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1、增词法Roger made the Queens list.译文一:罗 杰 列 出 了 女 王 的 名 单。译文二:罗 杰 排 定 了( 英 国) 女 王 今 年 授 勋 的 荣 誉 名 单Laundry riserLaundry riserDark circlesDark circlesHome wreckerHome wreckerSpirit liquorSpirit liquorA bad/poor/sad loserA bad/poor/sad loserPrime timePrime timeOverqualified Overqualified Stir things upSti

2、r things upConnections/pull Connections/pull some strings some strings Get involvedGet involvedmushroom译文三:罗 杰 上了( 英 国) 女 王 今 年 授 勋 的 荣 誉 名 单Tom made the honor rollTom made the school newspaper headline中小学优等学生名单I produced a file proving my innocence.Thats close. The car almost hit you.刚才真险.车差点撞到你了.N

3、arrow escapeTo criticise it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticising a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.Splitting & regroupingI tried vainly to put the pieces together.我想把这些碎片拼到一起,但是拼不起来/徒劳无功/一番徒劳。We recognize that Chinas long-term modernization program understandably and nec

4、essarily emphasizes economic growth. 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必然的。Translation Skills(C-E)Translation Skills(C-E)中英文化中英文化背景差异和增减替换词必要性背景差异和增减替换词必要性Translators, traitorsTranslators, traitors- -你妻子真漂亮你妻子真漂亮. .- -哪里哪里哪里哪里欢迎欢迎,一路辛苦了欢迎欢迎,一路辛苦了 您年纪这么大,身体还您年纪这么大,身体还是这么健康。是这么健康。今天的菜不好,请多多今天的菜不好,请多多

5、包涵包涵 Rough trip/hard tripRough trip/hard tripIn great shapeIn great shape语语 用用 及及 交交 际际 的的 角角 度度Pragmatic and Pragmatic and interactive needinteractive need欢迎欢迎,一路辛苦了欢迎欢迎,一路辛苦了 Youve had a long Youve had a long trip. trip. 或或Did you have a Did you have a long flightlong flight? 您年纪这么大,身体还是您年纪这么大,身体还

6、是这么健康这么健康You look great. You look great. 或或You You look wonderful. look wonderful. 今天的菜不好,请多今天的菜不好,请多多包涵多包涵 Enjoy Enjoy yourself. yourself. 若用餐完若用餐完毕,则应该说:毕,则应该说:Hope Hope youve enjoyed youve enjoyed yourself. yourself. 我们都是龙的传人我们都是龙的传人一夜回到解一夜回到解 放放 前前生生 米米 煮煮 成成 了了 熟熟 饭饭。我们都是龙的传人我们都是龙的传人heritage/fl

7、esh and heritage/flesh and bloodblood一夜回到解一夜回到解 放放 前前On the verge of On the verge of Bankruptcy Bankruptcy overnightovernight生生 米米 煮煮 成成 了了 熟熟 饭饭。Be proud of our Be proud of our national and national and cultural heritagecultural heritageReduced to beggars Reduced to beggars overnightovernightWhatsd

8、oneisdoWhatsdoneisdonene黄金时段的节目不得插黄金时段的节目不得插播广告播广告他们自称新新人类他们自称新新人类 , ,以以示区别示区别NewbieNewbieX generationX generationPrime timePrime time愿得一人心,愿得一人心,白首不分离。白首不分离。GrayGray、silvery hairedsilvery hairedLoyal to sbLoyal to sbWin your heartWin your heartTill death do us Till death do us partpartPrime-time sh

9、owPrime-time showcommercialcommercial这几天娱乐圈又在大肆这几天娱乐圈又在大肆炒作他的绯闻炒作他的绯闻. .高涨的房价高涨的房价, ,让月光族让月光族怎样攒够结婚钱怎样攒够结婚钱? ?Soaring housing Soaring housing pricepriceReceive PublicityReceive PublicityLive from paycheck Live from paycheck to paycheckto paycheckHe has been He has been moonlighting as a moonlighting

10、 as a piano teacher for piano teacher for 2 months2 months白发人送黑发人白发人送黑发人剁手党剁手党啃老族啃老族White hair White hair Tragedy Tragedy 剁手党Shopping addicts啃老族NeetBoomerang kidLive off the old Splitting for Long sentences The fact that the average The fact that the average Englishmans home has become Englishmans h

11、ome has become his workshop is partly because his workshop is partly because he is keen on working with his he is keen on working with his hands and partly because he hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or feels, for one reason or another that he must do for another that he must do for

12、 himself many household jobs himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional would have hired professional help.help.The fact that the average The fact that the average Englishmans home has become Englishmans home has become his w

13、orkshop (1) is partly his workshop (1) is partly because he is keen on because he is keen on working with his hands (2) working with his hands (2) and partly because he feels, and partly because he feels, for one reason or another for one reason or another that he must do for himself that he must do

14、 for himself many household jobs (3) for many household jobs (3) for which, some years ago, he which, some years ago, he would have hired would have hired professional help.professional help.普通英国人的家已经成普通英国人的家已经成了自家的工场,一方面了自家的工场,一方面是因为他热衷于自己动是因为他热衷于自己动手干,另一方面是因为手干,另一方面是因为出于某种原因,他觉得出于某种原因,他觉得许多家务活必须自己

15、干,许多家务活必须自己干,而这些活在几年前他会而这些活在几年前他会雇专人来干的。雇专人来干的。It would take me an entire book to list all of the people I have known in my life who spent the majority of their lives as single people, but who were the undisputed focus of a large group of friends- usually serving as problem-solvers, and widely respe

16、cted and loved. It would take me an entire It would take me an entire book to listbook to list(1 1)all of the all of the people I have known in my people I have known in my life who spent the majority life who spent the majority of their lives as single of their lives as single peoplepeople(2 2), bu

17、t who were , but who were the undisputed focus of a the undisputed focus of a large group of friendslarge group of friends(3 3)- - usually serving as - usually serving as problem-solvers, and widely problem-solvers, and widely respected and lovedrespected and loved(4 4)我一生中认识了许多人,我一生中认识了许多人,他们一生中大部分

18、时间他们一生中大部分时间是单身,但却是无可厚是单身,但却是无可厚非的众星捧月的核心人非的众星捧月的核心人物。要把这些人的名字物。要把这些人的名字一一列举可能要编一本一一列举可能要编一本书。书。Its beginning obscured Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by by unemployment caused by the world economic the world economic slowdownslowdown(1 1), the new , the new technological technological

19、 unemploymentunemployment(2 2)may may emerge as the great emerge as the great socio-economic challenge socio-economic challenge of the end of the 20th of the end of the 20th centurycentury(3 3). . The recruitment of The recruitment of Chinese labor was not Chinese labor was not universally accepted

20、in universally accepted in racially conscious 19th racially conscious 19th century America and some century America and some white workers were white workers were unsettled by their unsettled by their appearance in large appearance in large numbers. numbers. In order to retain Chinese In order to re

21、tain Chinese managers, joint ventures managers, joint ventures also must devise human also must devise human resource policies that are resource policies that are sensitive to the ways in sensitive to the ways in which Chinese employees which Chinese employees differ from those in the differ from th

22、ose in the West. West. Yet it is painfully Yet it is painfully apparent (1) that apparent (1) that millions of Americans millions of Americans who would never think who would never think of themselves as law-of themselves as law-breakers, let alone breakers, let alone criminals, (2) are criminals, (

23、2) are taking increasing taking increasing liberties with the liberties with the legal codes that are legal codes that are designed to protect and designed to protect and nourish their nourish their society.(3) society.(3) If parents were prepared for If parents were prepared for this adolescent rea

24、ctionthis adolescent reaction,and and realized that it was a sign realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up that the child was growing up and developing valuable and developing valuable powers of observation and powers of observation and independent judgment independent judgment ,the

25、y they would not be so hurtwould not be so hurt,and and therefore would not drive the therefore would not drive the child into opposition by child into opposition by resenting and resisting it. resenting and resisting it. 如果做父母的对这种青少如果做父母的对这种青少年的反应有所准备,而且年的反应有所准备,而且认为这是一个显示出孩子认为这是一个显示出孩子正在成长,正在发展珍贵正

26、在成长,正在发展珍贵的的观察力观察力和独立的和独立的判断力判断力的标志,他们就不会感到的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心,所以也就不会如此伤心,所以也就不会因对此有愤恨和反对的情因对此有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。绪而把孩子推到对立面去。The supply of oil can The supply of oil can be shut off be shut off unexpectedly at any unexpectedly at any timetime,and in any caseand in any case,the oil wells will the oil wel

27、ls will all run dry in thirty all run dry in thirty years or so at the years or so at the present rate of present rate of use.use.石油供应可能随时会被切石油供应可能随时会被切断断; ;不管怎样,以目前这种不管怎样,以目前这种消费速度,只需消费速度,只需3030年左右,年左右,所有的油井都会枯竭。所有的油井都会枯竭。Until such time as Until such time as mankind has the sense to mankind has th

28、e sense to lower its population to lower its population to the point where the the point where the planet can provide a planet can provide a comfortable support for comfortable support for allall,people will have to people will have to accept more “unnatural accept more “unnatural food”. food”. 除非人类

29、终于意识到要除非人类终于意识到要把人口减少到这样的程把人口减少到这样的程度:使地球能为所有人度:使地球能为所有人提供足够的饮食,否则提供足够的饮食,否则人们将不得不接受更多人们将不得不接受更多的的“人造食品人造食品”Science moves forwardScience moves forward,they saythey say,not so much not so much through the insights of through the insights of great men of genius as great men of genius as because of mor

30、e ordinary because of more ordinary things like improved things like improved techniques and tools. techniques and tools. Whether the Government Whether the Government should increase the should increase the financing of pure science financing of pure science at the expense of at the expense of tech

31、nology or vice technology or vice versaversa(反之)(反之)often often depends on the issue of depends on the issue of which is seen as the which is seen as the driving force. driving force. 政府究竟是以减少对技政府究竟是以减少对技术的经费投入来增加对术的经费投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看作是驱动于把哪一方看作是驱动力量。力量。 In gene

32、ralIn general,the tests work the tests work most effectively when the most effectively when the qualities to be measured qualities to be measured can be most precisely can be most precisely defined and least defined and least effectively when what is effectively when what is to be measured or to be

33、measured or predicted can not be well predicted can not be well defined. defined. This trend began during This trend began during the Second World Warthe Second World War,when when several governments came several governments came to the conclusion that the to the conclusion that the specific demand

34、s that a specific demands that a government wants to make government wants to make of its scientific of its scientific establishment cannot establishment cannot generally be foreseen in generally be foreseen in detail. detail. The big problem of The big problem of comprehension of the comprehension

35、of the English text and the bigger English text and the bigger problem of how to express problem of how to express it in richit in rich,present-day present-day Chinese which ranges from Chinese which ranges from the classical to the the classical to the colloquial both have to be colloquial both hav

36、e to be solved in the course of solved in the course of translationtranslationOnAugust1,thegOnAugust1,thegunboatbeganhermiunboatbeganhermission,whichwas,ission,whichwas,intheeyesofthentheeyesofthedefenders,aprovodefenders,aprovocativeactandseemcativeactandseemedtobepartofedtobepartoftheoverallassaul


38、beeninfiltrated dthroughthiscorridorthroughthiscorridorplusplusprisoner-of-war prisoner-of-war reportsthatreportsthatwehaveobtainedinrecwehaveobtainedinrecententmonthsledustobelievmonthsledustobelievethattheethatthevolumeofinfiltrationhvolumeofinfiltrationhasexpandedsubstantially.asexpandedsubstanti

39、ally.我们从经由这个走廊进来我们从经由这个走廊进来的人身上缴获的文件,加的人身上缴获的文件,加上近几个月从战俘那里得上近几个月从战俘那里得到的口供,使人们相信,到的口供,使人们相信,渗透的规模确实扩大了。渗透的规模确实扩大了。我们从经由这个走廊进来我们从经由这个走廊进来的人员身上缴获了一些文的人员身上缴获了一些文件,近几个月来,也从战件,近几个月来,也从战俘那儿得到了一些口供,俘那儿得到了一些口供,这些使我们相信,渗透的这些使我们相信,渗透的规模确实是扩大了规模确实是扩大了。第10周汉英翻译句式我的地盘我作主我的地盘我作主My world, I rule. My world, I rule

40、. My placeMy place,my rulesmy rulesOnOn公事公办公事公办该发生的就会发生该发生的就会发生过去让它成为过去过去让它成为过去Business is business.Business is business.Ask a favor from sbAsk a favor from sbWhatever will be will Whatever will be will be.be.Let bygones be bygonesLet bygones be bygones人均(人均(per per capitacapita)国民生产)国民生产总值提高了总值提高了3

41、 3(4 4)倍倍3 3(4 4) three times three timesTriple quadrupleTriple quadrupleDuet Trio triplet Duet Trio triplet quartet quartet Quarterly Quarterly 据悉,自据悉,自19861986年起,年起,美国华裔经济已跃居美国华裔经济已跃居全美少数民族之首,全美少数民族之首,遥遥领先于日裔,韩遥遥领先于日裔,韩裔等其他少数民族。裔等其他少数民族。Minorities Ethnic groupsIt is said that since It is said that

42、 since 1986 Chinese Americans 1986 Chinese Americans have leapt to a good have leapt to a good lead over other racial lead over other racial minorities, including minorities, including Japanese Americans and Japanese Americans and Korean Americans. Korean Americans. Overseas ChineseOverseas Chinese中

43、国加入世贸组织后,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国西部开发外商参与中国西部开发的机会将越来越多的机会将越来越多。Since China has Since China has joined WTO, the joined WTO, the opportunities for opportunities for foreign businesses to foreign businesses to participate in participate in Chinas development Chinas development of the western region of the wes

44、tern region will increase.will increase.Since China has Since China has joined WTO, foreign joined WTO, foreign businesses will have businesses will have more and more more and more opportunities to opportunities to participate in participate in Chinas development Chinas development of the western r

45、egion.of the western region.Chinas membership Chinas membership in WTO will increase in WTO will increase opportunities for opportunities for foreign businesses to foreign businesses to participate in participate in Chinas development Chinas development of the western of the western region.region.韩国

46、的电影制作名列韩国的电影制作名列亚洲前茅,好莱坞也亚洲前茅,好莱坞也经常翻拍其经典影片经常翻拍其经典影片。South Korea ranks South Korea ranks among the best in among the best in Asia in film-Asia in film-making.making.South Koreas film-South Koreas film-making ranks among making ranks among the best in Asia.the best in Asia.Remake rerunRemake rerunCla

47、ssic Classic Have some ClassHave some Classclassy classy 中日两国是近邻,一中日两国是近邻,一衣带水衣带水China and Japan are China and Japan are close neighbors close neighbors separated by just a separated by just a strip of water.strip of water.长期以来,我以为早睡长期以来,我以为早睡早起自然会带来健康,早起自然会带来健康,最近我已经从这种观念最近我已经从这种观念中醒悟出来。中醒悟出来。Notio

48、nNotionEarly to bed and Early to bed and early to riseearly to riseI have recently outgrown I have recently outgrown the long- cherished the long- cherished notion that health notion that health automatically/necessarily automatically/necessarily followed “early to bed followed “early to bed and ear

49、ly to rise.”and early to rise.”十年来,亚欧双方在相互十年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重的基础上,开展了广尊重的基础上,开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化。不断深化。Base/basis/foundationBase/basis/foundationMutual Mutual Over the past decade, Over the past decade, on the basis of mutual on the basis of mutual respect, Asia and respect, Asia and Europe have

50、 carried Europe have carried out extensive and out extensive and diversified diversified cooperation and cooperation and deepened political deepened political dialogue.dialogue.Open & reform policyOpen & reform policy3 represents3 representsDiversity in cultureDiversity in cultureOn a short-term bas

51、isOn a short-term basis你也太那个了。你也太那个了。AggressiveAggressive、meanmeanWomanizer wolfWomanizer wolf sex addict sex addictPowder my nosePowder my nosePee Pee Fangfang fanfanFangfang fanfanTranslate lines from movies & TV dramaI swear to God I swear to God .我发誓我发誓向毛主席保证向毛主席保证.He is a good SamaritanHe is a

52、good Samaritan.他乐于助人他乐于助人/ /是个热心人是个热心人他是个活雷锋他是个活雷锋.凤凰令凤凰令凤凰会的密令凤凰会的密令凤凰会凤凰会. THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX (Harry PotterHarry Potter). FatherFather:I love youI love youMotherMother: I love you tooI love you tooFatherFather:And I hope there And I hope there are 30 moreare 30 moreM

53、otherMother:WellWellthat makes that makes one of usone of usthat makes two of us.that makes two of us.我也这么想我也这么想”或或“我也有同感我也有同感”that makes one of usthat makes one of us那只是你的一厢情愿那只是你的一厢情愿.so your guy got discharged so your guy got discharged yesterdayyesterday那老头昨天撤销投诉了那老头昨天撤销投诉了And your landline. For

54、give And your landline. Forgive me for being overzealous.me for being overzealous.陆线,原谅我这么热心陆线,原谅我这么热心Allergy Allergy Allergic to Allergic to peanutspeanutsOverreact Overreact So I guess you could say So I guess you could say Ive been courting her.Ive been courting her.我猜你们要说我已经被她告上我猜你们要说我已经被她告上法庭了。

55、法庭了。Sue sbSue sbLawsuit Lawsuit And he insisted on coming.And he insisted on coming.Since when is that his Since when is that his call?call?他坚持要来他坚持要来那何时成他的专利了?那何时成他的专利了?Its my call.Its my call.have a say in sthhave a say in sthHer facts from the off-the-Her facts from the off-the-record conversatio

56、nsrecord conversations来源于无记录的对话来源于无记录的对话We are on the same page We are on the same page about everythingabout everything我们在所有事情上都处于同一我们在所有事情上都处于同一阶段阶段He got straight AsHe got straight As那样他就能顺利得那样他就能顺利得A A了了The guy is straight.The guy is straight.The Report and The Report and Appointment Appointment

57、 Ceremony of Nobel Prize Ceremony of Nobel Prize Winner Frank Wilczek Winner Frank Wilczek Was Was Held Held in ZJUTin ZJUTOn October.18On October.18thth, the report , the report as well as the appointment as well as the appointment ceremony of ceremony of Frank Wilczek, Frank Wilczek, a professor a

58、 professor in the in the Department of Physics of Department of Physics of MIT MIT who won the 2004 Nobel who won the 2004 Nobel Prize in PhysicsPrize in Physics, was held , was held in Pinfeng Campusin Pinfeng Campus. . 尽可能减去原标题中的只是具尽可能减去原标题中的只是具有语法功能的冠词、感叹词、有语法功能的冠词、感叹词、关系词、连词、代词等关系词、连词、代词等Italian

59、 Ex-mayor Italian Ex-mayor Murdered(=An Italian Ex-Murdered(=An Italian Ex-mayor was murderedmayor was murdered) The mayor went abroad on business.The mayor goes abroad on business.mayor abroad on businessLaureates/winnersLaureates/winnersAmong those present Among those present werewerePro-Vice-Chan

60、cellorsPro-Vice-ChancellorsThe report The report took place took place in a main center and in a main center and two branch meeting two branch meeting places. Our places. Our vice vice chancellor chancellor Zhang Libin, Zhang Libin, Prof. Wilczek , his Prof. Wilczek , his wife Elizabeth Devine, wife

61、 Elizabeth Devine, Antti Niemi, an Antti Niemi, an academician of the academician of the Finland Academy of Finland Academy of Science and a member of Science and a member of the Royal Swedish the Royal Swedish Academy, Academy, I have been to a public schoolLiu Wensheng, a professor Liu Wensheng, a

62、 professor of of the University of the University of Pittsburgh, Wu Biao, the Pittsburgh, Wu Biao, the deputy director of the deputy director of the International Centre for International Centre for Quantum Materials all Quantum Materials all attended the ceremony. attended the ceremony. And deputie

63、s of the College And deputies of the College of Science and other of Science and other related departments, related departments, together with teachers and together with teachers and students, also participated students, also participated in these activities. And in these activities. And vice presid

64、ent Xiao Gang vice president Xiao Gang was the host of was the host of both the both the report and the ceremony.report and the ceremony.On the ceremony, Zhang On the ceremony, Zhang conferred a contract to conferred a contract to Prof. Wilczek. And the Prof. Wilczek. And the delegates of students d

65、elegates of students presented bouquets and our presented bouquets and our school badge to him.school badge to him.The title of Honorary The title of Honorary Professor.Professor.aprofessoremeritusaprofessoremeritusProf. Wilczek will offer us Prof. Wilczek will offer us valuable valuable theories an

66、d theories and guidance guidance which will be of which will be of great use in the great use in the development of development of physics physics subject subject and and enhancingenhancing the the quality of theoretical quality of theoretical research research in the area of in the area of quantum

67、mechanics.quantum mechanics.Honorary Professor.Honorary Professor.aprofessoremeritusaprofessoremeritusZJUT will endeavor to ZJUT will endeavor to attain the attain the first-class first-class achievements achievements in researches in researches by building up this by building up this platform.platf

68、orm.After the ceremony, Prof. After the ceremony, Prof. Wilczek gave a lecture Wilczek gave a lecture namednamed “The Universe is a “The Universe is a Strange Place”.Strange Place”.BreakthroughBreakthroughEntitled Entitled EmbodyEmbodyElaborate on sth Elaborate on sth In his lecture, firstly he In h

69、is lecture, firstly he asked everyone if asked everyone if there there were some deep thoughts were some deep thoughts existing in our worldexisting in our world. And . And then he then he showshow a realistic a realistic and interesting material and interesting material world to the audience who wo

70、rld to the audience who were still seeking an were still seeking an answer answer forfor his question. his question.From his unique From his unique perspective, he perspective, he discussed discussed the world in the eyes of the world in the eyes of the ancient Greek the ancient Greek philosopherphi

71、losopher likelike Pythagoras Pythagoras and Plato as well as and Plato as well as physicists physicists likelike Newton and Newton and Maxwell.Maxwell.And he unveiled the secret And he unveiled the secret of the space to teachers of the space to teachers and students and students from numbers from n

72、umbers and structures to power, and structures to power, analysis and reasoning, analysis and reasoning, finally the beauty of finally the beauty of quantum in an atom.quantum in an atom.During the interaction During the interaction part, Prof. Wilczek part, Prof. Wilczek patiently answered all the

73、patiently answered all the questions the students questions the students raised.raised.The Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics was one of the Nobel Prize was one of the Nobel Prize series, series, which was set which was set according to Nobels will. according to Nobels will. It aims a

74、t rewarding those It aims at rewarding those scientists who have made scientists who have made great contribution great contribution in the in the area of area of physics.physics.In 2004, the Royal Swedish In 2004, the Royal Swedish Academy conferred the prize Academy conferred the prize on three Am

75、erican on three American scientists, scientists, among whom among whom there was FrankWilczekthere was FrankWilczek, , in order to commend their in order to commend their discoveries on the discoveries on the “Asymptotic Freedom “Asymptotic Freedom Phenomenon” in the theory Phenomenon” in the theory

76、 on strong interaction of on strong interaction of particle physics.particle physics.OurOur Dream Train Dream Train Went Went to to ParisParisDream Train goesDream Train goes to Paristo Paris9 9月月2323日,位于巴黎古老塞纳河日,位于巴黎古老塞纳河左岸的巴黎中国文化中心电影左岸的巴黎中国文化中心电影放映大厅里座无虚席,放映大厅里座无虚席,On September 23rd, On September

77、23rd, there there was no vacancy was no vacancy in the movie in the movie hall of Paris Chinese hall of Paris Chinese Cultural Center Cultural Center which is which is located located atat the left bank of the left bank of the Seine River.the Seine River.All seats are occupiedAll seats are occupiedO

78、nOn在此举办了七天的在此举办了七天的“不为人所不为人所知的中国动画电影宝藏知的中国动画电影宝藏”中国中国动画影片展映活动迎来了闭幕动画影片展映活动迎来了闭幕影片影片梦幻列车梦幻列车。In this movie hall, In this movie hall, China China animation screenings calledanimation screenings called “Unknown Chinese Animated Unknown Chinese Animated Film TreasureFilm Treasure” ended up ” ended up wi

79、th the film “Dream with the film “Dream Train” Train” after a seven-day after a seven-day exhibitionexhibition. .The film “Dream Train” The film “Dream Train” marked the end of a seven-marked the end of a seven-day exhibition of Chinese day exhibition of Chinese animation screenings, “The animation

80、screenings, “The Hidden Treasure of Chinese Hidden Treasure of Chinese Animated Films”.Animated Films”.热情洋溢的法国观众和华裔侨热情洋溢的法国观众和华裔侨民在观看影片的过程中,被影民在观看影片的过程中,被影片散发着浓郁的中国气息的故片散发着浓郁的中国气息的故事情节,以及其富有特色的动事情节,以及其富有特色的动画艺术表现所深深吸引画艺术表现所深深吸引In the process of In the process of watching watching the film, the film,

81、 ardent French ardent French audiences audiences and ethnic and ethnic Chinese present were Chinese present were attracted by the plot with attracted by the plot with a very strong Chinese vibe a very strong Chinese vibe and distinctive animation and distinctive animation art performance.art perform

82、ance.梦幻列车梦幻列车片长片长8585分钟,由分钟,由浙江工业大学小和山动漫研究浙江工业大学小和山动漫研究中心中心创意和立项创意和立项,常虹教授等,常虹教授等担任编导。担任编导。“Dream Train,” running “Dream Train,” running 85minutes, 85minutes, isis mainly mainly directed by Professor Chang directed by Professor Chang Hong Hong inin the animation the animation research center of Zhej

83、iang research center of Zhejiang University of Technology.University of Technology.“Dream Train,” running “Dream Train,” running 85minutes, was created and 85minutes, was created and initiated by the animation initiated by the animation research center of Zhejiang research center of Zhejiang Univers

84、ity of Technology University of Technology and directed by Professor and directed by Professor Chang Hong and his Chang Hong and his colleagues.colleagues.OnOn作为浙江省文化精品工程项目作为浙江省文化精品工程项目和杭州市动漫基金扶持项目,和杭州市动漫基金扶持项目,它从创意到完成历时三年时间。它从创意到完成历时三年时间。As As a culture of a culture of quality quality project in Zh

85、ejiang project in Zhejiang province and province and animation animation funding project funding project in in Hangzhou, it took three Hangzhou, it took three years from years from ideaidea to to pletion.As a quality culture As a quality culture project in Zhejiang project in Zhejiang province and a

86、n animation province and an animation project project sponsored/financed/funded sponsored/financed/funded by Hangzhou municipal by Hangzhou municipal government, it took three government, it took three years to develop from an years to develop from an idea to completion.idea to completion.影片的故事是以在海外

87、长大的影片的故事是以在海外长大的华裔女孩琳琳了解中国之行为华裔女孩琳琳了解中国之行为主要线索,刻画了她在行驶的主要线索,刻画了她在行驶的列车车厢内的所见所思列车车厢内的所见所思幻幻化出一些十分神奇的内容。化出一些十分神奇的内容。Fantasy fantasize 影片中的内容展示出个性独特影片中的内容展示出个性独特的艺术与思想层面:运用动画的艺术与思想层面:运用动画特有的艺术和技术手段传达一特有的艺术和技术手段传达一种中国传统文化与现代生活相种中国传统文化与现代生活相结合的人文情怀,结合的人文情怀,The filmThe films content(1) s content(1) shows

88、unique artistic and shows unique artistic and ideological depth(2)ideological depth(2): it : it conveys humanistic feelings conveys humanistic feelings with the combination of with the combination of Chinese traditional culture Chinese traditional culture and modern life through and modern life thro

89、ugh animated art and animated art and technology. technology. OnOnShows the depth of the Shows the depth of the problemproblemShows a depthShows a depth在新媒体技术的辅助之下,产在新媒体技术的辅助之下,产出集数字技术与多种艺术创作出集数字技术与多种艺术创作手法于一体的新媒体动漫作品。手法于一体的新媒体动漫作品。Under the assistance of Under the assistance of new digital media ne

90、w digital media technology, it technology, it produces produces skilled and artistic skilled and artistic animation.animation.Under the assistance of Under the assistance of new digital media new digital media technology, it produces technology, it produces skilled and artistic skilled and artistic

91、animation.animation.Integrated withIntegrated withAll-in-oneAll-in-oneOnOn本次动画电影展映是为纪念中本次动画电影展映是为纪念中法建交五十周年,法建交五十周年,This animated film festival This animated film festival is to commemorate is to commemorate more than more than 50 50 years of Sino-French years of Sino-French diplomatic relations.dip

92、lomatic relations.This animated film festival This animated film festival is to commemorate the 50is to commemorate the 50thth anniversary of the anniversary of the establishment of formal establishment of formal diplomatic relations diplomatic relations between China and Francebetween China and Fra

93、nce.包括了文人推崇的书法、绘画、包括了文人推崇的书法、绘画、诗词,也包括了民间艺术,如诗词,也包括了民间艺术,如版画、年画、剪纸、木头和陶版画、年画、剪纸、木头和陶土玩具以及木偶土玩具以及木偶,including not only including not only painting and poetry, painting and poetry, but also folk art such but also folk art such as prints, paper-cut, as prints, paper-cut, wooden and ceramic wooden and c

94、eramic toys and puppets, and toys and puppets, and calligraphy regarded calligraphy regarded by scholars.by scholars.including not only so-including not only so-called high art ( e.g. called high art ( e.g. ,calligraphy, painting ,calligraphy, painting and poetry), but also and poetry), but also folk art ( e.g., folk art ( e.g., prints, paper-cut, prints, paper-cut, wooden and ceramic wooden and ceramic toys and puppets) such toys and puppets) such asasOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOn



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