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1、新目标九年级新目标九年级Unit 9Unit 9Unit 9When was it invented?When was it invented?Section B Period 2Section B Period 2 Reading (3a: P72) 1. What is this article about?1. What is this article about? I think it is about the invention of tea. I think it is about the invention of tea. 2. Was it invented on purpos

2、e or by 2. Was it invented on purpose or by accident?accident? By accident. The first sentence tells By accident. The first sentence tells us that.us that. 3. When was it invented? 3. When was it invented? Over 3,000 years before 1610. Over 3,000 years before 1610. 4. Who invented it? 4. Who invente

3、d it? The emperor Shen Nong. The emperor Shen Nong. 5. Who can tell us how it was invented? 5. Who can tell us how it was invented? According to an ancient legend, once According to an ancient legend, once when Shen Nong was boiling drinkingwhen Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire

4、, some leaves water over an open fire, some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. He and remained there for some time. He noticed that the leaves in the water noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant sme

5、ll. Later he produced a pleasant smell. Later he tasted the water and found it quite tasted the water and found it quite delicious. Thats how he discovered tea.delicious. Thats how he discovered tea.ExplanationExplanation1. Although tea wasnt brought to the western world until 1610, this beverage wa

6、s discovered over three thousand years before that. 虽然茶直到虽然茶直到1610年才传入西方世界年才传入西方世界,但这种饮料在三千多年前就被发现了。但这种饮料在三千多年前就被发现了。(1) although 作连词作连词, 意为意为 “虽然虽然,尽尽管管”,引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句, 我们不能根我们不能根据汉语习惯据汉语习惯, 在后面使用连词在后面使用连词but, 不过不过它可以与它可以与yet, still连用连用;若主从句的主语若主从句的主语相同相同, 且从句谓语含有动词且从句谓语含有动词be, 可将从可将从句主语和动词句主语和动

7、词be省略。省略。 Although (it was) snowing, it was not very cold. 虽然在下雪虽然在下雪, 但是天气不是很冷。但是天气不是很冷。 There is air around us, although we cant see it. 尽管我们看不见尽管我们看不见, 但我们周围全是空气。但我们周围全是空气。 notuntil 意为意为 “直到直到才才”until 引导一个时间状语从句。引导一个时间状语从句。 He did not go to bed until his father came home. 直到他爸爸回家时他才睡觉。直到他爸爸回家时他才睡

8、觉。2. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open air. 根据中国古代的一个传说根据中国古代的一个传说, 神农帝神农帝在户外的火上烧饮用水时发现了茶叶。在户外的火上烧饮用水时发现了茶叶。 According to 是个短语介词是个短语介词,意为意为 “根根据据;依照依照”后接代词后接代词,名词或由名词或由疑问词以及疑问词以及whether引出的名词性从句。引出的名词性从句。 Accor

9、ding to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. 根据收音机说根据收音机说,明天有雨。明天有雨。 According to what you said just now, he was right then. 根据你刚才说的根据你刚才说的,那么他就对了。那么他就对了。leaf 的复数形式为的复数形式为leavesremain 表示表示 “继续留在某处继续留在某处” 3. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. 一些叶子从附近的灌木丛

10、落到水里。一些叶子从附近的灌木丛落到水里。并在水里浸泡了一段时间。并在水里浸泡了一段时间。 How long will you remain here? 你要在此地停留多久你要在此地停留多久?fall into “落入落入, 陷入陷入” He was drunk and fell into the water. 他酒醉跌落水中。他酒醉跌落水中。Writing (3b: P72)Writing (3b: P72)A sample versionA sample version From pie plate to flying diskFrom pie plate to flying disk T

11、he flying disk was invented by The flying disk was invented by college students. Flying disk is a metal college students. Flying disk is a metal pie plate. In the 1950s, several college pie plate. In the 1950s, several college students ate pies made by a bakerystudents ate pies made by a bakery in B

12、ridgeport, Connecticut. They in Bridgeport, Connecticut. They found it interesting to throw the pie found it interesting to throw the pie plates with each other. Then it became plates with each other. Then it became a game. Today, there are flying disk a game. Today, there are flying disk clubs, magazines and even a festival.clubs, magazines and even a festival. Thank you for listening!



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