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1、Unit5Canada-“TheTrueNorth”Period1VocabularyTask1 Leading-inLook at the pictures. Can you guess which country it is?Then have you got the answer which country it is?Yes, its Canada - the maple leaf country.catchsightof看见看见have a gift for 对对 .有有 天赋天赋managetodo设法做设法做ratherthan与其;不愿与其;不愿settledown定居;平静定

2、居;平静下来;专心于下来;专心于 expressionsImportantwordsandexpressionswordsbordern.边界边界,国界国界baggagen.行李行李continentn.洲;大陆洲;大陆sceneryn.景色,风景景色,风景measure n./v.测量,措施测量,措施chatv.聊天聊天surroundv.环绕,包围环绕,包围Canadiann./adj.加拿大人;加拿大人;加拿大的加拿大的eastwardadj.向东向东multiculturaladj.多元文化的多元文化的withinprep.在在.之内之内Write down 3 words and 2

3、 phrases quickly, then the teacher will read out the words and phrases one by one.You can underline the words or phrases which you will have heard. If you underlined 5 of them, you can say “Bingo”.That means you will win the game.Bingo Gametime multi-=manyeg. multi +coloured=multicoloured(多彩的)多彩的)A.

4、Discoveringusefulwordsbyusingaffixation(附附加法加法):Prefix(前缀前缀)AffixationSuffix(后缀)(后缀) Prefix(前缀前缀)Noun&AdjectiveAdjective multi-cultural multi-national multi-channel multi-mediaTask 2 vocabulary learningmulticulturalmultinationalmultichannelmultimedia -ward=inacertaindirectionout+ward=outward向外向外 Pre

5、p&Noun Suffix(后缀)后缀)Adjective up -ward back -ward east-ward west -wardupwardbackwardeastwardwestward After this panda settled _ in the mountains, she finally settled _ down. Look! She is settling down _ _ (eat) bamboo leaves. 在这只大熊猫定居这座山之后,她终于让自己平静下来了。看!她现在正在专心地吃竹叶。B.Fillintheblanksandconcludetheusa

6、ge.downherselfsettledown;settledown使某人自己平静使某人自己平静下来;下来;settledownsth(do)专专心地心地做某事做某事.settledownoneselftodoing(在某地在某地)定居下来定居下来toeating Once upon a time, a king who was polite to _ countries lived in a castle _ by a large forest and having wonderful _._. (surround)从前,在一个绿树环绕、环境优美的城堡里住着一位国王,他对领邦十分友好。 s

7、urroundv.;adj.周围的;附近的周围的;附近的n.环境环境besurroundedby/with.surroundingsurroundedsurroundingssurround被被.包围包围surroundingsurroundings包围;围绕包围;围绕 His mother teaches English _ teaches Chinese. She prefers _( teach ) students English rather than _ (sing) songs.他妈妈教英语而不教语文。她宁愿教学生英语也不愿唱歌。ratherthantoteachsing不愿;不

8、愿;而不是而不是sbdoAratherthandoB.=RatherthandoB,sbdoA.。preferAratherthanB.更喜欢做更喜欢做A事事而不做而不做B事。事。ratherthanratherthan某人做某人做A事而不做事而不做B事事tododomanagev. 管理管理 (n.管理者管理者 ) 设法做成某事(强调成功性),成设法做成某事(强调成功性),成功做成某事功做成某事 =succeedindoingsth Secretary Dakang succeeded in (punish) the corrupt officials(贪官).= Secretary Dak

9、ang _ _ punish the corrupt officials.达康书记成功地惩治了贪官。managedtomanagetodomanagermanagetodosthpunishing We can use a ruler to _ the length of a desk. If the data arent exact, we should _ _(measure) to correct them.我们能用一把尺子去量桌子的长度。如果得出的数据不准确,我们应该采取措施进行订正。measuretakemeasuresmeasure v. 测量测量;估量估量 n. 测量;测量; 措

10、施措施 采取措施做某事采取措施做某事measuretakemeasurestodosthTask3CompetitionWhich group will be the luckiest one? You can see a line in the picture, it is called _. The _ (加拿大人)in south of Canada can cross the line to USA .borderCanadians+3pointsLucky!Lucky!+4points Wechat is more and more popular in our daily life

11、. I _(chat) with my friend by it yesterday. And I knew that she had _ _ (设法) pass the test . chattedmanagedto+4pointsSorry!Sorry!-3points My friend also told me that she would _ _ (定居)in Beijing _ _ (不愿) go back to Guizhou. To be honest, I admire her very much because she has _ _ _ (对 .有 天 赋)languag

12、e learning. She can communicate with others using five kinds of languages frequently.+5pointssettledownratherthanagiftforSorry!Sorry!-5points When you stand on the well-known Jiangjiehe bridge(江界河大桥), you can _ _ _ the beautiful _ . The bridge is 461 meters long and 13.4 meters wide.+4pointscatchsig

13、htofscenery The Best Teapot in the World (天下第一壶)is a sign of Meitan county. It is_ (测量)73.8 meters high . It is _ _ by the county city(县城). surroundedmeasured+3points China is a _ (多民族)and multinational country. If you go _ from China, you can get to Korea.multicuturaleastward+3points Challenge1Keyw

14、ords:a trip. Yongxing tea garden. measure. thousands of acres . catch sight of. scenery. a tower. surround.tea plants.Teamwork:Usethekeywordsbelow,andtrytowriteashortpassageabout35words.Eachgroupcanchooseonechallenge.Task4Showtime Challenge2Keywords:Mark. Canadian.have a gift for. language. manage to do. settle down. China. Challenge3Keywords:China. develop. wealthy. multicultural. country.1. Read the new words and expressions again. 2. Use the words and expressions we have learnt today to make at least 5 sentences. Task5Homework



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