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1、 Unit 20 Humor Grammar现在分词与过去分词英语中的分词有两种:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词由动词原形加ing构成,过去分词由动词原形加ed构成,现在分词表示正在进行或主动意义,过去分词表示已经完成或被动意义,两者之间既有相同之处,又有区别。分词分词I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog.I smell something burning.Last year her husband died,leaving her with three children Having written the letter,he went out to po

2、st itNot having found the wallet , he dared not go home. laughing audienceA.现在分词表示正在进行的动作,而过去分词则表现在分词表示正在进行的动作,而过去分词则表示完成的动作:示完成的动作: e.g. falling leaves /fallen leaves boiling water / boiled water developing country/developed country B.现在分词表示动作主动的意思,所修饰的人或现在分词表示动作主动的意思,所修饰的人或物是分词动作的执行者,过去分词表示被动的意思,物

3、是分词动作的执行者,过去分词表示被动的意思,所修饰的人或物是分词的承受者。所修饰的人或物是分词的承受者。e.g. an exciting film/excited speaker -Ing used as Attribute the working people an interesting crosstalk an exciting event the rising sun the coming week a flying kite the dancing girl劳动人民劳动人民有趣的相声有趣的相声激动人心的事件激动人心的事件升起的太阳升起的太阳下周下周翱翔的风筝翱翔的风筝舞女舞女laug

4、hing audience分词在句中的作用:分词在句中起形容词和副分词在句中的作用:分词在句中起形容词和副词的作用,可作定语。词的作用,可作定语。单个分词作定语时常放在被修饰词的前面单个分词作定语时常放在被修饰词的前面e.g. Are there any living thing on the moon? I am reading an interesting book.B. 单个分词作定语时有时也可放在被修饰词的后单个分词作定语时有时也可放在被修饰词的后面:面: e.g. There is something missing.1. the man walking along the rive

5、r2. the old lady talking to the children3. the sun rising above the surface of the sea -Ing phrase used as AttributeC. 分词短语作定语要放在被修饰词分词短语作定语要放在被修饰词的后面的后面e.g. The man sitting on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University.lThe man with sun-glasses standing near a car is a musician.a reading roo

6、mI can see some people reading 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语现在分词与过去分词在句中都可以现在分词与过去分词在句中都可以作宾语补足语。作宾语补足语。e.g. We saw him climbing a tree. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. We mustnt leave the work half done.perform cycle jump drop laugh break burn quarrel enter share1.People saw the police_ the window with a hamme

7、r.2.Behind the doors we heard the audience_during the show.3.Neighbours watched him_something heavy into the river.4.You can see them_every night this week at the New Theatre.laughingbreakingdroppingperformingperform cycle jump drop laugh break burn quarrel enter share5. I could hear the newly-marri

8、ed couple_every day over small matters.6. We watched the cyclists_down the road quickly.7. Can you smell something_.8. We watched three old men_this food with each other.shoutingcyclingburningsharingB.现在分词和不定式作宾语补足语的意义上有些不同。后者指事物的全过程,目的在于说明发生了事情;前者指正在进行继续的动作的一部分,目的在于将该动作当时进行的情景呈现于读者之前,正当于进行时态:e.g. I

9、 saw him go upstairs. I saw him going upstairs. I heard him sing a song. I heard him singing a song.feel/find/hear/smell/watch/notice/look at/Listen to/have/get/keep/leave+sb.(sth.)+doing1. The _ boy was last seen_near the East Lake.(2000Shanghai) A. missing, playing B. missing, play C. missing, pla

10、yed D. missed, to play2. Do you know the boy_ under the big tree. A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying3. Seeing the sun_ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy. A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising4. _ the last bus means walking home. A. Miss B. missed C. Missing D. If missingAD

11、CCExercises 1. It was already six oclock _ we got home. A.that B. since C. when D. on whichA2. The missing boy was last seen _ near the river. A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play A3.The lady was watched_her room in silence. A. had left B. left C. leave D. to leaveD4.They knew her well. Th

12、ey had seen her _ up from childhood. A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to growA5. We will make it _to all _ she is a new teacher. A. knowing, that B. known, that C. known, who D. knowing, whoB6. The building _will be a library. A. building B. having built C. being built D. to buildC7.The Emperor ord

13、ered the wonder- ful cloth _for him without delay. A. to weave B. to be weaving C. to be woven D. to have wovenC8. Therere 5 pairs_, but Im at a loss which to buy. A. to be chosen B.to choose from C.to chose D.chosenB9.He is a man hard_with. A. deal B. to be dealt C. to deal D. dealingCClimbing out

14、of the windowJumping over the fenceAsking a passer-by where the post office is Entering the post office and writing a message Paying with a ringLeaving the post officeComing to a bridgeLeaving her bag on the road and starting fishingHer fishhook catching in the Emperors coatTaking out a knife to cut the hookEmperor talking and walking with her



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