八年级英语上册 Unit1 Me and My Class能力提升练(4)配套课件 冀教版

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1、(四)(四)Unit 1 Lessons 78(20分钟分钟 50分分) . 用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(3分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. Does he like _ (shop)on Sundays? 2. My parents _(work)in a middle school. 3. We _(learn)English for 2 years. 4. There _(be)a meeting tomorrow afternoon. 5. Yesterday _(be)rainy,but today _(be)sunny.答案:答案: 1. shopping 2. w

2、ork 3. have learned 4. will be5. was; is6. Thank you for inviting me _(have) dinner. 7. He doesnt want to see the film any _ (many). 8. This pair of jeans _(be) for my brother. 9. What a _(wind) day today is! 10. _(walk) after supper is good for us. 答案:答案: 6. to have 7. more 8. is 9. windy 10. Walki

3、ng . 单项选择(单项选择(3分钟,分钟,10分)分)1. On Sunday morning,I want to do _. A. someone differentB. different somethingC. something differentD. different someone2. Now many Chinese like traveling from one place to _. A. otherB. othersC. the othersD. another3. This is a watch _ in China. A. makesB. madeC. is mad

4、eD. make4. Jack and his classmates _ to begin the work. A. is readyB. are readyC. are readyingD. is readying5. He went to school _ June 1st. A. inB. onC. atD. for6. Mum! Could you buy a new dress _ me? A. toB. forC. atD. with7. You can hold the book with one hand and write with _ one. A. anotherB. o

5、therC. the otherD. others8. I have finished _ the book. You can take it away. A. readingB. to readC. readD. reads9. I want _ the foreign friend _ you. A. introduce; toB. introduce; forC. to introduce; toD. to introduce; for10. Kate _ to school half an hour later. A. has goneB. wentC. goesD. will go.

6、 完成句子(完成句子(3分钟,分钟,5分)分)1. 约翰的爸爸当医生已经十年了。约翰的爸爸当医生已经十年了。Johns father _ _ a doctor _ ten years. 2. 他们三年前结的婚。他们三年前结的婚。They _ _ three years ago. 答案:答案: 1. has been; for 2. got married3. 这只鸟喜欢跳不喜欢走。这只鸟喜欢跳不喜欢走。The bird _ _ but it _ _ _. 4. 林小姐教我们英语。林小姐教我们英语。Miss Lin _ _ _ . 5. 这双鞋太旧了。这双鞋太旧了。 _ _ _ shoes _

7、too old. 答案:答案: 3. likes jumping;doesnt like walking4. teaches us English 5. This pair of;is. 从从方方框框中中选选出出合合适适的的词词组组并并用用其其适适当当形形式式填填空空(3分分钟钟,5分)分)not. . . any more,be ready to,be made of,be on,keep a diary1. The girl does _ like playing computer games _. 2. Gina and I _ the basketball team. 答案:答案: 1

8、. not;any more 2. are on3. I like _. I write down what I do every day. 4. That shirt _ cotton. Its very soft and nice. 5. _ you _ help others? 答案:答案: 3. keeping a diary 4. is made of5. Are; ready to. 根根据据首首字字母母和和图图片片提提示示,填填入入适适当当的的动动词词, 将将短短文文补补充充完完整整(4分钟分钟, 10分分) Last week, I h 1 a busy week. On Mo

9、nday morning I first c 2 my room, because it was too dirty. In the afternoon, I d 3 my homework. It was a little difficult. On Tuesday morning, I s 4 geography. I like to study geography. In the afternoon I w 5 to the library. I read a book about music. I like music very much. So on Wednesday I p 6

10、the guitar at home. Then on Thursday, I p 7 football. It was a fun day for me. On Saturday I v 8 my aunt. My aunt c 9 dinner for me. On Sunday night, I w 10 TV. I saw an interesting play. 答案:答案: 1. had 2. cleaned 3. did 4. studied5. went 6. played/practiced 7. played8. visited 9. cooked 10. watched.

11、 阅读理解(阅读理解(4分钟,分钟,10分)分)Dear David, How are you? I have been in the USA. for six months. I like the life here. I have a few friends. I dont have much homework. There are a lot of sports in my school,but I dont like sports at all. I like the food very much. I eat different kinds of foods every day. I

12、 like coke very much. I dont drink water. I drink coke instead. I am enjoying my life here. The sad thing is that I get ill. I dont know why. My parents say I must go on a diet and take more exercise. Must I? Yours, Jack阅读短文,判断正阅读短文,判断正(T)误误(F)1. Jack has been in America for six months. ( )2. Jack has to do much homework. ( )3. There are many sports in Jacks school. ( )4. Jack likes coke better than water. ( )5. Jack knows why he is often ill. ( )答案:答案: 15. TFTTF



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