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1、退火工艺和成分对冷轧无取向退火工艺和成分对冷轧无取向电工钢性能的影响电工钢性能的影响Effects of Annealing Process and Chemical composition on the Properties of Cold Rolled Non-Oriented Electrical Steel河北钢铁集团邯钢公司HanDan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd of HeBei Iron & Steel Group 主要内容:主要内容:Main content:论文的研究内容论文的研究内容 Study content of the paper概述概述 Summary

2、1234实验实验成分及方法成分及方法 Chemical composition and method33536实验结果及组织检测实验结果及组织检测 Result and structure63分析讨论分析讨论 Discuss and analysis结论结论 Conclusion电工钢是一种重要的金属功能材料电工钢是一种重要的金属功能材料, ,是电力(发电和输变电)、电机、家电和电子是电力(发电和输变电)、电机、家电和电子工业不可缺少的软磁合金;主要用于各种电动机、发电机和变压器铁芯及其他电工业不可缺少的软磁合金;主要用于各种电动机、发电机和变压器铁芯及其他电器部件,在磁性材料领域中产量和用量

3、最大。器部件,在磁性材料领域中产量和用量最大。概述概述定义定义SummaryDefinitionElectrical steel is an important metallic functional materials, it is an indispensability soft magnetic alloy in electric power, motor, household appliances and electron industry; Its used mainly for all kinds of motors, transformers, and other parts o

4、f electrical components, its the largest mount of production and consumption in the field of magnetic materials.叠片叠片laminated冲片冲片stamped组装组装assembled 成品成品Finished概述概述用途用途Summaryuseu随着钢铁冶金技术的进步,无取向电工钢的性能指标也不断提高。同时在当随着钢铁冶金技术的进步,无取向电工钢的性能指标也不断提高。同时在当前日益激烈的市场竞争条件下,钢铁企业对节约资源、降低成本、提高产品前日益激烈的市场竞争条件下,钢铁企业对节

5、约资源、降低成本、提高产品质量等意识的增强,因此在成分一定的条件下,如何最大程度的提高无取向质量等意识的增强,因此在成分一定的条件下,如何最大程度的提高无取向电工钢成品性能也成为企业和科研工作者研究的重点。电工钢成品性能也成为企业和科研工作者研究的重点。uAlong with the iron and steel metallurgy technology progress, non-oriented electrical steel performance index is also increased. Under the fierce competition market conditi

6、ons, steel company consciousness-raising in save resources, reduce costs, improve product quality. How to improve the property under the given composition is a keystone for company and scientific researcher. 概述概述主要性能指标主要性能指标SummaryMain performance index概述概述电工钢性能影响因素电工钢性能影响因素SummaryThe factor influen

7、ce 论文的研究内容论文的研究内容The content of this paperu退火工艺对无取向电工钢性能的影响退火工艺对无取向电工钢性能的影响uEffects of annealing process the properties of cold rolled non-oriented electrical Steelu退火温度对无取向电工钢性能的影响退火温度对无取向电工钢性能的影响uEffects of annealing temperature on the iron loss of non-oriented electrical steelu退火时间对无取向电工钢性能的影响退火时

8、间对无取向电工钢性能的影响uEffects of annealing time on the iron loss of non-oriented electrical steelu成分对无取向电工钢性能的影响成分对无取向电工钢性能的影响uEffects of chemical composition on the properties of cold rolled non-oriented electrical Steelu硅含量对无取向电工钢铁损的影响硅含量对无取向电工钢铁损的影响uEffects of Silicon on the iron loss of non-oriented ele

9、ctrical steelu硅含量对无取向电工钢磁感的影响硅含量对无取向电工钢磁感的影响uEffects of Silicon on the magnetic of non-oriented electrical steel 实验成分及方法实验成分及方法Chemical composition and methodu试样成分:试样成分:uChemical composition:表表 实验用钢的化学成分表(实验用钢的化学成分表(wt.%wt.%)Table1 Chemical composition of the test steel(%)成分成分C CSiSiMnMnP PS SAlsAls

10、样品样品1 10.00700.00700.9450.9450.2180.2180.01240.01240.01180.01180.2640.264样品样品2 20.00620.00621.121.120.320.320.0130.0130.00740.00740.3050.305 实验成分及方法实验成分及方法Chemical composition and methodu实验方法:实验方法:uExperimental method:u采用实验室马弗炉,模拟无取向电工钢的退火工艺过程。退火工艺如下采用实验室马弗炉,模拟无取向电工钢的退火工艺过程。退火工艺如下: :uSimulate the no

11、n-oriented electrical steel annealing process by laboratory muffle furnace退火温度退火温度temperature退火时间退火时间time退火气氛退火气氛atmosphere800800、850850、900900、95095010001000、10501050179s179s、233s233s、288s288s25%H2+75%N225%H2+75%N2表表 试验方法试验方法Table Chemical method of the test steel 温度温度时间时间s s样品样品1 1样品样品2 2P P15/501

12、5/50(W/Kg)(W/Kg)B B5050(T)(T)P P15/5015/50(W/Kg)(W/Kg)B B5050(T)(T)8008001791797.67657.67651.7621.7627.0317.0311.75151.75152332336.71056.71051.77851.77856.5256.5251.7481.7482882886.3036.3031.77651.77656.3586.3581.7461.7468508501791796.3166.3161.7721.7725.55755.55751.73451.73452332336.02756.02751.767



15、231.7232332334.46254.46251.74651.74653.48653.48651.7261.7262882884.10054.10051.7651.7653.6633.6631.72051.7205性性能能检检测测结结果果Resultu硅含量对无取向电工钢性能的影响硅含量对无取向电工钢性能的影响uEffects of silicon composition on the iron loss of non-oriented electrical steel 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysis 相同退火工艺条件下:相同退火工艺条件下:u样品样品2

16、2(硅含量高)的铁损明显小于样品(硅含量高)的铁损明显小于样品1 1(硅含量低)的铁损(硅含量低)的铁损u样品样品1 1(硅含量低)的磁感明显高于样品(硅含量低)的磁感明显高于样品2 2(硅含量高)的磁感(硅含量高)的磁感The same annealing conditions:uSample 2 ( high silicon) iron loss is significantly lower than the sample 1 ( low silicon) .uSample 1 ( low silicon) magnetic induction was significantly high

17、er than sample 2 ( high silicon). 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysis 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysisu退火工艺对无取向电工钢性能的影响:退火工艺对无取向电工钢性能的影响:uEffects of annealing temperature the properties of cold rolled non-oriented electrical Steel对样品对样品1 1、样品、样品2 2而言:而言:u随退火温度升高,成品的铁损逐渐降低,低温段时降低幅度较大,高温段时,随退火温度升高,成品的铁损逐

18、渐降低,低温段时降低幅度较大,高温段时,降低幅度较小。降低幅度较小。u随退火时间增加,最终成品铁损也呈降低趋势,但降低效果没有增加退火温度随退火时间增加,最终成品铁损也呈降低趋势,但降低效果没有增加退火温度效果明显。效果明显。For sample 1, sample 2:uIncreasing the annealing temperature, the iron loss of finished product is reduced gradually, the low reduce range in low temperature zone, the high reduce range i

19、n high temperature.uIncreasing the annealing time, the finished product iron loss is decreased, but by improving annealing temperature is better than prolonging annealing time.试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysis 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysisu退火温度对冷轧无取向电工钢磁感的影响退火温度对冷轧无取向电工钢磁感的影响uEffects of annealing

20、temperature on the iron loss of non-oriented electrical steel对样品对样品1 1、样品、样品2 2而言:而言:u随退火温度升高,最终成品的磁感呈逐步降低趋势随退火温度升高,最终成品的磁感呈逐步降低趋势. .u随退火时间增加,最终成品的磁感呈逐步降低趋势,但规律不明显。随退火时间增加,最终成品的磁感呈逐步降低趋势,但规律不明显。For sample 1, sample 2:uIncreasing the annealing temperature, the final product of magnetic induction grad

21、ually decreased.uIncreasing the annealing time, the magnetic induction of finished product gradually decreased, but the rule of reduce is not clear. 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysis 800800保温保温179s 900179s 900保温保温179s 1000179s 1000保温保温179s 1050179s 1050保温保温179s179s800800保温保温288s 900288s 900保温保温288s 1

22、000288s 1000保温保温288s 1050288s 1050保温保温288s288s组织检测组织检测Structure不同退火工艺对样品不同退火工艺对样品1 1显微组织影响显微组织影响different annealing process on microstructure effects of sample 1 800800保温保温179s 900179s 900保温保温179s 1000179s 1000保温保温179s 1050179s 1050保温保温179s 179s 800800保温保温288s 900288s 900保温保温288s 1000288s 1000保温保温28

23、8s 1050288s 1050保温保温288s288s组织检测组织检测Structure不同退火工艺对样品不同退火工艺对样品2 2显微组织影响显微组织影响different annealing process on microstructure effects of sample 2u相同退火工艺下,试样相同退火工艺下,试样2(2(硅含量高硅含量高) )的晶粒尺寸较试样的晶粒尺寸较试样1 1 ( (硅含量低硅含量低) )的晶粒尺的晶粒尺寸大寸大, ,铁损也低。铁损也低。u随退火温度升高试样的晶粒尺寸增加,铁损降低。随退火温度升高试样的晶粒尺寸增加,铁损降低。u相同温度下,随保温时间增加,晶粒

24、尺寸变化不明显,但均匀性提高相同温度下,随保温时间增加,晶粒尺寸变化不明显,但均匀性提高, ,铁损降铁损降低。低。uThe size structure of sample 2 (high silicon) is bigger than sample 1 (high silicon) under the same annealing conditions,and iron loss is lower.uIncreasing annealing temperature ,the grain size increased and the iron loss reduced.uThe grain s

25、ize changed not clear with prolonging annealing time, but it became more uniformity and iron loss reduce. 试验结果分析试验结果分析 Result and Analysis 讨论分析讨论分析 Discuss and analysis u1 1、硅含量越高成品铁损越低、硅含量越高成品铁损越低uThe higher silicon the lower iron loss电工钢的铁损(PT)主要包括磁滞损耗(Ph)、涡流损耗(Pe)和反常损耗(Pa)三部分,影响电工钢铁损的因素多而且复杂,其中一些

26、影响因素对三种损耗具有完全相反的影响,因此电工钢的铁损性能最终是三者的综合体现。随硅含量的增加,电阻率明显增加,涡流损耗降低,成品晶粒尺寸增加,晶界数量减少,磁滞损耗也降低,因此总的铁损也降低。Electrical steel iron loss ( Pt ) include hysteresis loss(Ph), eddy current loss (Pe) and abnormal loss (Pa) three parts, influence factors is complex, some influence factors has opposite effect, so the

27、iron loss of electrical steel is a comprehensive value of the three. Increase silicon content, resistivity increased obviously , eddy current loss reduced, the grain size increases, the number of grain boundaries decreased, hysteresis loss also reduced, so the total iron loss also reduced.u2 2、退火温度升

28、高,成品铁损降低、退火温度升高,成品铁损降低uIncreasing annealing temperature ,the finished product iron loss reduced.讨论分析讨论分析晶粒是影响铁损的重要因素,因为晶界处的原子排列混乱,存在许多空位和位错等缺陷,点阵排列和应力状态畸变,阻碍磁畴移动。因此退火温度升高,晶粒尺寸增加,晶界长度减小,磁滞损耗减小,涡流损耗增加。但增加的涡流损耗远小于磁滞损耗的减少量,因此总的铁损是降低的。当减少的磁滞损耗与增加的涡流损耗差值最大时,成品的铁损会达到最小值,而该晶粒尺寸为最佳尺寸。Grain is an important fa

29、ctor influence of iron loss, because the atoms are confusion arrange in grain boundary, there are many vacancy and dislocation and other defects, dot matrix arrangement and stress state distortion, block magnetic move, grain size increased, grain boundary length decrease, the hysteresis loss decreas

30、es, eddy current losses increase. But increased of the eddy current loss is far less than the decreased of the hysteresis loss, so the total iron is decrease. The iron loss of finished product will reach the minimum value when the decrease hysteresis losses and increase the eddy current loss differe

31、nce value is the biggest, then the grain size is the best size. 结论结论Conclusion u1 1、在一定范围内升高退火温度,晶粒尺寸增加,铁损降低,继续升高退火温、在一定范围内升高退火温度,晶粒尺寸增加,铁损降低,继续升高退火温度,铁损变化不明显。度,铁损变化不明显。uthe grain size increased and the iron loss reduced in a certain range with increasing annealing temperature, continue to increasin

32、g the annealing temperature, the iron loss changed not obvious. u2 2、延长保温时间,晶粒尺寸变化不明显,但均匀性提高,在低温段退火时增、延长保温时间,晶粒尺寸变化不明显,但均匀性提高,在低温段退火时增加保温时间,铁损降低,高温段退火时增加保温时间,铁损变化不大,磁感加保温时间,铁损降低,高温段退火时增加保温时间,铁损变化不大,磁感与退火时间无变化无明显规律。与退火时间无变化无明显规律。uThe grain size changed not obvious with prolonging annealing time, but

33、it became more uniformity. The iron loss decreased when it annealed in low temperatures area and no clear change in high temperature area. The magnetic induction intensities has no clear rule with prolonging annealing time. u3 3、在改善冷轧无取向电工钢性能方面,提高退火温度比延长退火时间更有效。、在改善冷轧无取向电工钢性能方面,提高退火温度比延长退火时间更有效。uImprove annealing temperature is better than prolonging annealing time. u4 4、相同退火工艺下,硅含量高的晶粒尺寸较硅含量低的晶粒尺寸大,铁损、相同退火工艺下,硅含量高的晶粒尺寸较硅含量低的晶粒尺寸大,铁损、磁感低。磁感低。uUnder the same annealing conditions, the sample of high silicon has bigger grain , lower iron loss, lower magnetic than the sample of low silicon. .



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