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1、二动词的语态Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望一般时态进行时态完成时态现在amis givenareamis being givenarehas been givenhave过去was given werewas being givenwere had been given 将来shall be given willX X X (shall have been given)( will过去将来should be given wouldX X X(should have

2、been given)( would21) 被动语态主要在下面几种情况下用被动语态主要在下面几种情况下用:va 我们不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁我们不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁(这时都不带由这时都不带由by引起的短语引起的短语):vSuch books are written for children. 这种书是为儿童写的。vWhen will the road be opened to traffic? 这条路什么时候通车?vWe havent been told about it. 没有人通知我们这件事。v b 动作承受者是谈话的中心动作承受者是谈话的中心(这时可带有这时可

3、带有by引起引起的短语的短语):v The store is run by the trade union. 这家店是工会办的。3vThe song was composed by a student. 这首歌曲是一个学生谱写的。vThe lathe was designed by ourselves. 这个车床是我们自己设计的。vc出于礼貌措辞圆通等方面的考虑不愿说出动作的出于礼貌措辞圆通等方面的考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁执行者是谁:vYou are requested to give a performance. 请你给我们表演一个节目。vIt is generally consider

4、ed not advisable to act that way. 这样做一般认为是不妥当的。vYou are cordially invited to a party to be given at the Teacherss Club at 3 p.m. Nov. 23. 谨定于11月23日下午3时在教师俱乐部举行晚会,敬请光临。()42)passive voice of phrasal verbs:when used transitively, phrasal verbs can be made passive. vA) passive voice of basic phrasal ver

5、bsvPhrasal verbs have three basic forms: “verb + preposition”, “verb + adverb ” and “verb + adverb + preposition”. v In the transformation from the active into the passive, these forms are mostly treated as single word verbs, and both the adverb and the preposition should remain immediately after th

6、e verb.5va) verb + preposition, eg: look after, look into, talk about: vThe children are well looked after.vThis matter is being looked into.vOther possibilities were talked about at the meeting.vb) verb + adverb , eg: set up, put off, bring about:vWhen was the hospital set up?vThe sport meet is to

7、be put off.vA new outburst of revolutionary enthusiasm will soon be brought about.6vc) verb + adverb + preposition, eg: do away with, face up to, put up with:vThat sort of thing should be done away with.vTheres no running away from the facts; they just have to be faced up to.vSuch a state of things

8、cannot be put up with.vB) passive voice of “verb + noun + preposition” vThe “verb + noun + preposition” combination may have two passive possibilities. The first of these is to treat the combination as a single transitive verb,eg:7vHe took great care of his books.vHis book were taken great care of.

9、vThe second is to treat the combination as “verb + noun + preposition” , and put the whole prepositional phrase after the passive verb,eg: vHe took great care of his books.vGreat care was taken of his books. vCompare:vThey had made a mess of the house.vThe house had been made a mess of.(第一种用法)vA mes

10、s had been made of the house. (第二种用法)v注意:采用第二种形式时要把整个介词词组放到被动态动词的后面去。()83) Active constructions expressing passive meaningsvThere are verbs that can be either transitive or intransitive and which can be active in form but passive in meaning. The following two points may be noted. The first of these,

11、 which occurs chiefly in the present progressive(如do,owe, cook, bind, print 等动词。这类结构是早期英语遗留下来的用法, 常见于日常用语以及某些行业的专门术语中), eg:9vThe house is building.vThe book is printing.vThe dinner is cooking.vVerbs used in this way can also be made passive. compare:vThe house is being built.vThe book is being print

12、ed.vThe dinner is being cooked.vThe second type occurring frequently in the simple present is only found when the subject is represented as having certain inherent qualities which promote, hamper, 10vor prevent the realization of the idea expressed by the predicate verb, eg:vBrownings plays wont act

13、. 布朗宁戏剧不宜上演。vTomatoes bruise easily. 西红柿很容易碰伤。vThis belt wont buckle. 这根腰带扣不上。vMy voice doesnt carry well. 我的声音传不远。vEnamel wares clean easily. 搪瓷器皿容易弄干净。vThis box doesnt close properly. 这厢子关不拢。vThese apples cook well. 这些苹果适于烹煮。vThis metal cuts easily. 这种金属容易切削。vNylon dries quickly. 尼龙织物干得快。vThe pipe

14、 doesnt draw well. 这烟斗不大畅通。11vThis material doesnt dye well. 这料子染不好。vIt eats well. 这东西吃起来味道好。vDamp wood will not fire. 潮湿的木头烧不着。vThis wheat grinds well. 这种麦子很好磨。vThe brake does not grip properly. 刹车不灵。vThis car handles well. 这辆车好驾驶。vDamp clothes iron easily. 湿衣容易烫平。vWill this meat keep till tomorrow

15、? 这肉能放到明天吗?vThe flat lets for 500 dollars a month. 这套公寓房月租金500美元。vThe match lights easily. 这火柴容易划着。vThe door wont lock. 这门锁不上。vThe cow milks well. 这头母牛出奶率高。vThese books pack easily. 这些书容易包装。12vThese potatoes peel easily. 这些土豆容易销皮。vRipe apples pick easily. 熟了的苹果容易采摘。vThis poem reds well. 这首诗读来顺口。vHis

16、 voice records well. 他的声音录下来很好听。vThat play screens badly. 那个剧本不适于拍电影。vHis new novel sells well. 他的新小说销路好。vThe window wont shut. 这窗关不上。vSome kinds of wood splits easily. 有些木材容易劈开。vSome kinds of food soon spoil. 有些食品容易变质。vThis linen cloth stains easily. 这种麻布容易弄脏。vThis paper tears easily. 这种纸币一撕就破。vThi

17、s cloth washes well. 这部很耐洗。vThis material wont wear. 这种材料不耐久。vThe drawer wont open. 抽屉开不开。13v以上这些句子一般都不能转换为被动句,如果变为被动句,句子的意义就改变了。compare:vHis novels dont sell. 他的小说销路不佳。vHis novels are not sold. 他的小说没有卖掉。vThe middle house wont let. 中间的房子租不出去。vThe middle house will not be let. 中间的房子不会出租。vShe does not

18、 photograph well. 她不上照。vShe has not been photographed well. 她的相没有照好。()14v4)非限定动词的被动语态v非限定动词包括不定式、-ing 分词和ed分词, 其中不定式和-ing 分词有被动语态。以write 为例,形式如下:形式不定式-ing 分词一般时态to be written being written完成时态to have been writtenhaving been written15vA)不定式的被动态v当不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,这个不定式要用被动语态。例如:vI hope to be nominated

19、.vIt is impossible for lost time to be made up.vTo fetch water before breakfast seemed to them a rule never to be broken.vNote: get-型被动态(get-passive)也可以不定式的形式出现。例如:vIt was nasty for Mary to be / to get hurt.(玛丽受到伤害这件事令人很不愉快。)vIt was good for Joans mother to be / to get looked after so kindly.16vB)-i

20、ng 分词的被动态v当-ing 分词的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,就要用-ing 分词的被动态。例如:vThe workers were proud of their products being praised highly by the buying public.vI object to being kept waiting. vHaving been invited to speak, Ill start making preparations tomorrow.vNote:当代有人称代词作为自己主语的-ing 分词被动态在主句中作宾语或补足成分时,这个人称代词既可用宾格, 也可用属格。

21、 例如:vI insisted on him /his being invited.vI dont mind him / his being invited. (end)175) 被动语态的灵活运用:vA)下列的动词短语动词不能用被动式:用法 take place happen occur(发生)(发生)(发生)belong to break out consist of (属于)(爆炸)(组成)例句 An accident happened here a week ago. ( T ) An accident was happened here a week age. ( F ) ( 一个星

22、期前在这里发生了车祸。) This house belongs to be now. ( T ) This house is belonged to me now. ( F ) ( 这栋房子现在属于我。 )18vNote:v(a) “take place”做做“举行举行”解时,要注意其用法解时,要注意其用法:vWe will hold the meeting next Monday.v=The meeting will be held next Monday.v=The meeting will take place next Monday.v(下星期一将举行会议。)v(b) “连系动词连系动

23、词” (如如look,feel, taste, smell, remain等等)没有被动形式:没有被动形式:vThe coffee tastes a little bitter. ( T )vThe coffee is tasted a little bitter. ( F )v(这咖啡尝起来有点苦。)v(c)并非并非所有及物动词都有被动形式,如:所有及物动词都有被动形式,如:cost (花花费费),take (花费花费),last (持续持续), resemble (像像), have (有有)等都没有被动式。等都没有被动式。19vThe pen cost five yuan. ( T )v

24、The pen is costed five yuan. ( F )v(这笔要五元。) vB)有些动词以有些动词以“动名词动名词”或或“不定式不定式”的形式的形式表示被动语态表示被动语态v下列动词看似主动,但其实还有被动的意义:v be worth + V-ing(值得)v need v want + V-ing(需要)v requirev to let (出租),to blame (该受责备) vFor example:20vThe book is worth reading. = The book is worthy to be read. = The book is worthy of

25、being read. (这本书值得一读。) vMy car needs checking.v= My car needs to be checked.v(我的车子需要检查。)vThe house is to let. (此屋出租。)vYou are to blame. (你应受责备。)vA lot remains to do.(还有许多要做的事情。)vC)用其他介词代替用其他介词代替by:v在被动语态中,表示行为者的介词,通常用by;但有些动词不用by而要用其他的介词(如to, in, at, with):21be 动 词 的 过 去 分 词 介 词beacquainted 认识covere

26、d 覆盖equipped 装备 pleased 高兴satisfied 满意crowded 挤满filed 挤满 with beamazed 惊讶astonished 吃惊startled 吃惊surprised 惊讶shocked 震惊disappointed 失望frightened 惊吓 at22bedressed 穿衣服interested 感兴趣absorbed 专心于engaged 从事于caught 遇到inbeaccustomed习惯于used习惯于devoted 献身于known 为所知married 结婚obliged 感激engaged 与订婚to23v例句:vThe m

27、ountain is covered with snow. (山被雪所覆盖。)vHe is pleased with his new job. (他对新工作很满意。)vI was surprised at the news. (这消息使我吃惊。)vHe is interested in music. (他对音乐感兴趣。)vI am much obliged to you for your help. (真谢谢你的帮助。)vI was caught in a shower on my way home. (我在回家途中遇到阵雨。)()24vD)情绪动词的被动语态v所谓“情绪动词”是指可以表达各种

28、“心理感受”,如:高兴、满意、惊讶等的动词,如果主语是“人”的话, 通常用“被动式”表达,其句型是:“人+be+情绪动词的过去分词”(表示某人感到)。请看下列诸词:表示高兴、满意 表示惊讶 其 他用 法amused、 delighted、 excited、 interested、 pleased、 satisfiedamazed、astonished、startled、surprised、frightened、shockedbored ( 厌烦)tired (疲倦)exhausted (筋疲力尽)disappointed(失望)disgusted (厌恶)convinced (相信)25vFo

29、r example: I am interested in English. He was delighted to meet you. I was surprised to hear the mews. I am disappointed in her.Note: the usage of the following phrases:be used to +N 习惯于 be devoted to+N 献身于 be absorbed in+N 专心于 be acquainted with 熟悉 be opposed to+N 反对 be exposed to+N 暴露于 be made up

30、of 由组成 be wounded = be hurt 受伤 be located = be situated 位于Be accustomed to+N 习惯于 be dedicated to+N 致力于 be engaged in 从事于 be concerned about 关心 be supposed to+V 应该要 be well-known for 以著名 be inclined to+V 倾向于 be seated = sit 就座 be dressed= dress oneself 穿着26vE) 客观的说法v表示客观的说明常用“It is +p.p.”的句型。下面为常见的句型

31、: believed 大家相信 expected 大家期待 reported 据报道vIt is said 据说 that suggested 有人建议说 thought 大家认为 acknowledged 大家公认For example: It is said that Mike is sick in bed. It is believed that he was killed.27vConclusion So far we have discussed the use of active voice and passive voice and some special points tha

32、t we should pay much attention to on verb voices. Now lets practice.Exercises:1. All the apparatus_before the experiment began. a. have been prepared b. was prepared c. had been prepared d. had prepared2.The assassination attempt_millions, because the speech was on television. a. was seen by b. was

33、saw by c. seen by d. was seen for 283. He said that the patient_by a chief doctor. a. would operate on b. will operate on c. will be operated on d. would be operated on4. The world;s supplies of copper_. a. had been gradually being exhausted b. have gradually exhausted c. are gradually exhausted d.

34、are being gradually exhausted5. Hurry up, or the tickets_out by the time we got there. a. will have been sold b. will sell c. have sold d. have been sold6. Miller_how to make the test before he tried. a. had told b. have been told c. had been told d. told297. The house suddenly collapsed while it_do

35、wn. a. pulled b. had been pulled c. was being pulled d. was pulled8. I enjoyed last nights concert, although Beethovens Fifth Symphony_rather poorly. a. was playing b. playing c. was played d. played9. Today the public_about the way nature is being ruined. a. is concerned b. has been concerning c. is being concerned d. is becoming concerned10.The result of these examinations_by the teacher. a. announces b. announced c. have been announced d. has been announced30



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