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1、课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.单词识记单词识记1_ vto move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle2 _ v to give someone the courage or confidence to do something3_ vstop resisting an enemy, etc; yield; give up4_ nplanning and directing an operation in a war or campaignretreatencouragesurrenderstrategy课

2、前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究5_ vto repeat exactly what someone else has said or written6_ vto provide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in order to prepare for a fight or a war7_ na situation in which people express different opinions about something and sometimes arguequotearmdisagreement课前自主

3、学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.短语天地短语天地1_下决心做下决心做2_处于交于交战状状态3_出出发,动身;开始做身;开始做4draw attention to_5bring back_6in the face of_be determined to dobe at warset out 对表示注意表示注意带回,回,买回;回;归还,送回,送回 在在面前面前课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.句型搜索句型搜索1He is especially famous for his speeches which many believe made people even more

4、determined to defeat the enemy.信息提取信息提取 make宾语宾语补足足语例句仿写例句仿写我我们必必须净化河水。化河水。We must _ _ _ _.make the rivers clean课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined the Government, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”信信息息提提取取 but意意为“除除了了”,相相当当于

5、于except,其其后后跟跟名名词、代、代词 、动词不定式不定式例句仿写例句仿写 他整天除了看他整天除了看电视,无所事事。,无所事事。He does nothing _ _ _ all day long.but watch TV课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究3Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.信息提取信息提取 否定副否定副词放在句首,主句要部分倒装放在句首,主句要部分倒装例句仿写例句仿写 我从来没有想到在我从来没有想到在这里碰到你。里碰到你。_ _ _ _ _m

6、eeting you here.Never had I thought of课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.课文信息理解课文信息理解Scan the text on Page 83 and choose the best answers according to the text.1 Who first thought of the idea of setting up UN peacekeepers?AThe Canadian Foreign Minister.BThe Swedish Prime Minister.CThe Australian Foreign Minis

7、ter.DThe Italian Prime Minister.课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2Why were the armed UN peacekeepers sent to the Middle East in 1957?ABecause they wanted to see what was happening there.BBecause they wanted to protect the Suez Canal.CBecause they wanted to settle a dispute about the Suez Canal.DThe British w

8、ere fighting against Egyptians.课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究3From the passage we can conclude that _.Athere were more international disputes before 2000Bthere were less international disputes during the 1990sCthere were more international disputes after 2000Dthere was almost no international dispute in t

9、he year of 19954Which of the following is NOT right?AThe UN peacekeepers wear skyblue helmets.BThe UN peacekeepers are soldiers sent from different countries.CAll UN peacekeeping operations are not successful.DThe UN plays an important part in keeping world peace.课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究5The author

10、wrote this passage in order to _.Apraise the United Nations for its contribution to the world peaceBcall for peace for all human beingsCgive us some information about the UN peacekeepersDtell us how the United Nations was founded答案答案1.A2.C3.C4.B5.C 课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1encourage v鼓舞,鼓励鼓舞,鼓励Her s

11、uccess encouraged me to try the same thing.她的成功鼓励我她的成功鼓励我试做同做同样的事。的事。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(1)encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事encourage sb in sth 在在方面鼓励某人方面鼓励某人(2)encouragement n鼓励;鼓励;赞助助discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心;阻止,使泄气,使灰心;阻止,劝阻阻discourage sb from doing sth 劝阻某人不要做某事阻某人不要做某事课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【完成句子完成句子】在

12、我选择职业的时候我的父母总是鼓励我。在我选择职业的时候我的父母总是鼓励我。My parents have always _ _ _my choice of career.银行积极鼓励人们贷款。银行积极鼓励人们贷款。Banks actively _ _ _ _money.encouraged me inencourage people to borrow课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展归纳拓展】arm oneself/sb with sth 用用给自己给自己(某人某人) 武装武装 be armed with用用武装起来,具有武装起来,具有arm in arm 臂挽着臂臂

13、挽着臂take.in ones arms 抱着抱着课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空单项填空】_with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.AArmed BArming CHaving armed DBeing armed答答案案A句句意意:教教区区牧牧师师拿拿着着火火把把进进入入钟钟塔塔,去去看看看看发发生生了了什什么么事事。过过去去分分词词短短语语在在句句中中作作状状语语,arm与与the vicar为为动宾关系。动宾关系。课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动

14、探究课堂互动探究课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 (1)reach an agreement 达成达成协议in disagreement with 和和不一致;和不一致;和不符合不符合(2)disagree vi.不同意不同意disagree with sb about/on sth 就某事与某人有分歧就某事与某人有分歧课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【完成句子完成句子】至于你的计划的价值性我有不同的意见。至于你的计划的价值性我有不同的意见。I am _ _ _you about the value of your plan.in disag

15、reement with课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究4despite prep.不管;不顾不管;不顾They had a wonderful holiday,despite the bad weather.尽管天气不好,他尽管天气不好,他们的假日的假日还是是过得极得极为愉快。愉快。Despite wanting to see him again,she refused to reply to his letters.她尽管很想再她尽管很想再见到他,但却不愿到他,但却不愿给他回信。他回信。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】despite in spite of 尽管尽管despite/in

16、 spite of 名名词although从句从句regardless of 不理会,不不理会,不顾课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【完成句子完成句子】尽管交通阻塞,他仍然准时到达了这儿。尽管交通阻塞,他仍然准时到达了这儿。_ the traffic jam,he arrived here on time.他说干就干了,没有顾及后果。他说干就干了,没有顾及后果。He went ahead and did it, _ _ the consequences.尽管下着雨,我们还是出去了。尽管下着雨,我们还是出去了。We went out _ it was raining.Despit

17、e/In spite ofregardless ofalthough课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究用用set短语填空短语填空The monitor suggested that we _early in the morning, but his idea _much disagreement.Try to _at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.I wanted to _early in order to avo

18、id the traffic.They want to _ their own importexport business.答案答案set off; set offset aside set out/offset up课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2draw attention to使使注注意意(其其中中to是是介介词词,后后面面接名词接名词)I tried not to draw attention to the weak points in my argument.我尽量使人不察我尽量使人不察觉到我到我论证中的中的软肋。肋。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】pay attention

19、to注意,关注注意,关注attract/catch ones attention吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力call ones attention唤起某人的注意起某人的注意fix ones attention on/upon集中注意力在集中注意力在distract ones attention分散某人的注意力分散某人的注意力bring sth to ones attention 使某事引起某人的注意使某事引起某人的注意课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【翻译句子翻译句子】她试图吸引他注意她的新衣服。她试图吸引他注意她的新衣服。_She tried to draw his at

20、tention to her new clothes.课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展归纳拓展】介介词词but表表示示“除除外外”,即即except, other than或或not including的意思,是最常用的介词之一。主要用法有以下几点:的意思,是最常用的介词之一。主要用法有以下几点:(1)与与no, no one, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere等词连用。等词连用。No one can do it but him.只有他才能担当此任。只有他才能担当此任。I heard noth

21、ing but the wind.除了除了风声,我什么也没听到。声,我什么也没听到。(2)与与all, anything, anywhere, every, everybody, everyone等等词词连连用。用。You were all wrong but me.除我外,你除我外,你们都都错了。了。Have you ever been to anywhere else but Beijing? 除了北京外你除了北京外你还去去过别的地方的地方吗?课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(3)but可跟带可跟带to的不定式作宾语。的不定式作宾语。She had no choice bu

22、t to wait.除了等待,她除了等待,她别无无选择。(4)but前前的的谓谓语语动动词词是是do(意意为为“做做”)的的某某种种形形式式时时,跟跟省省略略“to”的不定式作宾语。的不定式作宾语。He did nothing but read a novel yesterday.除了看小除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。,他昨天什么也没干。课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【完成句子完成句子】大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。Everybody arrived on time _ _.除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么?除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么? W

23、hat can you do _ _ _ what you said?他只好躺下来睡觉。他只好躺下来睡觉。He has no choice _ _ _ _and sleep.but yourselfbut take backbut to lie down课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展归纳拓展】否否定定副副词词never,nor,not,not only,hardly,little,seldom等等置置于于句句首首,句句子子倒倒装装,将将谓谓语语的的一一部部分分提提前前置置于于主主语语之前。之前。Nowhere can

24、he find the book he wants.无论在哪儿他都找不到他想要的那本书。无论在哪儿他都找不到他想要的那本书。Hardly did I think it possible.我认为这几乎是不可能的。我认为这几乎是不可能的。课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空单项填空】Little _ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. Adid Rose care BRose did careCRose does care Ddoes Rose care The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only_, but students became more interested in the lessons. Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy saved Cteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy 课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究



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