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1、 (2009年浙江卷)5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100120个词的新闻报道。1时间、地点、人物、活动;2老人们的反应;3简要评论。注意注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the ElderlyStudent Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly _ Student Volunt

2、eers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua,students from Class Three,Grade Two,went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival,Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed,and respectfully,they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then,t

3、hey started working at once,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done,they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave,the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remem

4、ber it forever.Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie,School Newspaper.重要单词聚焦重要单词聚焦1 _ adj. 聪明的,伶俐的2 _ adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的3 _ vt. 保存;保护;保持4 _ n. 发现5 _ n. 山谷,峡谷6 _ adj. 在场的,出席的7 _ n. 秘书8 _ adv. 不久,很快brightcurious preservediscover

5、yvalley present secretary shortly9 _ _ n. 巧合,碰巧10 _ adj. 科学的11 _ n. 工程;计划;项目;课题12 _ adj. 新鲜的13 _ vt. 打扰,扰乱14 _ vi. 结果,导致15 _ vt. 检查;考察;仔细观察16 _ adj. 确定的,肯定的17 _ adj. 古代的,远古的 18 _ vi.& vt. 比较coincidencescientificprojectfresh disturbresult examinecertainancientcompare19 _ vt. 表达,表示20 _ vt. 组织21 _ n& v

6、t. 基地;基础;以为基础22 _ vt.& vi. 幸存,生还23 _ n. 宇航员24 _ vt. 挑选25 _ vt.& vi. 证明,证实26 _ vi. 设法,努力,争取expressorganizebasesurviveastronaut pickprovemanage .重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 _ 启航2 _ 也,以及3 _ 立刻,马上4 _ 成功;还清(欠款)5 _ 导致6 _ 和有关7 _ 预先;提前set sailas well as right away pay off lead tohave something to do with in advance 8 _ 梦

7、想;想象9 _ _ 大量,许多10 _ 踏上;访问;进入11 _ 全速12 _ 幸亏,由于13 _ 钦佩,尊敬14 _ _ 实现某人的梦想dream ofdream ofa great deal ofa great deal ofset foot in/onset foot in/onat full speedat full speedthanks tothanks tolook up to sb.look up to sb.realize onerealize ones dreams dream.课文原句突破课文原句突破1_ _ _(如果被吸入),they can result in ill

8、ness or even death.【答案答案】If breathed in2_ _ _(有一点可以肯定),though,is that the mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained.【答案答案】What is certain3However,not long after the tomb_ _ _(被打开),people in Carters team began to fall ill and die strangely.【答案答案】had been opened4They not only studies

9、 all the subjects_ _ _ _ _(作为一名宇航员所要求的) but also learned survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built.【答案答案】required to be an astronaut5Although Yang did not actually get the best scores on every single test,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(正是他心理测试所得的高分) finally won him his position as Chinas

10、 first astronaut.【答案答案】it was his high scores on the psychological tests thatcurious(1)adj.好奇的;奇特的;稀奇古怪的be curious to do sth.极想做某事People were curious to know why the accident happened.人们很想知道为什么会发生这场事故。(2)be curious about sth.对某事物感到好奇Children are curious about animals and how they live.孩子们对动物及其生活方式感到

11、好奇。(3)It is curious thatclause真是奇怪It is rather curious that youve never mentioned this before.奇怪的是,你以前从来没有提起过此事。curiosity n好奇心out of/from curiosity出于好奇show great curiosity about sth.特别喜欢打听某事feel/satisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心1.There are some who show great curiosity_other peoples affairs.Aabout BofC

12、with Dfor【解析解析】句意为:有些人就是特别喜欢打听别人的事。名词curiosity和curious一样都与介词about连用。【答案答案】A2If you are_about Australian cities,just read the book written by Dr.Johnson.Ainterested Banxious Cupset Dcurious【解析解析】句意为:如果你对澳大利亚的城市感到好奇的话,读读约翰森博士写的那本书吧。be curious about表示“对感到好奇”。【答案答案】Dpreserve vt.& vi.保留;维持;防护;n.保护区preser

13、ve sth. from.保护免于People should preserve children from being hurt.人们应保护儿童免于受害。Deep freezing is the simplest way of preserving food.深冻是保藏食品最简便的办法。preservation n保持;维持;保持状态preservation of food 食品保藏the preservation of world peace 维护世界和平be in fair/poor preservation 保存得好/不好3.The comrades must be helped to

14、_ the style of plain living and hard struggle.Ahelp BpreserveCmake Dcontrol【解析解析】句意为:必须帮助同志们保持艰苦奋斗的作风。preserve表示“保持,维持”。【答案答案】B4Its important that these traditions handed down from generation to generation should be_.Areserved BpreservedCdeserved Dprevented【解析解析】句意为:重要的是要保留这些一代一代传下来的传统。reserve储备,保存,

15、预订,不与tradition搭配;deserve应受,值得,prevent阻止,防止不合句意。preserve保护,维护,保留,符合句意要求。【答案答案】B as well as as well as也,以及English,as well as Chinese and maths,is of great importance.同语文和数学一样,英语很重要。(1)as well as通常连接两个对等的成分,即as well as之前和之后的成分相同,同为主语、宾语、表语等。as well as之后若连接动词,则要使用动名词。As well as in Canada,the weather cha

16、nges from season to season in China.和在加拿大一样,在中国,天气也是随季节变换而变化。As well as being a pop star,Liu Huan teaches at a wellknown university.除是一名歌星外,刘欢还在一所知名大学任教。(2)as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数依据前面的主语确定,即通常所说的“就前一致原则”,类似的词还有:with,along with,together with,rather than,like,unlike,but,except,besides,including等。The

17、teacher,as well as the students,wishes for a holiday.不但学生,而且老师也希望放假。(3)as well as可用于表达同级比较,well为副词,意思是“和一样好。”(4)as well as与not only.but (also)的区别:as well as侧重点在前,连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词同前面的名词或代词的数保持一致;not only.but (also)侧重点在后,连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词同后面的名词或代词的数保持一致。Not only the teacher but also the students wish for

18、 a holiday.不但老师,而且学生也希望放假。(5)as well as起连词作用,而as well起副词作用,一般置于句末,相当于too或also。He gave me advice and money as well.他给我忠告并给我钱。5.My interests include football,bowing and surfing the web _ studying my favourite subjects.Ainstead of Bas well asCless than Drather than【解析解析】句意为:我的兴趣除了学习我喜欢的课程外,还有足球、保龄球和网上冲

19、浪。【答案答案】B6He is a scientist,but he is a poet_.Aas well BtooCalso Deither【解析解析】句意为:他是科学家,而且又是诗人。as well也,又,而且,用于肯定句句尾,too常用逗号隔开,either用在否定句中,also一般放在动词之前。【答案答案】A within(1)adv.在内部,在内心里I washed the jug clean within and without.我把罐子里里外外都洗干净了。(2)prep.在之内,不越出If this is not done within five minutes,the per

20、son will die.如果五分钟之内不这么做,这个人就会死亡。It is not within my power.这不是我力所能及的。(与beyond构成反义词)Ill come back within an hour.我将在一小时之内回来。7.(2006年四川卷)Can he take charge of the computer company?Im afraid its _ his ability.Abeyond BwithinCof Dto【解析解析】句意为:他能管理电脑公司吗?恐怕这超出了他的能力范围。beyond表示“超出的范围”,与within构成反义词。【答案答案】A8_t

21、hese old walls there was once a town.AIn BOut ofCOver DWithin【解析解析】句意为:在这些古墙之内曾经是一个镇。within表示“在之内”。【答案答案】D disturb vi.& vt.弄乱,打乱,打扰,扰乱指的是扰乱某种状态,使秩序或某种状态受到影响,往往指彻底的“打扰”。Wind disturbed the water.风吹皱水面。She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.她轻轻地开门,以免惊扰了睡着的孩子。(1)disturbing a

22、dj.令人不安的It is very disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.过去六个月的犯罪案件的增加令人非常不安。(2)disturbed adj.不安的,困扰的He was emotionally disturbed because of his mothers illness.由于妈妈生病,他情绪不安。 (3)It disturbs/disturbed sb. to do sth .干某事使某人不安It disturbs me to call you so early.这样早给

23、你打电话真让我不安。9.However,at times this balance in nature is_,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.Atroubled BdisturbedCinterrupted Dpuzzled【解析解析】句意为:然而,自然界的平衡有时会被打破,从而导致许多可能无法预见的后果。disturb打扰,打破,搅乱。trouble麻烦,困扰;puzzle困惑,迷惑;interrupt打断。【答案答案】B10In many areas,the world ecosystem is_,leading

24、to global warming and many natural disasters.Ainterrupted BdisturbedCtroubled Dupset【解析解析】句意为:在很多地方,世界的生态系统被扰乱了,这导致了全球气候变暖和很多自然灾害。disturb表示“使某种环境不再安宁、平和怡人”等,而interrupt指使某动作暂时停下的意思。【答案答案】B result(1)n.结果,成效,计算结果(可数或不可数)The result of the game was fivenothing.比赛结果是五比零。(2)vi.(常与from连用)产生结果,发生If the polic

25、e leave,disorder will result.警察一走,就会大乱。Disease often results from eating too much.疾病往往是由于吃得多而引起的。(3)vi.(常与in连用)造成;导致The accident resulted in three people being killed.这次事故造成三人死亡。as a result因此as a result of作为的结果11.The water pollution in the river _ the death of many fishes.Aas a result Bresults fromC

26、results to Dresults in【解析解析】句意为:河水的污染导致了许多鱼类的死亡。result in表示“导致,引起”。【答案答案】D12He drove home drunk,_the terrible accident.Aresulting from Bresulting inCresulted from Dresulted in【解析解析】句意为:他喝醉了酒开车回家,导致了这次恶性事故。result from由导致,不合题意。result in结果,导致,现在分词作状语,表结果。【答案答案】B13However,at times this balance in nature

27、 is disturbed,_a number of possibly unforeseen effects.Alying in Bcalling in Ctaking in Dresulting in【解析解析】句意为:平衡被打破,会产生许多预料不到的影响,“导致,产生”为result in。lie in意为“在于”;call in意为“召,请进来”;take in有“吸收”之意。【答案答案】D examine vt.检查;调查;考试Lie down and let me examine you.躺下来,我给你做个检查。The judge examined the witness in th

28、e court of law.这位法官在法庭上询问了那位证人。You will be examined in French/on your knowledge of American history.你将要接受法文/美国历史知识的考试。辨析:辨析:examine,test与与check(1)examine表示仔细观察、调查研究以便弄清实际情况或事物的本质、特征、状况等;或为了检查某物的质量、合法性、真实性及功能等。(2)test检查,考验,测试。表示进行全面彻底的测试以检查是否合格,如查视力、验血等。表示就某个学科或某个环节进行测试时,后接介词in;表示测试某方面知识时,后接介词on;表示测试

29、性能时,后接介词for。(3)check检查;检验;核对;核实,侧重用检查或调查的方法印证某事物。有“examine (sth.) in order to make sure that it is safe,correct or in good condition”之意。check in办理登机或入住手续,check out办理结账及退房手续。14.Scientists are _ the impact of global warming on local climates.Atesting BcheckingCexamining Dfinding【解析解析】句意为:科学家们正在仔细研究全球变

30、暖对当地气候的影响。examine在此句中意为“(仔细)调查;审查;剖析”。【答案答案】C pay off成功,带来好结果,行得通;清偿,还清;付清工资后解雇(某人)Shes paid off all her debts.她还清了所有的债务。All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam.所有那几周的学习会在考试时见成效。pay back偿还(借款);还(某人的)钱;报复(某人)pay in/into把钱存到(帐户)pay out花费,支付(尤指巨款)pay up赔付(尤指不情愿地)pay for sth.为某事吃

31、苦或受惩罚pay.for sth.为付款Ill be able to pay you back when I get my wages.我拿到工资后会把钱还给你。Were waiting for the insurance company to pay up.我们在等保险公司赔付15.If you go on being so rude to me,Ill make you _your insolence!Apay back Bpay offCpay for Dpay out【解析解析】句意为:如果你再继续对我那么粗鲁,我将让你尝尝蛮横无礼的苦头。pay for sth.为某事吃苦或受惩罚。【

32、答案答案】C16John studied hard before the examination,and it paid _. He made an A.Aout BoffCfor Dup【解析解析】句意;约翰在考试之前非常努力,他的努力有了回报。他得了个A。pay off表示“有回报”。【答案答案】B17Ninety percent of the debts _ so far.Ais paid back Bhave been paid offChas been paid off Dare paid off【解析解析】句意为:到目前为止,百分之九十的债务已经被还清了。pay off表示“还清”

33、。【答案答案】C base(1)n.底部,基地,根据地They laid a wreath at the base of the monument.他们在纪念碑的基石上放了一个花圈。(2)v.把基于;把建立在某种基础上The film is based on a true story.这部电影是根据事实故事改编的。He bases his hope on the good news we had yesterday.他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。at the base of在底部/根基on the base of以为基础base sth. on sth.以为基础;以为根据地be bas

34、ed on/upon以为基础a base camp 大本营a military/training base军事/训练基地18.The film,_true story of this great scientist,attracted peoples interest all over the country.Ais based on Bis on the base ofCwhich is the base for Dbased upon 【解析解析】句意为:这本电影是以一位伟大的科学家为基础的,它吸引了全国人民的兴趣。based upon为过去分词短语,充当非限制性的定语,base on/u

35、pon与被修饰词之间存在被动关系。【答案答案】D19We need actual facts _ our thinking.Aon which to base Bwhich to base on Con which to be based Dwhich to be based on【解析解析】句意为:我们需要事实作为我们思考的基础。on which to base充当定语修饰facts。【答案答案】A20It took the country three years to set up an air_.Abasic BbasisCbase Dbasics【解析解析】句意为:这个国家一共花了三年

36、时间建立这个空军基地。air base表示“空军基地”;basic形容词“基本的;根本的”;basis抽象的“基础,原则”;basics名词“基本要素,基本原理”。【答案答案】C set sail for开始向航行、驶去 (head for.,leave for.)The ship set sail for Boston.轮船起航驶向波士顿。Two hours later the ship set sail for China.两个钟头以后,这艘船就向中国驶来了.set有许多短语:set about doing sth着手干 set out to do sth开始干 set foot on踏上

37、 set fire to放火烧set out出发set aside储蓄、暂时放在一边 set up竖立(柱子,旗子等),建立,设立(组织,公司,制度)set an example树立榜样21.To celebrate the Spring Festival,we often set_many fireworks.Aup Bout Coff Ddown【解析解析】句意为:为了庆祝春节,我们经常燃放许多爆竹。set off:燃放(烟花,爆竹)。【答案答案】C lead vt.引导,带领,领导,导致The street leads you to the station.你沿着这条街走就可以到达车站。

38、lead sb . to/into/through/across sp.带某人到/进入/穿过lead sb. to do sthcause sb. to do.引起某人做.lead to (doing ) sth.通往;导致做.Your explanation has led me to a clear understanding.你的解释使我了解清楚了。What led you to believe it?什么使你相信它?The bridge leads to the island.这座桥通往那个岛。Laziness leads to failure.懒惰导致失败。22.His failur

39、e in last years exam led him _hard and Im sure he is on the way _ success.Ato work;to leading to Bworking;leadingCworking;to lead to Dto work;leading【解析解析】句意为:去年考试的失败使得他努力学习,我确信他即将成功。这里考查三个词组,即:lead sb.to do sth;on the way to doing sth.(即将);lead to n.。【答案答案】A23_to the left,you will find the path _ t

40、o the park.ATurn ;leading BTurned;to lead CTurning;leading DHaving turned;led【解析解析】句意为:向左转,你就会发现那小路是通向那个公园的。第一格,因为和后面的主语you是主动关系,所以用turning;后一格考查lead to n.,解释为“通向”,用现在分词作后置定语。【答案答案】C meaningful adj.意味深长的,很有意义的,有意图的,有目的的meaningful training针对性训练 meaningful experience有意义的经验meaningful advice语重心长的忠告 a me

41、aningful decision一个富有意义的决定(1) meaningless adj.无意义的(2) meaning n意义,含意,意图(3) mean vt.,vi.意思是;意味着amean sth./that/doing意味着bmean to do打算做某事cmean sb.to do打算让某人干某事dsth.be meant for打算用来给The flowers are meant for you.打算把花给你。ehad meant to do meant to have done原本打算做某事 (没做成)fWhat do you mean by.?你这是什么意思?(What o

42、n earth do you mean by.?) 你怎么胆敢?你怎么竟然?gby all means当然;当然可以 (答语中表示同意) Shall I ask him to come in?要我叫他进来吗?By all means.当然了。hby any means用尽各种可能的办法;无论如何Could you by any means lend me some money?你能尽量借给我一些钱吗?iby means 通过的手段Thoughts are expressed by means of words.思想是通过字来表达的。jby no means并没有;绝不(放于句首时,句子用倒装结

43、构)By no means should he be left alone.他绝不该被一人留下。24.You should have come to the party,it was so interesting.I_,but a friend of mine came suddenly.Ahad meant to Bintended to have Cmeant coming Dboth A and B 【解析解析】句意为: 你本该来那个聚会的,它是那么的有趣。 我原本打算来的,但是我的一个朋友突然来了。had meant to do meant to have done intended

44、to have ,意思是“原本打算干某事”。【答案答案】D make a great contribution/great contributions to.对做出巨大的贡献 give a contribution to.向捐赠He has made great contributions to a space development program.他对太空发展计划有很大的贡献The kind person gave a small contribution to the church.这好心人向教堂捐了点东西。contribute vt.& vi.(1)作出捐款;(2)做贡献;(3)提供(

45、时间、经历);(4)有助于,促使He contributed a lot of money to the charity.他捐很多钱给慈善机构。She contributed a lot of good ideas to the discussion.她在这次讨论中提出很多好的意见。Exercise contributes to better health.锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。She didnt contribute one idea to the discussion.她在讨论时没有献出一个主意。The doctor makes a great contribution to the p

46、ublic health.这医生为公众健康做出了巨大的贡献。25.Plenty of fresh air _ good health. So you should go out often.Aresults from Bresulted in Ccontributed at Dcontributes to【解析解析】句意为:大量的新鲜空气有助于身体健康,所以你应该经常出去。D解释为“有助于”,但本句是讲一般的客观事实,所以要用现在时。 【答案答案】D assist v援助,帮助 Mr Li assisted me with/to do/in doing the job.李先生帮我做那个工作。a

47、ssist sb. With sth.帮助某人(做某事)assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人(做某事)assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人(做某事)assistant n助手,助教an assistant cook一个副厨师/二厨辨析:辨析:aid,help,assist三词用做动词均可表“帮助”。aid为正式用词,资助,援助aid sb. in sth. /doing sth.;aid sb. with sth.;help最常用help sb. with sth./(to) do sth.。assist最正式,assist sb. with sth. /to

48、 do sth.帮助某人(做某事)assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人(做某事),表示协助某人做某事,尤指在体力上或具体事务上帮助和扶持。She employed a woman to assist her with the housework.她雇了一名妇女帮她做家务。26During the summer vacation,he always _ his mother in doing the housework.Ahelped Baided Cassisted D. let 【解析解析】句意为:在暑假期间,他总是帮助他妈妈做家务。这里考查词组:assist sb.in

49、 doing sth.帮助某人(做某事)。【答案答案】C Certain Certain adj.be certain/sure to do sth. 一定要be certain/sure of (about)sth.对有把握make certain (sure) of/about/that务必,一定for certain/sure 必定,一定Be sure/certain to come to see me tonight.今晚一定要来看我。Are you certain/sure of that?你对那个有把握吗?Make certain that you turn off the lig

50、hts before you leave.在离开前你务必要把灯关了。I dont know for sure/certain.我知道得不太确定。certainlycertainly adv(1)certainly =sure 用在答语中,表示同意,解释为“当然,可以,没问题。”-Can I try it on? 我能试一下吗?-Certainly。当然可以。(2)用作状语,解释为“的确,确定。”Something was certainly wrong with him。他在某些事情上的确有错。 辨析:辨析:certaincertain和和sure sure (1)在意义上的区别两词都作形容词

51、,有“肯定的,确信的,确实的”,都可加ly构成副词;但certain强调根据客观情况而做出的推断,主语可以是人,也可以是物;而sure表示经过主观分析判断后得出的结论,主语一般是人。(2)在用法上的区别以下结构中只用sureto be sure (用作插入语)当让,肯定,不成问题;sure enough果然,果真,毫无疑问;用作副词,在答语里,意思为“当然”。To be sure,some people may disagree but that doesnt mean I am wrong.一定会有一些人反对,但这并不意味着我是错的。We said things would turn out

52、 well,and sure enough they did.我们说过情况会好转,果然如此。Are you going?你去吗?Sure!当然啦!It is/was certain that.结构中,只能用certainIts certain that he will succeed sooner or later.很确信他迟早会成功的。certain和some some mana certain man某个男人some men一些男人certain men某些男人 Upon entering the tomb,Carters lucky pet bird,which had led him

53、to the place,was eaten by a snake.进入墓地的那一刻,卡特的幸运爱鸟就被一条蛇吃掉了,这只鸟将卡特带到这个地方。句中upon是介词,可以与名词或者动名词连用,表示“一就”。on后一般跟表示去向性动作的动词的ing形式,如arrive,reach,return,leave等。On arriving at the station,he found that the train had left.一到车站,他就发现火车已经开走了。On his stepping out of the taxi,he was seized by two men.他一下出租车就被两个人抓了

54、起来。 常见的“一就”的表示方式还有:(1)as soon as As soon as the teacher entered the classroom,the students stopped talking.老师一进教室,学生们就停止讲话了。(2)the moment/minute/second/instant从句The enemy plane was shot down the moment (that) it intruded into our air space.这架敌机一侵入我国领空就被击落。(3)immediately/directly/instantly从句I got in

55、touch with him immediately after I received the letter.我一接到信就和他联系了。(4)no sooner.than.No sooner had the game started than it began to rain heavily.运动会刚开始,天就下起了大雨。(5)hardly.when.Hardly had it stopped raining when they went to work in the fields.雨一停,他们就到田里去干活了。 He had hardly got off the bus when he met

56、 an old friend of his.他一下公共汽车,就碰见他的一个老朋友。27._hearing the good news,they jumped with joy.AFor BInCUpon DAt【解析解析】句意为:一听到这个好消息他们都高兴的跳了起来。upon doing sth.表示“一就”upon可以换成on。【答案答案】C28Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes. I gave it to her _ I saw her. Awhile Bthe moment Csuddenly Donce【解析

57、解析】句意为:你记得把欠玛丽的钱还给她了吗?是的,我一看到她就还给她了。the moment表示“一就”,引导时间状语从句。【答案答案】B29The young lady rushed into the room _ she heard the noise.Athat BunlessCimmediately Dbefore【解析解析】句意为:一听到声音那个女士就冲了出去。immediately表示“一就”,引导时间状语从句。【答案答案】C If breathed in,they can result in illness or even death.如果这些病毒被吸入,他们可能导致疾病甚至死亡

58、。if breathed in为过去分词作条件状语。(If) United,we stand;(if) divided,we fall.团结则存,分裂则亡。(If) Taken in time,the medicine will be quite effective.如果及时服用,这种药是相当有效的。(If) Grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。30.(2003年北京卷)_time,hell make a first class tennis player.AHaving given BTo giv

59、eCGiving DGiven【解析解析】句意为:假以时日,他很快就会成为一名一流的网球运动员。given为过去分词作条件状语。【答案答案】D31(2007年四川卷)The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day.Awatered BwateringCwater Dto water【解析解析】句意为:他朋友给他的花会死掉,除非每天都被浇水。主语是flowers,故用过去分词watered表示被动unless they are watered。【答案答案】A What is certain,though,is that th

60、e mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained.但是,有一点可以肯定,图坦卡蒙国王陵墓之谜至今没人能够完全破解。what is certain在句中作主语,为主语从句。主语从句的基本用法:在句中作主语的名词性从句称为主语从句,主语从句所对应的谓语动词通常用第三人称单数的形式。为了整个句子的平衡,主语从句经常后置,并用it充当形式主语(此时, that引导的主语从句若不放在句首,可以省略引导词that)。What she did is not yet known.她干了什么尚不清楚。Whoever comes is we

61、lcome.不论谁来都欢迎。It is a pity (that) we havent contacted for ages.很遗憾,我们几年没联系了。It has not been decided where the meeting is to be held.在哪里开会还没决定。It doesnt matter whether she will come or not.她是否来这无关紧要。32.(2006年辽宁卷)_makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.AWhat BWhoCWhatever D

62、Whoever【解析解析】题干中的主语从句特指“使得这家商店与众不同的事物”,而且没有强调“使得这家商店与众不同的任何事物”之意,应选用what引导主语从句。【答案答案】A33(2002年上海春)_fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.AWhat BThatCThis DWhich【解析解析】陈述客观情况的名词性从句的引导词之后是完整的陈述句,引导词本身不充当该名词性从句中具体的句子成分,有这样用法的引导词只能是that。【答案答案】B34(200

63、3年上海卷)It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.Athat BwhenCwhat Dhow【解析解析】本题下划线处引导的是一个放在句末的主语从句(被句首的形式主语it所指代)。在该主语从句中引导词要作主语,四个选项中只有what可以充当名词性从句的主语。【答案答案】C35(2007年福建卷)It is none of you business _ other people think about you. Believe yourse

64、lf.Ahow BwhatCwhich Dwhen【解析解析】填空处引导主语从句表示“其他人如何想你”,在该主语从句中充当think的宾语,四个选项中只能选择what做引导词。题干中what引导的主语从句放在句末、由句首的形式主语it所指代。【答案答案】B Although Yang did not actually get the best scores on every single test,it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as Chinas first

65、 astronaut.尽管杨利伟实际上不是每项测试都是最高分,但是他各项心理测试所得的高分使他最终成为了中国第一位宇航员。it引导的强调句:(1)It is(was)被强调的部分that(who)原句其它部分”来强调说话人的意愿,此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。 He read three books in the library yesterday.昨天他在图书馆读了三本书。It was he who (that)read three books in the library yesterday.(强调主语)It was three books that he read in the

66、 library yesterday.(强调宾语)It was in the library that he read three books yesterday.(强调时间状语)(2)当被强调部分指人时,可用that,也可用who;指物时,只用that。It was Tom who(that)I met last week.It is a new book that his brother wants to buy.(3)强调状语时,只用that,不用when,where。It is at 5 oclock that the train will arrive.(4)被强调的部分是主语时,注

67、意句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。It is he who is late.It is they that were late.(5)一般疑问句的强调句为“Is (was) it that.?”;特殊疑问句为:“特殊疑问词 is (was) that.?”结构。Was it ten years ago that his father died?他的父亲是十年前去世的吗?When is it that you will set off?你到底什么时候出发?36.(2008年全国卷) It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr Smith.A

68、that BhowCwhich Dwhen【解析解析】句意为:伊丽莎白和史密斯先生第一次见面是在新西兰。强调句,强调地点状语in New Zealand。【答案答案】A37(2006年山东卷) I just wonder _ that makes him so excited.Awhy it does Bwhat he doesChow it is Dwhat it is【解析解析】句意为:我想知道是什么使他如此兴奋。考查强调句。这种强调句的特殊疑问句只需把疑问句提前,在宾语从句中要用陈述语气。本题考查了宾语从句。【答案答案】D38(2007年重庆卷) It is not who is rig

69、ht but what is right _ is of importance.Awhich BitCthat Dthis【解析解析】句意为:谁对谁错不重要,重要的是什么是对的。强调句,被强调的是句子主语。本题考查对强调句型的掌握,而本题中的被强调部分用了not.but.结构增加了试题的难度。【答案答案】C39(2007年浙江卷) It_we had stayed together for a couple of weeks_I found we had a lot in common.Awas until;when Bwas until;thatCwasnt until;when Dwasnt until;that【解析解析】句意为:直到我们在一起呆了几个星期以后,我才发现我们有许多的共同之处。这是含有until引导状语从句的强调句型。当强调until从句部分时,应注意把not提前。【答案答案】D课时作业课时作业点击进入链接点击进入链接



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