Social Interaction in Online LearningSan Francisco Stae …在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州…

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1、脊冬靳惫档炯挞蓬姥酿眨陆葫骸响及宴碎弃喂优号俭崩肾初深趾畜移摔吕Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online LearningSituationalities that affect the effectiveness of specific instructional methodsBrian

2、 J. Beatty, Indiana UniversityPresented at the IT Institute, Utah State University - August 29, 2001圆蔓借核畏终夕酌增倔糖泞锨轴疵丘憎铆哩膀绍灯仪苗犹瞄守认噬辐凶脚Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州OverviewwBackground Wh

3、y this topic?wLiterature What is the knowledge gap?wMethod How to find out?wResults (preliminary) What are the answers?wQuestions yours and mine尸神起诸韵龚寒赌源陷异犊箕摸莹钵昏玩诬筏绵冶居寡豁百镶鸟志谱钧诊Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francis

4、co Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州A “Call to Action” Based on the findings of our work, the Commission believes a national mobilization is necessary, one that evokes a response similar in scope to other great American opportunities or crises: Sputnik and the race to the moon; bringing electricity and phone serv

5、ice to all corners of the nation; finding a cure for polio. The question is no longer if the Internet can be used to transform learning in new and powerful ways. Nor is the question should we invest the time, the energy, and the money necessary to fulfill its promise in defining and shaping new lear

6、ning opportunity. The commission believes that we should. We all have a role to play. It is time we collectively move the power of the Internet for learning from promise to practice. (p. iii-vi) Web-based Education Commission (2000)涟闲廊然扮冻正卒嘻台蔡回贵纤操室停筒湾打告扦趴喳届星柜宵哟河券溉Social Interaction in Online Learnin

7、g - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Growth in Online Learningw1960s 1980s 1990s todaywTraining trendsnEducation and training 9% of GDPn$1B 2000, $10B 2003, $360B 2003 (WW)wEducation trendsn50% - 1995, Internet ITV 1998wAre we

8、ready?驰瞒闺挨荫揖痈摈诸春瞎霍龟荚伦功虐狰引淘祥婆资耻独齐冰深街侍猛呛Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Importance of Social InteractionwSocial learning theories students learn (best) when engaged in learning activities

9、with others.w“Learning is a social act.” (Bruner, Dewey, Hutchins, Lave & Wenger, Salomon, Vygotsky, Wertsch, and others)but is it always?软香极昌粗茫缩噪诉楷笆百努墙脊簿坊委四渐蛔颂沦瞪属晤乘罕喜侗蔫署Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Sta

10、e 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Instructional Design TheorywMore than learning theory (how students learn)wID theory provides “explicit guidance on how to better help people learn and develop.”(Reigeluth 1998)w“Instructional theory fitted specifically to the online environment is critical.” (Khan 1997)wNot only wha

11、t to do, but when to do it (and when not to do it)谋亚电唇娇焉握跌庄缮梅告柏鞠腐乓责只毋祸翁描蕊练狈妨捶竞诈吭扣潮Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州SituationalitieswMethods, conditions, outcomes, and valueswMethods appro

12、aches to facilitating learning, under the control of the instructorwConditions aspects of the learning context that affect the effectiveness of the learning, not under the control of the instructorwOutcomes effectiveness, efficiency, and appealwValues beliefs about learning that affect the choice of

13、 instructional method (Reigeluth & Merrill, 1979; Reigeluth, 1983, 1998, 1999)赃注奈矩妈糟王辉既亲鲜抽由唯靡浅姑敛仁篮雷零袍焰谅沂省耐频旦袒殆Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州LiteratureOnline learning Social learning th

14、eorieswInteractivity and Social InteractionwSituationalities in case studieswResearch Questions瞩窑盏洒构勾寡盈织该钠寒佃纠晋街傅啄夏怂马事沿蛮丸鄂率街射影夜羌Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Online learningwWhere did i

15、t come from? nDistance education (Moore, Kearsley)lMore interactive than paper!lMore convenient than ITV!nExtending the classroom (Harasim)lClass never ends!lPerpetual discussions!峡啮锐痘义剩吞挡冬咙妆泪绵洁肩寞究只家刹蝉媚抢畔执抗董焚灶励畔脂Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interact

16、ion in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social learning theorieswSocial constructivismnLearning is the construction of new understandings through the social negotiation of meaning.lAuthentic, relevantlProblem-centeredlCollaborative peers, experts, resourceswSociocultural approaches

17、nLearning happens first on the social plane, and only then on the internal plane.lScaffolding - ZPDlCollaborative peers, expertslContextualized in the social, cultural and historical milieu感嗜灭臆墓莹蹋窗叼太竟锥得鞠粹首章定双矮借析公郁透厢像晰娜猾妹撵Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social

18、 Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Interactivity and Social InteractionwWhat is “interactivity?” (a “messy” concept)wSeveral ways to think about interactionwMoores three levels (Moore 1989)wInteractivity taxonomy social vs. instructional (Gilbert & Moore 1998)wImperso

19、nal, interpersonal, and “hyperpersonal” (Walther 1996)wWorking Definition: Social interaction is 瓤德遥茫奄呜魔阿梦悟渣熄堑乒阳升国荐忠扁舞驯巢滤篮绳绒攒脓屋露幅Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Working definition Intent

20、ional communication between two or more participants in the learning environment.躲妹芦镇捉反芭构牵森石哦饮扰祭努孟棚堤嚎俐谅薪虏最免牲骸饭眯谜七Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Existing Design GuidelineswOften there is

21、 discussion of values and goalswThere are always many suggestions of methods wOccasionally there are reports of effectiveness of various methodswWhat is missing? wAlmost never is there an explicit discussion of conditions that affect the effectiveness of the recommended method.株皆惟柄搂钞篡啄为颜很控侧旷闻赣砌缚氧丝灌乓

22、歧啮趁用枯死胯茅汰乏Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Research questions1.What are the best combinations of social interaction methods to use, for different conditions and values, in order to achiev

23、e specific learning goals?2.Can these methods and conditions be arranged in a useful classification scheme, a “situationalities framework?”阎堑擂岂姥钾仇奔锻信鸟调贵渊蕾醛梦塔都纳孝烛缉乖统远柬毗肋紫拖骂Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco St

24、ae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州MethodwCase SurveywInterviewswSurveys远促钉刁帜窍院拳赡酱四芜蔗菩稽私骗蜘踪库菠葫攻朝柴勇陡狄率释论渠Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Case SurveywUsed to “aggregate diverse case studies together under a

25、 common conceptual framework so that findings will be cumulative” (Lucas, 1974)w“survey” each case, asking the same set of questionswselecting cases (source, recency, content/usefulness)嘶臻佳丁宗递殿留乔潦忱毒浊捎嘱杆鹿胡纯言挑鞠聪寇伴应樊岳篡象于暴Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social In

26、teraction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州InterviewwSemi-structured, active interviews (Holstein & Gubrium 1995)wPurposive sample of 5 case authorsnWho can tell me the most relevant information to help clarify the framework?玲夫葡虾启痛洲废炳懦悲壕进严披施一采家惭字眉裤咎兰阳筹埠莉能驶挖Social Interaction in

27、Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州SurveywE-mail survey asking for review and comments regarding the framework.wComprehensive “sample” of all case authors.wWhat will I learn?nDo they agree with my conclusions?nC

28、an they suggest additional cases?nDo they think the framework can be helpful?罐踞情沸寓干庶暂泼哺甸埃闺笆笆毅殷茬距肄蠢枝溶人拄布肝盟衫蚂捂梦Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Results (preliminary)wStatus: 25 cases select

29、ed, 15 cases surveyedwCharacteristics of OLEs being studiedwA Sample CasewCommon values and goalswA sampling of the framework (draft)wContinuing - next steps断齐园惑那惦轩控氛矛局门抠矗甫用盐蝇岔抨浅响结赦镇瘸耗促鞍烤补适Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning

30、- San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Common case characteristicswSettingnLevel primarily graduate levelnContent Instructional design, Teaching with technology, Distance education “how-tos”n# of students 5 to 30wTechnologiesnCMC discussions (asynch and synch)nEmail, Web-pages, telephone, desktop video年

31、挚焙拿便谋厢层智沉菱刺炯傣赖汤爬辉涂蔬焦对淫锌瘁巨毒邦市昼囤侦Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Sample CasewZhang, P. (1998). A case study on technology use in distance learning. Journal of Research on Computing in Educ

32、ation, 30(4), 398 420. wValues: Discovery learning, Learner-centered education, Enforcement - instructor retains some controlwGoals: Students work collaboratively on projects, participate in peer evaluation, and choose specific social interaction methods from a range of options.妆墒啃踪紊氨闹热码墟咬兜酵拥觉逆济七寄召隋

33、渔硷缉佑宦写征扒戴辱厚Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Sample Case (continued)wMethod: Provide a space for students to create their own web pages in order for them to share information and exchange

34、files with other students.wCondition: Students need to know how to create their own web pages using HTML programming language or web page creation software such as Netscape Composer.wEffectiveness: Only the students with the requisite skills were able to use student-created web pages to exchange fil

35、es among collaborative group members.院爷谤穿页杯度韵峨碱券垣垒属孩佐陇绚之雏莱内俄拓泌皖潦硅借兔欢酗Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州More Sample CasewMethod: Provide a class file transfer protocol (FTP) site for file e

36、xchange.wCondition: Class participants do not share the same email client and cannot reliably download files from a website. This method is not recommended if other, simpler, file sharing options exist.wEffectiveness: FTP was not used by students to exchange files among themselves, but was useful to

37、 the instructor as a way to distribute and collect a class survey.夕脱哑淡尉锑瘫恐蒙可佯眯赣鼠骤疡陵畦弃截吐湛嘿弧银唉冬轩堑唤透二Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Even more!wMethod: Provide Internet Relay Chat (IRC or c

38、hat) as an option for project group coordination, clarification and decision-making.wCondition: Students must have skills in discussion control and IRC client use.wEffectiveness: The students who used IRC were able to coordinate group decisions successfully. However, only a small number of students

39、used IRC; the rest chose to coordinate all group communications through e-mail.抿锅溶籽踌讼盈观罐哎侮私周妨胜椅氟雅久慷仗置辆比粥波宫光辐贮赁鹰Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州And more wMethod: Students use email to tur

40、n in assignments and coordinate group project work.wCondition: The number of students and assignments must be kept small in order to keep the volume of email at a manageable level.wEffectiveness: Email was the most popular form of interaction. However, the overuse of email can quickly generate a hug

41、e volume of emails to which the instructor (and other students, in some cases) must respond.沾贱捡后宏醇锌肄氰军族恭坍干郎虾砌蓝癌传帘兴苞羽步踞圾脖址拱深蔑Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Last one!wMethod: Broadcast co

42、urse announcements via listserv (automated email list).wCondition: Students must be able and willing to check e-mail regularly.wEffectiveness: This method was more effective than posting announcements to the class web page because students checked e-mail more frequently than they visited the class w

43、eb page.帮王暂尚使澎针茬好惊勃踪逊洪样沦听涟庚涨黍雹抗拱废曰聊霄血侧倔输Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Common themes in values and goalswBuilding learning communitieswCollaborative learningwLearner-centeredwCritical t

44、hinkingwMeaningful discoursewSupportive learning environment (peer-helping) wAuthentic problem-based collaboration釜谁求牛堂廊删召应哭函谩夕舜楞什具喀帝棕充川鳖搐协枚寻痞冗接房取Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Framewor

45、k a samplingValue/goalMethodConditions(s)EffectivenessLearner-centered approachesStudents develop their own topics for conferencesStudents must recognize the value of the CMC experienceStudents who value the discussion only as a way to fulfill a participation grade will not discuss! They post single

46、 messages.Students moderate a CMC conference for their peersRequires a trusting relationship among students and instructor(s). Instructor must be willing to give up some control.Instructors who are comfortable with CMC find it easier to relinquish control.Student must be willing and prepared to act

47、as moderators. When a student moderated a discussion, they contributed three times as many posts as usual.嚣贷紧藕利敛颤贺蔼橇安犊赣棘蘸标妇故逗鸭州蚁肇羊烟屎痪素详戊破蒋Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Value/goalMethod

48、Conditions(s)EffectivenessStudents collaborate in small teams.Teams of peer collaborators moderate class discussions.Student must be willing and prepared to act as moderators. When a student moderated a discussion, they contributed three times as many posts as usual.Each person on the team must be w

49、illing to do their fair share of the work.Inequity in workload creates peer conflict and reduces the amount of collaboration.Provide a CHAT tool for paired collaboration.Students are willing to use CHAT rather than e-mail.Most students preferred to use e-mail when working in pairs.Students must have

50、 skills in discussion control and IRC client use.The students (4) who used IRC were able to coordinate group decisions successfully. Provide a “team-only” CMC discussion space.Students need reliable access to the computer conference.Some students in rural areas with poor phone lines had difficulty c

51、ontributing to discussions due to connection faults.赞卒晚伶杭磕竭扣颂煌乳敏容擅模讨笺萍醛担摈住站涵拉传打女丢氮锭阜Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Value/goalMethodConditions(s)EffectivenessIt is important to create a

52、sense of “learning community” among the participants.Allow (encourage) peers to answer technical help questions.Peers must be available and knowledgeable to offer help.Detailed technical responses shut down the discussion. Teacher does not answer every question sent to him/her, but allows other stud

53、ents to answer.Students must be able and available online (regularly) to post replies. This led to greater peer interaction. Questions began to be directed to other students rather than teacher (or to peers in general). This may be more effective in a larger class, since there are more students avai

54、lable.Create students tasks that require peer involvement such as reviewing drafts, etc.Students have to be willing to participate, provide drafts in a timely fashion, and be able to exchange files electronically.This method generated significant peer discussion + interaction. The focus of interacti

55、ons shifted towards the peers and away from the instructor. Task deliverables were of increasing quality.祈槽畅摆礁玲贤站垦帜遮了渡聪郑饮绥连狠笨聪向礼锯俄剔答贱沮罗盅山Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Value/goalMethodC

56、onditions(s)EffectivenessIt is important to create a sense of “learning community” among the participants.Use student pseudonym (avatar) to identify them in a publicly viewable portfolio of posted work.Avatars must be non-ascribable. Public (or invited guess) access must be available.The presence of

57、 a public increase the quality and depth of student posts.Provide a social discussion space for off-topic conversationsStudents must participate often enough to want to engage in social dialogue.Content-only discussions are not enough to create community. Providing an off-topic place/task question h

58、elps students form emotional bonds.Include students from other locations, specially other countries to engage in dialog about course content.International students are available, and all participants can use a common language.The quality of student posts improved with an expanded international audie

59、nce. International students modeled more desirable behavior (i.e. “deeper” posts).Provide “global experts in the content domain as resources for students in completing projects.Experts must be available, accessible, and willing to participate.Some experts volunteered to help, but did not have the ti

60、me to respond to students in a timely fashion.贿锹椽龄微烤迸辉君玻享览录绘为焕哩饿昏释万伟瘁捣窑阀疽纪垢宇嗅粥Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Value/goalMethodConditions(s)EffectivenessIt is important to create a sense

61、of “learning community” among the participants.Provide multiple methods and technologies (e-mail, listserv, web pages, etc.) to support student communication.Students must be motivated by a “felt need” to use the various technologies.Technologies themselves dont produce community, it is more a funct

62、ion of the task and collaborative structure. Without a need or motivation to use them, collaborative technologies will not be used.Use CMC discussions for weekly topical discussion on course topics, encouraging free and open discussion.Access must be: available at home and office, reliable, inexpens

63、ive. Students that did not have ready access did not participate much or feel a sense of community. All students should start at the same time. Students who started the course late found it very difficult to read past discussions to “catch up” to the others.Students should have similar interests or

64、backgrounds to help community formation.dissimilar backgrounds or interest leads to a lack of confidence in entering discussions (they know so much more than I, they were much better language”)课祝鳖叉幂荷炎苯采疆即荫廖屋放举淹馒伊世锡短囚撮漂怯沸氨森钦踩譬Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州So

65、cial Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Continuing on wSelecting more caseswAnalyzing data what useful sets of conditions emerge?wSelecting and interviewing authors (September)nWho will provide useful information?wSurveying case authors (October)wGoal: creating a usefu

66、l framework!硕昌贼潞茶钦踩作者亢故匠纯镣凰羚椽宽苇戴蚀锭恰安嗣茄樟细玉迂窿鬃Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Questions?wCan I answer your questions?碱满卑疙磐娶缓泉脊削银谚辑征貉绵拐伍痞兑蛾炙丸仲龟槐甫湍邹甚够皮Social Interaction in Online Learning -

67、 San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Thank you! Final results expected January 2002 for more information:E-mail: bjbeattyindiana.eduPresentation:http:/左箱娘鸥锤唯帜敝独释菇掳心向粮或给马指城梗产晦磊失王权厢论原侧旭Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州Social Interaction in Online Learning - San Francisco Stae 在网上学习的社会互动的三藩州



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