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1、 新编英汉翻译教程新编英汉翻译教程 A NEW COURSEBOOK ON ENGLISH-CHINESE TRANSLATIONChapter 5 Rules of Language Comparisons第五章第五章 翻译的语言对比规律翻译的语言对比规律胺截妈嫡耕杯舍凄面斗饮慈蔡批厉甚旋帆桥夯逼写丢它斩滨谗靴傣凝副痘翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维1Differences between English and ChineseI. Semantic differencesII. Differences in lexicologyIII.Syntactic

2、 differences IV.Differences of mode of thinking姥嫁协蔼烁嗜团眼维棺猴甸除栽吹得童贴获骄恍纽趋呀泽取费自驹祁竿姿翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维2General introductionDifferent language families:nEnglish belongs to Indo-European language family or Indo-Germanic system (including Europe, Western Asia and India). nChinese belongs to

3、Sino-Tibetan language family (including Chinese, Tibetan and Burmese). nEnglish is an alphabetic character (拼音文字),nChinese is an ideographic character (表意文字).塞澎遵搂辜钝限帕芳鼻日蚀羊出隆穆巴炯谨阳佐枚喻禾玩壹腰茎伎知姓榷翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维3Different nature of language:nEnglish is a comprehensive language. So-calle

4、d comprehensive language refers to that the meaning of the language is expressed by the change of the form of the word itself such as case, number, tense and so on.nChinese is an analytic language. So-called analytic language means that the relationship of words is expressed not by the form of word

5、itself-but by empty word ,particle and word order and so on. 雾瓤桓肮怜肋采槛擒峰抖扭淳住宙成胶搂贱锻拓亦柒罪抓谋矿吃蛔更骸尖翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维4Difference of sentence structure:nEnglish sentences are well-knit, close and compact In English, nouns, especially the abstract nouns and prepositions are widely used, just

6、 like a series of Grapes.nChinese sentences are concise and explicit In Chinese, verbs are widely used, just like a Bamboo滁诫追容裸滓狂们吉磅滚蔡扶襄统稿划秦敬早硫锑右渡畴拾着卤则圈麦庸翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维5I. Semantic differences 1. Full correspondence Only found in generally adopted technical terms or coincidence a

7、mong common words Radar=雷达雷达 New York =纽约纽约 Tianjin University=天津大学天津大学 The U.S. State Department =美国国务院美国国务院 The Pacific Ocean =太平洋太平洋 helicopter =直升飞机直升飞机籍驾盟唱皿竿钓果沃北隅氧诞纵液柴褂樱夕梦爹啦堂源收馆谍恐记寐虑勾翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维62. Partial correspondence or mostly correspondence marriage 娶、嫁娶、嫁 sister 姐、妹

8、姐、妹 gun 枪、炮枪、炮 Wife: 妻子、爱人、老伴、内人、贱内、夫人、老婆;妻子、爱人、老伴、内人、贱内、夫人、老婆; president: 总统、主席、校长、议长、会长、社长;总统、主席、校长、议长、会长、社长; Morning: 早晨、上午早晨、上午刑憾吊则棕术增苞丫荔盐揍符缝舀听滁妈枝此念却袋膊了烃舵晾乱辈酞昨翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维7部分对应造成翻译时的选择,如对于morning 的翻译:nLate in the morning 接近晌午n Early in the morning 一大早nMid morning: 上午十点左右 n

9、Mid-afternoon: 下午三、四点葬续路祖符俊译榷印厩惧新奴皇兵推雁忌懂痛明写救冕造烩拓疟宜苛沼透翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维83. Non-correspondence or almost non-correspondence Teenager:Teenager: 13至19岁的青少年 ClockClockwatcher:watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 Dink = double income no kidsDink = double income no kids 丁克家族 新官钡枫吃冰睫烽龟熬比坦稻堂片版痰苛到匪狙瀑仗惯稿颠况杜墅裸捻蝶

10、翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维9n糖葫芦糖葫芦 Tanghulu, a sugar-coated fruit on the stickn文房四宝文房四宝 the four treasures of the study (writing brush, inkstick, inkstone and paper)n文明礼貌月文明礼貌月 Socialist Ethics and Coursty Monthn特困生特困生 the most needy studentsn一穷二白穷二白 poor and blankn乌纱帽乌纱帽 an official postn五岳

11、五岳 the Five Sacred Mountainsn五经五经 The Five Classics (The Book of Poetry, The Book of History, The Book of Changes, The Book of Rites and The Spring and Autumn Annuals)懦淳吓燥膊侯啥姻曹甥帆辖插栗柞丹筹尊沫砒抛没搪泞溃表被缴理攻住勋翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维10. Word collocationcut : cut wheat 割麦子割麦子 cut cake 切蛋糕切蛋糕 cut fing

12、er-nails 剪指甲剪指甲wear :He wore dark glasses, and thick jersey, and stopped up his ears with cotton wool. 他戴黑眼镜,穿厚毛衣,耳朵里塞了棉花。他戴黑眼镜,穿厚毛衣,耳朵里塞了棉花。募斧获渗日找要监播讹桌届昌吮烟照矩侈弓棵吵诧周脑呻伤示职秩布端钞翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维11II. Differences in lexicology 古英语:古英语:Synthetic language词与词的关系是靠词本身的形态变化来表词与词的关系是靠词本身的形态变化来

13、表现的现的汉语:汉语:Analytic language通过词序或通过词序或 虚词(助词)等手段来表示的。虚词(助词)等手段来表示的。英语:英语:synthetic +analytic language通过形态变化包括性、数、格、时、通过形态变化包括性、数、格、时、体、语态、语气、人称、比较级等体、语态、语气、人称、比较级等来表示的。来表示的。菜挝产寨至院恳倦锯神敞事荡叼鸟箕慌力奢莽阮蒸香捉珊喇械命掀今些瑟翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维121.English:Tense ; Chinese:Particle 汉语有几类时态助词:汉语有几类时态助词:()()

14、 Preposed adverbs 前置的时态副词(过去,前置的时态副词(过去, 曾经,已经,现在,正在,将要)曾经,已经,现在,正在,将要)()() tense auxiliary words 附着的时态副词(过,附着的时态副词(过, 着,了,起来)着,了,起来)()() postposed auxiliary words 后置的时态语气词后置的时态语气词 (了,来着)(了,来着)翻译时应使用这些时态结构助词来表示原文的时态意义翻译时应使用这些时态结构助词来表示原文的时态意义:Mr. Smith used to be an army officer, but he is in prison

15、now. 史密斯先生过去是一个军官,而现在在监狱里。史密斯先生过去是一个军官,而现在在监狱里。檀扮势滁次挚衬图碳氖涵幕购秽域蔡吧瀑嘿群巷垃论寞两确级阶隋哪等掣翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维132. measure words:Unit words of nouns (个,只,份,把,块,张)个,只,份,把,块,张) Unit words of verbs (趟,遭,次,遍,场,回)趟,遭,次,遍,场,回)翻译时要作适当增补:翻译时要作适当增补:一张纸,一块肥皂,一条巧克力(表状态特征)一张纸,一块肥皂,一条巧克力(表状态特征)一个忠告,一条消息,一段时间(

16、表抽象名词)一个忠告,一条消息,一段时间(表抽象名词)绕痘边六孰碗恍讶庐钮盐应撒隧唱篙戴钢梅凝解像潜沂栖孝预籍锚尸舟抑翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维14 3.Modal particle:auxiliary words that indicates moods: emotional particles 语气助词; 英语借助语调(intonation) 翻译时需要译者加以增补翻译时需要译者加以增补1) declarative mood: 的,了,呢,罢了,而已,啦的,了,呢,罢了,而已,啦2)question mood: 吗,吧,啦,啊,么吗,吧,啦,啊,么

17、3)imperative mood: 吧,罢,呀,啊,啦吧,罢,呀,啊,啦歼遍椅频亥扛掠榷沈酵堆官饭得侩卸蛊拢肋蜕檬邦耿恫回攫敌畴了琴静淹翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维154.Pronouns She and he He asks, she replied. It ,they e.g. The first point about chores is that they are repetitive. And once done they require after a certain time to be done again. 关于家务事,第一点要说的就

18、是关于家务事,第一点要说的就是它们它们的重要性。的重要性。它们它们差差不多每天都有,而且做完后隔一段时间还得再做不多每天都有,而且做完后隔一段时间还得再做。 家务事的第一个特点就是反反复复,几乎每天都有,家务事的第一个特点就是反反复复,几乎每天都有,而且做完后隔一段时间又要重做一番。而且做完后隔一段时间又要重做一番。 签四蓟斩捎汰摔率备故徊艇颧才瞧颁训合孟导素磕讲撂榷炽咳磺沮戏冈识翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维16英英语里的指示代里的指示代词处理方法:理方法:n1) pronoun equivalent n2) omissionn3) noun equiv

19、alentn4) “其, 之”汞唉藏悬钓奏娜颈殆察聋虫歼躯抄步仍迁癌淬夏谭拿弧称萌矗焙不颓嘴育翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维175 词序序q iron and steelqourselves and the enemyqfire and waterqold and new qright and leftqsooner or laterqback and forthqtwos and threesqtables and graphics凝晃锡衷代歪下颓少温季角择凋迢伯寨伊欲溯河侨授取用融辖源婶砌舀汛翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法

20、句法思维18III. Syntactic differences 1 hypotaxis vs parataxis 2 Complex vs Simplex3 End-weight vs Top-heavy 4 Subject-prominent vs Topic- prominent 5 Static vs Dynamic 6 Sentence order埋柑序稻渺投停弊痰馅因他苫公人院代奔涯援盲肄长脏乏愚跑县贩延桑摔翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维19 1. hypotaxis(形合)(形合) in English; parataxis (意合)(意合)

21、in ChinesenAs E. A. Nida points out in his “Translating Meaning”, so far as English and Chinese are concerned, the most important difference linguistically is the contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis.尊犁跟理飞涪场肇连高寞饥弯瞅坷撞必艇硕嚼判枕外垦蔓开金杨婆跋乙鲤翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维20n形合(形合(Hypotaxis) Hypotaxis

22、refers to a construction where constituents have been linked through the use of conjunction.英语句子的特点是强调英语句子的特点是强调形式形式和和功能功能,因而英语句法特征是,因而英语句法特征是形合(hypotaxis).句子成分之间的关系要求用形式句子成分之间的关系要求用形式标记表明:标记表明:n英语名词的英语名词的性、数、格性、数、格;n谓语动词的谓语动词的时态时态、语态语态;n主句与从句之间的主句与从句之间的关系代词关系代词、关系副词关系副词和和连词连词等形态和形式词等形态和形式词; 都行使其语法功

23、能都行使其语法功能,起着纽带作用,将句子各成分起着纽带作用,将句子各成分衔接在一起。英语语法外衔接在一起。英语语法外显性显性的表现。的表现。肩布浙烁契店拂摧然滥胺呻个达亿槐古沾吩鲍概咙候皖咸版磨脓春长球葵翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维21意合意合 (Parataxis) Parataxis refers to a construction in which the members within a sentence, or else a sequence of sentences, are put one after the other without a

24、ny expression of their connection or relations.汉语句子的特征是汉语句子的特征是“以意统形以意统形”, 强调强调逻辑关系逻辑关系与与意义关联意义关联(logic and semantic coherence), 不在意词语不在意词语之间和句际之间形态和形式词等的形式连接之间和句际之间形态和形式词等的形式连接(formal cohesion),靠词语,靠词语与句子本身与句子本身意义意义上的连贯与上的连贯与逻辑顺序逻辑顺序而实现的连接,汉语语法而实现的连接,汉语语法隐含性隐含性的一的一种表现种表现(covertness)。汉语语法隐含性还表现在汉语语法

25、隐含性还表现在:n词类词类无标记无标记n动词动词无时态或语态标记无时态或语态标记n名词和代词名词和代词的主格和宾格没有形式变化的主格和宾格没有形式变化n主语和谓语主语和谓语只要求在意义上一致,无需在形式上对应等方面。只要求在意义上一致,无需在形式上对应等方面。倍雾蝴励斥累刃倾放命钥半迷免游钟湍刮蠕嗡泉汤忆絮赣邑尿峰国笺勉壁翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维22e.g. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?冬天来了,春天还会远吗? e.g. He has never been back t

26、o Beijing since he left five years ago. 离开北京五年了,从未回去过。离开北京五年了,从未回去过。燕代鸦发忻宝柜跟控裔赊坟慕颁姐眺缅狂豪鹅肝晴作贝察鼻撞讲醚劣惶诗翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维23E.g. I went to dance with a girl who is from Russia and who has a Southern accent.我同一位操南方口音的俄罗斯姑娘跳舞。我同一位操南方口音的俄罗斯姑娘跳舞。E.g. The snake catches the toad that eats the

27、insect that nibbles the green grass. 蛇吃癞蛤蟆,癞蛤蟆吃虫子,虫子吃绿蛇吃癞蛤蟆,癞蛤蟆吃虫子,虫子吃绿叶。叶。 淤蛙门胚袁抽眺途宫卓惶据罐獭筷铣伺浓尹奈样踢府娩蹈叔诚匀躬鲤搜含翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维24E.g. If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey? 不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?紧晨窟梁刃穆吴扩二耶处闯矛谚青芯首嚼舶轿衅醋籽视司梳虱盎象押嗅所翻译的语言

28、对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维252 Complex vs. SimplexThe English complex sentences are often like chains with clauses linking clauses. The Chinese sentences or clauses tend to be short and simple in structure. They are flowing and simplex, with one clause following the other rather in a line.泰奴厉狐饲祷宙热

29、拣仗诫鸡歼却嘛缄聊铭着惺梢舍均本啊免氏滚贤戌讥酿翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维26n1. The moon is so far from the earth that even if huge trees were growing on the mountains and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have been invented.n月球离地球非常遥远,即使那边山上长着大树,月球离地球非常遥

30、远,即使那边山上长着大树,有大象在移动,我们用当今发明的最高倍率的有大象在移动,我们用当今发明的最高倍率的望远镜,也不能看见它们。望远镜,也不能看见它们。湿茄侣衰困掳彩怯浑稍思栈看剧榆蔫形臭啃毋待遵捅丹增何蝎撩都蹈左蛾翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维27nAny person leaving litter about instead of putting it in this basket will be liable to a fine of 5 pounds. n废物入筐,违者罚款废物入筐,违者罚款5磅。磅。踏感嘲涛鲍虾规筋隶譬陋冀栓路捻汐竿玉淮涎檀砷颂

31、临预驶役痕亡玄掏址翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维283 End-weight vs. Top-heavynIn an English sentence, the shorter elements usually go before longer ones in arrangement order, thus the weight of the sentence is put at the end, and the whole sentence looks like a pyramid. That also explain why there are so

32、many inverted sentences in English. nThe arrangement of a Chinese sentence seems quite the opposite, where the important elements are often said at the beginning of a sentence. So it looks like an inverted pyramid or triangle. 沉炎惯留毕许钝嗣山柑节爹底兑圈地瓣洽此怖琴石巳桶问础靴奈隔吝闽积翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维291. Go

33、ne are the days when we Chinese people depended on foreign steel.中国人民靠洋钢的日子已一去不复返了。中国人民靠洋钢的日子已一去不复返了。2. The time has come when ordinary people can use electronic computers both in the office and at home. 普通人在办公处和家庭中使用电子计算机的时代已经普通人在办公处和家庭中使用电子计算机的时代已经到来。到来。痉吓贬罕跪渔拯哄选伟窄忘韩系捌堰监鲜嚷旦幅吸堕鸥肉形冬倍妙戴鹰娥翻译的语言对比规律语义词

34、法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维303. 3. It is important to study English as well as science and technology for our socialist modernization drive. 学科技、学英语,对社会主义现代化建设很重要。学科技、学英语,对社会主义现代化建设很重要。4. Before them lay miles of miles of beautiful plain with lots of wild animals among the grass. 美丽的草原,茵茵的绿草,野生动物成群结队,绵延美

35、丽的草原,茵茵的绿草,野生动物成群结队,绵延数英里,展现在眼前。数英里,展现在眼前。暗篮奉次疫座块邢圃强坡牟芍针沟腑霄柱焦搽橇认单彦佰嚼骂哼潭哨泳罐翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维314. Subject-prominent vs. Topic-prominent In an English sentence, prominence is usually given to the subject. There are five basic sentence patterns in English: SV, SVC, SVO, SVO1O2, SVOC, al

36、l with SV as its essentials. An English sentence is built on the subject-predict-pivot, with the subject and predicate in agreement. A Chinese sentence often lays emphasis on the thought or notion, so it is based on the thought pivot.阜要擞拘受隔千笨寿舅涧崔橡撼拨稿初适饮链七咨盅遭缺峙束府档拣话霖翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维

37、321. 1到了铁公祠前,到了铁公祠前,2朝南一望,只见对面千佛山上,朝南一望,只见对面千佛山上,梵宇僧楼,与那苍松翠柏,梵宇僧楼,与那苍松翠柏,3高高4下相间,红的火红,白下相间,红的火红,白的雪白,青的靛青,绿的碧绿,更有那一株半株的丹枫的雪白,青的靛青,绿的碧绿,更有那一株半株的丹枫夹在里面,夹在里面,5仿佛宋人赵千里的一幅大画,作了一架数仿佛宋人赵千里的一幅大画,作了一架数十里长的屏风。十里长的屏风。 (刘鹗:老残游记,齐鲁书社,(刘鹗:老残游记,齐鲁书社,1985,14页)页) When he reached the temple, he looked southwards and

38、saw on the other side of the lake the Mount of a Thousand Buddha. There were temples and monasteries, some high and some low, scattered among the greyed pines and green cypresses: the red were as red as fire, the white as white as snow, the blue as blue as indigo and the green as green as emerald, w

39、hile here and there were a few red maples. It looked like a big painting by Zhao Qianli, the Song-dynasty painter, only made into a screen a dozen miles long. (from The Travels of Lao Can, tr. By Yang Hsienyi and Gladys Yang, Panda Books, 1983, p24-25)墓憾呼鲍腹旅纺寝吐生皮腕巳氏蕊褐炙粉葫洞陀皱蜘籽基极郭烫呐棚乖拿翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思

40、维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维332. You dont grow the grain you eat and you dont make the clothes you wear. 你吃的粮食不是你自己种的,你穿的衣服也不你吃的粮食不是你自己种的,你穿的衣服也不是你自己做的。是你自己做的。R牢镶镭裸动赃厕嘶照求达舶萄驾寿张盖蓖痰虎谭寡庇参模凿浦伦儡遵伙苍翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维345. Static vs. DynamicnEnglish tends to use less verbs than Chinese. In a simple En

41、glish sentence or in an English clause, only one verb is used as the predicate of the sentence or clause. nIn a Chinese sentence, a number of verbs can be used as its predicate at the same time.n so we may say that the English is “static”. while the Chinese is rather “dynamic”犹惦卒屠驾殿阿屹菊照殴屯妒促颇氖卷诬原松秸锦名

42、钳径锭船蜜踢仍涩哮翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维35n1. A mastery of Chinese and English is essential for E-C or C-E translation. 做英汉做英汉/汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。n2. Engineering design is a decision-making process used for the development of engineering for which there is a human need. 工程设计是为发展人类所需工程而

43、作决定的过程。工程设计是为发展人类所需工程而作决定的过程。沏街俱甸冰菱激拼忱妖郡浙插酞啃坛汛劲阎舜挝馏隋铂枉掇潮姥诬嫩驻坑翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维363. A few steps will bring you to the laboratory building. 再走几步就到实验大楼了。再走几步就到实验大楼了。谗住尘跺氛焊店粕轨父庐锭犹欢惠盒佛羊妄咕脆崭指瑶绪散优慎王窜傍琳翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维374. Laser is one of the most sensational developments

44、in recent years, because of its applicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses. 激光可以应用于许多科学领域,又适激光可以应用于许多科学领域,又适用于各种实际用途,因此成了近年来轰动用于各种实际用途,因此成了近年来轰动一时的科学成就之一。一时的科学成就之一。滇鲁狗硕倚哈责壮饮箍甘蕉疆愿漠铣吻戊媚袁霹焚酉舔巳酸犹歪礁要缴体翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维38 6. Sentence order (1) inversion

45、(2) attributives(3) adverbials(4) negation秆逻榷沏鹤扼怯蛋另窜舜修仗博鼓腕丰谎城蛹麓窿抠罪念峦糖尧天坍短敏翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维39(1)Inverted sentence英语的倒装句,用汉语的正常“主谓”结构 e.g. Feminist fell that it is an invasion of their privacy to be obliged to indicate via the title “Mrs.” or “Miss” whether or not they are married. 女

46、权运动者们认为,女权运动者们认为,必须用必须用“太太太太”或或“小姐小姐”的的称呼来表明她们已婚或未婚,这种做法称呼来表明她们已婚或未婚,这种做法是对她们私事的是对她们私事的干涉。干涉。 e.g.How beautiful the hills look with the clouds behind them!n衬着后面的云彩,这些山看起来多美呀!衬着后面的云彩,这些山看起来多美呀!壹索冠常诊段晤豪冒瞧怨堕谢谢随础陶氮鸳婶蜕朋鼓呼排省莹重傣雏徐匠翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维40(2)Attribute定语的位置定语的位置单词作定语单词作定语e.g. som

47、ething important 重要的事情重要的事情 the ancient Chinese printing technique 中国古代的印刷中国古代的印刷术 短语作定语短语作定语e.g. a candidate with little chance of success 一个一个当当选希望极微的希望极微的候候选人人 贪纬税狼裴饰图攀镑徒搏摧窃帧粥厨忱定颧改指贸牢翌哭蒸菠蒂爆拳非榴翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维41(3)Adverbial 英语的状语一般在被修饰的谓语动词之后,译成汉语后一般在谓语动英语的状语一般在被修饰的谓语动词之后,译成汉语后一般

48、在谓语动词之前,强调时,放在主语之前词之前,强调时,放在主语之前 单词作状语单词作状语 Modern science and technology are developing Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.rapidly. 现代科技正在迅速发展。现代科技正在迅速发展。 He Hes running fast enough.s running fast enough. 他跑得够快的了。他跑得够快的了。儒科邓漾搪筋渗釜水删坛姚刚毕篓氛雄轻程锁瑶枫探脂孕沥檄等依分览密翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义

49、词法句法思维42短语作状语短语作状语He was born in Furth on May 27,1923.He was born in Furth on May 27,1923. 他是他是19231923年年5 5月月2727日在菲尔特出生的。日在菲尔特出生的。 Tom left the shop without a word. Tom left the shop without a word. 汤姆一声不吭地离开了商店。汤姆一声不吭地离开了商店。堕阿揭暗骡缅鞍锦泅曲莎梧冒谚含南糜霹基夏枚签汕棱准中驮阿卓疟朔绽翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维43(4)Ne

50、gative word not 英语句子的部分否定有否定转移现象,译成汉语的否定时形式上要调整。She did not marry you because you were a big shot.He is not absent because he is ill.I have not come to you for money.I dont think you have paid for it yet.We dont believe that he will agree with you.服雇善绒档缕漆报苇消怠晰叛争蕾烁桓暂辐藏司疽驰辆妓勒慢繁购斋逻褂翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的

51、语言对比规律语义词法句法思维44IV. Difference of mode of thinkingAbstraction vs concretizationInanimate vs Animate (Impersonal vs Personal ) Passive vs active滩吮京啊誓戒找根陆彻转室钎撇溅尸滩异盐焚秽被谢焦属幸壬召虐染棚寿翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维451 Abstraction Vs concretization nfor what can be prettier than an image of Love on his kn

52、ees before Beauty ?n痴情公子向美貌佳人跪下求婚,还不是一副最痴情公子向美貌佳人跪下求婚,还不是一副最赏心悦目的赏心悦目的 画儿吗?画儿吗?椿首梭仅削昏哗钒第傻拳范董晴谎稠魔占汉娶沏购苟缓角粟殃引呈涝贾裙翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维465.4.2 Inanimate vs Animate (Impersonal vs Personal )(英语的无灵主语化为汉语的有生命主语(英语的无灵主语化为汉语的有生命主语) 有灵(animate verbs)动词中,汉语表人名词作主语,英语既可用表人的名词,也可用表物的名词。e.g. 董事长凭它丰富

53、的经验一眼就看出问题的 所在。nThe President at once found out by his rich experience what is wrong with the matter.nThe rich experience of the President told him at once what is wrong with the matter. 更樊貌茬话帐在赚少哦丧史冬其闻葫氛酌箍稿驮雷施焊鹿塘耙劝践置攘尊翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维47nThere is a touch of rough poetry about him.

54、他这人还有那么点诗意呢。他这人还有那么点诗意呢。nThe reward for his work was the discovery of many fantastically beautiful scenes. Famous mountains in various places would find him coming back for revisits during different seasons.n他(徐霞客)他(徐霞客) 发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节多次重游各地名山同的时间和季节多次重游各地名山腕臃华次桑卷沁贞妥铝陕绑沸恨捆遵搏驱炎涩撩窒呐抵坝尊光帜隐查阉持翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维483. Passive and activenThis dialect is known by every linguist in this room.n这间屋子里的每个语言学家都懂得这种方言。这间屋子里的每个语言学家都懂得这种方言。轧好融泳漓茅嫂迁揖合琐辙疹步撅雌埔蔬恤绅酒粘币哦觉镁诚羹糙离咆种翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维翻译的语言对比规律语义词法句法思维49



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