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1、人教版七年级(上)英语教学课件英语教学课件(1a-2e)Starter Unit 3What color is it?学习目标学习目标1. 能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应 的问答的问答2. 能够说出一些日常用品的名称能够说出一些日常用品的名称3. 能够正确读、写英语字母能够正确读、写英语字母SZ4. 能够辨认英语字母缩写的商标等能够辨认英语字母缩写的商标等Practice the conversations. A: Whats this/that in English?B: Its a/an .A: Spell it, please. B: cupquil

2、tmapjacketpenkeyorangerulerLead inLead ina rainbow(彩虹彩虹) white purpleblue green redyelloworangePresentationPresentationA: What color is it? B: Its .rede yellowblackgreenblue orangewhitepurplebrowne ui:u:au:aiCiA: What color is it? B: Its UVWXYZSTA: Whats this? B: Its 1a Look at the picture. Write th

3、e letter for each color. _VSYWZUXTConsolidationConsolidationV V V, V is red. Its a red V.S S S, S is yellow. Its a yellow S. Y Y Y, Y is green. Its a green Y. W W W, W is blue. Its a blue W. Z Z Z, Z is black. Its a black Z. U U U, U is white. Its a white U. X X X, X is purple. Its a purple X. T T T

4、, T is brown. Its a brown T. Lets Chant 说唱说唱 Match the words with the colors. 1. red 2. yellow 3. green4. blue5. black6. white7.purple8.brown1b Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。听录音并跟读。Whats this? Its V. What color is it? Its red. Whats that? Its Z. What color is it? Its black. this 指近处指近处that 指远处指远处1c Prac

5、tice the conversations and make your own conversations. Conversation 1 A: Whats this? B: Its V. A: What color is it? B: Its red. Conversation 2 A: Whats that? B: Its Z. A: What color is it? B: Its black. PracticePracticeExplainExplainLanguage points1What color is it? 它是什么颜色?它是什么颜色?这是对颜色进行提问的特殊疑问句。该句

6、型结构为What color+be+主语?当主语,即被询问的物品是单数形式时,be动词用is;当主语是复数形式时,be动词用are。答语为Its/Theyre+颜色。 2Its red/black.它是红色的它是红色的/黑色的。黑色的。在英语中,表示某物是某种颜色时,表示颜色的词后不需要加color。例如:这支钢笔是蓝色的。误:This pen is blue color.正:This pen is blue.Do you know what these expressions mean?(知道它们的意思吗(知道它们的意思吗?) a black sheep green eyed a green

7、 hand a white night white coffee害群之马害群之马眼红眼红新手新手不眠之夜不眠之夜加牛奶的咖啡加牛奶的咖啡 Mr. White Mrs. Green Miss Black Ms. Brown 怀特先生怀特先生格林夫人格林夫人布莱克小姐布莱克小姐布朗女士布朗女士Do you know them? 你认识他们吗?你认识他们吗?Chant 说唱说唱 Red, red, red, a red V.Yellow, yellow, yellow, a yellow S.Green, green, green, a green Y.Blue, blue, blue, a blu

8、e W.Black, black, black, a black Z.White, white, white, a white U,Purple, purple, purple, a purple X,Brown, brown, brown, a brown T. 192a Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。听录音并跟读。/es/ti:/ju:/vi:/ dblju:/eks/wai/zed/2b Listen and number the letters you hear 18. tzvxwyus873541622c Look and copy. 字母的书写字母的书写(注意

9、笔顺笔画)(注意笔顺笔画)largemediumsmallDo you know what these letters mean?UFO=Unidentified Flying Object China Central Television CCTV = UN=United NationsGroupwork: write down other letters you know.(小组讨论小组讨论, 写出你知道的其他写出你知道的其他英文字母缩写英文字母缩写)XL加大号加大号MTV音乐电视音乐电视邮政速递公司邮政速递公司智商智商中国共产党中国共产党人民币人民币非典非典不明飞行物不明飞行物个人计算机

10、个人计算机信息技术信息技术CCPPCITRMBIQEMSSARSUFO将下列句子译成英语。将下列句子译成英语。这用英语怎么说?这用英语怎么说? Whats this in English?这是一把钥匙。这是一把钥匙。 Its a key.请将它拼写出来。请将它拼写出来。 Spell it, please.K-E-Y.这是什么颜色的?这是什么颜色的? What color is it?黄色的。黄色的。Its yellow.HomeworkHomeworkOral: 朗读第朗读第S9页上的单词和句子。页上的单词和句子。Written: (1)抄写第)抄写第S9页上的单词三遍;页上的单词三遍; (2)抄写第)抄写第S9页图片上的句子一遍。页图片上的句子一遍。 (3)抄写字母)抄写字母SsZz 以及字母缩写三遍。以及字母缩写三遍。



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