高考英语写作总复习 Rewrite sentences more appropriately (ppt)

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1、REWRITE SENTENCES MORE APPROPRIATELY改写句子更得体改写句子更得体I. EXPRESS THE EMPHASIS1.above all 最重要地,尤其最重要地,尤其2.let alone/ not to mention 更更别提提3.exactly 确切地、恰恰、正是确切地、恰恰、正是4.in particular / especially 特特别地地5.whats more 再者,更有甚者,再者,更有甚者, 6.for one thing for another 一方面。一方面。另一方面另一方面EXAMPLES1.I do not trust them. _

2、, they are lazy, _ they are unreliable. 我不相信他们我不相信他们, ,一方面是他们懒惰,另一方面是他们不可信。一方面是他们懒惰,另一方面是他们不可信。2. Your bicycle has got no brakes, no lights, _ properly functioning gears. 且不说你的自行车没闸,没灯,严格讲,运转齿轮就更别提了。且不说你的自行车没闸,没灯,严格讲,运转齿轮就更别提了。3. Certain textbooks are in short supply; _ French dictionaries are urgen

3、tly needed. 某些教科书供应缺乏,尤其是法语词典急需。某些教科书供应缺乏,尤其是法语词典急需。 For one thingfor another let alonein particularEXPRESS EMPHASIS4. I dont want to see him again, hes got no manner and doesnt know how to dress properly. _ my mother doesnt like him! 我不想再见到他,他没风度,不知怎么得我不想再见到他,他没风度,不知怎么得体着装。再有就是我妈也不喜欢他!体着装。再有就是我妈也不喜

4、欢他!Whats more5. He said he would not work against our interests, but that is _ what he has done. 他说他不干对我们不利的事,可是这恰恰他说他不干对我们不利的事,可是这恰恰就是(正是)他干的活儿。就是(正是)他干的活儿。6. Mike is hardworking, cheerful, and _ honest. 马可勤奋,活泼,最重要的是忠实。马可勤奋,活泼,最重要的是忠实。exactlyabove allII. EXPRESS CERTAINTY1.absolutely 完全地;完全地;绝对地地2

5、.altogether 总而言之而言之3.indeed 实在地;的确;真地在地;的确;真地4.definitely 明确地;确切地明确地;确切地5.nothing / little short of 不不亚于某事物:几乎就是;于某事物:几乎就是;简直是直是EXAMPLES1.Such behavior is _ dishonest. 这样的行为绝对是不老实。这样的行为绝对是不老实。2. John is a(n) _ nicer person than his brother. 总而言之约翰是不错的人,比他的兄弟强。总而言之约翰是不错的人,比他的兄弟强。3. The standard of se

6、rvice has _ improved since last year. 去年以来,服务标准确实有了改进。去年以来,服务标准确实有了改进。absolutelyaltogetherdefinitelyEXAMPLE4. Charging them so much is _daylight robbery. 收费这么多简直是光天化日抢劫。收费这么多简直是光天化日抢劫。5. Our escape was _miraculous. 我们能逃出来简直是奇迹。我们能逃出来简直是奇迹。6. Were very sorry _ if weve offended you.如果什么地方对你多有得罪,我们实在抱歉

7、。如果什么地方对你多有得罪,我们实在抱歉。nothing short ofindeedlittle short ofIII. INTRODUCE NEW FACTS1.in fact 事事实上上2.strangely enough 出奇出奇3.for that matter 后后说的与先的与先说的性的性质一一样4.in the event 结果;如事果;如事实所所发生生5.needless to say 不必不必说6.it is a question of 问题是是7. It goes without saying that理所当然理所当然8。 What is worse 更糟的是更糟的是EX

8、AMPLES1.My wife was very angry, so was I, _. 我太太十分生气,我其实也很生气。我太太十分生气,我其实也很生气。2. All that day they were waiting for the doctor to arrive. _ he didnt come. 他们等了那医生整整一天。结果他没来。他们等了那医生整整一天。结果他没来。3. The plane crashed from a great height. _ no one has hurt. 这架飞机从高空坠毁,出奇的是没人受伤。这架飞机从高空坠毁,出奇的是没人受伤。 for that m

9、atterIn the eventStrangely enoughEXAMPLES4. This is not a task to be embarked on lightly._ much preparation and planning. 要开始从事的任务并不轻松。问题是要有充分的准备和计划。要开始从事的任务并不轻松。问题是要有充分的准备和计划。5. He asked her to lend him a thousand dollars. _ he was unsuccessful. 他要向她借一千美金。不必说,他没借成。他要向她借一千美金。不必说,他没借成。6. They told me

10、 it would be cheap but _ it cost me nearly $500.他们告诉我这便宜,但事实上它花了我他们告诉我这便宜,但事实上它花了我500500美金。美金。It is a question ofNeedless to sayin factEXAMPLE _ that smoking is harmful to your health. 不用说也知道吸烟有害健康。不用说也知道吸烟有害健康。 John was very tired ,and _, his wallet was stolen. 约翰很累,更糟的是他的钱包让人偷约翰很累,更糟的是他的钱包让人偷了。了。I

11、t goes without saying what is worseIV. EXPRESS DOUBT OR POSSIBILITYit remains to be seen 有待以后去看有待以后去看it is quite likely that 那很有可能就是那很有可能就是 it may well be that 那很有可能就是那很有可能就是EXAMPLES1.They have promised to mend their ways and to try harder. _whether they will. 他们承诺要培养好习惯并且试图努力。这他们承诺要培养好习惯并且试图努力。这要看以

12、后他们是否行。要看以后他们是否行。2.John hasnt come back yet. _ he has been forced to do overtime. 约翰还没来,他很可能是被迫加班了。约翰还没来,他很可能是被迫加班了。It remains to be seenIt is quite likelyV. EXPRESS CORRESPONDENCE 相符相符1.for ones part 就某人来就某人来说2.sure enough 确确实3.correspondingly 符合符合4.in the same vein 总是那是那类的的5.in turn / similarly 同同

13、样6.respectively 各自地各自地7.any more than 一点也不比,毫不比一点也不比,毫不比EXAMPLES1.She said she would win and, _, she did. 她说她会赢的,确实,她做到了。她说她会赢的,确实,她做到了。2. In principle we are prepared to increase wages. But our employees, _, will have to be more productive. 原则上我们是要提高薪水的。但是就我们的雇员来说,原则上我们是要提高薪水的。但是就我们的雇员来说,他们必须工作上更加有

14、成效。他们必须工作上更加有成效。3. John works in London, Susan works in Brighton. J. and S. work in London and Brighton _. 约翰在伦敦上班,苏珊在布莱顿工作。约翰在伦敦上班,苏珊在布莱顿工作。J J和和S S各自在伦各自在伦敦和布莱顿上班。敦和布莱顿上班。sure enoughin their partrespectivelyEXAMPLE1.The complaints continued _. 总是那一类的牢骚话,没完没了。总是那一类的牢骚话,没完没了。2. The childrens behavio

15、r was shocking, and the parents were _ furious. 孩子的行为令人震惊,他们的父母狂怒。孩子的行为令人震惊,他们的父母狂怒。3. He did not care very much about his children, and they _ had little time for him. 他对他的子女不很关心,而子女们对他也他对他的子女不很关心,而子女们对他也同样很少关心。同样很少关心。in the same veincorrespondinglyin ture/ similarlyany more than: (to a greater deg

16、ree)I didnt admire her second book any more than I had her first.与我有的她的第一本书相比,我一点也不欣与我有的她的第一本书相比,我一点也不欣赏她的第二本书。赏她的第二本书。 I wont be seeing her any less than before.我现在压根就看不到她了我现在压根就看不到她了。VI. EXPRESS CONDITIONALITY1.if only 但愿但愿2.in case (of) 如果,万一如果,万一3.in any case 任何情况任何情况4.no matter how 无论如何无论如何5.co

17、nditional upon 依赖条件依赖条件 含有条件的含有条件的 EXAMPLES1._ she hadnt come into the room at that particular moment! 要是她在那特殊的一刻没进入房间就好了。要是她在那特殊的一刻没进入房间就好了。2. _ you should lose your keys. I have left another set with the neighbors. 万一你丢了钥匙,我留了另一套放在邻居那。万一你丢了钥匙,我留了另一套放在邻居那。3. Promotion is _ good performance. 晋升要靠出色的

18、表现。晋升要靠出色的表现。If onlyIn caseconditional uponEXAMPLES4. Dont blame yourself. It would have happened _. 不要谴责自己。谁遇到这样的情况都会是不要谴责自己。谁遇到这样的情况都会是如此。如此。5. We must go there, _ we feel. 我们一定去那,无论我们怎么感觉。我们一定去那,无论我们怎么感觉。6. _ fire, the number to dial is 119. 万一有火情,就万一有火情,就拨电话号号码119。in any case no matter howIn case of



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