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1、期末总复习期末总复习7-8Module 7Unit 1 by+交通工具类名词单数交通工具类名词单数 by plane 乘飞机乘飞机 by car 坐小汽车坐小汽车 by train 坐火车坐火车 by taxi 乘出租车乘出租车 by ship 乘轮船乘轮船 by bike 骑自行车骑自行车 by electric bike 骑电动自行车骑电动自行车By + 某些地点名词某些地点名词by sea 乘船乘船by air 乘飞机乘飞机on / in + 冠词或限定词冠词或限定词 + 交通工具类名词交通工具类名词on a bus 乘公共汽车乘公共汽车in ones car 坐小汽车坐小汽车on on

2、es bike 骑自行车骑自行车in a taxi 乘出租车乘出租车 动词短语动词短语take a bus 乘公共汽车乘公共汽车take ones motorcycle 骑摩托车骑摩托车drive a car 开小汽车开小汽车ride a horse 骑马骑马ride a bike 骑自行车骑自行车walk to. 步行去步行去2. crowd n.人群人群 a crowd of “一群一群” I can see a crowd of sheep in the fields. crowd into 大批涌入大批涌入/挤进挤进 They are going to crowd into the h

3、all.3.the best way to do sth. = the best way of doing sth5.“Close to + 名词名词”,表示在,表示在在在的附近的附近 to是介词,后是介词,后接地点词接地点词。 Close 1) 形容词,表形容词,表“亲密的亲密的” Lucy is my close friend . 2)动词,)动词,“关;关闭关;关闭” Close the door!1. 他住得离学校最远。他住得离学校最远。 He lives _ _ the school.2. 乘车是去上学最好的方法。乘车是去上学最好的方法。 Going by bus is _ _ _

4、to get to school.farthest from the best wayII. 根据所给汉语完成句子。根据所给汉语完成句子。3. 它是世界上最快的火车它是世界上最快的火车. Its _ _ train in the world.4. Mike 有时候乘船回家度假。有时候乘船回家度假。 _ Mike _ home _ his holidays _ ship. 5.The white flower is _ (beautiful). The yellow flower is _ (beautiful) than the white flower. The red flower is

5、_(beautiful) of the three.the fastestSometimesgoesforbybeautifulmore beautifulthe most beautifulIII. 将下列句子翻译完整将下列句子翻译完整(每个汉语句子每个汉语句子 都有两种英语表达方式都有两种英语表达方式)。1. 我哥哥每天坐公共汽车去上班。我哥哥每天坐公共汽车去上班。 My brother goes to work _ _ every day. My brother _ _ _ to go to work every day.by bustakes a bus 2. 我打算坐飞机去香港。我打

6、算坐飞机去香港。 Ill _ _ _ to go to Hong Kong. Ill go to Hong Kong _ _.3. 你打算步行去医院吗?你打算步行去医院吗? Are you going to _ _ the hospital? Are you going to the hospital _ _?take a plane by airwalk toon foot4. 托尼每天骑自行车去上学。托尼每天骑自行车去上学。 Tony goes to school _ _ every day. Tony _ _ _ to go to school every day. by bikerid

7、es a bikeUnit 2It takes sb. some time to do sth. “花费某人多长时间做某事花费某人多长时间做某事” The trip takes two weeks. It takes her an hour to finish the work.2.one of the + 最高级最高级 + 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数 意思是:意思是:“最最的的之一之一”.Shanghai is one of the newest cities in the world. one of 意为意为“之一之一”,后接,后接名词复名词复数数或代词的或代词的宾格形式宾格形式。 当当

8、它作主语它作主语时,时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数单数。One of the students comes from Canada.*整数整数与与分数分数之间在读的时候必须用之间在读的时候必须用and接接 3 days three and a half days 三天半三天半 2 weeks two and a half weeks 两周半两周半*几个半的读法几个半的读法:“数词数词+and+ a half +名词名词复数复数”或或“数词数词+名词单名词单/复数复数+and+ a half ” one and a half days =one day and a half*分数的表达分数的表达:

9、分子用分子用基数基数表达,分母用表达,分母用序序数数表达表达。当分子大于。当分子大于1时,分母用时,分母用复数复数形式。形式。 1/4= one fourth 3/4= three fourths 1. 我认为骑自行车比游泳危险得多。我认为骑自行车比游泳危险得多。 I think cycling is _ _ _ than swimming.2. 北京航线是国际最繁忙的航线之一。北京航线是国际最繁忙的航线之一。 Beijing Airways is one of _ _ _ _. much more dangerous the busiestinternational airlinesII.

10、完成句子。完成句子。3. 你的自行车比我的新得多。你的自行车比我的新得多。 Your bike is _ _ than _.4. 乒乓球在中国是一项很受欢迎的运动。乒乓球在中国是一项很受欢迎的运动。 Table tennis is _ _ _ game in China.5. 你喜欢下班后进行体育锻炼吗?你喜欢下班后进行体育锻炼吗? Do you like _ _ after work ?much newerminea very populardoing sports6.同样的路程,乘公共汽车会花费同样的路程,乘公共汽车会花费50分钟的分钟的时间。时间。 The_ _ _about 50 mi

11、nutes _bus. 7.我们将在两个半小时后到达北京。我们将在两个半小时后到达北京。 Well arrive in Beijing in _ _ _ _ hours. 8.去上海的旅行花我七天时间。去上海的旅行花我七天时间。 The journey to shanghai will _ _ _ _ . Same journey takes bytwo and a half take me sevendays Unit 3 表达交通方式表达交通方式1. 骑自行自行车 ride to = go to by bike/on a bike2. 乘公共汽乘公共汽车 go to by bus/on a

12、 bus = take/catch a bus 3. 坐小坐小车 drive to = go to by car/in a car4. 乘火乘火车 go to by train/on a train =take /catch a train 5. 乘乘轮船船 by ship /sea6. 乘乘飞机机 fly to =go toby plane/air/on a plane7. 乘渡乘渡轮 by ferry单单音音节节和和少少数数双双音音节节1. 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-est. long - longest2. 以字母以字母e结尾的形容词结尾的形容词/副词,直副词,直接加接加-st. clo

13、se - closest3. 以以重读闭音节重读闭音节结尾的形容词结尾的形容词/副副词,应先词,应先双写该字母双写该字母,再加,再加-est. big biggest hot hottest 4. 以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词结尾的形容词或副词,或副词,先改先改y为为i,再加,再加-est. busy busiest early - earliest4 一般在单词前一般在单词前加加most形容词的最高级前形容词的最高级前加定冠词加定冠词the, 而副词的而副词的可加也可不加可加也可不加the。expensive most expensivecarefully most carefu

14、lly多多音音节节和和部部分分双双音音节节其他双音其他双音节词和多音和多音节词, 在前面加在前面加more,most 来构成比来构成比较级和最高和最高级 1. comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable 2. expensive more expensive the most expensive3. dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous4. important more important the most important 不规则变化:不规则变化:good / well bad / i

15、ll / badly many / much little old far bestworstmostleastoldest / eldestfarthest / furthest形容副词最高级用法形容副词最高级用法 三或三个以上事物相比三或三个以上事物相比1)主语主语+be动词动词+the+形容词副形容词副词最高级词最高级 +in of He is the shortest boy but he runs fastest in his class.2)one of the+形容词最高级形容词最高级+名名词复数词复数+in(比较范围短语比较范围短语) 最最之一之一China is one of

16、 the oldest countries in the world.3)选择疑问句选择疑问句中的最高级表示中的最高级表示三者或三者以三者或三者以上上之间的比较。之间的比较。Who jumps highest, Tony, Jim or Daming ?4)比较级形式)比较级形式表表最高级含义,常用句型:最高级含义,常用句型:比较级比较级+than+ (any other+名词单数名词单数 (the other +名词复数名词复数 He runs faster than any other student in his class. (比(比任何一个任何一个都快)都快)He is better

17、 than the other students in his class. (比(比其他所有其他所有都快)都快)Module 8Unit 12. What was he like? like 介词介词, 像像询问长相或询问长相或性格脾气如何性格脾气如何. What was he like at that time? He was very naughty. 注意:这句话也可以用注意:这句话也可以用 How was he?3. She was strict but very nice. strict是形容词,严厉的,严格的是形容词,严厉的,严格的 对对某人某人要求严格要求严格 be stric

18、t with sb. 对对某事某事要求严格要求严格 be strict in sth. Our teacher is strict in our study. 老师对我们的学习严格要求。老师对我们的学习严格要求。 Our teacher is strict with us. 老师对我们要求很严。老师对我们要求很严。 Be born in + 年或月年或月Be born on + 日期日期Be born in + 地名地名Be born of 表示出生于表示出生于 家庭家庭Unit 21. There were lots of things to do. to do是不定式作是不定式作定语定语,

19、置后修饰名,置后修饰名词词things, “要做的事情要做的事情”。 注意:注意: 动词如果是动词如果是不及物不及物动词,后面的介动词,后面的介词词不能省略不能省略。如:。如: I have nothing to worry about. 我没有什么可担心的事。我没有什么可担心的事。2 There be +名词名词+ to do 有有要做要做今天有些家庭作业要做。今天有些家庭作业要做。_There is some homework to do today.3 .There be +名词名词+ doing “有有正在干某事正在干某事”有很多男孩正在操场上踢足球。有很多男孩正在操场上踢足球。The

20、re are many boys playing football on the playground.3.It + be + adj. + to do sth. 做某事是做某事是的的it 在句中做在句中做形式形式主语,主语,真正真正的主语的主语是动词不定式是动词不定式to do。学一门外语是很困难的。学一门外语是很困难的。Its very difficult to learn a foreign language.4. The last time I was there was in 2003. I was there是是定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰前前面面的的The last time,所所

21、以以后后面面还还要要使使用用was充当句子的谓语。如:充当句子的谓语。如: The people who live here are very friendly. 住在这里的人们很友好。住在这里的人们很友好。 四、就画线部分提问。四、就画线部分提问。1.He was born in 1990 . _ 2.They were in Maoming last year. _ 3. My first teacher was Miss Li . _ 4. His first school was Yuxian School. _When was he born?Where were they last year?Who was your first teacher?What was his first school?



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