵式,押韵格式押韵格式) Rhythm (节奏节奏) Satire (幽默讽刺幽默讽刺)Setting (背景背景): Simile(明喻)(明喻)Stanza (诗节)(诗节)Style (文体文体)Setting (文学背景)(文学背景)Literary TermsLiterary Terms (文学术语)2.4 理解和运用类文学术语理解和运用类文学术语Suspense (悬念悬念)Tetra

13、meter (四音步诗行)(四音步诗行)Theme (主题主题)Pentameter (五音步诗行)(五音步诗行)Tragedy(悲剧)(悲剧)Tone (语气)(语气)University Wits (大学才子)(大学才子)VI.考试形式lI: Find the Relevant Match from Column B for Each Item in Column A (20%) (每小题 1分)lII: Multiple Choices (10%)(每小题1分)lIII: Definition of the Following Terms (10%)l (每个术语5分,4个中间选做2个)

14、lIV: Identification of the Following Passages l (20%) (每小题(每小题 10分,共分,共20 分)分)lV: Questions and Answers ( 40%)(本题(本题30 分)分)lWriteyouranswersontheAnswerSheet.l(Youneedtowriteatleast300words)lIV: Identification of the Following Passages (20%) l(每小题 10分,共20 分)lA little black thing among the snowCrying

15、“weep, weep,” in notes of woe!“Where are thy father & mother? say?”“They are both gone up to the church to pray.”Because I was happy upon the heath,And smild among the winters snow;They clothed me in the clothes of death,And taught me to sing the notes of woe.“And because I am happy and dance and si

16、ng,They think they have done me no injury,And are gone to praise God and his Priest and KingWho make up a heaven of our misery.”lQuestions:l1 Please indicate the Full Name of the poet. l2 What is the title of the poem?l3 What is the “little black thing”? l4 What does the poem describe?l5 Write out the rhyme scheme of the first stanza?l6. Rewrite the second stanza of this poem in your own words or paraphrase it.



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