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1、剑桥8真题讲解1.Vocabulary: loads of come across brochure highlight stand lobby 大量,许多偶然碰到小册子(使)突出架,台大堂,大厅2. flute spoil refreshments bargain senior citizen discount 笛子宠坏茶点减价品,便宜货老年人打折3. cello tel harp accordion oboe b saxophone trumpet erhu fiddle pipa 大提琴竖琴手风琴双簧管萨克斯管小号二胡琵琶4. symphony sonata snt serenadese

2、rned overturevtj() concertokntt march opera musical 交响乐奏鸣曲小夜曲前奏曲协奏曲进行曲歌剧音乐剧5. heavy soothing rhythmic healing 重音乐怡人的,心旷神怡的有节奏的医治用的6.ListeningSection 1Questions 1-10Questions 1 and 2Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.ExampleIn the library George foundA a book. B a brochure. C a newspaper.7.1In the

3、lobby of the library George sawA a group playing music.B a display of instruments. C a video about the festival.2George wants to sit at the back so they canA see well. B hear clearly. C pay less.C B8.Test 1 Section 1NINA: Hi, George! Glad youre back. Loads of people have phoned you. GEORGE: Really?N

4、INA: I felt just like your secretary!GEORGE: Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and I came across something really interesting. 9.NINA: What? A book?GEORGE: No, a brochure from a summer festivalmainly Spanish music. Look, Ive got it here. NINA: Spanish music?

5、 I really love the guitar. Lets have a look. So whats this group “Guitarrini”?Example10.GEORGE: Theyre really good. They had a video with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library, so I heard them. They play fantastic instrumentsdrums and flutes and old kinds of guita

6、rs. Ive never heard anything like it before. Q111.NINA: Sounds great. GEORGE: Okay. Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves? NINA: Yes, lets. George: The only problem is there arent any cheap seats its all one price. 12.NINA: Well, in that case we could sit right at the frontwed have a really good view. G

7、eorge: Yeah, though I think that if you sit at the back you can actually hear the whole thing better.NINA: Yes. Anyway we can decide when we get there. Q213.Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER /OR A NUMBER for each answer.14.SUMMER MUSIC F

8、ESTIVAL BOOKING FORMNAME: George ONeillADDRESS: 3 _, WestseaPOSTCODE: 4 _TELEPHONE: 5 _DateEventPrice per ticketNo. of tickets5 JuneInstrumental group - Guitarrini7.50217 June Singer (price includes6 _ in the garden)6222 June 7 _(Anna Ventura)7.00123 June Spanish Dance & Guitar Concert8_9 _NB Childr

9、en/ Students/ Senior Citizens have 10._ discount on all tickets.48 North Avenue WS6 2YH01674 553242(free) drink(s) / refreshment(s)(the/a) pianist /piano player10.50450%15.NINA: So will you fill in the form or shall I?GEORGE: Ill do it. Name: George ONeil. Address: 48 North Avenue, Westsea. Do you r

10、emember our new postcode? Still cant remember it. NINA: Just a minuteIve got it written down here. WS6 2YH. Do you need the phone too?Q3Q416.GEORGE: Please. Im really bad at numbers. NINA:01674 553242. So, lets book two tickets for Guitarrini. GEORGE: Okay. If youre sure 7.50 each is all right. How

11、do you feel about the singer? Q517.NINA: I havent quite decided. But Ive noticed something on the booking form that might just persuade me!GEORGE: Whats that then?NINA: Free refreshments!GEORGE: Really?18.NINA: Yes, look here. Sunday 17th of June. Singer, ticket 6.00 includes drinks in the garden. G

12、EORGE: Sounds like a bargain to me!NINA: Yes, lets book two tickets for that. So, what else? Im feeling quite keen now! How about the pianist on the 22nd of June?Q6Q719.GEORGE:Anna Ventura? Ive just remembered thats my evening class night. NINA:Thats okay. Ill just have to go on my ownbut we can go

13、to the Spanish dance and guitar concert together, cant we?20.GEORGE: YesIm sure Tom and Kieran would enjoy that too. Good heavens- 10.50 a ticket! I can see were going to have to go without food for the rest of the weekwell need to book four!Q8Q921.NINA: Wish we were studentslook! Children, students

14、 and Senior Citizens get a 50% discount on everything. GEORGE: If Only!Q1022.Section 2 dinosaur in regard to guided tour brief v. coach foyer backpack cloakroom 恐龙关于,至于有导游的游览 作简单说明城际巴士门厅,休息室背包衣帽间23. fragile handout theatrette ground floor screening documentary habitat n. 易碎的免费发放的传单小剧院一楼上映,放映纪录片(动物的)

15、栖息地,住处24. archaeology museums art museums maritime museums military and war museums mobile museums natural history museums 考古博物馆美术博物馆海洋博物馆军事战争博物馆汽车博物馆自然历史博物馆25. open-air museums science museums virtual museums zoological parks and botanic gardens 露天博物馆科技博物馆虚拟博物馆动植物园26.Section 2SECTION 2 SECTION 2 Qu

16、estions 11-20Questions 11-20Questions 11-15Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER FOR EACH ANSWER.27.The Dinosaur MuseumThe Dinosaur Museum11The museum closes at _ p.m. on Mondays.12 The museum is not open on _ _13 School groups are met by tour guides in the _ 14

17、The whole visit takes 90 minutes, including _ minutes for the guided tour.15 There are _ behind the museum where students can have lunch.1:30 25 December/ Christmas Daycar-park/ parking lot45some tables 28.Questions 16-18Choose THREE THREE letters, A-G.A-G.Which THREE THREE things can students have

18、with them in the museum?A AfoodB BwaterC CcamerasD DbooksE EbagsF FpensG GworksheetsC IN ANY ORDER F G 29.Questions 19 and 20 Choose TWO TWO letters, A-E.A-E.Which TWO TWO activities can students do after the tour at present?A Abuild model dinosaursB Bwatch filmsC Cdraw dinosaursD Dfind dinosaur egg

19、sE Eplay computer games B IN EITHER ORDER E 30.Hello, and thank you for asking me to your teachers meeting to talk about the Dinosaur Museum and to tell you a bit about what you can do with your students there. 31.Well, let me give you some of the basic information first. In regard to opening hours,

20、 were open every day of the week from 9.00 am to 8.00pm except on Mondays when we close at 1.30pm. And, in fact the only day in the year when were closed is on the 25th of December. You can book a guided tour for your school group any time that were open. Q11Q1232.If you bring a school group to the

21、museum, when you arrive we ask you to remain with your group in the car park. One or more or the tour guides will welcome you there and brief you about what the tour will be about. We do this there because our entrance is quite small and we really havent got much room for briefing groups in the exhi

22、bition area. Q1333.As far as the amount of time youll need goes, if you bring a school group you should plan on allowing a minimum of 90 minutes for the visit. This allows 15 minutes to get on and off the coach, 45 minutes for the guided tour and 30 minutes for after-tour activities. Q1434.If youre

23、going to have lunch at the museum you will, of course, have to allow more time. there are two cafes in the museum, with seating for 80 people. If you want to eat there youll need to reserve some seating, as they can get quite crowded at lunch time. Then outside the museum at the back there are table

24、s, and students can bring their own lunch and eat it there in the open air. Q1535.When the students come into the museum foyer we ask them to check in their backpacks with their books, lunch boxes, etc. at the cloakroom before they enter the museum proper. Im afraid in the past we have had a few thi

25、ngs gone missing after school visits so this is a strict rule. Also, some of the exhibits are fragile and we dont want them to be accidentally knocked. 36.But we do provide school students with handouts with questions and quizzes on them. Theres so much that students can learn in the museum and its

26、fun for them to have something to do. Of course theyll need to bring something to write for these. We do allow students to take photographs. Q16-1837.For students who are doing projects its useful to make some kind of visual record of what they see that they can add to their reports. And finally, th

27、ey should not bring anything to eat in the museum, or drinks of any kind. 38.There are also a few things the students can do after the tour. In the theatrette on the ground floor there are continuous screenings of short documentaries about dinosaurs which they can see at any time. Q1939.We used to h

28、ave an activity room with more interactive things like making models of dinosaurs and drawing and painting picture, even hunting for dinosaur eggs, but unfortunately the room was damaged in a bad storm recently when water came in the roof, so thats closed at the moment. 40.But we do have an IT cente

29、r where students have access to CD ROMs with a range of dinosaur games. These games are a lot of fun, but they also teach the students about the lives of dinosaurs, how they found food, protected their habitat, survived threats, that kind of thing. Q2041.And I think thats all I have to tell you. please feel free to ask any questions if you would like to know anything else. 42.



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