高中英语 Unit2 第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking课件 新人教版必修2

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1、第三学时第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speakingThe Olympic Games Task 1仔细阅读课文The story of Atlanta写出文章的段落大意。温馨提示:本文是记叙文,写摘要时要扣住人物、事件、结果等要素。Atlanta, a Greek princess, said she would marry a man running as fast as she and kill him if he failed. Some men killed, Hippomenes went to ask the Greek Go

2、ddess of Love to help him win the race. Task 2仔细阅读课文The story of Atlanta,选择正确答案。1From the passage. we can learn that Atlanta_. ( )Awas an American beautiful girlBcould run the fastest in GreeceCwas a very determined girlDcould do anything her father wantedC2Atlanta had to make a bargain with her fat

3、her because she_. ( )Awanted to marry the man she liked best Bwanted to run and win gloryCcould run faster than othersDwanted to show her strength3From the second paragraph we can learn that_.( )Anobody wanted to marry the princessBmany men wanted to marry the beautiful girlCthe man who wanted to co

4、mpete with her were foolishDHippomenes also felt hopeless in marrying AtlantaBB4What does the word “bargain” in the first paragraph mean? ( )AA thing brought for less than the usual price.BTalk.CAn agreement between two.DConditions.5According to the Greek Goddess of Love,we can infer that_. ( )AHipp

5、omenes was so cleverBHippomenes could at last win the race CAtlanta could fall in love with HippomenesDHippomenes won without the applesCBPart A Role Play情景: Lisa 向Bob询问古希腊公主Atlanta的跑步招亲的故事。角色:Lisa and Bob任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容互相问答问题。仔细阅读The story of Atlanta, 回答下列问题:Q1. 阿特兰大是什么人?_Q2.

6、 她擅长做什么?_Q3: 她想怎样选亲?_Q4: 她为什么要杀掉那些跑得不如她快的男人?_Q5: Hippomenes会赢得比赛吗? 为什么?_Part A Q1. Who was Atlanta? A1: She was a Greek princess.Q2: What was she good at?A2: She was good at running. Nobody in Greece could run faster than her. Q3: How did she decide to choose her husband? A3: She decided to marry a

7、man who could run as fast as she. But if the man could not run so fast, she would kill him.Q4:Why did she want to kill those who couldnt run as fast as her?A4: She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics and she wanted to make as many men as she could share her pain.Q5: Could Hippomenes

8、win Atlanta? Why? A5: Yes. It was likely that he would win the race because he asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love. The Greek Goddess of Love gave him three golden apples to attract Atlantas attention and make her slow down.Part B Retelling请用自己的话复述课文, 你可以参照上述问题及其答案。 关键词: be good at擅长 marry

9、 嫁, 娶, 结婚ask for help求助Greek Goddess of Love 爱神_Part BAtlanta, a Greek princess, was good at running. Nobody in Greece could run faster than her, but she could not run in the Olympics. So she was very angry and got an idea that she wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her but if he failed

10、 he would be killed. Many people ran the race and were killed because they couldnt resist her beauty. Then to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love, who gave him three golden apples to attract Atlantas attention and make her slow down. 词语链接词语链接1. But she was not allo

11、wed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.(P14) 但是,她却不被允许参加奥运会为自己赢得荣誉。glory n. 光荣, 荣誉, 桂冠glorious adj.光荣的,荣耀的,辉煌的win glory for sb. 为赢得荣誉即学即练即学即练选用上述词语填空。 (1)I do all the work and he gets all the_. (2)They had three weeks of_ sunshine. (3)He made up his mind_ his country. (1)glory (2)

12、glorious(3)to win glory for词语链接词语链接2.so Atlanta made a bargain with him. 于是阿特兰大与他讨价还价。bargain n. 协议(特别指有交换条件者);廉价货,便宜东西(可数)bargain v. 讨价还价,商讨条件bargain with sb. over/for sth.(和某人就某事)讨价还价,商讨条件make a bargain with sb. 和某人讨价还价, 达成协议strike a bargainreach an agreement达成协议即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)He_(与妻子讨价还价): “Yo

13、u cook and Ill wash up.”(2)The businessman_(正和主人讨价还价) over the price of the horse.(3)Finally the two companies_(达成了协议). (4)Sometimes you pick up wonderful_(便宜货) in these markets. (1)made a bargain with his wife(2)was bargaining with the owner(3)struck a bargain(4)bargains词语链接词语链接3She promised to hel

14、p him and give him three apples. (P14)女神答应帮助他, 并给了他三个苹果。promise n. & v. 答应, 许诺, 诺言promising adj. 有希望的, 有前途的promise to do sth. 答应做某事make a promise许下诺言keep ones promise 实践诺言break ones promise 言而无信,不守诺言即学即练即学即练选用上述词语完成句子。(1) 妈妈答应我,只要我考试及格了,就给我买辆新单车。My mother_ if I passed the exam.(2) 没人相信他,因为他总是言而无信。No

15、 one believes him because he always_.(1)promised to buy me a new bike(2)breaks his promise4Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win the race?你认为希波墨涅斯应该赢得这场赛跑吗?词语链接词语链接deserve vt. 值得,应当(受到)deserve to do sth. 值得做某事deserve doing/deserve to be done 某事值得(被)做即学即练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)她积极努力,应受到奖赏。She_ for her effor

16、ts. (2)她应该会成功因为她是最棒的。She_ because she was the best.(3)他罪有应得。He _ to be punished.(4)你的建议值得考虑。Your suggestion deserves_. (1)deserves a reward (2)deserved to succeed(3)deserves (4)to be considered/ considering一、单词拼写1He caused his parents a great deal of_(痛苦)2While doing shopping,I wasnt prepared to_(讨价

17、还价)3Ive never heard anything so_(愚蠢的)in all my life.4As a child he dreamt of future_(荣耀)as an Olympic champion.5We tried to stop the flames from spreading,but we knew it was_(无望的)1pain2.bargain3.foolish4.glory5.hopeless二、词语活用用与promise相关的词语完成下列小段落。 Everybody said Jane was a (1)_girl. She was good at

18、singing and dancing and she also did well in all her subjects. We liked her because she always (2)_. So once she (3) _ to do something, she would do it well. If I was not mistaken, she never (4)_. (1)promising (2)kept her promise(3)made a promise/promised (4)broke her promise三、 在下列空格中填入恰当的介词、副词、或连词。

19、 1.“You must follow the rules_ go away”, the boss said loudly. 2.I live in_ you rich people call a hut,_I think I live a happy life. 3.He often tells lies. Thats _I want to dismiss him.4As we know, both the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics are held_ four years.1or2.what, but3.why4.every 5_a matter of fact, many countries want to host the Olympics.6It was in a secondhand bookstore_ I got this valuable book.7Apart_ playing football, I also like table tennis very much.8.He failed again_ he tried his best to win the race.5As6.that7.from 8.although/though



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