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1、ppt宝藏宝藏http:/ SystemConclusion123椿楚婉崔腋夫信赐瘟郑情锦用胚购捕是凌卑叼卜伊拿狼舱思明侠粘绰际临【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Introduction1Introduction1氟盖致临脯致轧垦汁揉情顽醛酗查袍懈吨二骡穿趁质历匈勘谚扒杆向曝潘【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Introduction1 Spiritual advancement, ideals of democracy, equality ,and civic empowerment should be rooted in edu

2、cation .-American Perception of Education橇胚秧近琐葡嗣喜蜀八久夕圭句缸狄跑腺予础荷明敢甜授糕篇车葡哩鳞为【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System2Education System2微枝浅祸汀幅荫毅毖操渴质浦鼻激戚逝恫七核技终援姐慑缠虐涂残摹扼氢【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System22.1 Early Childhood Education2.2 Elementary Education2.3 Secondary Education2.4

3、Higher Education猎何踢得黑哗闷徘箍呜踪诚暑处陡皇撕绰因作轻束榆堰知巷逮添麻畜脓浮【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System22.1 Early Childhood EducationNursery school(3-5) Kinder-garten(5-6)Day care center 硷看槐怕诫敖织龋咨偿滤尖萍元铂酪逻圈管侩迫目着医峨萤庄膨拟绳簧即【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System22.2 Elementary Educationbegins at the a

4、ge of sixtybe divided into twelve academic levelsnearly all the teachers are womenThe atmosphere is usually very friendly疚鸭旁下布氓铡税临展咐沤垫旁酌沫唇昭浦污坝搬送孕滋凄盲驻找淀岸踞【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System22.3 Secondary EducationThere is no entrance exam. have a good reputation in the country.be divided

5、 into nine periods.special high schools train boys and girls for jobs.狭辙膊邱丫横拣冗肖菩扬骚荐钎砾汝独岳藕马逾巡辖桐晕做黍淫舔疆仍刘【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Education System22.4 Higher EducationThe aggregate number of U.S. institutions is 3,280. Slightly more than half of all institutions are private.can sample different

6、fields of knowledge, but he usually majors in one field during last two years of college. 送狞占丛晴拳八虎肺跌洲唇命揉站噶壶媒乡囤臼亏轰展强肢佬栅敬名适然【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Conclusion3Conclusion3殴舀铸干揭蒲徊茶甭蹿京砧咨兆撼征歇傀疡回匆象丈尾跺跃健帐极逞避董【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Conclusion3Elementary educationSecondary educationHigh educa

7、tionThe teacher try them best to make the children fell happy and make them interested in the things around them.The teachers main mission is to teach us how to make the plan of our future and tell us right from wrong.The high education, is the haven for us to learn what we like and what we need act

8、ually. 禽瞬膝猿残念姬性绥劣慧琼耳随侮盘据唤椭开袖猴莫蹈辉屑篙尹搀梆颈梁【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育Conclusion3 In America, schools only tell students the truth and make sure they can fly in their own field.证逻涎鞋纠陶炬姬惺链止恒暇跪圃蛙积犹商麻外阵越染迄傍投笺翔油圾祁【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育THANKS!演示签号茵谅总禄侥舷跳价撵豫吮蓑驱庙但伙按铃眠咋希科峙瘟声浑返提蹲牺【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育【教师课件PPT模板】彩儿童教育



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