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1、The Locomotor SystemMar. 22. 2010JING LIjing.运动系统解剖李静l躯干骨 The bones of trunk l颅 skullCerebral Cranium 脑颅骨(8)Facial Cranium 面颅骨(15) 中轴骨骼 axial skeleton颅的整体观 skull as a whole 新生儿颅的特征及生后的变化 skull at birth 运动系统解剖李静Cerebral Craniumfrontal bone额骨 1ethmoid bone筛骨 1sphenoid bone蝶骨 1occipital bone枕骨 1tempora

2、l bone颞骨 2parietal bone顶骨 2颅腔顶:穹庐形的颅盖,额骨、顶骨、枕骨颅腔底:额骨、筛骨、蝶骨、颞骨、枕骨运动系统解剖李静frontal bone 额骨分额鳞,眶部和鼻部前与筛骨和鼻骨相连后通过冠状缝与顶骨相连内前下方有额窦Cerebral Cranium运动系统解剖李静parietal bone 顶骨和 occipital bone 枕骨顶骨:位于头顶,左右各一,以矢状缝相连枕骨:位于顶骨后,下面中央有枕骨大孔Cerebral Cranium运动系统解剖李静ethmoid bone筛骨含气骨,呈巾字型,位于两眶之间,额下方,构成鼻腔上部和外侧壁,分筛板、垂直板和筛骨迷路

3、Cerebral Cranium运动系统解剖李静sphenoid bone蝶骨形似蝴蝶,颅底部前方:额骨、筛骨,后方:颞骨、枕骨,分部:体、小翼、大翼和翼突 Cerebral Cranium运动系统解剖李静temporal bone 颞骨位于颅骨两侧,并延至颅底,构成颅底和颅腔的侧部以外耳门为中心可分为颞鳞、鼓部和岩部3部分,周围与顶骨、枕骨及蝶骨相接 。下颌骨Cerebral Cranium运动系统解剖李静maxilla上颌骨 2palatine bone腭骨 2lacrimal bone泪骨 2nasal bone鼻骨 2zygomatic bone颧骨2inferior nasal bo

4、ne下鼻甲 2面颅骨 The Facial CraniumVomer 犁骨 1Mandible 下颌骨1hyoid bone 舌骨1面颅上颌为中心,上鼻泪,下下颌,外颧内甲后犁腭,舌骨颈前单落脚。运动系统解剖李静Maxilla 上颌骨 由1个骨体(4个面)和4个突起组成眶面构成眼眶下壁鼻面为鼻腔外侧壁前面和颞下面额突接额骨、鼻骨和泪骨颧突接颧骨牙槽突有牙槽容纳上颌牙根腭突组成骨腭Facial Cranium运动系统解剖李静Palatine bone 腭骨 腭骨位于上颌骨腭突和蝶骨翼突间, L形,包括参与构成鼻腔侧壁的垂直板,和组成硬腭后部的水平板。Facial Cranium运动系统解剖李静

5、Zygomatic bone 颧骨位于眶下部,是面部的骨性突起Facial Cranium运动系统解剖李静Facial CraniumMandible 下颌骨为面颅骨中最大的骨,分一体两支构成颞下颌关节下牙槽神经、血管从下颌孔进入下颌管向前走行,在颏孔处分出颏神经及血管 运动系统解剖李静Hyoid bone 舌骨Vomer 犁骨不与其他任何骨形成关节在下颌骨与喉间支持舌头 分体、大角和小角组成鼻中隔的后下部分Facial Cranium运动系统解剖李静Nasal bone 鼻骨 成对,是构成鼻背的基础Lacrimal bone泪骨 位于眶内侧壁前部,前接上颌骨,后连筛骨迷路眶板Inferior

6、 nasal concha下鼻甲 附着于上颌体和腭骨垂直板的鼻面上Facial Cranium运动系统解剖李静颅顶面观The apical view of skull颅后面观The back view of skull颅底内面观The interior view of skull颅底外面观The inferior view of skull颅侧面观The lateral view of skull颅前面观The front view of skull颅的整体观运动系统解剖李静Apical view of skullCoronal suture冠状缝Sagittal suture矢状缝Lambd

7、oid suture人字缝Frontal boneParietal boneOccipital bone运动系统解剖李静Back view of skull superior nuchal line上项线external occipital protuberance 枕外隆凸运动系统解剖李静Base of skull forms three fossae lAnterior cranial fossa 颅前窝lMeddle cranial fossa 颅中窝lPosterior cranial fossa 颅后窝Interior view of skull运动系统解剖李静Interior vi

8、ew of skull颅前窝颅中窝颅后窝筛孔 CN额骨眶部筛骨筛板蝶骨小翼Structures: lfrontal crest额嵴 lcrista galli 鸡冠 lcribriform plate 筛板 lcribriform foramina 筛孔Anterior cranial fossa: formed by orbital part of frontal bone, cribriform plate of ethmoid, and lesser wings of sphenoid运动系统解剖李静Interior view of skull颅前窝颅中窝颅后窝眶上裂 CN/1/视神经管

9、 CNStructures:lbody of sphenoid bone 蝶骨体 lhypophysial fossa 垂体窝 lanterior clinoid process 前床突 lposterior clinoid process 后床突 lsella turcica 蝶鞍lcarotid sulcus 颈动脉沟 loptic canal 视神经管lsuperior orbital fissure 眶上裂Meddle cranial fossa: formed by the body and greater wings of sphenoid, petrous part of tem

10、poral bone运动系统解剖李静Interior view of skull颅前窝颅中窝颅后窝眶上裂 CN/1/棘孔 (脑膜中动脉)卵圆孔CN3圆孔 CN2视神经管 CN破裂孔颈动脉管内口Meddle cranial fossa: formed by the body and greater wings of sphenoid, petrous part of temporallforamen rotundum 圆孔 lforamen ovale 卵圆孔 lforamen spinosum 棘孔lsulcus for middle meningeal artery 脑膜中动脉沟lforam

11、en lacerum 破裂孔 linternal opening of carotid canal 颈动脉管内口ltrigeminal impression 三叉神经压迹运动系统解剖李静Interior view of skull枕骨大孔颅前窝颅中窝颅后窝乙状窦沟小脑窝枕内隆突颈静脉孔 CN内耳门 CN/枕骨颞骨岩部后面舌下神经管内口 CNStructures: lforamen magnum 枕骨大孔枕骨大孔 lclivus 斜坡斜坡 linternal occipital protuberance 枕内隆凸枕内隆凸lsulcus for transverse sinus 横窦沟横窦沟 ls

12、ulcus for sigmoid sinus 乙状窦沟乙状窦沟 linternal acoustic pore 内耳门内耳门ljugular foramen 颈静脉孔颈静脉孔 linternal opening of hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管内口舌下神经管内口 Posterior cranial fossa: Formed by occipital and the petrous part of temporal运动系统解剖李静lalveolar arch 牙槽弓牙槽弓lbony palate 骨腭骨腭lincisive foramina 切牙孔切牙孔lgreater

13、palatine foramen 腭大孔腭大孔lposterior nasal apertures 鼻后孔鼻后孔lpterygoid process 翼突翼突loccipital condyle 枕髁枕髁lstyloid process 茎突茎突lstylomastoid foramen 茎乳孔茎乳孔lmandibular fossa 下颌窝下颌窝larticular tubercle 关节结节关节结节Inferior view of skull运动系统解剖李静Inferior view of skull卵圆孔棘孔破裂孔颈动脉管外口颈静脉孔外耳门舌下神经管外口external opening

14、of hypoglossal canal 舌下神经管外口舌下神经管外口external opening of carotid canal 颈动脉管外口颈动脉管外口运动系统解剖李静Lateral view of skull颧弓pterion翼点 (位置、组成 )是额骨、顶骨、颞骨和蝶骨大翼4骨相交处所形成的“H”形骨缝,位于颞窝内,颧弓中点上方两横指(或3.54cm)处,此处骨质菲薄,内有脑膜中动脉前支通过,此处受暴力打击易骨折,骨折易损伤血管形成硬膜外血肿。颞窝颞下窝external acoustic pore 外耳门外耳门 mastoid process 乳突乳突 zygomatic arc

15、h 颧弓颧弓 temporal fossa 颞窝颞窝 pterion 翼点翼点运动系统解剖李静Frontal view of skull分:额区:眶以上部分 眶:四面锥体形深腔 骨性鼻腔:介于两眶和上颌骨间,犁骨和筛骨垂直板构成鼻中隔 骨性口腔:上颌骨、颚骨和下颌骨围成运动系统解剖李静Frontal view of skullOrbit 眶运动系统解剖李静Bony nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔lRoof: cribriform plate of ethmoidlFloor: bony palate lLateral wall lThree nasal conchae (superior,

16、 middle and inferior) 上、中、下鼻甲上、中、下鼻甲lNasal meatus underlying each concha (superior, middle and inferior) 上、中、下鼻道上、中、下鼻道lSphenoethmoidal recess 蝶筛隐窝蝶筛隐窝 above superior nasal conchalAnterior piriform aperture 梨状孔梨状孔lPosterior posterior nasal aperture 鼻后孔鼻后孔Frontal view of skull运动系统解剖李静Bony nasal cavit

17、y 骨性鼻腔Frontal view of skull运动系统解剖李静Paranasal Sinuses 鼻旁窦frontal sinus额窦 ethmoidal sinus筛窦sphenoidal sinus蝶窦 maxillary sinus上颌窦运动系统解剖李静Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦lFrontal sinus 额窦额窦lLies in frontal bone, deep to superciliary archlDrain to anterior part of middle meatus运动系统解剖李静lMaxillary sinus 上颌窦上颌窦lLarges

18、t paired sinus, lie in the body of maxilla;lOpening into middle nasal meatus Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦运动系统解剖李静lEthmoidal cellules 筛窦筛窦lLie in ethmoidal bone, contains large number of air cells, divided into anterior, middle and posterior groupslAnterior and middle groups drain into middle nasal meatus,

19、while posterior group drains into superior nasal meatuslSphenoidal sinus 蝶窦蝶窦lLies in body of sphenoid bonelDrain into sphenoethmoidal recessParanasal sinuses 鼻旁窦运动系统解剖李静The openings of the paranasal sinusesfrontalfrontalfrontalfrontalethmodialethmodialsphenoidalsphenoidalmaxillarymaxillaryParanasal

20、 sinuses 鼻旁窦运动系统解剖李静General characters of the skull at birthlThe skull at birth is large in proportion to rest of the skeleton 1/4 (adult 1/7)lThe facial portion equals about one eight that of the cranium in size (adult 1/4)lCranial frontanelles unossified membrane between the bones at the angles of

21、 parietallAnterior frontanelle closes during middle of 2nd yearlPosterior frontanelle closes by the end of 2nd month after birthlMastoid fontanellelSphenoidal fontanelle 前囟蝶囟乳突囟前囟后囟矢状缝冠状缝运动系统解剖李静颅骨连结l颅骨的纤维连结和软骨连结l颅骨的滑膜关节运动系统解剖李静纤维连结l冠状缝Coronal suturel矢状缝Sagittal suturel人字缝Lambdoid suturel蝶顶缝软骨连结l蝶枕软

22、骨结合l蝶岩软骨结合l岩枕软骨结合颅骨的纤维连结和软骨连结颅骨的纤维连结和软骨连结运动系统解剖李静l组 成下颌骨的下颌头颞骨下颌窝和关节结节l特 点联合关节,两侧需同时运动l运 动上提、下降、前进、后退、侧方颅骨的滑膜关节颞下颌关节temporomandibular joint运动系统解剖李静References:http:/www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/skull/skulltt.htmhttp:/skullanatomy.info/skull_sessions.htmhttp:/www.emory.edu/ANATOMY/AnatomyManual/fossae.html运动系统解剖李静thankyou!运动系统解剖李静运动系统解剖李静



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