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1、objectivesgraduate supportprepareTo learn the use of following words:1. graduate 【课文原句课文原句】Kate graduated from medical school last year. (P 12)凯特去年从医校毕业。凯特去年从医校毕业。Careful reading to solve difficult points:graduate vi. 意为意为“ 毕业毕业”,常用短语常用短语 “graduate in+学科名词学科名词+from+学校学校”意为意为“毕业于某学校某毕业于某学校某专业专业”。另外,。

2、另外,graduate作及物动词时,意为作及物动词时,意为“准准予予. .毕业,授予毕业,授予. .学位学位”。 e.g. She graduated in history from an American college. 她毕业于一所美国的学院历史专业。她毕业于一所美国的学院历史专业。【拓展拓展】graduate n. C 毕业生;毕业生; graduate adj. 毕业了的,研究生的;毕业了的,研究生的; graduation n.毕业毕业, 毕业毕业典礼。典礼。Practice(仿写)我今年七月将从武汉大学毕业,(仿写)我今年七月将从武汉大学毕业,获新闻专业文凭。获新闻专业文凭。I

3、will_ _ Wuhan University in July with a diploma _ Journalism. (汉译英)那个大学去年有三百名学生毕业。(汉译英)那个大学去年有三百名学生毕业。 The university graduated 300 students last year. graduatefromin2. support【课文原句课文原句】His idea to organize a big party has won support from his friends. (P 12) 他组织一次大型派对的想法得到了朋友们的支持。他组织一次大型派对的想法得到了朋友们

4、的支持。【点拨点拨】句中句中support n. U , 意为意为“支持支持”,除此之外,还可以表示除此之外,还可以表示“支撑,支援,维持,支撑,支援,维持, 赡赡养养”。 support n. C, “支持物,支持者支持物,支持者”support vt. 支撑,养活。支撑,养活。e.g. She works hard to support such a large family. 她努力工作来养活这一大家子人她努力工作来养活这一大家子人。【拓展拓展】 in support of 支持,支援支持,支援 in support供支援用的供支援用的, 后备的后备的 give support to 支

5、持支持, 支援支援Practice (仿写)他现在身体好多了,不用人扶可以(仿写)他现在身体好多了,不用人扶可以 站起来。站起来。 Hes much stronger now; he can stand _ _. withoutsupport(汉译英)谢谢你给我们的支持。(汉译英)谢谢你给我们的支持。Thank you for all the support you have given us.Can you translate the following phrases?prepare forprepare sthprepare sb for sthprepare to do sthbe p

6、repared to do sth/be prepared for sth make preparations for 为为作准备作准备准备准备为为.而辅导或训练某人而辅导或训练某人准备做某事准备做某事准备好做某事准备好做某事为为.作准备作准备1.上尉告诉士兵上尉告诉士兵准备行动准备行动。2.学生正在学生正在为为期末考试期末考试做准备做准备。3.由于没有任何消息,我们由于没有任何消息,我们做好做好了了最坏的最坏的打算打算。4.部队正在部队正在为全面入侵作准备为全面入侵作准备。5. 你得你得承担承担做这种工作的风险。做这种工作的风险。1. The captain told the soldier

7、s to prepare to take action.2.The students are preparing for the terminal examinations.3. There was no news and we were prepared for the worst.4. The army is making preparations for a full-scale invasion.5. You have to be prepared to take risks inthis kind of work.TranslationGame timeWork in pairs a

8、nd make up sentences, each of you should make 3 to 5 sentences with prepare 用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。be different from first of all for a short time tell the truthbe prepared for hear about be proud of go on holiday 1. Though I _ the man, I have never had a chance to see him. 2. Dont believe

9、him. What he says _ what he does.3. The child must be taught to respect the truth and to _.hear aboutis different fromtell the truth4. The reporter worked as a carpenter (木木匠匠) _ when he was young. 5. To speak English well, _, you should practice speaking English both in and out of class.6. When the disaster took place suddenly, no one _ it.7. You dare to be yourself and always do what you believe in. I _ you! 8. The young couple are planning to _ in Hawaii this summer.for a short timefirst of allwas prepared foram proud ofgo on holiday



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