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1、新核心综合学术英语第一册Unit-2Unit 2 Urbanization Learning objectivesIn this unit, students are expected to:1.acquire background information related to global warming.2. skim for main ideas and scan for specific details. 3. process and integrate information from different sources. 4. paraphrase mid-long and com

2、plex sentences. 5. communicate ideas on the topic via writing and speaking. 6. conduct an individual or group project. Part I Suggested projects Part I Suggested projects Part II Text-related information Part II Text-related information Part III Reading & Listening Part III Reading & Listening Part

3、IV Additional activities Part IV Additional activities Part V Exercises Part V Exercises Part IPart I Part I Suggested projectslBrainstorm, narrow down the topic, then choose a focus;lSearch for information (articles, report, pictures, videos, etc.) from English sources;lProcess the information, and

4、 choose examples and details to support the aspects that are to be presented;lWrite a report with the information selected, and make a multimedia presentation of the report in class;lDesign quizzes or Q & A section for the presentation. Recommended steps to do the project are:Part I Suggested projec

5、tslvarious causes of urbanizationlthe urbanization in the last decades in Chinalthe urbanization in the last decades around the world lurbanization and economic effects lurbanization and the environmental effects lurbanization and peoples life lsolutions to meet the challenge of urbanization Key top

6、ic areas are: Part II Text related informationPart II Text related informationBackground information1. modernization 现代化(进程)现代化(进程)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information2. 2. Industrialization 工业化(进程)工业化(进程)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information3. Dhaka 达卡(印度城市)达卡(印度城市)Unit 2 Part II Text-related

7、information4. Karachi 卡拉奇(巴基斯坦首都)卡拉奇(巴基斯坦首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information5. Jakarta 雅加达(印尼首都)雅加达(印尼首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information6. Mumbai 孟买孟买 (印度城市)(印度城市)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information7. Delhi 德里德里(印度首都印度首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information8. Manila 马尼拉(菲律宾首都)马

8、尼拉(菲律宾首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information9. Seoul首尔首尔 (韩国首都)(韩国首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information10 . Beijing (中国首都)(中国首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information11 . The Pearl River Delta 珠江三角洲珠江三角洲Unit 2 Part II Text-related information12. Shanghai 上海上海 (中国最大的城市)(中国最大的城市)Unit 2 Part

9、II Text-related information13. Suzhou 苏州苏州 Unit 2 Part II Text-related information14. Tokyo 东京(日本首都)东京(日本首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information15. Mexico City 墨西哥城墨西哥城 (墨西哥首都)(墨西哥首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information16. So Paulo 圣保罗(巴西首都)圣保罗(巴西首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information17. N

10、ew York 纽约纽约Unit 2 Part II Text-related information18. Cairo 开罗开罗 (埃及首都)(埃及首都)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information19. The Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development人口与发展国际会议行动纲要人口与发展国际会议行动纲要Unit 2 Part II Text-related information20. the United Nations Millen

11、nium Declaration 联合国千禧年宣言联合国千禧年宣言Unit 2 Part II Text-related information21. The Industrial Revolution工业革命工业革命 (资本主义工业化过渡阶段资本主义工业化过渡阶段)Unit 2 Part II Text-related information22. Lagos 拉各斯(尼日利亚旧都和最大港市)拉各斯(尼日利亚旧都和最大港市)Unit 2 Part II Text-related informationText analysis Unit 2 Part II Text-related info

12、rmationThemigrationtoAmericaconsistedofthreewavesofsettlers.Swallowsbegintheirmigrationsouthinautumn. Unit 2 Part III Reading 1e.g.2. be attributed to (Para. 1) be caused by, be the result of Thecaraccidentwasattributedtofaultybrakes.Heattributedtheprojectssuccesstoasophisticatedcomputerprogram.e.g.

13、Language Points 1. migration (Para. 1) n. the movement of people or animals from one country or locality to anotherUnit 2 Part III Reading 1e.g.3. project (Para. 1) v. predict, estimate, calculate 4. respectively (Para. 1) adv. in the same order as the people or things already mentionedTwoair-condit

14、ionersareinstalledrespectivelynearthefrontandbackdoors.MikeandKennethweremarriedin1985and1990,respectively.e.g. Itisprojectedthattradingrevenueswillfall28%fromthefirstquarterto$7billion,or29%fromayearago.Theyprojectedthebuildingcostsforthenextfiveyears.Governmentspendingisprojectedtorisebyfourpercen

15、tnextyear.Unit 2 Part III Reading 1e.g.5. proportion (Para. 2) n. a part or share of the whole, or the relationship between one thing and another in size, amount, or degree.6. overall (Para. 2) adv. & ad. general or including everything TheU.S.hadbeenthebiggestoverallenergyconsumersincetheearly1900s

16、.HowmuchworsemighttheoveralltrafficsituationgetinChina? e.g.Olderpeoplecomprisealargeproportionofthoselivinginpoverty.Hewouldhavebeentallifhehadlegsinproportiontohisarms.cf.outofproportionto Unit 1 Part III Reading 1e.g.7. relative to (Para. 2) compared with8. transformation (Para. 3) n. a complete

17、change into something elseTherehasbeenagreattransformationofmydiet,andonethatIdonotregretabit.Myhometownhasundergoneagreattransformationinthepasttenyears. e.g. Howdidthecontrolgroupstudentsdorelativetothewholeclass?Unit 2 Part III Reading 1e.g.9. predominantly (Para. 3) adv. mainly or mostly 10. be

18、characterized by (Para. 3) to have sth. as a typical feature or quality Hisearlypaintingsarecharacterizedbybrightcoloursandboldlines.StockmarketinChinacanbecharacterizedbythelargeproportionofretailinvestors. e.g. Hesaidthatgrowthwouldpredominantlycomefromemergingmarkets.Theblackgirllivesinapredomina

19、ntlywhiteneighbourhood. Unit 2 Part III Reading 111. communal (Para. 3) ad. owned or used by everyone in a group or communityacommunalgarden,kitchenorstairway Buildingtheplaygroundwasacommunalproject.Somecollegestudentsarefortunateenoughtohaveaccesstoacommunalkitchenspaceintheirdorm.e.g.12. intensif

20、y (Para. 3) v. make more acute; strengthen or sharpenMoreweaponsarrivedinthearea,andfightingintensifiedsoonafterward.Economicconditionsintensifiedthepressureonindustrytoraiseprices.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 1Hisfatherinsistedthathispocketmoneyshouldnotexceed500yuanpermonth.U.S.importsfromChinafare

21、xceedexports. e.g.13. exceed (Para. 3) v. be greater than a number or amount Unit 2 Part III Reading 2Shefellandinjuredherhead.Inafewminutesitstartedtoswellimmediately.Janewasswelledwithprideasshestoodwatchinghersongraduate. e.g.1. swell (Para. A) v. increase in size or amount 2. notable (Para. B) a

22、d. deserving to be noticed Hisbigblueeyesarehisnotablefeatures.Thelatestmodelofthecarhasmanynotablefeatures.Therearesomenotablechangesinthecompanyafterhearrived. e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 2Studyingabroadwillbegreathelpfulforustobroadenourhorizons,improveourskills,andaccumulateexperience.Ifyoujustl

23、earntwoorthreesentencesaday,youwillaccumulateawealthofEnglishinaveryshorttime.e.g.3. accumulate (Para. B) v. increase gradually 4. span of sth. (Para. B )the length of time that sth. lasts spanofhistoryspanofattentionspanoflifeorlifespan e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 2Printersandphotocopymachinesmakei

24、teasyforouruserstoduplicatecontenttocarryhomeorshare.YesterdayIreceived15duplicateemailsofthesamepictures,overandoveragain.e.g.5. duplicate (Para. B) v. & n. make a copy6. concentration (Para. C) n. a large number of people or things in one areaThestateshighestconcentrationofwealthisinthemetroareas.

25、Denverhasoneofthebiggestconcentrationsoftechworkersinthecountry.Byidentifyinggeographicalconcentrationsofindustries,wecanidentifytrainingneedsthatexistinthoseregions.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 2 Therehasbeenasignificantincreaseinthenumberofwomenstudentsinrecentyears.ThetalksbetweentheUSAandtheUSSRw

26、ereverysignificantfortherelationshipbetweenthetwocountries.e.g.7. significant (Para. C) ad. important or noticeable8. potential (Para. D) n. & ad. possibility, possible or likely in the futurePeoplelikethishaveanenormouspotentialforsocialnetworks.Sometimesyouneedtobeconfused,oruncertainaboutyourself

27、,toreachyourfullestpotential.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 2Hesaidcommoninterestsbetweenthetwocountriesfaroutweighthedifferences.Doyouthinkthebenefitsofthiswouldoutweightheproblems?Cf.outgrowoutrunoutlastoutnumber e.g.9. outweigh (Para. D) v. be greater or more important 10. exploit (Para. D) v. utili

28、ze , develop, use natural resources to gain as much as possible Itwasonlynaturalformankindtoexploitthecheapestenergysourcesfirst.ChinaTelecomistryingtoexploititsadvantageofbeingthesoleproviderwithfixed-lineandmobileservices.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 2Shedidnotrespondtoarequestforcommentontheschool

29、incidentlastWednesday.Buyersandsellersarequicktorespondtothechangesinmarketconditions. e.g.11. respond to (Para. E) do sth. as a reaction to 12. dweller (Para. E) n. people living in a place, residentDocitydwellershaveahigherdeathratethancountrypeople? TheShenzhendwellerscanenjoyahousingfundof13%oft

30、hewages.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 3Inasubsequentconversation,oneofthepatientstoldhimthatshehadliedtohim.Thetheorywasdevelopedsubsequenttotheearthquakeof1906.e.g.1. subsequent (Para. A) ad. following, succeeding 2. shift (Para. A) n. & v. change, switch Thisisatheoryofabruptclimateshift.Busdriversu

31、suallyworkthesplitshift.Thewindshiftedtoacounterclockwisedirection. e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 3ThemanagementfinallydecidedtolocateourEuropeanofficeinParisaftermuchdiscussion.Scientistsbelievethatwhalesvocalizetolocateoneanother,tofindmates. e.g.3. locate (Para. A) v. to set or establish in a posit

32、ion, situation, or locality; place; settle; to identify or discover the position of 4. employment (Para. A) n. an occupation by which a person earns a living, work, or business Wewillgototheemploymentofficeinthecitylookingforwork.Heisnotinemploymentatthemoment. e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 3Thedrugha

33、ssofarhadnoadverseeffectonthepatients.Werelearningaboutwhatagroupofpeoplecandounderadversecircumstances.e.g.5. adverse (Para. B) ad. unfavorable, negative, unpleasant or harmful 6. strain (Para. B) n. pressure caused by a difficult situation Thiswarwillputagreatstrainontheeconomy.Icanttakethestraino

34、fanothermove.Heisfeelingoverworkedandunderstrain. e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 3Asuddendownpourcontributedtothetrafficjaminthecity.Theoldmanisgenerousenoughtocontributealargesumtothecharitieseveryyear. e.g.7. contribute (Para. C) to help to cause an event or situation; provide money or support to hel

35、p othersUnit 2 Part III Reading 4Thegirlinredreallystoodoutinthecrowds.Hestoodoutfromthe100applicantsforthejob. e.g.1. stand out (Para. 1) v. very noticeable; be better than 2. minimum (Para. 1) ad. & n. the smallest amount or number allowed or possibleWeneedaminimumoftenpeopletoplaythisgame.Weneedt

36、okeepcoststoaminimum.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Hecontinuestodenythatheneedshelp.WomenweredeniedtherightsofbeingeducatedinancientChina. e.g.3. deny (Para. 1) v. declare sth. to be untrue; refuse to give 4. futile (Para. 1) ad. achieving no effect or nothing Allmyattemptstopersuadehertochangehermin

37、dprovedfutile.Millionofpeoplewanderedthecountryinafutilequestforworkduringthedepressiondays.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Itwasclearthattheyhadnotactedinviolationoftherules.Failingtotakeattendance,forinstance,isnotonlyaviolationofpolicy. e.g.5. violation (Para. 1) n. a crime or infringement of a law

38、or rules6. promote (Para. 1) support or encourage sth. Thegovernmentiscommittedtopromotingthedevelopmentanduseofpublictransportation.Theystartedacampaigntopromoterecyclinginthecity.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Theirparentsstayedtogetheronlyforthesakeofthechildren.Pleasehelpme,forGodssake.forartssake

39、,forthesakeofarte.g.7. for ones sake (Para.1) in order to help or bring advantage to someone8. adequate (Para.2) ad. good enough or large enough for a particular purposeThestatehasanadequatesupplyoftrainedteachers.Thehouseisperfectlyadequateforjustthetwoofus.Theexistinglawisadequatetodealwiththeprob

40、lem.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Thesitehaseasyaccesstothemotorway.Foryears,newspapercompanieshavebeenofferingWebaccessfree.Toaccessthemusic,youllhavetoinstallsoftwarefromthesite.Italsoprovidesaccesstogreatreferencesourcesinthelibrary. e.g.9. access (Para.1) n. & v. the method of getting to or enter

41、ing a place; the right or opportunity to use or receive something 10. knit together (Para.2) join together or work together as one group or unitHowdidsuchdisparategroupsknitthemselvesintoasingleorganization?e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Parentsaresendingareadinglistafewweeksinadvanceofthestartofthesc

42、hoolyear.Heraldwalkedinadvanceoftheking.Youmustgettheticketsinadvance. e.g.11. in advance of (Para.2) in front of, before 12. in view of (Para.2) because of sth. or taking sth into considerationInviewofthecircumstances,itseemsbestforustowaituntiltomorrow.Inviewofthecommitteescriticismsofhim,hefelthe

43、hadtoresign.e.g.Unit 2 Part III Reading 4Hecalledforconcertedactionagainstterrorism.Weneedtomakeaconcertedefforttoprotectthepeacekeepers.e.g.13. concerted (Para. 3) ad. involving a lot of people or organizations working together in a determined way 14. critical (Para.3) ad. giving opinions or judgme

44、nts on books; very important; very serious or dangerous Weneedtodosomecriticalthinkingtosolvetheproblem.Weseethisasacriticalmomentandaturningpointforthecompany. e.g.Translations of the TextsReading 1 Unit 2 Part III Translations of the TextsReading 2 Unit 2 Part III Translations of the TextsReading

45、3 Unit 2 Part III Translations of the TextsReading 4 Unit 2 Part III Listen to Part 1 of Listening 1 and circle the correct answer.21 A2 B3 AListen to Part 2 of Listening 1 and circle the correct answer.31 B2 A3 BUnit 2 Part III Listening 1Listen to Part 3 of Listening 1 and check the statements bel

46、low and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).Unit 5 Art41 T2 T3 FListen to Part 4 of Listening 1 and complete the following paragraph.5project, various, reforms, a variety of problems, advancing4 TUnit 2 Part III Listening 1Listen to Part 1 of Listening 2 and circle the best answer.Unit 5 A

47、rt81 A2 B3 B4 AUnit 2 Part III Listening 2Listen to Part 2 of Listening 2 and answer the questions below. Unit 5 Art91)We should be aware of the importance of environment and protect our earth in daily life such as saving water resource, not throwing rubbish about, not making noise. 2)The government

48、 should check out car and bus exhaust fumes and fine for companies found disposing of waste by illegal means.3)The government should encourage companies to use new and cleaner fuels which is little harmful to environment. 4)Encourage people to use public transport, to buy new buses and to use new te

49、chnologies to improve the efficiency of transportation system.Unit 2 Part III Listening 2Listen to Part 3 of Listening 2 and complete the following paragraph.10take advantage of, prompt, extension, harvest, ensure, reasonable, limited and preciousUnit 2 Part III Listening 210Part IV Additional activ

50、itiesPart IV Additional activitiesDictation Unit 2 Part IV Additional activities1. Write a passage on urbanization in China in about 150 words. Unit 2 Part IV Additional activitiesPractice 2. Write a summary of Reading 2 in around 100 words.Unit 2 Part IV Additional activities3. Recommended video fo

51、r students to watch: Urbanization In China: Happiness is seen Everywhere, 2011 Documentary. Part V Exercises Part V Exercises 2. Paraphrase each of the sentences below by using as many synonyms as possible. Unit 2 Part V Writing 1) Urbanization is the sign of the increasing number of people in urban

52、 areas Urbanization represents the rate at which the urban proportion is increasing.2) Many Chinese emerging new cities are the result of the large movement of people who flood into cities in recent years Many Chinese emerging new cities are attributed to the large scale urban migration in recent ye

53、ars.3) The main character of urban culture is that everyone wants to be better than others. Urban culture is chiefly characterized by competitive behavior. Unit 2 Part V Writing 4) Many studies show that the urban expansion may enjoy more advantages than its disadvantages. Many studies suggest that

54、the benefits of urban expansion outweigh the disadvantages.5) Rural farmers are attracted to the cities because the shortage of medical and education resources in rural areas The lack of medical and education resources in rural areas also drives rural farmers to the cities.6) Companies can make more

55、 money by building their factories in rural areas where there are plenty of cheap labor. It will make the companies more profitable to locate their factories in rural areas where there are plenty of cheap labor Unit 2 Part V Writing 7) They dont provide them with services in order to prevent them to

56、 move to the cities They discourage rural-urban migration by denying them necessary services.8) It is important to make to make joint international effort in urbanization. A concerted international effort is crucial to urbanization.3. Paraphrase each of the sentences below according to the models.Mo

57、del 1Through urbanization, every country in the industrial age has achieved signifi cant economic growth.No country in the industrial age has ever achieved signifi cant economic growth without urbanization.Model 2Whenever a conference is held there will always be some talks on changes and challenges

58、.There is no conference to be held without some talks on changes and challenges.Unit 2 Part V Writing 1)Whenever we pick up a newspaper we never fail to find some advertisements for rural work. No newspapers have ever been read without finding some advertisements for rural work.2) Advances in social

59、 development rely on the effort to make education universally available. No advances in social development has ever been made without the effort to make education universally available. Unit 2 Part V Writing 3) To fully respect the rights of the rural migrants is the first step to success in urbaniz

60、ation No success in urbanization has ever been achieved without fully respecting the rights of the rural migrants.4) Urbanization must offer real job opportunities to rural migrants, otherwise there will be no hope for economic improvement There will be no hope for economic improvement if urbanizati

61、on do not offer real job opportunities to rural migrants.5) Almost all urbanization will encounter such problems as poverty, poor sanitation, unemployment and high crime rates. There is no urbanization which does not experience such problems as poverty, poor sanitation, unemployment and high crime r

62、ates.4. Read the paragraphs taken from this unit and summarize each of them using one sentence only. Unit 2Part V Writing 1) Better Economic opportunities attract workers to urban areas. 2) Urbanization is unavoidable, but people also have benefits from it.Answers for reference :3) Urbanization is a

63、n inevitable trend. 5. Read the following topic sentences. Then decide which part is topic and which part is controlling idea and add a controlling idea if it is absent. Unit 2 Part V Writing 1) T C 2) T C 3) T C 4) C T 5) T C 6) T C 7) become self-reliant/ learn from a failure/live independently An

64、swers for reference :8) giving their children an education/ develop their children curiosity 9) discourage people from smoking/ enhance peoples awareness of global warming. 10) Many different kinds of part-time jobs/ 2. Fill in the following blanks with words and sentences given below. Change the fo

65、rms where necessary. 1). intimate 2) eliminate 3) futile 4) commercial 5) unprecedented 6) adverse 7) stretched 8) fabric 9) intensify 10) characterized 11) boundaries 2) minimum Keys for reference:Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises3.Guess the meaning of the following words and then add more words u

66、sing the same prefix or suffix. Share your answers with the class. Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises1) untouchable unbelievable unreasonable comfortable unaccountable2) modernize globalize mobilize commercialize industrialize3) subway subordinate subnormal subdivide subheading 4) rearrange reconfir

67、m recall redo reappear5) acceptable agreeable affordable adaptable comfortable6) disagree disable discharge disarm disappear7) government arrangement employment development payment8) outnumber outroot outlaw outburst output9) proceed progress provide promote produce10) enable enlarge enrich enclose

68、encourage Keys for reference:4. Tick off those words or phrases which can not collocate with the head word.Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises1)the speed 2) to Paris 3)of common sense 4) to the discussion 5) prices 6) management 7)rivers 8) of footsteps 9) in the area 10) to be there on timeKeys for

69、reference:5. Find synonyms in the box below of the following words as many as possible.Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises1) predict: forecast, foresee, foretell2) approach: method, means, procedure, technique3) require: ask, demand, need, desire, want, necessitate, request4)critical: crucial, decisi

70、ve, essential, vital, all-important, grave5)enhance: improve, increase, intensify, strengthen, boost, heighten6)adequate: abundant, ample, enough, sufficient, plenty7)accomplish: achieve, attain, complete, finish, fulfill, bring about 8)congestion: overcrowding, traffic jam, bottle-neck, jam 9)enorm

71、ous: gigantic, immense, massive, tremendous, huge10) investigation: examination, analysis, study, survey, search, enquiry Keys for reference7.Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises 1) A

72、ccording to some reports, many big cities suffer traffic problems which can be attributed largely to urbanization. (受交通堵塞困扰,而这主要是城市化引起的). 2) Poor sanitation does exist. But the attempt to prevent urban expansion is futile, (阻止城市发展是无用的). What we should do is to promote environmental sustainability (促

73、进环境的持续发展). .3) All of us have witnessed the unprecedented economic growth,which is unimaginable only in the last centuries (史无前例的经济发展,这在上个世纪是难以想象的). Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 4) We must make great efforts to eliminate many social problems associated with urbanization (消除和城市化有关于的社会弊病). 5) As

74、 a result of rural migration,(由于农村到城市的迁移),growth of urban areas is especially commonplace in developing countries (在发展中国家司空见惯.6) The potential benefits of urbanization far outweigh the disadvantages; (远大于弊) and the challenge is in learning how to exploit its possibilities (利用它的可能性). 7) In 1994, a Pr

75、ogram of the International Conference called on governments (呼吁各国政府) to encourage economic growth(鼓励经济增长)., Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 8) Urbanization offers real economic opportunities to people (使人们获取真正的经济机会), resulting in more profits and more jobs. (带来了更多的利润和就业机会) 9) Many policymakers continue to try to prevent urban growth (制止城市规模的发展)with measures such as driving the rural migrants out and denying them services (拒绝给予他们各项服务). 10) The institution should play a key role in supporting (在支持上起着关键性的作用) social movements and enhancing its power (提高能力)to reduce poverty. , 谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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