Unit 1 How can I get there_单元基础知识训练-3(含答案)

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Unit 1 How can I get there_单元基础知识训练-3(含答案)_第1页
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《Unit 1 How can I get there_单元基础知识训练-3(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 How can I get there_单元基础知识训练-3(含答案)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教PEP版六年级英语上册第一单元专项训练一、将正确答案的序号填在括号内。1 If I want to send a postcard, Ill go to _. ( )Apost officeBshopCteachersoffice2 My friends usually go to school _ foot. Sometimes _ bus.( ) Aon; byBby; byCby; on3 _ can I go to Shanghai? ( )You can go by plane. AWhatBWhereCHow4 _ and stop at a yellow light. ( )

2、AGoBWaitCSlow down5 How can we get there?( )Turn left _ the bookstore.AofBforCat6 _ can I get to the science museum? ( )Its over there.AWhatBWhereCHow7 In the USA people _ bikes must wear a helmet. ( ) AbyBtakeCon8 Excuse me, where is the _? There is a robot show there. ( )AlibraryBnature parkCscien

3、ce museum9 How can I _there? How do you _ school? ( )Aget to; goBget; go toCget; go10Stop at the _. ( ) Ayellow lightBgreen lightCred light11This week I can stay with you. But Ill go back to England _. ( ) Anext weekBthe next weekClast week12Please _! The light is yellow now. ( ) Aslow down and stop

4、 Bstop and waitCgo13Usually he _ to school on foot. ( ) AgoBgoesCgoing14Please remember the traffic rules: _ at the green light. ( ) AGoBWaitCStop15Can you help the boy _ his lost cat? ( )AfindBfindsCfinding16How do you go to Harbin? I go _. () Aby the planeBon the planeCby plane17You must _ the No.

5、 3 bus to the bookstore. ( )AgoBcomeCtake18My home is not far. I usually go to school _. () Aon footBby trainCby plane19_ and stop at a yellow light. ( )ASlow downBTurn downCSit down20The home is _ the school. I can go home on foot. ( ) AnearBfar fromCon21Some children live in Jiangxi. They go to sc

6、hool _ every day. ( ) Aby ferryBby planeCby sled22I often come to school by bus. But sometimes I _. ( ) AwalkBon footCby bike23Its _ from here. She goes there by train. ( ) AfarBnearClong24How _ he _ to school? ( )He goes to school by bus. Adid; goBdoes; goesCdoes; go25He will _ his bike to school t

7、omorrow. ( ) ArideBto rideCriding26We usually go to school _ foot. ( )AonBbyCin27You _ stop at a red light. ( ) AmustBcantCdont28Im going to the _. I want to buy some books. ( )AbookstoreBpost officeCscience museum29I have a _ robot. Its very clever. ( )AtalkBto talkCtalking30In the USA, people _ bi

8、kes must wear helmets. () AonBgoCat31Turn right _ the bookstore. ( )AonBatCwith32How can I _ the park? ( )Aget offBget toCget33In America, people drive on the _ side of the road. ( ) ArightBleftCmiddle34I usually go to school _ bus. ( ) AonBinCby35The post office is _ the left. ( )AonBinCat36You can

9、 get there _, because its near here. ( ) Aon footBby planeCby train37Sally always _ to school on weekdays. ( ) AgoBwalksCwalk38Turn right _ the school and then go _. ( )Aof; straightBat; straightCin; straightly39My father goes to work _. ( ) Wow! Thats a good exercise.Aon footBby carCby taxi40Dont _

10、 the dogs run so fast. ( ) AletBletsClet me41We _ go swimming on Sunday. ( ) AoftenBfrontCtea42He sometimes _ to school by bus. ( ) AgoBgoesCam going43In Alaska, USA, it snows _. ( ) Aa lot ofBa lotClots of44_ a great museum! ( )AHowBWhatCWow45You can go there _. Its far from here. ( ) Aon footBby b

11、usCtake a bus46The traffic light is red. We must _. ( ) Astop and waitBat the lightCgo47What an _ robot! ( )AinterestingBtalkingCfourth48The traffic light is green now. We can _. ( ) AwaitBslow downCgo49We must _ at a red light. ( ) AgoBslowCstop50We must look _ before crossing the road in China. (

12、) AleftBrightCmiddle51The bus is _! ( ) AcomeBcomingCcomes52We must _ the traffic rules. ( ) AfindBwatchCremember53The children _ talking about their sports meet. ( ) AareBisCam54We must go at a _ light. ( ) AredBgreenCyellow55The park is _ Dongfang Street. ( )AatBonCin front of56They went to school by bus _ the car didnt work. ( ) AsoBbutCbecause57Go straight _ five minutes, Lily. ( )AatBofCfor58We must _ at a red light. ( ) AgoBslow down and stopCstop and wait59You can take _ bus. ( ) ANo. 5Bthe No. 5Cthe 5 No.60Lets go to the restaurant _



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