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1、The Telecommunications RevolutionBook 4, Unit 4Text AProper namesvtelecommunicationsvopticalfiber(L.6)/high-capacityopticalfiberlinks(L.38)vcable(L.7)vcopperwire(L.8)vdigitalswitches(L.8)/digitalmodel(L.22)/digitalmobilephonesystems(L.51)vwirelesstransmissionsystems(L.9)vtheInformationAge(L.10)vaspi

2、derswebofdigitalandwirelesscommunicationlinks(L.11)v电信v光纤.光学纤维/高容量的光纤电缆网v电缆v铜线(电缆)v数字转换器/数字模式/数字移动电话系统v无线传播系统v信息时代v一个蜘蛛网般的数字和无线通信网络2Proper namesvthe information superhighway (L. 39) vlog on (to)/ log out/off (L. 40) vthe electronic data (L. 42) /electron (L. 73)vpaperless trading (L. 43) vradio towe

3、r (L. 53) vstring lines across mountain ridges (L. 53) vwireless call (L. 55)vfixed lines (L. 56)v信息高速公路v进入(计算机)系统;登录/退出v电子数据/电子(信号)v无纸化交易v无线电发射塔v翻山越岭架设线路v无线电话v固定线路3telephone&mobilephoneInternetandemailfaxradiodigitalTVsatelliteTelecommunicationsvWhat telecommunications devices are available in your

4、 life? What does telecom mean to you?4TelecommunicationsvTelecommunications,fromGreek,means“communicationsatadistance”.vThe first trend:theincredibleincreaseintheprocessingpowerofdigitalcomputers,namely,dramaticdecreasesinphysicalsize,dramaticincreasesincomplexity,speedandcapacity.vThe second trend:

5、theexplosivegrowthintransmissioncapacitythroughthewidespreaduseofopticalfiberacrosscontinentsandunderoceans.5optical fiber vOpticalfiber(or“fiberoptic”)oftenreferstothemediumandthetechnologyassociatedwiththetransmissionofinformationaslightpulses(光脉冲)alongaglassorplasticwireorfiber.Opticalfibercarrie

6、smuchmoreinformationthanconventionalcopperwireandisingeneralnotsubjecttoelectromagnetic电磁的interferenceandtheneedtoretransmitsignals.Mosttelephonecompanylong-distancelinesarenowofopticalfiber.6Information Age vWhenwesaythatweliveintheinformationage,wemeanthatweliveinatimewheninformationisveryimportan


8、digitalinformationarepacingthespreadoftheinformationagethroughoutsociety.7Information superhighway vA name first used by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore for the vision of a global, high-speed communications network that will carry voice, data, video, and other forms of information all over the wo

9、rld, and that will make it possible for people to send e-mail, get up-to-the-minute news, and access business, government and educational information.8Global Reading Text AnalysisvIntroduction + Question + Sample Solutions + Conclusion9Global Reading Text AnalysisvFast ReadingPart I (Para. 12) A New

10、 Technology and Its AdvantagesWhats the new technology?What are its advantages? (6 advantages)Part II (Para. 3) Whats in SuspenseWhats the problem developing countries are facing?Part III (Para. 410) Whats in CertaintyCommunications will be a key factor separating the winners from the losers.What ar

11、e the conditions in the six countries and regions? Russia, the mainland of China, Hungary, Latin America, Thailand, Vietnam. (one-sentence summary only)Part IV (Para. 11) A Brilliant Prospect10AnswersvConditions in the Six Countries and Regions vRussia (Para. 4)Russia needs to invest in information

12、technology a huge amount of money to update its ancient telephone system but it is unlikely due to a poor economy.vThe mainland of China (Para. 56)China, taking advantages of its backwardness, invests a huge amount of money to become major parts of the information highway, and Shanghai plans telecom

13、 networks as powerful as those in Manhattan.11AnswersvConditions in the Six Countries and Regions vHungary (Para. 7)To overcome the problem of funding and to speed the import of Western technology, Hungary sold a 30% stake in its national phone company to two western companies, which Hungary finds w

14、orthwhile.vLatin America (Para. 8)Different from other countries, wireless phone service providers in Latin American countries are making money.12AnswersvConditions in the Six Countries and RegionsvThailand (Para. 9)People in Thailand are happy to accept the new technologies as they can make better

15、use of all the time they spend stuck in traffic with mobile phones.vVietnam (Para. 10)Vietnam plans to invest more in optical fiber digital switches, and transmission systems to keep pace with anyone in Asia in new tech for decades.13Filling the blanksCountriesAdvantagesProblemsSolutionsResultsRussi

16、aChinaHungaryLatinAmericaThailandVietnam14vshouldgreatlyboostlivingstandards(L.1)v提高提高生活水准生活水准vTr. 没有什么比没有什么比在比赛中获胜更能提高运动员的在比赛中获胜更能提高运动员的士气士气。vNothing can boost the morale of players better than their victory in games.Detailed Reading15vPlacesthatuntilrecentlyweredeafanddumb(L.2) vfigurative languag

17、eisolatedill-informedno exchange of information / communicationvparaphrase?vthose areas where until recently people were unable to communicate with the outside world because of the lack of the telecommunications facilities16vPlacesthatuntilrecentlyweredeafanddumbarerapidlyacquiringup-to-datetelecomm

18、unicationsthatwillletthempromotebothinternalandforeigninvestment.(L.2) vtranslate?v一些不久前还是信息闭塞的地方正在迅速获得最新的通信技术,这将促进他们吸纳国内外投资。17vaparadeofurbancentersandindustrialzonesfrom(L.9)Allthesedevelopingregions(L.13)vzone / district / region / areavzone: 具有某种明显特点的地区具有某种明显特点的地区the industrial zone/economic dev

19、elopment zonevdistrict: 由国家划定的行政区域由国家划定的行政区域Xuanwu district of Nanjingvregion: 地理上的自然分界区域地理上的自然分界区域the semi-desert regions of Australiavarea: 地区,范围,面积,普遍用语,词义较广。地区,范围,面积,普遍用语,词义较广。Dogs are not allowed in the childrens play area.18vtoleapoverwholestagesofeconomicdevelopment(L.14)v跨越经济发展诸阶段跨越经济发展诸阶段vT

20、r. 爱的力量可以使爱的力量可以使两个民族两个民族跨越时空跨越时空,和睦相处。和睦相处。vThe power of love enables two peoples to leap over time and space and live in harmony with each other.19vtoleapoverwholestagesofeconomicdevelopment(L.14)vleapover: makealargeorsuddenmovement,usu.fromoneplacetoanothervThethiefleaptoverthewallanddisappeared



23、(L.14)vTranslation?v例如,信息技术的广泛应用有望缩短劳动密集型的组装工业例如,信息技术的广泛应用有望缩短劳动密集型的组装工业转向涉及工程、营销和设计的那些产业所要的时间。转向涉及工程、营销和设计的那些产业所要的时间。vTr. 经常接触不同的文化经常接触不同的文化有望有望优化优化我们的我们的知识结构知识结构。vOur frequent access to different cultures promises to optimize the structure of our knowledge.22vModerncommunications“willgivecountries

24、likeChinaandVietnamahugeadvantageovercountriesstuckwitholdtechnology”.(L.18)vgive a huge advantage over使与相比拥有巨大的优势vTr.在就业市场上,一些固有的性别观念使男性与女性相比拥有巨大的优势。vIn the job market, some fixed notions about gender give men a huge advantage over women. 23vModerncommunications“willgivecountrieslikeChinaandVietnam

25、ahugeadvantageovercountriesstuckwitholdtechnology”.(L.18)vbe stuck with: have no choice about dealing with (sb./sth.) or having to do 无法摆脱,解脱不了;被.缠住无法摆脱, 遇到困难无法进行下去vWhy am I always stuck with the dirty work? vWe were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly. vcf. stick with: 坚持vLets just m

26、ake a decision, and then stick with it. vcf. be stuck in: be caught or held in a position so that you cannot move 陷入vIts economy is stuck in recession. (L. 31)v the time they spend stuck in traffic. (L. 66)vHe was stuck awkwardly in the middle. v他处在进退两难的尴尬境地。24vHowfastthesenationsshouldpush aheadisa

27、 matter of debate.(L.20)vpush ahead/forward (with) : continue trying to achieve something坚决进行(下去)vTr. 一旦心中确定了目标确定了目标,不管有任何艰难困苦,都要勇往直前。vOnce you have a goal set in mind, just push forward/ahead with it, regardless of any hardships involved. v他们已决定继续提出诉讼。vThey have decided to push ahead with legal act

28、ions. va matter of sth./doing sth: sth that needs or requires sth else需要的问题,需要事情va matter of debate/opinion/time/personal taste一个有争论的问题/看法问题/时间问题/个人口味问题25vManyexpertsthinkVietnamisgoingtoofarbyrequiringthatallmobilephonesbeexpensivedigitalmodels,whenitisdesperateforanyphones,period.(L.20)vgo too far

29、: behave in an unacceptable or extreme way 过火Hes often rude, but this time hes gone too far.vbe desperate for: 急需More and more places have been desperate for water in recent years. vperiod: used at the end of a statement to show that you believe you have said all there is to say on a subject and you

30、 are not going to discuss it any more. I dont want to do it, period. 我不想做这件事,我说完了。vTranslation?v许多专家认为,越南在目前急需电话的情况下,却要求所有的移动电话都必须是昂贵的数字型电话的做法就是太超前了。26vlackexperienceinweighingcostsand(L.23)vweigh: 权衡,斟酌权衡,斟酌vother phrases:vweigh ideas 权衡意见权衡意见vweigh ones words 斟酌词句斟酌词句vweigh against 权衡,比较权衡,比较vTr.

31、爱对爱对个人得失个人得失斤斤计较的人,根本不可能生活得幸福。斤斤计较的人,根本不可能生活得幸福。vThose who are liable to weigh personal gains and losses are far from likely to live in happiness.27vThismeansthatmajorcitiesaregettingthebasicinfrastructuretobecomemajorpartsoftheinformationsuperhighway,allowingpeopletologontothemostadvancedservicesav

32、ailable.(L.38)vTranslation?v 这意味着其主要城市正获得必需的基础设施,成为信息高速公路的主要部分,使人们能够进入系统,获得最先进的服务。28vToofferpeakperformanceinprovidingtheelectronicdataandpaperlesstradingglobalinvestorsexpect,ShanghaiplanstelecommunicationsnetworksaspowerfulasthoseinManhattan.(L.42)vTranslation?v为了能给国际投资者提供其所期望的电子数据和无纸化交易的出色服务,上海计划

33、建设与曼哈顿的网络同样强大的远程通信网络。29vTofurtherreducethewaitinglistforphones,HungaryhasleasedrightstoaDutch-Scandinaviangroupofcompaniestobuildandoperatewhatitsayswillbeoneofthemostadvanceddigitalmobilephonesystemsintheworld.(L.49)vthe waiting list for phones: the number of people waiting for phones电话待装户; vthe wa

34、iting list: a list of people who have asked for something which is not immediately available but which they will or might be able to receive in the future 候选人名单:如为某职务或填补一个空缺而列出的一些人的名单vThe hospital has a waiting list for minor operations.vTranslation?v 为进一步减少电话待装用户,匈牙利已将权利出租给一家荷兰斯堪的纳维亚企业集团,来建造并经营一个据说

35、位居世界先进行列的数字移动电话系统。30vtoacceptasignificantlyhigherpricetagforawirelesscall(L.55)vto accept/pay a high price tag for sth. v花费高价来换取某物花费高价来换取某物vTr. 要买新款手机得出高价钱,但几个月内此价格就会要买新款手机得出高价钱,但几个月内此价格就会大幅度降低。大幅度降低。vA high price tag has to be paid for cell phones of the latest fashion, but in a couple of months, i

36、t will dive enormously. 31vtheentirewidthandbreadthofLatinAmerica.(L.57)vthe width and breadth of: the entire extent of vthe length and breadth of vNow that youve got at the length and breadth of what happened, it is up to you to do as you see fit. 既然你知道了事情的始末,那你就看着办吧。既然你知道了事情的始末,那你就看着办吧。vTr. 国庆节期间,

37、神州大地到处充满着祥和、幸福的气氛。国庆节期间,神州大地到处充满着祥和、幸福的气氛。vDuring the National Day, there is an atmosphere of peace and happiness across the entire width and breadth of China. 32vSomobilephoneshavebecometherageamongbusinesspeople(L.68) vrage n.v1. outburst of furious anger 盛怒盛怒the rage of the sea 怒海澎湃怒海澎湃be in / fl

38、y into a rage 勃然大怒勃然大怒v2. a rage for 强烈欲望强烈欲望v3. be / become (all) the rage among 在在之中成为时尚之中成为时尚vTr. 每逢佳节收发短信已成为中国人的时尚。每逢佳节收发短信已成为中国人的时尚。vSending and receiving short messages on every festive occasion has become the rage among the Chinese people.33vBygoingfornext-generationtechnologynow,(L.73)vgo fo

39、r: try to get or win something 追求追求vTr. 如果你今天一味地追求乐趣,那你日后不太可能有所如果你今天一味地追求乐趣,那你日后不太可能有所作为。作为。vIf you are going for fun alone today, you are less than likely to achieve something in time to come. 34vForcountriesthathavelaggedbehindforsolong,thetemptationtomoveaheadinonejumpishardtoresist.(L.76)vTransl

40、ation?v对于那些长期落后的国家来说,一跃而名列前茅的诱惑难以抵御。35Words & Expressions36telecommunicationsvtele-vatoroveralongdistance远(距离)vtelescopevtelegraphvtelephone37opticalvanopticaldiskv光盘vanopticalillusionv错觉;视错觉38millimetervmilli-千分之一vcentimetercenti-百分之一vdecimeterdeci-十分之一vmetervkilometer39cablevcablecarv缆车vcabletelev




44、nces.vcansofcondensedsoupv浓缩汤罐头vSteamiscondensed(冷凝)intowaterwhenittouchesacoldsurface.44intensivevintensivecarev(重病)深切治疗;特别护理vICUv重症监护室intensivecareunitvlabor-intensive劳动密集型vcapital-intensive资金密集型venergy-intensive能源密集型vknowledge-intensive知识密集型vintenseadj.强烈的;紧张的vintensifyv. 增强,强化vintensityn. 强烈,剧烈,



47、helpyouinanyway)51提高生活水平提高生活水平 促进国内投资促进国内投资 电力供应电力供应一系列一系列走得太远走得太远 急需急需 缺某方面经验缺某方面经验 估算成本估算成本 选择技术选择技术区分输赢因素区分输赢因素boost living standardspromote internal investmentpower supplies a parade ofgo too farbe desperate forlack experience in sth.weigh costschoose between technologiesfactors separating winne

48、rs from losersExpressions in the Text52在信息时代繁荣在信息时代繁荣解决资金问题解决资金问题大容量光纤大容量光纤基础设施基础设施信息高速公路信息高速公路提供优质服务提供优质服务花高价买某物花高价买某物由自己支配由自己支配与某人保持联系与某人保持联系迈出大胆的一步迈出大胆的一步thrive in the Information Age lick the problem of fundshigh-capacity optical fiberbasic infrastructure information superhighwayoffer peak perfo

49、rmance accept higher price tag for sth.at ones disposal remain in contact with sb.make a bold leap53摆脱不了陷入摆脱不了陷入推进某事推进某事的问题的问题使用利用使用利用 追求;赞成;适用于追求;赞成;适用于 省会省会落后落后与与齐头并进齐头并进登录登录仅触及表面仅触及表面be stuck with / inpush ahead with sth.a matter ofmake use ofgo forprovincial capitalslag behindkeep pace with/cruise alongsidelog onscratch the surface54



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