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1、高考英语写作功能词表达详解一、请教(一)主要英语对应词及其用法结构114.1.1 动词 (consult) to consult an expert/ones lawyer/a dictionary请教内行/请教律师/查阅词典 to consult sb.on sth.就某事请教某人;请某人对某事予以指点114.1.2 名词(consultation) to act in consultation with sb.在请教某人并得其同意后行事(二)常用的相关短语或表达向某人请教to ask advice of sb.;to ask for sb.s advice;to advise with s

2、b.请教律师/征询律师的意见to consult ones lawyer;to take legal advice就某事请教某人to pick sb.s brains about sth.;to advise with sb.on/about/as to sth.;to consult sb.on sth;to seek sb.s advice regarding sth.(三)情景译例精选她将就这个问题去请教尚经理。She will advise with Mr.Shang, the on(about) this matter.我需要一本新的英语词典,能否向您请教哪本最好?I need a

3、new English dictionary.Can I pick your brains about the best one to buy?花这么点钱也要去请示,真烦人!Its annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money.他常常向师傅请教。He often learns from the master worker.二、取决于(一)主要英语对应短语取决于to depend on;to be dependent on;to be conditioned by;to be d

4、etermined/decided/governed/fixed by;to be dictated/dominated by;to hinge on;to lie on/upon;to rest with;according as(作某事)取决于某人to lie with sb.(to do sth.)取决于某中心或要点to pivot on/upon sth.(二)情景译例精选你的前途将取决于你在大学的学习成绩。 Your career will be determined/decided by your academic attainment at the university. /Th

5、e determinative/determinant of your career will be your academic attainment at the university.动物的生长 取 决于环境。An animals development is conditioned by environment. /Environment conditions an animals development.科学和技术的发展,在很大程度上取决于经济、政治和社会的发展。So much of the development of science and technology lies on/d

6、epends on economic, political and social development.物体投影的长短取决于太阳是高挂天空还是靠近地平线。The shadow cast by an object is long or short according as the sun is high up in the heaven or near the horizon.经济方面的成就主要取决于我们控制通货膨胀的能力。The main determinant of economic success is our ability to control inflation.一切均取决于这些会

7、谈的结果。Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks.是否继续开会取决于老板。Whether or not the meeting will be continued lies with the boss.是接受或拒绝邀请取决于你/由你作主。It lies with you to accept or reject the invitation.一个国家的国际地位取决于它的国力。The marrow of the land decides a countrys international position.由你决定/由你定。Its up to you.整个讨论内容均以此点为准。The whole discussion pivots on this one point.这事要由委员会来决定。It rests with the committee to decide.2



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