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1、1. Characteristic n. 特征,特点特征,特点e.g. Punctuality is one of his characteristics.adj. 独特的,典型的独特的,典型的be characteristic of sb / sth 是是的特性的特性e.g. Bananas have their own characteristic smell.Ex: 这里三月多风。这里三月多风。e.g. Windy days are characteristic of March here.It is characteristic of sb to do sth 做某事正像是某人的作风做

2、某事正像是某人的作风e.g. It is characteristic of him to say that.2. painter n. -paint v. -painting n. 画画oil painting 油画油画a watercolor painting 水彩画水彩画v. I painted the gate blue.paint a person black 抹黑某人抹黑某人e.g. He is not so black as he is painted. 他并没有传闻的那样坏。他并没有传闻的那样坏。3. put forwardput forward a plan / a sugg

3、estion / a proposal 提出计划提出计划 / 建议建议 / 提议提议e.g. He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.将将提前提前 Theyve put forward the date of their wedding by one week.推荐推荐 Can I put you forward for club secretary.表示表示“提出提出”的短语还有:的短语还有: come up ; come up withe.g. The problem came up at the meeting.Pleas

4、e come up with the problem at the meeting.与与put 相关的短语:相关的短语:put away / aside / down/ off/ on/ through / out/ up / up with将.收起来 / 储存/ 写下/推迟/穿上,上演/接通,完成/举起,张贴,搭建/扑灭;忍受Ex: Fill in the blanks:1.The company was put _ in 2010.2. The firemen put _ the fire at last.3. She put _ some money in order to send h

5、er son to study abroad.4. Please put _ the telephone nember.5.A play will be put _ next week.6.Put _ the coat as it is warmer now. 7. I cant put up _ him.upoutasidedownonoffwith4. scientific adj.- adv. scientificallyscience n. 科学科学-scientist n. 科学家科学家scientific technology / research 科学技术科学技术/ 研究研究na

6、tural science 自然科学自然科学science fiction 科幻小说科幻小说medical science 医学医学5. conclusion n.-conclude v.conclusive adj.draw a conclusion 得出结论得出结论=arrive at / come to / reach a conclusione.g. We will have a further discussion before we draw a conclusion.make a conclusion 下结论下结论in conclusion 总之总之=in a word ,all

7、 in all; in brief; in summarye.g. In conclusion, Id like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.conclude. v conclude sth from sth ; conclude from sth that 从从推断出推断出e.g. What can we conclude from this passage ?I concluded from their words that they were against the plan.conclude sth with sthconcl

8、ude sth by doing sth 以以结束结束e.g. He concluded his class with a story.7. analyse v. 分析分析e.g. By analysing the parts of the sentence we can learn more about English grammar.analysis n. ( pl. analyses)carry out / do an analysis进行分析进行分析e.g. When one faces difficulties, he / she keep calm and carry out a

9、detailed analysis.in the final analysis总之,归根到底总之,归根到底(放句首)(放句首)8. infectious adj.e.g. Cholera is an infectious disease.Flu is highly infectious.有感染力的有感染力的 e.g. Her joy was so infectious that he forgot his sadness.infect vt. infect. with 把把传染给传染给; 用用感染感染e.g. She infected the rest of the class with he

10、r enthusiasm.be infected with 染上染上Ex:孩子们感染了这种病毒。:孩子们感染了这种病毒。The children were infected with the virus.infection n. (不可数名词)(不可数名词)9. defeat vt. 击败,战胜,难住,使受挫e.g. Our team defeated our opponents.Ex:缺钱使我的计划落空了。缺钱使我的计划落空了。Lack of money defeated my plan.n. 失败,挫败失败,挫败(不可数)不可数)e.g. Our baseball team has suf

11、fered another defeat.区分:区分: beat 与与defeat 的宾语通常为人,的宾语通常为人,表示击败对手,除了表示击败对手,除了用于竞争、比赛,用于竞争、比赛,defeat还可以用于战争,还可以用于战争,beat多用于竞争、多用于竞争、比赛、辩论等。此外,比赛、辩论等。此外,beat还可以表示还可以表示“(连续地)敲打,(心脏)跳动(连续地)敲打,(心脏)跳动”。e.g. Yesterday I defeated / beat John in the match.win:其宾语是比赛、战斗、奖品等,表示赢得其宾语是比赛、战斗、奖品等,表示赢得胜利、比赛、奖品、奖金等,后

12、面不能接人。胜利、比赛、奖品、奖金等,后面不能接人。win the match / the first prize 赢得比赛赢得比赛/获得一等奖获得一等奖Ex: 1、你认为谁会赢得选美大赛?、你认为谁会赢得选美大赛?2、那位运动员击败了他的竞争对手,赢得金牌。、那位运动员击败了他的竞争对手,赢得金牌。Who do you think will win the beauty contest?The athlete defeated/ beat his competitors and won the gold medal.10. expert n. 专家,能手专家,能手an agricultura

13、l expert 农业专家农业专家an expert in psychology 心理学专家心理学专家an expert on ancient Greek history古希腊史专家古希腊史专家be an expert at/ in / on (doing ) sth 是(做)某方面的专家是(做)某方面的专家e.g. He is a well-known expert in finance.Ex: 他是一名法国史方面的专家。他是一名法国史方面的专家。He is an expert on French history.adj. 熟练的,有专门技术或知识的熟练的,有专门技术或知识的an exper

14、t rider 熟练的骑手熟练的骑手 an expert job 需要专门知识的工作需要专门知识的工作be expert in / at (doing) sth 是某方面的专是某方面的专家,擅长做某事家,擅长做某事e.g. He is expert at / in cooking.Ex: 她擅长唱流行歌曲。她擅长唱流行歌曲。She is expert in / at singing pop songs.11. attend vt/ vi. 照看,看护照看,看护vi. 专心;处理专心;处理attend (to ) sb 照料某人照料某人 attend to sth 专心于某事,处理某事专心于某事

15、,处理某事e.g. Which doctor is attending ( to ) you ?e.g. Attend to your work and stop talking.Ex: 我有一件重要的事情要处理。我有一件重要的事情要处理。I have an important matter to attend to .attend school / classes 上学上学attend church = go to church 去教堂做礼拜去教堂做礼拜attend a wedding / funeral / meeting 参加婚礼参加婚礼/葬礼葬礼/会议会议attend vt. 参加,出

16、席参加,出席e.g. She didnt attend school yesterday.区分:区分: attend / join / join / take part inattend join join intake part in 参加会议、婚礼等,也可指上学、听讲座参加会议、婚礼等,也可指上学、听讲座加入某组织,团体或俱乐部加入某组织,团体或俱乐部参加某项活动、聚会或讨论等,也可以参加某项活动、聚会或讨论等,也可以搭配搭配join sb in doing sth 参加群体性活动、会议、游行等,参加群体性活动、会议、游行等,参加者在其中起一定的作用。参加者在其中起一定的作用。Ex: 用用

17、attend , join , join in , take part in 的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. He will never forget the day when he _ the party.2. Would you like to _ the sports meeting held next week ?3. Did you _ their wedding yesterday ?4. Come and _ our heated discussion.joinedtake part in attend join in 12. physician n. surgeon n.

18、 外科医生外科医生 dentist 牙医牙医physical adj. 物理的,身体的物理的,身体的physical health 身体健康身体健康physical examination 身体检查身体检查physically adv.PE= physical education13. expose v. 暴露,显露暴露,显露expose . to 使使.遭受;使遭受;使.暴露于;暴露于;e.g. He didnt want to expose his fears to anyone.Ex:不要让婴儿受到强烈的阳光照射。不要让婴儿受到强烈的阳光照射。Dont expose babies to

19、strong sunlight.be exposed to 遭受遭受., 暴露于暴露于.e.g. He was exposed to the wind and rain.vi. expose sb / sth as 揭露揭露.(为(为.)e.g. She was exposed as a big liar.vt. 使接触,使体验使接触,使体验 expose sb to sth 使某人接触使某人接触/ 体验某物体验某物e.g. Travelling abroad exposed children to different languages and cultures.14. deadly adj

20、. e.g. This is a deadly poison.以以ly结尾的形容词:结尾的形容词:weekly / monthly/ yearly/ friendly/ timelydead adj. 死的(表示状态)死的(表示状态)e.g. The poor man has been dead for three years.adv. 完全地,绝对地完全地,绝对地dead drunk 烂醉如泥烂醉如泥 dead tired 筋疲力尽的,筋疲力尽的,dead asleep 酣睡酣睡 dead right 完全正确完全正确die vi. 瞬间动词瞬间动词e.g. He died last yea

21、r.短语:短语: die for / from / of / off /out/away为为.而死而死 / 死于(外因)死于(外因)/死于(内因)死于(内因)/相继相继死去死去/灭绝灭绝/渐弱渐弱Ex:1. He died _ lung cancer last year.2. He was regarded as a hero because he died _ his country.3. Many species are dying _ because of pollution.4. He died _falling down from a big tree.5. Many people

22、wonder why some animals die _.6. After a while, the wind died _.offoroutfromoffawaydying adj. 垂死的,快要消失的垂死的,快要消失的e.g. She has to give up her job to look after her dying husband.be dying for 极渴望极渴望.be dying to do sth 极想做极想做.e.g. We are dying for knowledge.I am dying to visit Italy.15. cure n. 治疗治疗 a c

23、ure for .的疗法的疗法e.g. This is a new cure for SARS.vt. 治愈;治愈; cure sb of 使某人从某种使某人从某种疾病中痊愈疾病中痊愈e.g. No one can cure him of this disease.与与cure sb of sth结构类似的短语还有:结构类似的短语还有:remind sb of sth ; 使某人想起某事使某人想起某事 suspect sb of sth; 怀疑某人某事怀疑某人某事rob sb of sth ; 抢夺某人某物抢夺某人某物 warn sb of sth; 警告某人某事警告某人某事accuse sb

24、 of sth; 控告某人某事控告某人某事 Ex:1、这张照片是我想起了我的幸福童、这张照片是我想起了我的幸福童年。年。2、那个男人被指控谋杀。、那个男人被指控谋杀。3、刚才一个男人抢夺了一位老妇人的手、刚才一个男人抢夺了一位老妇人的手提包。提包。This photo reminds me of my happy childhood.The man was accused of murder.A man robbed an old lady of her handbag just now.inform sb of sth; 通知某人某事通知某人某事16. challenge n. 挑战挑战-c

25、hallenger n. 挑战者挑战者face a challenge 面临挑战面临挑战take up / accept a challenge 接受挑战接受挑战meet a challenge 迎接挑战迎接挑战Ex: 她决定接受那个挑战。她决定接受那个挑战。She decided to accept the challenge.Ex: Fill in the blanks with proper words. There is _ challenge from Class Two. They want to challenge us _ a game of basketball, so we

26、 have to be ready to meet _ challenge next week.atothevt. 向向.挑战挑战 challenge sb to do sth 向某人向某人挑战挑战做做某事某事challenge sb to sth 向某人挑战某事向某人挑战某事e.g. Mary challenged me to play another tennis game. 17. absorb vt. 吸收,吞并吸收,吞并absorb.into 把把.吸进到吸进到.e.g. The cream is easily absorbed into the skin.句子仿写:周围的小城镇已经

27、并入这座城市。句子仿写:周围的小城镇已经并入这座城市。The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.v. 吸引,使专心,使全神贯注吸引,使专心,使全神贯注absorb / attract / draw ones attentione.g. The book absorbed her attention.absorb oneself in (doing ) sth = be absorbed in ( doing ) sthe.g. The girl is absorbing herself in drawing.=Th

28、e girl is absorbed in drawing. 注意:表示注意:表示“全神贯注于全神贯注于”的短语还有:的短语还有:put ones heart into; focus ones attention on; concentrate on; be buried in e.g. Buried in his book, he didnt notice me enter the room.18. suspect vt. 怀疑,认为,怀疑,认为, 猜想猜想suspect that .怀疑怀疑/认为(尤指坏事可能属认为(尤指坏事可能属实发生)实发生)suspect sb of ( doing

29、 ) sth 怀疑某人(做怀疑某人(做了)了) 某事某事suspect sth / sb to be 认为认为/猜想某物猜想某物/某人某人.e.g. The police suspected that Bill had stolen the car.e.g. We all suspected the boy of having stolen the bike.e.g. I suspect him to be the pickpocket.n. 嫌疑犯;被怀疑者(可数)嫌疑犯;被怀疑者(可数)e.g. The police questioned the suspect.19. enquiry =

30、 inquiry n. 调查,询问调查,询问hold an enquiry into sth / sb 对某事对某事/某人某人进行调查进行调查e.g. The committee began to hold an enquiry into the affair.make enquiries of sb about sth 向某人询向某人询问某事问某事e.g. I made enquiries about my lost umbrella in all stores I had visited.n. 探索(不可数);探索(不可数); 问讯处问讯处,服务台(服务台( pl )v. enquire

31、= inquire 询问,打听询问,打听enquire into sth 调查某事调查某事enquire sth of sb 向某人打听某事向某人打听某事Ex:警察在上个月调查了那件事情。警察在上个月调查了那件事情。The police enquired into that matter last month.20. severe adj. 严重的严重的-severely adv.adj. suffer severe losses 蒙受严重的损失蒙受严重的损失a severe winter 严冬严冬severe weather conditions 恶劣的天气情况恶劣的天气情况a severe

32、 attack of toothache / headache 牙痛牙痛/头痛的剧烈发作头痛的剧烈发作e.g. A severe attack of headache made him forget to tell the news to me.adj. 严厉的,严格的严厉的,严格的be severe with / on sb = be strict with sb 对某人严格对某人严格Ex:她的母亲对她非常严格。她的母亲对她非常严格。Her mother is very severe with / on her.21. foresee vt. -foreseeable adj. 可以预见的可

33、以预见的foresee foresaw-foreseene.g. He could never foresee that one day his books would sell in millions.注意:前缀注意:前缀fore-,放动词前表示,放动词前表示“先于,先于,预先预先”,放在名词前表示,放在名词前表示“在在的前部的前部”v. foretell 预言预言 forecast 预测,预报预测,预报n. forehead 前额前额 forearm 前臂前臂 foresight 深谋远虑深谋远虑 foreword 前言前言 forefather 祖先祖先22. blame vt. bla

34、me sb for (doing ) sth 因某事责备某人因某事责备某人blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人把某事归咎于某人be to blame (for ).e.g. She doesnt blame anyone for her fathers death.=blame sb for sth e.g. Do you blame the accident on him ?= Do you blame him for the accident ?e.g. The careless driver is to blame for the traffic accident.n. 责任

35、,责备责任,责备take / bear the blame for sth 承担某事的承担某事的责任责任lay / put the blame for sth on sbe.g. We are ready to take the blame for what had happened.e.g. He put / laid the blame for his failure in the exam on the teacher.23. pollute v. pollution n. (不可数)不可数)-pollutant n. 污染物污染物air / water / noise pollutio

36、nenvironmental pollution 环境污染环境污染24. handle n. 把手把手e.g. The handle of my suitcase is broken.vt. 操纵,控制,处理操纵,控制,处理=deal withe.g. He knows how to handle the machine.Ex:你能处理目前的情况吗?你能处理目前的情况吗?e.g. Can you handle the present situation ?25. link vt. 联系;连接起来联系;连接起来link A to / with B 将将A与与B联系联系/连接起来连接起来e.g.

37、The highway links Shanghai to / with Beijing.be linked to 与与.有联系有联系/ 有关有关e.g. Heart disease might be linked to smoking.n. 联系,连接,关系联系,连接,关系a link between A and B A与与B之间的联系之间的联系e.g. The police suspect there may be a link between Tom and the murder.拓展:表示拓展:表示“将将和和连接起来连接起来”的表达还的表达还有:有:connect to / with

38、e.g. First connect the printer to the computer.“与与有联系有联系/有关有关” 也可以用:也可以用:be related to, be connected with, be associated with, have something to do with,e.g. She is connected with a noble family. 她是某名门贵族的亲戚。她是某名门贵族的亲戚。Wealth is seldom related to happiness.26. announce vt. 宣布,宣告宣布,宣告announce sth to s

39、b = announce to sb sth向某人宣布某事向某人宣布某事e.g. The teacher announced to us the experiment result at the beginning of the first class.announce to sb that 宣布宣布e.g. We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were successful.It is/ was announced that 据宣布据宣布e.g. It has been officially announced that h

40、e will pay a second visit to China soon.announcer n. 播音员,广播员播音员,广播员announcement n. 宣布,布告宣布,布告make an announcement 发表公告发表公告e.g. Attention, please ! I have an announcement to make.27. certainty n. (pl. certainties)certain adj. -certainly adv.adj. be certain of Ex:我确信他会成功。我确信他会成功。I am certain of his su

41、ccess.be certain that I am certain that he will succeed.It is certain that .是确实的是确实的e.g. It is certain that the earth is round.28. instruct vt. 命令,指示,教授命令,指示,教授instruct sb in sth 在某方面教授某人在某方面教授某人e.g. She instructed me in the use of the telephone.instruct sb to do sth 指示指示/命令某人干某事命令某人干某事Ex: 那些男孩被指示在那

42、里等。那些男孩被指示在那里等。Those boys were instructed to wait there.instruct that sb ( should ) do sth 指指示示/命令某人做某事命令某人做某事e.g. Our teacher instructed that we should hand in our papers after class.instruction n. 指示指示instructions n. 用法说明用法说明instructive adj. 增长知识的增长知识的instructor n. 教练,导师教练,导师29. responsible adj. b

43、e responsible for 对对.负责负责e.g. No one knows who should be responsible for it.responsibility n.a sense of responsibility 责任感责任感It is ones responsibility to do sth 干某干某事是某人的职责事是某人的职责Ex:保护环境,人人有责。保护环境,人人有责。It is everyones responsibility to protect the environment.30. construction n. 结构,建造结构,建造under cons

44、truction 在建设中在建设中e.g. The new railway is still under construction.类似结构:类似结构: under discussion 在讨论中在讨论中 under control 在控制中在控制中construct v. -constructive adj.31. contribute v.contribute sth to sth 把把捐献给捐献给., 捐助捐助给给e.g. We contributed $5,000 to the earthquake fund.contribute to 给给投稿投稿e.g. He regularly

45、contributes to the magazine.contribute to 有助于;是有助于;是.原因之一(原因之一(to用用作介词)作介词)e.g.Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health.Ex:吸烟是导致肺癌的一个因素吗?吸烟是导致肺癌的一个因素吗?Does smoking contribute to lung cancer ?contribution n. 可数名词可数名词 (可用可用great, small 修饰)修饰)make a contribution/ contributions to对对.做出贡献做出贡献Ex:他

46、对科学技术的发展做出了巨大的贡献。他对科学技术的发展做出了巨大的贡献。He made great contributions to the development of scientific technology.32. apart from = aside from 除了除了.外外(还),还), 相当于相当于in addition to , besides 或或as well as e.g. Apart from English, he had to learn a second foreign language while in college.除了除了.外(都),相当于外(都),相当于e

47、xcept或或but I hardly know anyone in the village apart from you.33. creative adj. -create v. -creation n. creator n. 创造者创造者34. positive adj. be positive about 对对是乐观的是乐观的e.g. She tried to be more positive about her new job.positively adv.反义词:反义词:negative adj. 消极的消极的35. be strict with sb in sthEx:父母总是在学

48、习方面对我严格要求。父母总是在学习方面对我严格要求。My parents are always strict with me in study.有有be+adj+with构成的短语还有:构成的短语还有:be pleased / content /satisfied with 对对.感到满意感到满意; be angry with sb 生某人的气生某人的气 strictly adv. strictly speaking 严格地说(放句首)严格地说(放句首)36. make sense 讲得通,有道理,有意义讲得通,有道理,有意义e.g. This sentence makes no sense.

49、Ex:他说的话总有道理。他说的话总有道理。e.g. What he says always makes sense.It makes sense to do sth 做某事是明智的做某事是明智的e.g. It makes good sense to take care of yourself.make sense of sth 理解,弄懂(用人做理解,弄懂(用人做主语)主语)e.g. I cant make sense of the poem.There is no sense / point(in)doing sth 干某事没有意义干某事没有意义Ex:为这件事情和他争吵毫无意义。为这件事情和

50、他争吵毫无意义。There is no sense / point in arguing with him about it.in a sense 从某种意义上说从某种意义上说=in some sensese.g. You are right in a sense.in no sense 绝不(放在句首句子需要倒装)绝不(放在句首句子需要倒装)e.g. In no sense is the conclusion mon sense 常识常识37. backward adv. 向后地,倒退向后地,倒退backward and forward 来回地,前后地来回地,前后地e.g. After su

51、pper, he likes walking backward and forward on the playground.adj. 向后的,倒退的,落后的向后的,倒退的,落后的e.g. He took a backward step and ran away.注意:后缀注意:后缀-ward(s)的含义为的含义为“向向.的方向的方向”,构成副词时,词尾可加,构成副词时,词尾可加-s,也可不加;也可不加;构成形容词时,词尾通常不加构成形容词时,词尾通常不加-sforwards, forward; inwards, inward; outwards, outward; downwards, dow

52、nward; upwards, upward;38. privately adv. -private adj.private cars 私家车私家车39. brightness n. -bright adj . -brightly adv.-brighten vt.40. enthusiastic adj.-enthusiast n. 热心者热心者 -enthusiasm n. 热情(不可数)热情(不可数)adj . be enthusiastic about sth 对某事热对某事热心心/ 感兴趣感兴趣e.g. Tom is enthusiastic about this plan.Ex:他

53、热心帮助他人。他热心帮助他人。He is enthusiastic about helping others.n. with enthusiasm (=enthusiastically ) 热衷地,疯狂地热衷地,疯狂地e.g. The proposal was greeted with great ethusiasm.41. cautious adj. -cautiously adv. -caution n.be cautious about 对对.小心谨慎小心谨慎e.g. She is always cautious about giving her address to strangers.with caution 谨慎地谨慎地e.g. Dad always drives with caution.42. reject vt.-rejection n. reject sth 拒绝某事拒绝某事; reject doing sth 拒绝做某事拒绝做某事 e.g. She rejected my gift.Ex:这个男孩拒绝告诉我们实情。这个男孩拒绝告诉我们实情。The boy rejected telling us the truth.



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