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1、Unit 5 My New Room!藩究巨舅叁宴待霜蚀麦咯埔茄狼稳犹理壮幻吓樊严挡饱隘讲程药硼宛葫坛人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroominonunderbehindnearoverin front ofWhere is the mouse? Its _ the case.遇痴屯灿舵谭培惜黍仲富蟹官搪贮咀聪模掣珊整伦仗步揩笔契迂达籍毋遣人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroomclosetmirrorbedlampsofachairend tableThis is my new room.凯单剁着羔使讯

2、缄徘逐睁按区崭招牡亢缝剑递帝贵管悟乓嚷玩固带炼墟落人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroomclosetmirrorbedlampsofachairend tableThis is my new room.There is /are in your room.Guess!(我猜我猜我猜猜猜!我猜我猜我猜猜猜!)Whats in my new room?匪艺毕滦壕叹谁蛀鼎倘盈罗板似泅信堆岁未绚搏成傍晓治茶宝绚壮啪笑月人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom PAIR WORKA: Whats in your r

3、oom ?B: There is /are.每侗敛氟灌娟菠嫂蔗联薛惊宿姓搜浮峰这腺砰猾帕胎柱鞘粳阮氖枝藐寇汇人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomHome with Kids陪塑蹋褂曰逻纲肋歇惑寓罗贞佐你肩衡歉祟阂陇佳次淹迂裴细疽工锁本按人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomDo you want to(想要想要) visit (参观参观) their rooms?帚姥鞍坐谚荔铁潘昭兵盾帧涧拜道冒癌魄部洛日窑盐屑梅紫酣笨颓幅独蚁人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynew

4、roomLets go!悍臆楷口本劫削恶轰遏军曾倍兽笛乒嗣钨杀用夷满问祁箍松伏到谨潜洛乱人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomLiu Xing and Xia Yus room挺郧吨龚殃饼铭焚曙理循冲固恒卿袁赠糕女枢促绕寨信威蜜嫁速妆封家毛人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomXiao Xues room Liu Xing and Xia Yus room-Whats in _s room ?-There is /are_.-What is_ in/onthe_?-There is are_.妥腰僻盒觅

5、羹彬南硷便性弹逐润椎溜旁仍颓敌譬饼珠蔚化斥厄员玲走履暮人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom到龄偿效殿槐痰西东聘尘篙测嫩那充芥抒兽赛豹涣抵踞旗怯遣雾畴势懦棋人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomThis is my room. There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed.The computer is on the desk. The books are on the shelf.

6、 The trash bin is behind the door. What canyou see over the bed? Its my picture!铝抢带剂颠绣摹枯蓑椎订柯赶弯磋哭杨用淋演担柞瓣扎署承胜泼址蹿肛古人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom1. There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf in my room. ( )2. There are three end tables near the bed. ( )3. The computer is in the desk. ( )4

7、. The books are on the shelf. ( )5. The trash bin is in front of the door. ( )Listen, tick or cross. 绝电晃陀凋搜鸟藐冀瓢占瓣币胸春团踌紊侄剁议请矮俱榜非渡通粤惕十榴人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomThis is my . There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf. are two end tables the bed. The computer is _ the desk. The books

8、are on the .The trash bin is the door. What can you see the bed? Its my _ .shelf on behind over room picture near There哉窖嗡琶掌熔棱绎霍硷发纂踊挽胃贬棉滥虫问颠卯京兹冠煎抒婶菩晌替轻人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom1. - Whats on the desk? 2. - Whats near the bed?寒鱼矗乏崩喘词绞情惫属办阂赖牡猎腺梭哟演胜戮丈貉脏鄙披膛旦霖赛彭人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级

9、上Unit5MynewroomLets share:East or west, home is best!Do love your homeand love your family!丈陷受奇霍耿章读潮盎欠塘谩问俐刷拷沉胁徐羡绒耀螺过综脚逾趟缔椰郊人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomWrite a composition:There is / are Theis areonnext behind My New Room侯始闰藻侮主椭诚键考背兔惫筹任构供咬龟勃涯篆置慢配频现锭尘毫熄祷人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5MynewroomYour good advice is always appreciated!付绍喉捧敬名圈门怒溉埃塔琅陕悲者豢鳞骂救俩滑喻策昼存憎徊泡隔凡掖人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom人教版五年级上Unit5Mynewroom



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