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1、Unit 3 At the zooPart B Lets talkUnit 3 At the zoo(人教PEP)三年级英语下Lets chantLets chantLets go to the Z00!Guessing game:what are they?Guessing game:what are they?猜一猜,这些是什么动物猜一猜,这些是什么动物Guessing game:what are they?Gate1:Gate1:第一关第一关Gate1:第一关It has small ears andGate2:Gate2:第二关第二关long tailGate2:第二关It has a

2、 long tail.Gate3:Gate3:第三关第三关Gate3:第三关It has a long nose an人教PEP三年级英语下册Unit-3-At-the-zoo-Part-B-Lets-talk 优质课一,一,Watch and fill in the blanks.看卡通并填空看卡通并填空一,Watch and fill in the blanksQ1:They are talking about 他们在讨论他们在讨论)_.A.the elephant B. the giraffeQ2:Come here Learning tipLearning tipLearning ti

3、pLearning tip:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词Watch and fill in Watch and fill in the blanks.the blanks.看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空Q1:They are talking about(他们在讨Lets talkQ1:They are talking about 他们在讨论他们在讨论)_.A.the elephant B. the giraffeQ2:Come here Learning tipLearning tipLearnin

4、g tipLearning tip:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词Watch and fill in the Watch and fill in the blanks.blanks.看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空Q1:They are talking about(他们在讨thethe the ithethetheLearning tipLearning tipLearning tipLearning tip:The The The The 的发音有两种,主要取决于的发音有两种,主要取决于的发音有两种,

5、主要取决于的发音有两种,主要取决于thethethethe后接的后接的后接的后接的单词首字母。单词首字母。单词首字母。单词首字母。若是元音(若是元音(若是元音(若是元音(a, e, I,o ,ua, e, I,o ,ua, e, I,o ,ua, e, I,o ,u)因素,则念)因素,则念)因素,则念)因素,则念i TheTheTheThe后面的单词以以辅音开头,发音为后面的单词以以辅音开头,发音为 。 the apple the bananaLearning Q1:They are talking about 他们在讨论他们在讨论)_.A.the elephant B. the giraff

6、eQ2:Come here Learning tipLearning tipLearning tipLearning tip:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通:我们在看卡通时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词时,应抓住问题的关键词Watch and fill in the Watch and fill in the blanks.blanks.看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空看卡通并填空Q1:They are talking about(他们在讨childrenCome here ,children.过来,孩子们.儿童或者孩子们childrenCome here ,children.过来

7、:Come here ,children!Look at the elephant.:Wow! It has a long nose.:It has a short tail.:It has small eyes and big ears.Listen and try to follow it.听一听,读一读。learning tips 升调 降调 重读 降升降调 连读:Come here ,children!Look at t二。Read it by yourself for one minute .自己读对话一分钟。Learning tip:Learning tip:当你自己朗读时,遇到不

8、会读或者不明白的意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,稍后请教同学或者老师!二。Read it by yourself for one Do you have any questions to ask?你有哪些不会读的单词或句子么?Do you have any questions to aCheck time.我来考考你.你能正确的读出下列句子吗?Come here ,children!Look at the elephant.It has small eyes and big ears.Check time.我来考考你.Come here ,ch三,Read again.再来读一读吧!Lear

9、ning tips:当你朗读的时,注意按照书本上标的升降调去读。三,Read again.再来读一读吧!Learning t:Come here ,children!Look at the elephant.:Wow! It has a long nose.:It has a short tail.:It has small eyes and big ears.learning tips 升调 降调 重读 降升降调 连读:Come here ,children!Look at t四,Recite it for one minute.一分钟背诵 对话。四,Recite it for one mi

10、nute.Lets sayWow,it has a_.Come here,_.Look at the _.It has_and _It has a_.1234一分钟时间,根据提示自己背一背对话吧!Lets sayWow,it has a_.Com大大家家来来找找茬茬Let s play a game大家来找茬Let s play a game !一,同学们,睁大眼睛,一,同学们,睁大眼睛,找出下列图片的不同的身体部位,找出下列图片的不同的身体部位,并用以下句型进行描述。并用以下句型进行描述。Look at the monkey.It has a _.一,同学们,睁大眼睛,Look at the

11、 monkey.你能找出这两幅图中的不同吗?Look at the_.It has a _.你能找出这两幅图中的不同吗?Look at the_你能找出这两幅图中的不同吗?Look at the_.It has a _. 你能找出这两幅图中的不同吗?Look at the_bomb gamebomb game游戏规则:教师在讲台前,转身按照已给句型节奏打节拍,说句子,学生跟着教师的节奏跟着说句子,如果教师停止了并回头,哪位同学还在说句子,则大家向他扔炸弹。句型:Look at _. It has a _.bomb game 游戏规则:教师在讲台前,转身按照已给句型Lets go to the

12、zoo!Lets go to the zoo!A:Hello!_.B: Hi,.A: lets go to the zoo!B: Ok!A : Look at _.B:It has a _. A : Look at _.B:It has a _.rabbit giraffeA:Hello!_.Free talkrabbilets sing lets sing Animals are our friends.Love animals please!Dont feed the animals in the zoo!动物是人类的好朋友。请爱护动物!请不要给动物园里的动物喂食!28Animals are our friends.动物是人类的Who wins? Sum-upWho wins? Sum-upBye bye!Bye bye!Thank you!



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