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1、2023年人教PEP版英语上册五年级期末高频考点优检测A卷一、词形转换1old (反义词) 2fun (形容词) 3whats (完全形式) 4Thursday (缩写形式) 5do homework (中文) 二、根据句意,填写正确的单词1、 Dont (eat) too much.2、 My favourite drink is (茶).3、 Wheres the c ? I cant find it. Oh. Its beside the b .4、 There are many tall b in Shanghai. 5、 (do) your homework now, Sam.三、选

2、择题1、 There _ seven days in a week.( )AisBhaveCare2、 What about _ shopping on Sunday?( )AgoBgoesCgoing3、 He often _ books on Sundays.( )AreadBreadsCreading4、 Peter is good _ basketball. He plays _.( )AOn; goodBin; wellCat; well5、 Are there any plants in your room?( )_ And there are many pictures in i

3、t.ANo, there isnt.BNo, they arent.CYes, there is one.6、 What _ you like _ dinner?Id like some fish.( )Awould; toBdo; toCwould; for7、 _ is your music teacher?Miss Green.( )AWhatBWhoCHow8、 There are _ _ at the zoo. Kids like them so much.( )Amany; birdBany; birdsCmany; monkeys9、 Whats your brother _?H

4、e is quiet. He _ reading books.( )Alike; likesBlike; is likeClike; like10、_ he tall?No, he _.( )ADoes; dontBIs; isntCAre; arent四、根据句意,找出错误并改正。1、 My grandpa can draws pictures.( ) A B C2、 There are a village in the nature park.( ) AB C3、 What can you do to the party?( ) A BC4、 Robin is at Mr Jones ho

5、use.( ) A B C5、 My father helps I.( ) ABC五、根据提示,完成句子。1、 My favorite food is ice cream. Whats your favorite food? (根据实际情况回答) 2、 There are many trees near my house. (改为单数句) near my house.3、 My mothers favourite colour is blue. (对画线部分提问) 4、 Do you like your Chinese teacher? (回答问题) 5、 There are seven da

6、ys in a week. (对划线部分提问) days are there in a week?六、连词成句1、 are, There, so, here, pictures, many (.) 2、 the, in, dog, front, of, ball, the, is (.) 3、 you,an,teacher,Do,have,art (?) 4、 party, do, can, what, for, you, the (?) 5、 are, so, many, here, plants, there (.) 七、句子匹配AYes, sometimes. BMiss White.

7、C I have English and art on Mondays.DHe is clever and hard-working. E. No, I dont.1Whos your new English teacher? _( )2Is Ms Wang strict?_( )3Do you know that young lady? _( )4What do you have on Mondays?_( )5Whats he like?_( )八、补全对话Grandma: Good morning, John. John: Good morning, Grandma. Is breakf

8、ast ready?Grandma: What would you like to eat?John: Grandma: What would you like to drink?John: Can I have a knife and fork, please?Grandma: Yes. John: Thanks, GrandmaGrandma: AYes, it is.BIm hungry.CHere you are.DSome apple juice.EYoure welcome.FSome bread and beef, please.九、完型填空My grandma 1 shoppi

9、ng every day. She 2 work, so she has time to go 3 . She usually 4 different things. She goes from shop to shop with her basket. 5 the supermarket, she buys many things, such as milk, fruit, vegetables 6 meat.They are very 7 . She likes music. She usually goes 8 the music store. She often buys many t

10、hings 9 my grandfather.She goes to a small coffee shop after shopping. She likes to have a rest there. Some 10 her old friends are usually there. They drink coffee together.( )1AgoBgoesCto go( )2AdoesBdontCdoesnt( )3AshoppingBshopCshoping( )4AbuyBto buyCbuys( )5AOnBToCIn( )6AandBbutCor( )7AoldBsweet

11、Cfresh( )8AtoBforCwith( )9AforBtoCat( )10AinBofCfor (参考答案)一、单词 new/young; fun/funny; what is; Thur.; 写家庭作业二、根据句意,填写正确的单词1、 eat2、 tea3、 clock bike4、 buildings5、 Do三、选择题题号12345678910答案CCBCCCBCAB四、根据句意,找出错误并改正。1、 B draw2、 A is3、 C for4、 C Jones5、 C me五、根据提示,完成句子。1、 Salad.2、 There is a tree3、 What is your mothers favourite colour?4、 Yes, I do.5、 How many六、连词成句1、 There are so many pictures here.2、 The ball is in front of the dog.3、 Do you have an art teacher?4、 What can you do for the party?5、 There a



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