最新小学pep五年级英语上册pep六英上 unit 2 第三课时精品

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1、Unit 2 Ways to go to school第三课时How do you get there? How do you go to Beijng? How do you come to school? By car.Take the car.By bus.Take the bus.有关交通方式的表达法 take the +交通工具= by+交通工具 如:I take the bus to school. = I go to school by bus. 我乘坐公交车去学校。My father takes the car to work. = My father goes to work

2、 by car. 我爸爸开车去上班。Whats this?Its a helmet.When do we wear helmel? In the USA, people must wear it on bikes.Look at the picture. Whats it?traffic lights You must pay attention to the traffic lights. Wu Yifan: Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?Mr. Jones: Take the No.57 bus over there.Wu Y

3、ifan: Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes!Mr Jones: Theyre from my cousin in the USA.Wu Yifan: Whats this?Mr Jones: A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.Wu Yifan: I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Jones.Mr Jones: Hey, dont go at the red light!Wu Yifan: Oh, right! Thanks. I must

4、pay attention to the traffic lights!Read the conversation and answer questions.1.Which bus should Wu Yifan take? _2. Where are the pictures from? _3. What must we pay attention to ?_Answer the questions.What do you learn about riding a bike in the USA? In the USA, we must _.Dont _.填一填1. Dont go at a

5、 r _ l_! 2. In the USA, people in the bike must wear a h_.3. I must pay a_ to the t_ l_.4. The bus is c_. Make sentences. Dont eat in class. We must listen to the teacher. Look at the signs.Do you know them?Look right before you stopDont touch the door.No right turn.Summary1. Words and phrases: over there helmet traffic lights2. Sentences: Take the bus over there. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. Dont . You must . Homework 搜寻资料,寻找更多交通标志,也可以是其他国家的交通标志,简要介绍他们的意义,做成一张手抄报。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全知识是一种快乐而好奇则是知识的萌芽。培根



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