云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学中考英语复习 被动语态课件 人教新目标版

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云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学中考英语复习 被动语态课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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《云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学中考英语复习 被动语态课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省丽江市永胜县永北镇中学中考英语复习 被动语态课件 人教新目标版(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Great Wall was built by Chinese people.English is spoken by the most people in the world.The light was invented by Thomas Edison .The city is known for its mist . 英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 (the Active Voice) 被动语态(the Passive Voice)What is it?A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者执行者。B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者

2、承受者。We planted the tree.The tree was planted by us.一般现在时:一般现在时: am / is / are +done一般过去时:一般过去时: was / were+ done当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为当句中含有情态动词时,句子结构为 can / must / +be doneThe bike is made in our factory. 这自行车是我们厂生产的。这自行车是我们厂生产的。This book was written in 1969. 这本书是这本书是1969年写成的。年写成的。The baby must be looked

3、after well. 这孩子必须被好好照顾。这孩子必须被好好照顾。主变被解题步骤主变被解题步骤:1. 找宾语找宾语 -即动作的承受者即动作的承受者They make shoes in that factory. Shoes2. 判断宾语的单复数判断宾语的单复数 -即即be动词的单复数动词的单复数.arewere3. 判断动词的时态判断动词的时态 -即即be动词的时态动词的时态.4. 修改谓语的时态修改谓语的时态 -即原句动词改为过去分词即原句动词改为过去分词 made5. 修改原句的主语修改原句的主语 -即即by+ 主语主语. by them.The classroom_ by us yes

4、terday. 昨天教室被我昨天教室被我们打扫了。们打扫了。 was cleanedWe cleaned the classroom yesterday.昨天我们打扫了教室。昨天我们打扫了教室。一般现在时的被动语态:一般现在时的被动语态:am/are/is + 过去分词过去分词1. People play football all over the world.2. Mr. Green teaches us this term.Football all over the world .We this term.is playedby peopleare taught (by Mr. Green

5、)一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:was/were + 过去分词过去分词3. People built the Great Wall long ago.4. Two years ago we used the machinesto make shoes for children.The Great Wall long ago.Two years ago those machines shoes for children. was built (by people) were used (by us) to make 情态动词的被动语态:情态动词的被动语态:must/have to/

6、can等等 + be + 过去分词过去分词5. You must throw the broken glass away at once.6. We can finish our homework on time.The broken glass at once.Our homework _ on time. must be thrown away (by you) can be finished (by us)1.People use knives for cutting things. Knives_ _ for cutting things.2.The students clean th

7、e windows of their classroom twice a month.The windows of their classroom_ _ twice a month. are usedarecleaned(变被动语态)变被动语态)七嘴八舌3.I found the ticket on the floor. The ticket _ _ on the floor.4.I told her to return the book in time.She _ _ to return the book in time.was found was told3. We found the t

8、icket on the floor .5. His doctor made him have only two meals a day.He _ _ _ _ only two meals a day.6.Now people can use computers to help them.Now computers _ _ _ to help them. was made to have can be used7.The teacher asked Tom to turn on the computer.Tom _ _ to turn on the computer.8.In this fac

9、tory women do most of the work. Most of the work _ _ by women in this factory. was asked is done9.He can mend the bike in two days.The bike _ _ _ in two days.10.You must take this medicine three times a day.This medicine _ _ _ three times a day. can be mended must be taken11.The students in this sch

10、ool study English.English _ _ by the students in this school. is studied 一些特殊结构的被动结构一些特殊结构的被动结构: : (1)感觉动词感觉动词(hear, see等等)改被动语态改被动语态(2)使役动词使役动词(let, make等等)改被动语态改被动语态make, see, hear, watch 等,后接等,后接不带不带“to”不定式时,不定式时,变被动变被动语态时要还原语态时要还原“to” 。如:。如: I saw him leave the house. He was seen to leave the ho

11、use.思思 考考 2:I usually hear her sing English songs in the morning.She is usually heard English songs in the morning.to sing He makes her horse work all day. Her horse is made all day. My father let me go out for a picnic. I out for a picnic.to work was let to go 口诀:口诀:这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中to回 来。(hea

12、r, let,have, make, see, watch)中考被动语态考题中考被动语态考题1.The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty thing into it.(南京市中考题)南京市中考题) A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing 2.This book _ often _from the library.(北京市中考北京市中考题)题) A. arent take away B. taken awa

13、y C. isnt taken away D. be taken away3.He _ _(tell) to return his books to the library yesterday. (黄冈市中考题)黄冈市中考题)was told4.People there planted many trees last year. Trees _ _ by people there last year. (青岛市中考题)青岛市中考题)5. They grow vegetables on the farm. (上海市中考题)(上海市中考题) The vegetables _ _on the far

14、m.Twere planted are grown二、用所给词的正确形式填空二、用所给词的正确形式填空 。 (cover, invent, answer, write, return, call) 1. All the questions_ correctly. 2. More than two thirds of the earth _ with water. 3. Our city Beijing. 4. All the magazines _ to the school library last week. 5. This new machine _ by Mr. Black last

15、year. 6. All the words on the back of the card. is covered were returnedwas invented was answeredis calledare written5)Exercises:选择填空:1.Windows_ of glass.A.be made B. is made C. are made D. been made2. The house_ in 2004.A.is built B. is building C. was built D. used3. A coat can_ for keeping warm.A

16、.be used B. is used C. been used D. usedCCA4. Watches_ Shanghai last long. A. are made in B. is made C. are made from D. made5. This desk is made _ wood. A. of B. from C. in D. by6. The things on show were _ the old days. A. used B. used to C. used for D. used in7. Silk _ in Hangzhou and Suzhou. A.

17、is produced B. are produced C. produced D. is produces AADA用所给动词的正确形式填空:用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1). The bike _(fix) up by Xiao Ming yesterday. 2). Sunglasses _ (use) for protecting peoples eyes. 3). A picture _(put) up on the blackboard. 4). French_ (speak) in France. 5). Teenagers should _(allow) to choose t

18、heir own clothes.was fixedare usedis putis spokenbe allowed 用适当的形式填空 1. History is _ by the people. ( make) 2. He is often _ to do the work by the teacher. (ask) 3. The book _ by him last year. ( write ) 4. The radio _ last week. ( mend) 6. A new subway _ (build) next year. 10. The trains _( produce) in Zhuzhou. 11. Young trees should _(water) often.madeaskedwas writtenwas mendedwill be builtare producedbe wateredGoodbye



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