人教新起点小学英语四年级上册《Unit4 Asking for help》PPT课件 (2)

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人教新起点小学英语四年级上册《Unit4 Asking for help》PPT课件 (2)_第1页
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1、argue about what TV programmes to watchdisagree about programmes throw ontoWhen did my story happen ?Were my parents at home?What programme did my brotherwant to watch?1.Background of the story:2.Plot of the story: Outline of the story: 3.Ending:What happened then ?Argue about? Get angry with?Throwo

2、nto ? Fall onto?Talk about pictures:The Chen familyNancy and VictorLive in a flatWhat happened?Part A1:Read this outline of Part A1and think about how to develop this story .Part A2:Complete Part A2.The TwinsMr. and Mrs. Chen live in a _. They have a twin daughter and a twin son ,Nancy and Victor .

3、The twochildren _ about everything and always argue. One day, Mr. Chen was at work and Mrs. Chen went to the _ to buy some vegetables . flatdisagreesupermarketBackground of the story:Time:Character list:Place:Nancy and Victor stayed at home. They started to _ about what TV programmes to watch. Nancy

4、 wanted to watch cartoons but Victor wanted to watch sports programmes. Soon,theygot _.Victor threwthe _ onto the_ and it fell onto Nancys foot. angry with each otherremote controltablearguePlot of the story:Personalities of characters:Favourite activities:At that moment, Mrs. Chen came back home an

5、d saw everything. She told herchildren to get along well with each other and love each other. Nancy and Victor both said sorry to their motherand promised not to argue with eachother. Mother got a smile on her face. Ending:Time:Place:Character list:Personalities of characters:Favourite activities:A

6、plan of a story:Part B: Your TV programmes.Discuss in pairs.1.Complete the plan.2.Write an outline of the story.Write your TV programmes usingthe outline .Sample writing: Sarah and Katie both work in a super-market. They are best friends and theyenjoy working together.Sarah and Katieare young and al

7、ways happy. They liketelling jokes and watching comedy pro-grammes on TV. However, they dontlike their boss,Mr Chen. He is strictand always shouts at them. Once heshouted so loud at Sarah that he madeher cry. Sarah and Katie stop tellingjokes when Mr. Chen is nearby.Mr Chens favourite activity is pl

8、aying tennis. He plays tennis three times a week and takes part in tennis matches.But he never won any tennis prize. Oneday Mr Chen arrived as usual and smiledat Sarah and Katie as he gave them flowers each. The girls were shocked.At last they found the reason. Mr Chenhas won his first local championship inthe tennis match. He became happy.Sarah and Katie thought life would bemuch better from now on.



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