高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第44期》课件

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1、for Senior 1Our mobile manners (P4) 12-13学年第学年第44期总第期总第521期期WARM UP:1.On average, how many text messages do you send every month?2. Compared with making a phone call, whats the advantages of sending a message?FAST READING:The structure of the text:Para ( ): The popularity of text messages and the re

2、ason for itPara ( ): The disadvantages of sending text messagesPara ( ): The conclusion1-34-89-10DETAILED READING:1. Who sent the first text message, and when was this?2. Whats the evidence that text messages are really popular?3. Can you summarize the advantages and disadvantages of texting, using

3、one sentence for each?DISCUSSION: Can you give other examples of things that are lost in text messages compared with face-to-face conversation?LANGUAGE FOCUS:1.Theres no denying that text messages make things easier. Theres no denying that _and_ are extremely important in English learning. Theres no

4、 denying that _ and _ are required if you want to find a job in the competitive job market.2. means you dont have to fake an enthusiasm that you are not really feeling. We sometimes fake happiness when _so that_. Do you sometimes fake an enthusiasm that you are not really feeling at a friends birthd

5、ay party? 3. However, texting might also harm young peoples still-developing _ skills. How are interpersonal skills important in todays world? Can you tell us how you develop your interpersonal skills?interpersonal4. Undoubtedly, text messages are here to stay. Undoubtedly, English is important so t

6、hat _. Undoubtedly= Theres no doubt thatTheres no denying that5. , so that youre actually seeing and interacting with another person. Can you give some suggestions for how the teacher can better interact with you?for Senior 1Freshen up your breath (P5) 12-13学年第学年第44期总第期总第521期期WARM UP:1.How many time

7、s do you brush your teeth every day?2. What are other alternatives for freshening your breath if you dont have time to brush?FAST READING:The structure of the text:Para ( ): The necessity of brushing your teethPara ( ): How chewing gum freshens ones breathPara ( ): Health issues caused by chewing gu

8、m12-78-9DETAILED READING:1.Why should we brush our teeth every day?2.How does chewing gum control the bacteria and freshen the breath?3.What bad effects can chewing gum have?DISCUSSION:What do you think of the situation in which teenagers chew gum at school?LANGUAGE FOCUS:1.This at least freshens th

9、e breath a little bit, saving them from some embarrassment. With all the homework we do every day during the school-year, how can we refresh our minds during breaks?2. But when you are asleep, the production of saliva is reduced and the bacteria thrive. With spring here and every plant thriving, I f

10、eel _. 3. Chewing gum stimulates the mouth to produce more saliva, which helps control the number of bacteria inside. _ stimulate me to work hard and achieve my goals.4. Chewing gum can temporarily reduce the bad-smelling chemicals by more than 70%. If picking up the rubbish can only reduce pollutio

11、n temporarily, what are some methods to deal with pollution permanently? 苏州工业园区第二高级中学苏州工业园区第二高级中学 孙炳芳孙炳芳for Senior 1Being with him (P6) 12-13学年第学年第44期总第期总第521期期Whats the date of Fathers Day?How do you usually celebrate Fathers Day?FAST-READING:The structure of the text:Para ( ): The brick building m

12、eans a lot to the author.Para ( ): The authors memory of her father when she was young.Para ( ): The love between the father and the author continues.12-67-8Detailed-reading:1.Where did her father live? How do you know?2.How did the author get along with his father? Can you list some examples ?3.Do

13、the author want to move out like others? Why ?1.Where did her father live? How do you know?He used to live in prison. He used to live there, along with 540 other inmates.2.连同一些美好的记忆,她带回了一些纪念品回家。Along with some memories, she went back home with several souvenirs. 3.The boy, along with his friends, _i

14、nto the building.A. took B. was taken C. were taken D. has takenB2.How did the author get along with her father? Can you list some examples ?The author got along well with her father. Firstly, her father wrote her every week. Also, the author got up as early as 5 am to hop in the car to drive to see

15、 her father. Besides, she felt it was much sweeter with her father compared to having ice cream. Compared to与上半场相比,比赛的下半场有些沉闷。The second half was dull compared to the first.伦敦的最高建筑物与纽约的摩天大厦一比就相形见绌。The tallest buildings in London are small compared to New Yorks skyscrapers.3.Does the author want to move out like other people? Why?No, when she thinks about moving out, she knows it is not time yet. She is not ready to give up the small inner burst of joy she gets every morning.DiscussionAre you getting along well with your father? If not, how can you build a better relationship with him?



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