高中英语 Unit4 第三学时 Using LanguageReadinglistening and speaking同步教学课件 新人教版选修7

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1、第三学时第三学时Using LanguageReading,listening and speaking1.Would you like to donate an unusual gift? (P34)你是否想要赠送一份特殊的礼物?donate v. 捐赠,赠送donate sth.to sb. 捐赠某物给某人donation n. 捐赠,捐赠品词语链接词语链接即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)Many people _(给灾民捐款)(2)_(所有的捐赠品) will be sent to Africa in two weeks.(1)donated money to the victims

2、(2)All the donations2.Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community in need.(P33)从这个目录中选择一份真正有用的礼物给世界上一些最穷的人并且处在困难中的群体带来希望,带来更好的前景。in need 在困难中;在危急中in trouble 在困境中in order 按顺序;整齐in danger 在危险中in common 共同;共有in public

3、当众;公开in fact 事实上;实际上in debt 欠债in time 及时in peace 安静;和平in surprise 吃惊;惊讶词语链接词语链接选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1) The two have nothing (相同).(2)A friend _ is a friend indeed.(3) He looked up (惊奇地).(4)Dont scold your child _.He will feel very upset.(5)The Whites are _ now and so they are eager to earn more than before.

4、即学即练即学即练(1) in common(2)in need(3)in surprise(4)in public(5)in debt3. oxen for ploughing 耕牛ox(公牛)的复数形式为oxen,英语中为数不少的名词的复数形式都是不规则的,如: oxoxen manmen womanwomen childchildren footfeet goosegeese mousemice toothteeth basisbases roofroofs chiefchiefs 4.Adults develop the confidence to participate in the

5、social,economic and political lives of their communities.(P35)成年人发展了自信,能参与他们社区的社会、经济和政治生活。participate in 参加,参与即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1) He planned to (参加)the demonstration, but then he got cold feet.(2)Everyone can _(参加这个游戏)(1) participate in(2)participate in this game5.Fernando,his brother,is eager to wri

6、te on behalf of Orlandos family.(P73)他的哥哥弗兰多,很想代表奥兰多的家人给你们写信。on behalf of 为了的缘故;为了的利益;代表完成下列句子。(1) He spoke (代表) all the members of the faculty and staff.(2)Dont worry _(因为我的缘故)(3)_(代表全班),I would like to thank you.即学即练即学即练(1) on behalf of(2)on my behalf(3)On behalf of the whole class6.Orlandos famil

7、y,like other families in the community,has a very small income and it is a struggle to be able to meet their basic needs.(P73)奥兰多的家庭,像这个社区的其他家庭一样,只有很少的收入并且要非常拼命地干活才能满足基本的生活需要。meet ones needs 满足某人的需要make (both) ends meet使收支相抵;量入为出meet with遭遇;偶遇词语链接词语链接即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)She did her best _(满足她儿子的需要)(2)

8、We should _(量入为出)(3) A dishonest person is bound to (遭遇挫折)sooner or later.(4)I _(偶然遇到一位老朋友) at a dinner party.(1)to meet her sons needs(2)make ends meet(3) meet with setbacks (4)met with an old friend词语链接词语链接7.We hope that your friendship with Orlando will be an unforgettable experience and that hea

9、ring from Fernando will give you an opportunity to learn about another culture far away.(P73)我们希望你们与奥兰多的友谊将是一个难忘的经历,收到弗兰多的来信也将给你一个机会去了解另一种遥远的文化。give sb.an opportunity to do sth. 给某人机会做某事make/get/find an opportunity 制造/获得/寻找机会have no/little/no much opportunity 没有/很少/没有多少机会即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)The gift _

10、(给他获得生活技巧的机会)(2)They _(没有上学的机会)(1)gives him the opportunity to acquire life skills(2)have no opportunity to attend school一、单词拼写 1It is said that he _(购买) this chemical factory.2I dont know whether he is satisfied with our _(安排)3It was almost a _(两周) before he found his lost child.4He _(参与) all kinds

11、 of activities to improve his ability.5It is a _(特权,优惠) for you to be sent to study in Japan.1.has purchased2.arrangement3.fortnight4participated5.privilege二、词语活用选用下述词语完成下列小段落。Poor Tom was _1_ of money and he went to a moneylender so that he was _2_.Later he found that he was _3_ because no matter h

12、ow hard he worked,he could not pay off the debt.Last month,the moneylender came to Toms house and said Tom must give him $10,000.Tom looked at the moneylender _4_,unable to say anything._5_,he had borrowed only $1,000.in need,in trouble,in danger,in fact,in debt,in time, in peace,in surprise1.in nee

13、d2.in debt3.in trouble4.in surprise5.In fact三、综合填空 在下列各句空格中填入合适的单词。1He walked _ the muddy road _ the bush school.2There was no electricity _ water when I worked in this school.3.You should adapt _ the new conditions as soon as possible so _ you can do your work well.4One thing is for _: I love these

14、 children and I want to help them.1.down,to2.or3.to,that4.sure5What you said cant make any _ and I will stick _ my plan no matter what happens.6I walked to the window from _ I could see trees in the distance and the blue sky.7We came to a hut _ grass sticking _ of the roof.8Be careful when crossing the street._ you may be killed by passing cars.5.difference,to6.where7.with,out8.Or/Otherwise



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