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1、Greek Mythology希腊神话希腊神话1 Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. 希腊神话讲了很多古希腊的故事,有神、英雄的故事以及他们和普通人类之间的关系。 The Greek mythology is an important part of the ancient culture which has vast and deep in

2、fluence on the whole western culture. 希腊神话是古文化重要的一部分,与整个西方文化有着广泛而又紧密的联系。 Its great influence upon the English language and literature is beyond description. A great number of words and idioms in the English laguage come from the Greek mythology. . 它在英语和文学作品方面的巨大影响力是无法形容的。英语中的很多单词和语言表达方式都是来自希腊神话。2 In


4、asmatingwithhersonUranusmonsters.ThenGaeasmatingwithhersonUranusjurnsjurns( (thesky),whichproduces12TitanswithCronusthesky),whichproduces12TitanswithCronuskrunskrunsasastheirleader.theirleader. 宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯(即“混沌”)。卡俄斯和盖亚创造了大海、大山、神还有妖怪,并赋予他们生命。后来盖亚与她的儿子乌拉诺斯结婚,由此产生了以克罗诺斯为首的12泰坦。3 Advised by his mother,

5、Crouns beats Uranus, severs the link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos. Cronus copulates with his sister, Rhea to bring about Zeuszju:s (宙斯) and siblings( sbl ), the future of older Olympians. 克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。克罗诺斯与他的姐姐瑞亚结婚,诞生了宙斯以及他的兄弟姐妹,翻开了古

6、奥林匹亚崭新的一页。4GodsGodsGodsGods the old theogony : the Tians (旧神谱旧神谱:奥林匹斯十二泰坦)奥林匹斯十二泰坦)the new theogony : the Gods (新神谱奥林匹斯十二主神)新神谱奥林匹斯十二主神)HeroesHeroesHeroesHeroesPerseus (珀尔修斯珀尔修斯)Jason (伊阿宋伊阿宋)Heracles (赫拉克勒斯赫拉克勒斯)Theseus (忒修斯忒修斯) MonstersMonstersMonstersMonstersMedusa(美杜莎美杜莎)Minotaurus (米诺陶洛斯米诺陶洛斯)C

7、erberus (刻耳柏洛斯刻耳柏洛斯)PART1:The Olympian Gods and other Deitiesditis (神(神灵)灵)PART2:HeroesPART3:Monsters5 The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods.The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods canGreek gods can bebe divided into several groups.The earliestdivided into several groups.The earliest gro

8、up was Titansgroup was Titans , , ledled by Cronusby Cronus . . The most powerful groupThe most powerful group waswas the Olympiansthe Olympians . . TheThe Olympians are a group of Olympians are a group of 1212 gods who gods who ruled afterruled after the the overthrow overthrow of the Titans.of the

9、 Titans. All theAll the OlympiansOlympians areare related in some related in some wayway . . TheyThey areare named afternamed after their dwellingtheir dwelling(住宅住宅, ,住所)住所)place place Mount Olympus.Mount Olympus. 古希腊崇拜很多神古希腊崇拜很多神, , 古希腊的神被分为几组古希腊的神被分为几组, , 最古老一最古老一组的被称为泰坦组的被称为泰坦 , , 由克罗诺斯领导。最强大的一组

10、被称为奥林由克罗诺斯领导。最强大的一组被称为奥林匹斯山神。奥林匹斯山神由个神组成匹斯山神。奥林匹斯山神由个神组成 ,他们颠覆了泰坦时,他们颠覆了泰坦时期的规律。所有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的期的规律。所有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的联系。他们的名字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。联系。他们的名字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。6PART1PART1:The Olympian Gods and other The Olympian Gods and other DeitiesDeities1、the Titans2、the Gods3、other Deities7the Tit

11、ans(十二泰坦)(十二泰坦)Cronus(克罗诺斯克罗诺斯) : 天空之神。天空之神。Rhea(瑞亚瑞亚) : 时光女神。时光女神。Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯俄刻阿诺斯) : 水之神。水之神。Tethys(泰西斯泰西斯) : 沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。沧海女神。俄刻阿诺斯之妻。 Crius(克瑞斯克瑞斯) : 生长之神。生长之神。Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯伊阿佩托斯) : 灵魂之神灵魂之神 。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、厄庇米。阿忒拉斯、普罗米修斯、厄庇米 修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。修斯和墨诺提俄斯之父。Phoebe(福柏福柏) : 月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。月之女神。月之女神勒托与阿

12、斯特瑞亚之母。Coeus (科俄斯科俄斯) : 智力之神。智力之神。Themis (忒弥斯忒弥斯) : 秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子秩序和正义女神。宙斯第二位妻子,时序三女神母时序三女神母 。Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅谟涅摩叙涅) : 记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子记忆之神。宙斯第五位妻子,九缪斯之母九缪斯之母 。Hyperion(许配利翁许配利翁) : 光之神光之神Thea(忒亚忒亚) : 许配利翁之妻。许配利翁之妻。 8the Gods(十二主神)(十二主神)Zeus(宙斯宙斯): the god of the sky. Hera(赫拉赫拉): the goddess of marriag

13、e and childbirth.Poseidon(波塞冬波塞冬): the god of the sea,protector. Hades(哈迪斯哈迪斯): the god the dead and wealth.Hestia(赫斯提亚赫斯提亚): the goddess of the Hearth(灶台).Ares(阿瑞斯阿瑞斯): the god of war.Hermes(赫尔墨斯赫尔墨斯): the god of thieves and commerce. Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯赫斯菲托斯): the god of fire and the forge(熔炉). Apoll

14、o(阿波罗阿波罗): the god of light.Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯阿尔忒弥斯): the goddess of chastity,virginity,the hunt, the moon,and the natural environment. Athena(雅典娜雅典娜): the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity,arts and literature.Aphrodite(阿弗洛狄德阿弗洛狄德): the goddess of love,desire and beauty.9 King of the s

15、ky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympiangods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt(雷电)(雷电).His bird is the eagle, his tree is the oak . ZeusZeus 宙斯宙斯10 He is married to Hera(赫拉)(赫拉) but,is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that li

16、e or break oaths.11 Zeus wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women. Hera 赫拉赫拉12 Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revengerven(d) for Zeuss infidelitiesnfdelt (不信神,不忠)(不信神,不忠).13 Brother of Zeus . God of the s

17、ea ,protector of all waters. His weapon is atrident (三叉戟三叉戟) , which can shake the earth , and shattert any object. Poseidon波塞冬波塞冬He is second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods. 14He was widely worshiped by seamen.15 Brother of Zeus. God of the dead. Ruler of the underworld. God of wealth , due

18、 to the precious metals minedfrom the earth. Hades 哈迪斯哈迪斯16 Zeus sister. Goddess of the hearth(灶(灶台)台). The symbol of the housearound which a new born childis carried before it is received into the family. Hestia 赫斯提亚赫斯提亚17 Of all the Olympians, she is the mildest, most upright and most charitable (

19、仁慈的).18 Son of Zeus and Hera. God of war. He is considered murderous(行凶的)(行凶的) and bloodstained(血污的)(血污的)but also a coward. He was disliked by both parents.Ares 阿瑞斯阿瑞斯19 He was the one god who ever had to submit to the power of his inferiors. At one time lack of tact(机智机智)ad good judgment led to his

20、 shame. He was fighting with two giants , and finding himself no match for the two monstrous creatures , laid down his arms and was imprisoned in chains. He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes, but not before he had suffered all the humiliations(耻辱)耻辱).()20Ares: All that you have, is dead!阿

21、瑞斯:阿瑞斯:“你所拥有的,只有死亡!你所拥有的,只有死亡!”21 Son of Zeus. God of commerce. Messenger for all the other gods. Guide for the dead to go to the underworld. Hermes 赫尔墨斯赫尔墨斯22 He was the cleverest of the Olympian gods. He is the fastest of the gods. He wears winged sandalssnd()l (便鞋)(便鞋), a winged hat, and carries

22、a magic wand(棒)(棒). 他是奥林匹斯山上最聪明的他是奥林匹斯山上最聪明的神。神。 他是速度最快的神,他脚生他是速度最快的神,他脚生双翼,头上戴有翅膀的帽子,手双翼,头上戴有翅膀的帽子,手里拿着魔杖。里拿着魔杖。23 Son of Zeus and Hera. God of fire and the forg(熔炉)(熔炉).Hephaestus赫菲斯托斯赫菲斯托斯 He is the smith and armorer (兵器制造者)兵器制造者)of the gods.24 He is kind and peace loving He is kind and peace lov

23、ing. He is the only god to be physically ugly. He is the only god to be physically ugly. He is also lame( He is also lame(瘸瘸的,跛的的,跛的). ). 他是诸神的工匠,具有高超的技巧,制造了许多著名的神兵、神器。传说阿波罗驾驶的日车、厄洛斯的金箭银箭、宙斯的神盾都是他铸制的。25 Son of Zeus. God of sun. God of healing who taught man medicine. God of truth , who can not speak

24、 a lie.Apollo 阿波罗阿波罗 The archer, far shooting with a silver bow (弓箭弓箭). 26 Apollo also was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty(崇高的)(崇高的) songs.Withhis lyre(七弦竖琴)(七弦竖琴) of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice held the choir of the

25、 Musesat Olympus. 阿波罗也是音乐神和诗神。他可以唤起人们各种情感并表达阿波罗也是音乐神和诗神。他可以唤起人们各种情感并表达于圣歌中的。在奥林匹斯山上,他拿着金里拉,用优美的音调来于圣歌中的。在奥林匹斯山上,他拿着金里拉,用优美的音调来指挥缪斯合唱。指挥缪斯合唱。27He wore a purple robe.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the eastern palace early in the

26、morning and made ready to start morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.his daily journey across the sky.28 One of Apollos more important daily tasks is to harness his chariot with four horses and drive the sun across the sky. During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and

27、 ivory , and brought light , life and love to the great world below . Late in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got onhis golden boat to return to his eastern home.29 Daughter of Zeus. Her twin brother is Apollo. Goddess of the hunt , the moon, chastitytstt (

28、贞洁), virginityvdnt (纯洁) , and the natural environment. She is the protector of the young women. Artemis 阿尔忒弥斯阿尔忒弥斯30She is the master of wild animal. She is a good archer(弓箭手) , the crescentkresnt (新月形的) moon is her bow.31 Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of wisdom victory and war. She sprang full grown in

29、armour(盔甲)(盔甲)from hisforehead ,thus has no mother .Athena 雅典娜雅典娜32She is fierce and brave in battle but, only wars to defined the state and home from outside enemies. She is the goddess of the city,handicrafts, and agriculture. She invented the bridle(缰绳)(缰绳), the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the p

30、low, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot. She is the embodiment(化身)(化身) of wisdom, reason, and purity.33 She was Zeuss favorite child and was allowed to use his weapons including his thunderbolt. Her favorite city is Athens. Her tree is the olive.The owl is her bird.34 Goddess of love ,desire and be

31、auty. She represented sex, affection,and the attraction that binds people together. Aphrodite 阿弗洛狄德阿弗洛狄德35 In addition to her natural gifts , she has a magical girdle that compels(迫使)(迫使)anyone she wishes to desireher. Her tree is myrtle (桃金娘;爱神桃金娘;爱神木木) . Dove (白鸽白鸽) is her bird.36Prometheus(普罗米修斯)

32、(普罗米修斯) Creator of mankind. 人类的创造者 Mans protector and benefactor. 人类的保护者和拯救者。 He shaped man out of mud. 他用泥捏成人形,创造了人类。 He stole fire for mankind ,with the result that he was punished form Zeus. He was chained to Mount Caucasus, and every morning an eaglewould appeared and ate his liver, which grow b

33、ack at night. 他为人类偷了圣火,所以被宙斯惩罚。他被绑在高加索山,每天早晨都会有鹰来吃他的肝脏,肝脏会在晚上又长出来。37PART2: Heroes Greek heroes were almost as important as the gods in Greek mythology. Heroes were bigger, braver, and more beautiful than ordinary men and women. In most cases their fathers or grandfathers were gods, but their mothers

34、 weremortals, so they were often called demigods (half-gods). 在希腊神话中,希腊英雄和希腊神同样重要。英雄们比普通的人类更强大、更勇敢。他们中大部分人的父亲或者祖父是神,但他们的母亲是普通人,所以他们经常也被称为“半神人”。38Perseus (珀尔修斯珀尔修斯) The son of Zeus. Got the help form Athena and Hermes, he killed the Gorgon (蛇发女妖蛇发女妖) Medusa. He fixed his eyes on Medusas reflection in

35、 the polished(光滑的光滑的) surface of his shield (盾盾) and then cut off her head.39Jason (伊阿宋伊阿宋) Leader of the Argonauts in the quest for the Golden Fleece (金羊毛金羊毛). 寻找金羊毛时阿尔戈号的领导者。寻找金羊毛时阿尔戈号的领导者。40Heracles (赫拉克勒斯赫拉克勒斯) The last earthborn son of Zeus. A hero of extraordinary (非凡的) strength who won immort

36、ality by performing 12 labors demanded by Hera. He killed the menacing (险恶的) Nemean Lion, overcame the nine-headed snake (九头蛇), got the from the golden-apple tree, and brought the three-headed watchdog of the Underworld, Cerberus, to the surface without using any weapons.41Theseus(忒修斯忒修斯) The son of

37、 Poseidon. While having all the qualities of a traditional hero, such as strength and courage, he was also intelligent and wise. He killed Minotaurus to whom quite a lot of young people had fallen prey (捕食捕食). 42PART3:MonstersMedusa(美杜莎美杜莎): 蛇发女妖。蛇发女妖。Cerberus(刻耳柏洛斯刻耳柏洛斯): 三头巨犬。把守冥府的大门。三头巨犬。把守冥府的大门。

38、 Minotaurus (米诺陶洛斯米诺陶洛斯): 牛头怪。牛头怪。 Hydra(许德拉许德拉): 九头蛇。九头蛇。43Medusa (美杜莎美杜莎) A gorgon, who turned into stone anyone be holding her.44Cerberus (刻耳柏洛斯刻耳柏洛斯)three-headed watchdog45Minotaurus (米诺陶洛斯米诺陶洛斯)46Hydra (许德拉许德拉)nine-headedsnake47Idioms and allusions from Greek mythology Achilles heels(唯一致命的弱点或要害

39、)eg:The girl is a good student,but pronuniciation is her achilles heels. Horn of plentyabundance(Amaltheas horn)丰饶角(丰饶的象征) eg:Nature,very oddly ,when the horn of plenty is quite empty,always fills it with babies. 说也奇怪,当大自然不丰赐五谷时,却往往多降婴儿。48Midas touch (赚大钱的本领,事事处处赚大钱的本领)eg:All his firms are extremely

40、 profitable,he has the Midas touch. 他所有的公司盈利盛丰,他有赚大钱的本领Pile Pelion on Ossa(难上加难;高了又高)eg:Asking me to run the department and teach a full load of courses is Pile Pelion on Ossa.要求我管理这个系,并教满工作量的课程,这是难上加难!49Procrustean bedProcrustean bed (逼人就范之物;讲求一致的政策)又名bed of Procrustes 或Procrustess bed常与place on或ma

41、ke fit搭配,作placePlace someone something on Procrustem bed 和make someonesomethingfit Procrustean bed表示“逼人就范”,相当于汉语中的成语“削足适履.eg:They have some particular theory to maintain,and whatever does not fit their procrustean bed is at once condemned. 他们都持有某种特殊理论,凡与他们死板的标准不相符合者,便会立即受到排斥.rest on ones laurels固步自封

42、,吃老本 eg:She was once an excellent student,but now she sits on laurels and has no desire to improve herself.她曾经是位优秀生,但如今满足于已有的成绩而不思进取。50 Sop to Cerberus 贿赂eg:The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.Sow dragons teeth 播下不和或毁灭的种子 Wherever Aut Martha goes ,she

43、 sows dragons teeth.玛莎大婶走到哪里,就在哪里惹是生非。Sphinxs riddle 斯芬克斯之谜;难解之谜eg:This question was like a riddle of Sphinx to them. Swan song (诗人音乐家等的)最后作品,告别演出The theatre was full because everyone wanted to be present at the greatactresss swan song.剧场座无虚席,因为大家都想观看这位伟大女演员的告别演出。51hang by hair thread(sword of Damoc

44、les)千钧一发;岌岌可危摇摇欲坠His life was hanging by a thread after the heart attack.他心脏病发作,生命岌岌可危。Trojan horse(潜藏内部的)颠覆分子;从内部进行颠覆阴谋eg:Some French politicians suspect the United States of usingBritain as a Trojan Horse to undermine the longterm aims of the Eurpean Union.某些法国政治家怀疑美国想把英国作为破坏欧洲联盟长期目标的特洛伊木马。under t

45、he aegis of 在 庇护之下,由什么主办The project was set up under the aegis of the university.该项目是在在大学的支持下设立的。Web of life 命运,错综复杂的人生 Wheel of fortune 命运;人生的变迁52eg:The wheel of fortune dealt him another blow when his business of discord 争端起因;祸根 eg:The leather coat in the sale apple was a real appleof

46、 discord.Several women were fighting over it. between cup and lip 在将成未成之际 between Scylla and Charybdis 腹背受敌;进退两难 eg:He would have preferred to be on good terms with bothhis wife and his mother,but the effort of pleasing one withoutoffending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. B

47、rand from the burning 因忏悔而得救的人;劫后余生eg:When I realized I was through that seige,I felt like a brand from the burning. 53当我明白我已度过了那场灾难时,我真有劫后余生之感。Cadmean victory 付出惨重代价的胜利Cask of Danaides 无底洞Cleanse the Augean stables 清除污垢;彻底清除积弊eg:Every government ought to attend to cleanse the Augeanstables.各国政府都应该注

48、意清除自身的腐败现象。cut a dido恶作剧;胡闹cut the Gordian knot 以大刀阔斧的办法解决问题eg:There was so much fighting between the staff,he decidedto cut the Gordian knot and sack them all. 职员间互相争吵的不亦乐乎,他决定快刀斩乱麻,把他们都辞掉。54Damon and Pythias 莫逆之交;吻颈之交Greek gift 存心害人的礼物halcyon days 太平岁月;美好时光 Hercules choice 本意为海格力斯的选择,寓意为永存;不朽;宁可吃苦,不愿享乐Herculean labourtask 异常艰巨的任务Labour of Sisyphus 永无休止的苦工Oedipus complex 恋母情结Electra complex 恋父情结5556



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