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1、人教版小学四年级英语上册期末试卷笔试部分(70分)一.根据图示,写单词。(12分) 二.快乐点击A、B、C。(10分)( )1.Who is this ?He is my uncle.A.man B. woman C. girl( )2. This is our classroom. We five lights.A.are B. has C. have( )3. He glasses.A. have B. has C.is( )4.I have a new classroom. A. Lets play. B. Lets eat. C. Lets go and see.( )5.一 Sure

2、. Here you are.A. May I see it? B. Whats this? C. Is this a book?三.图文判断对(V)错()。(12分)( )1. ( )2.We can see eight desks. Let me clean the desks.( )3. ( )4. He is tall and thin. I have an English teacher.( )5. ( )6.Put the ball under the chair. I have small eves.四.仿照例子,从A组和B组各选一个单词组合成一个新单词。(12分)A Bclas

3、s,school,black book,bag,roomevery,story board,thing例如:class+room=classroom1. + = 2. + = 3. + = 4. + = 五.连词成句。(12分)1. colour, is, What, it (?) 2. strong, is, and, He, tall (.) 3. I, it, May, see (?) 4. like, I, little, your, dog (.) 5. schoolbag, your, What, is, in (?) 6. that, on, desk, the, Whats (

4、?)六.根据对话内容,完成表格。(12分)Amy:Hi, Miss Wu! This is my schoolbag. Its forty yuan.Mike:Good morning! I have eight pens. One pen is 6 yuan.Chen Jie:Hello! This is Zips schoolbag. He has many pencils. One, two,. seventeen. A pencil is 1 yuan.Zoom: Hello, everyone, I have nine storybooks. A storybook is 14 yuan. Sarah:Good morning! There are six English books. An English book is 3 yuan. English bookStorybookSchoolbagPenPencilPrice(单价)Total(总价)AmyMikeZipZoomSarah



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