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1、 English Punctuation Louis Luo May.31, 20101Definition of PunctuationFrequently Used Punctuation MarksChinese Punctuation VS English PunctuationEnglish Punctuation IntroductionExercisesTable of Content2Punctuation Mark Definition: 书面语中一系列表示停顿,节奏和语调的符号,用以表示句子或者句子成分间的隔离或特指。如: The dark days are drawing

2、 to an end. Soon it will be spring once more. 黑暗的日子正在结束。春天又将来临。(句号在两个句子间起隔离作用) He was finally eliminated in the semi-final, though he had presented very spectacular performance in the qualification phase. 逗号亦起隔离作用 3常用标点符号常用标点符号常用标点符号 Comma , Period . Colon : Semi-colon ; Question Mark ? Exclamation

3、Mark ! Dash Quotation Mark “ ” Hyphen -Apostrophe 4英文标点和汉语标点的区别英文标点和汉语标点的区别1. 英语句号为实心圆点,而汉语句号为空心圆圈。2. 英语中有省字符 ,而汉语中没有3. 汉语中有书名号,而英语中没有。英语的书名号通常用首字母大写,首字母大写,斜体字或者引号斜体字或者引号表示. 如: Oliver Twist is among Charles Dickenss master pieces. The novel, Gone With The Wind has won its author, Margaret Mitchell g

4、reat fame and wealth. 4.汉语中的省略号为, 而英文中的删字符为 如:Many celebrities have left their steps on this great island: Leonardo Da Vinci, Karl Marx, Beethovenand many stories have been recorded. 5. 汉语中有顿号,英语中没有51. Period 句号 (.) (1) 在句子的末尾,表示说完一句话后的停顿 a. Milwaukee Bucks reaps a narrow victory in the game against

5、 Dallas Mavericks. 密尔沃基雄鹿队在与小牛队的比赛中险胜对手密尔沃基雄鹿队在与小牛队的比赛中险胜对手 b. The Australian Labor Party ousted PM John Howards 11-year-old government in the general election. 澳大利亚工党在大选中取代了首相约翰澳大利亚工党在大选中取代了首相约翰.霍华德执政了霍华德执政了11年的政府年的政府 (2)用在一些缩略此后,表省略)用在一些缩略此后,表省略 kg. grams a.m. ante meridiem (Latin) p.m. post merid

6、iem (Latin) Mr. Mister Mrs. Mistress Period-句号句号62. Comma 逗号逗号 (,)(,) (1)用在并列词语间 Historical relics like the NotreDame Cathedral, the Versailles Palace, the Triumphal Arch, the Louvre Museum and the Effiel Tower are all located in Paris. 巴黎圣母院,凡尔赛宫,凯旋门,卢浮宫,埃菲尔铁塔这些历史遗迹都在巴黎。 (2) 用于描述性定语之前 The ground wa

7、s covered with crocuses, yellow, white and violet. 草地上开满了藏红花,有黄色,白色还有紫色的。 (3) 用在同位语之前 Now, here comes the Secretary-General of Communist Party of China, Chairman, and president of the Central Military Committee, Hu Jintao. 现在出场的是中共中央总书记,国家主席,中央军委主席,胡锦涛。 (4)用在分词短语或者状语之后用在分词短语或者状语之后 Having been denied

8、 by ten persons, the sales man need to recollect his courage. 已经被十个人拒绝了,这个销售人员需要重拾信心。 In the late afternoon, the “Niggers” come to pick up the greens on the ground. 黄昏的时候,黑人开始到街上去捡菜叶。 (5) 用在有关联词连接的两个句子之间用在有关联词连接的两个句子之间 The hero is dead, but his name lives. 英雄虽亡,英明尤存。英雄虽亡,英明尤存。 Finally the farmer wor

9、kers get their salary, though it was deemed impossible. 最后,农民工拿到了工资,虽然这曾经被视为不大可能最后,农民工拿到了工资,虽然这曾经被视为不大可能 Comma-逗号逗号73. Colon 冒号 (:) (1) 表较长停顿,用来列举实物: She came to hate the endless chores that swallowed her time: washing dishes, making beds, scrubbing floors. 她开始厌倦这些没完没了,吞噬她时间的家务了:洗完,铺床,搓地板(2) 用来解释前文

10、This guy has been a gigantic loser: his company goes bankrupt, his wife betrays him and elopes with his friend.(3) 在正式问题中用于引术动词之后 She said with comprehensible English: “Good Morning, Sir.” 她用听得懂的英语说“早上好,先生”。 (4) 表示时间(阿拉伯数字) 18:45 20:00 Colon-冒号冒号84. Semi-colon 分号 (;) (1) 用于两个意思比较接近的分句间,用来替代逗号加连接词 Th

11、e moon went down; the stars grew pale. 替代 “The moon went down, and the stars grew pale.” 月亮落了,星星也变得暗淡了 John F. Kerry was accused of being too wishy-washy; no wonder he lost in the general election. 替代: “John F. Kerry was accused of being too wishy-washy,so no wonder he lost in the general election.”

12、 John F. Kerry被指控缺乏特点与决心;难怪在大选中落选 Semi-colon-分号分号95. Question Mark 问号 (?) 用于提问,用于疑问句之后 Who is the greatest dramatist in English history? 谁是英国历史上最伟大的剧作家? How can you put up with his prejudice for so many years? 你怎么能忍受他的偏见这么多年? Question Mark-问号问号106. Exclamation Mark 感叹号 (!) (1) 表示感叹 What a shame! 好遗憾

13、啊! You can hardly imagine how difficult it is to turn a blind eye to her flirtation! 你很难想象对她的调情熟视无睹有多么艰难! (2) 表示呼吁 Help! Somebody, help me! 来人,救命啊! Stop probing! 不要盘根问底了。 Exclamation Mark-感叹号感叹号117. Dash 破折号( ) (1)思想上突然的中断或者转移 You know Ill get promotion soon and Ill buy you a necklaceoh, my God, I k

14、now you wont trust me any more. (2) 与括号相似,但是不如括号那么正式(多表补充) Mary comes every week On Thursdays to help with the laundry. 玛丽每周-每周二-都来帮助洗衣服 (3) 表示附加或者补充 She was seventeen then a beautiful young creature. 她那是十七岁 还是一个年轻美丽的姑娘 (4)表示从到 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 1921-1949 page 221-page 345 Dash-破折号破折号128. Quotation Mark

15、 (“ “) () (1) 表示文中的直接引语 “Ive been plagued by the headache for a couple days,” said Juliet. (2) 表示特指(单词/短语) How do you spell “imperialism”? (3) 书名和诗文名 Have you read Daniel Defoes “ Robison Crusoe”? 你有读过丹尼尔.笛福的鲁宾逊漂流记吗? Quotation Mark-引号引号131.请判断以下句子是否存在标点符号的误用:Im sorry, the order has not been shipped.

16、 Would you please wait for three more days.We have sent the coupon with code FQSA5015 to your account, please check! Jack Lee was nominated the VP of X company; it rains today.Exercises14请为以下句子填上标点符号以及大小写by continuous observation of you guys daily report I spot the following problems 1. please make

17、the subject of your email for your daily report more comprehensible and standard I propose that you set it as follows csd intern daily report-grace ma-2010-4-27 2. please make the title of your report much more clearer, such as CSD Intern Daily Report- Grace Ma-2010-4-27 3.i notice that contents for

18、 part two and part three of your daily report may hold something in common Thus I edit the format of the daily report as is attached So just use the new format from now on4.Have you ever read my email how long should I wait until you guys 5. understand how to make a reportExercises15The end!Thanks for attention!16



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