高中英语 Unit2 The environment Welcomeand Reading课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit2 The environment Welcomeand Reading课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit2 The environment Welcomeand Reading课件 牛津译林版必修5.ppt(53页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The environment ReadingA healthy environment is important for our survival. Whats the environment?Its the place where people, animals and plants live. Its the natural world.Compared with the last few years, do you think the environment is getting better or worse? Why?Who has damaged our envir

2、onment? Nature & man What natural disasters do you know can cause damage to the environment?natural disasters forest fire volcano earthquake typhoonflood hurricane tsunami tornadoacid rain floodAn earthquake What human activities can do damage to the environment? How? wars/ industrial accidents gas

3、leakage/ oil leakage burning coal/litter driving private cars run on petrol using nuclear weapons overcutting /heavy cutting (deforestation)sending poisonous/harmful gas into the air pour industrial/chemical waste into water using fertilizers化学肥料化学肥料 and pesticides杀虫剂杀虫剂Rubbish Air pollutionForest f

4、ireCutting down treessandstormBecause of environmental pollution many children were born disabled.A nation destroying its environmentdestroys itself.- F.D.Roosevelt A healthy environment is important for our survival, but why do people keep damaging the environment ?The economy the environmentmust w

5、e choose?orUnit 2 The environment ReadingWhat style is it?A. A speech.B. An advertisement.C. A television debate.D. A talk show.Reading and ComprehensionFast reading:(read para.1)Step1.Step2.Step3.One side: present their points firstThe other side: follow and present their pointsHave a discussionRea

6、ding strategy: reading a debateWhat is the order of a debate?Speakers in a debate will represent o views.ppositeThe order of todays debate:Lin Shuiqing presents her points.Qian Liwei presents his points.Open the floor for discussion.Fast reading (read the whole debate)The topic:_TV host: _One side s

7、peaker: _She thinks economic development is b_ for the environmentThe other side speaker: _He thinks economic development does not have to be bad for the e_ . Fill in the table below The economy or the environment?Ms. Lin ShuiqingMr. Qian LiweiJames LongadnvironmentLin ShuiqingA spokeswoman from the

8、 Green SocietyCareful readingRead what Ms.Lin Shuiqing said and then answer the following questions.1.What happened because of chemical waste?2. Whats the effect of water pollution?3.By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800?Whats the population now?4.What has become a big pro

9、blem? 1.What happened because of chemical waste? Many places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died.The waste goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick. 1.What else happened because of chemical waste?Some waste flows into the water, killing river and sea life.2. Whats the effect

10、of water pollution?3.By how many times has the worlds population increased since 1800? Whats the population now?Six times. 7 billion4.What has become a big problem?The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem.Cut back on productionReduce the amount of thingsTeach people ways of liv

11、ing that do not harm the environmentWhat are her suggestions?Recycle our waste Conclusion :What aspects has she metioned in her speech?Qian LiweiA bussiness development consultantCan you guess what aspects he will talk about in his speech?Read what Mr.Qian Liwei said and then answer the following qu

12、estions.1.When people think of factories, what will they think of? 2.How can a healthy environment and development be possible at the same time?3. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back ? 1.When people think of factories, what will they think of?They think of clouds of dirty smo

13、ke or of pipes pouring chemical waste into rivers.1.When people think of factories, what else will they think of?They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities and only worrying about money.2.How can a healthy environment and development be possible at the same time?Many factori

14、es and industries control the amount of pollution they produce and are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause.3. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back ?Jobs will be lost and people are more important than fish and trees.Produce more things from recycled mat

15、erialsNeed better lawsPay a higher price for some thingsPay higher taxesWhat are Qian Liweis suggestions?comparisonSpeakerPoints he presentsReasons he providesLin ShuiqingChemical waste_ river and sea life.Fishing_ in a smaller number fish left for us to eat in the future._ Has grown _ 6 times, _ 7

16、billion._places.Make many plants and animals _. _ us sick.DestroyMakeKillbyapproachingdieResultWater pollutionPopulationSpeakerPoints he presentsReasons he providesQian LiweiFactories and industries_pollution._ damage._Make more from_ materials and less from the _materials.Laws_the environment._Stop

17、 factories from _ the environment.ControlRepairrecycledrawPreserve harmingProductionTaxesWhich of the following is NOT mentioned in LinShuiqings speech?A. Chemical waste destroyed many places and killed many plants and animals.B. Factories producing poisonous chemicals should be closed down.C. Fishe

18、s died for more than one reason.D. Polluted atmosphere can make human beings sick.Reading comprehensionB What can be inferred from the speech? A. Though we caught large numbers of fish, they develop so quickly that well still have enough to eat. B. Its likely that well not have enough to eat if we k

19、eep producing people rapidly. C. Lin Shuiqing is for the idea of recycling, while Qian Liwei is against it. D. An economist is often seen as being against the environment.B What does the sentence “People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be

20、 true.” mean? A. Economic development is good for the environment. B. Economic development is bad for the environment. C. Economic development is not always bad for the environment. D. People are wrong to think economic development is bad for the environment.CA live debateOne student acts as the cha

21、irperson who holds the debate. Two groups represent Lin Shuiqing and the other two groups represent Qian Liwei. Each group has 3 debaters. Each of you speaks one or two points.You can make some changes to the debate or add your opinions to the debate.Language points(Welcome)填冠词填冠词1. _natural disaste

22、rs can cause damage to _ environment.2. _ man is rapidly destroying _ nature.3. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made _ discovery which completely changed _ mans understanding of color. A. a;/ B. a; the C./; the D. the; a /the/APhrases:翻译翻译保护保护/损害环境损害环境自然灾害自然灾害 protec

23、t/preserve the environment natural disasters harm/damage the environment一座喷发的火山一座喷发的火山an erupting volcano1.一场关于环境的电视辩论一场关于环境的电视辩论2.2.the Green Society3. 按照我们一贯的辩论程序按照我们一贯的辩论程序4. 展开自由讨论展开自由讨论5. 削减生产削减生产6.担心现状担心现状Translate the phrases:follow our usual schedule for debates open the floor for discussion

24、 cut back on productionbe concerned about the present situation 绿色协会绿色协会a television debate on the environment7. 被视为环保反对派被视为环保反对派8. 躲避对躲避对的责任的责任9.让国家得到发展让国家得到发展be seen/viewed/thought of as being against the environment hide from/escape ones responsibility to sth.allow our country to grow10. pay high

25、er prices/taxes 11. pump - into -12. There is no debating 13.overcome these challenges14. be a /the biggest danger to 15. clean up the environment 支付稍高的价格支付稍高的价格/税税把把-冲入冲入/注入注入 没有没有.争辩的必要争辩的必要克服这些挑战克服这些挑战 对对是是(最大)的危险最大)的危险清理环境清理环境Complete and keep them in mind.1.Factories (排放大量的有毒化学物质排放大量的有毒化学物质) _

26、_ _ _ _ _.2.These boats catch large numbers of fish(不给他不给他们留有产卵的时间们留有产卵的时间) _ _ _ _ _ _ _.3.The worlds population has(上涨了上涨了1800年的六年的六倍倍) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in 1800 .produce large numbers of harmful chemicalswithout giving them time to lay eggsgrown by six times what it was4._ we damage our environment,

27、we _ _(继续生育继续生育) more and more people who need (更多居住的土地更多居住的土地)_ _ _ _ _ and(更多吃的食品更多吃的食品)_ _ _ _.5.People often(相信,认为相信,认为) _ _ _ _ development is bad for the environment.6.问过周围的人,我发现许多人愿意支付稍高一些问过周围的人,我发现许多人愿意支付稍高一些的价格来买环保产品。的价格来买环保产品。 _ _, I find many people _ _ _ _ _ _ _for things that _ _ _ the

28、environment. While keepproducing more land to live on more food to eathave this belief thatAsking around willingto pay a little higher price are friendly to7.要是这些原材料用完了这么办呢?要是这些原材料用完了这么办呢? _ _ these _ _ _ _?8. 只要意味着人们有工作,我父亲并不介意少有一只要意味着人们有工作,我父亲并不介意少有一点污染。点污染。My dad doesnt mind _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ it m

29、eans people have jobs. 9.Ms Lin suggested we _ _ _ _ the _ _ things we produce _ _ _ _ the environment.What if raw materials run out a little bit of pollutionas long as should cut back on quantity of inorder to saveAnswers of C2:6 1 4 3 2 5 5 3 1 2 4D: b c e g d f aFinish off Part E on P25 1. consul

30、tant 2. cut back on 3. quantity 4. recycled 5. operate 6. debating 7. raw 8. willingFurther discussion After reading the debate, which side would you like to choose? Can you give us some suggestions to protect the environment?1. We could educate people to respect and protect the environment.2. We co

31、uld urge factories that produce large amounts of waste to build a system to purify the waste and reduce the damage to the environment.3.We could urge the government to pass stricter laws to protect the environment.5. We could create a system to deal with the waste and rubbish scientifically.suggestionsOur best friendHealthy childrenWrite a report, calling on people to live in an environmentally friendly way.Homework:



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