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1、-What are the people doing in the picture?-They are shaking hands.What arepeople in China supposedtosupposedto do when they meet forthefirsttimeforthefirsttime?They aresupposedtoaresupposedtoshakehandsbowkissshouldBrazilKoreaJapanthe United StatesMexicoDo you know where is?What are people supposed t

2、o do when they meet for the first time?shake handsbow v. & n.鞠躬鞠躬kiss v. & n.亲吻,接吻亲吻,接吻Different countries have different customs 习惯习惯, 风俗风俗.what are people in the United States supposed to do when they meet for the first time?In the United States, they are supposed to shake hands. America - America

3、n(s)In Mexico, they are supposed to shake hands. What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?MexicoMexican (s)In Korea, they are expected to bow when they meet for the first time.In Korea Korea - Korean (s)In JapanThey are expected to bow when they meet for the first t

4、ime.In Brazil, people are supposed tokiss each other when they meet for the first time. Brazil - Brazilian(s)besupposedtodosth.=beexpectedtodosth.=shoulddosth.应该应该1)Whatarepeoplesupposedtodowhentheymeetsomeoneforthefirsttime?此句中的此句中的besupposedtodo的意思为的意思为_。其同。其同义词为义词为_,同义短语为同义短语为_练习:根据汉语完成句子练习:根据汉语完

5、成句子(1)你应该独立完成那项工作。你应该独立完成那项工作。You_dotheworkalone.(2)你不应该在公交车上抽烟。你不应该在公交车上抽烟。You_smokeonthebus.2)shakehands是是_的意思。的意思。shake常用作及物动词,意常用作及物动词,意为为_,其过去式为其过去式为_,过去分词为,过去分词为_。应当,被期望,理应做某事应当,被期望,理应做某事shouldbeexpectedtodoaresupposedtoarenotsupposedto握手摇动;晃动摇动;晃动 shookshaken英汉互译:英汉互译:1.你不应该那样做你不应该那样做_2. 他理应五

6、点到他理应五点到_3. 我们应该每天早上读英语我们应该每天早上读英语_4. 中国人初次见面经常握手中国人初次见面经常握手_You are not supposed to do that.He is supposed to arrive at five oclock.We are supposed to read English every morning.Chinese often shake hands when they meet for the first time.caba1b.1b.Listenandcheckyouranswersin1a.Listenandcheckyourans

7、wersin1a.cabaIn , people are supposed to are expected to should.customcustom风俗;习俗风俗;习俗风俗;习俗风俗;习俗-custom-customerer顾客顾客顾客顾客 Listenagainandfillintheblanks.Yoshi:Whatarepeople_todowhentheymeetinYoshi:Whatarepeople_todowhentheymeetinyourcountry,Rodrigo?yourcountry,Rodrigo?Rodrigo:Doyoumeanwhenfriendsmee



10、arrivedat8:00tocomelatershakehandswearFill in the chart according to 2a & 2b:Marias mistakesMarias mistakesMaria was supposed to Maria was supposed to arrived latearrived lategreeted others the wrong greeted others the wrong waywaywore the wrong clotheswore the wrong clothesarrive at 7:00 (a little

11、earlier)shake hands with Pauls mother wear a T-shirt and jeansRole-play a conversation between Maria and Dan.How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.A:B:2dRole-playtheconversation.1.How was the we

12、lcome party for foreign students?2.Who did John meet?3.Is it polite to know nothing about other countries customs?4.What are French people supposed to do when they meet each other?Great.AIapaneseboycalledSato.No,itisnt.Theyaresupposedtokisseachother.欢迎晚会欢迎晚会外国学生外国学生交一些新朋友交一些新朋友一个叫佐藤的男孩一个叫佐藤的男孩一一一一.就

13、就就就.(.(引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句) )holdoutoneshand伸出某人的手伸出某人的手相互问候相互问候toonessurprisetoonessurprise令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是findoutfindout找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)+ +(thatthat)从句)从句)从句)从句 外语外语foreignlanguageforeignforeign外国的外国的外国的外国的-foreign-foreignerer外国人外国人外国人外国人伸出我

14、的手(伴随状语)伸出我的手(伴随状语)Ioftensleepwiththelighton. 在大街的两侧在大街的两侧在大街的两侧在大街的两侧onbothsideonbothsides softhestreetofthestreetoneithersideofthestreetoneithersideofthestreetoneachsideofthestreetoneachsideofthestreet例:例:例:例:Thereremanytreesonbothsidesofthestreet.Thereremanytreesonbothsidesofthestreet.短语翻译:短语翻译:短


16、从句)assoonas7.伸出某人的手伸出某人的手holdoutoneshand8.相互问候相互问候greeteachother9.伸出我的手伸出我的手(伴随状语)(伴随状语)withmyhandout10.10.令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是totoonesonessurprisesurprise11.11.找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)找出、查明(事实、真相)findout+findout+(thatthat)从句)从句)从句)从句1.( )In America, the people are supposed to_ w

17、hen they meet for the first time. A. bow B. shake hands C. hug D.kiss2. Korea, are, expected, you, to, bow, in, (.)_3. 当你遇到某人的时候应该怎么做? What _ you _ _ _ when you meet someone?4. 下次你该问你应穿什么?You _ ask what you _ _ _ wear next time?aresupposedtodoshouldaresupposedtoB.B.YouareexceptedtobowinKorea.1.徒步旅行是

18、件非常快乐的事徒步旅行是件非常快乐的事_2. 在阳光下看书对眼睛不好在阳光下看书对眼睛不好_3. 他们用了年时间修建那座桥梁他们用了年时间修建那座桥梁_4. 完成这篇作文将花费我两个小时完成这篇作文将花费我两个小时_5. 他花了他花了20元钱买这本书元钱买这本书_6. 这辆汽车值这辆汽车值50万元万元._Going hiking is a lot of fun.Reading in the sun is bad for eyes.They spent 5 years on the bridge.It will take me two hours to finish the compositio

19、n.He paid 20 yuan for the book.This car costs 500,000 yuan.1.( )In America, the people are supposed to_ when they meet for the first time. A. bow B. shake hands C. hug D.kiss2. Korea, are, expected, you, to, bow, in, (.)_3. 当你遇到某人的时候应该怎么做? What _ you _ _ _ when you meet someone?4. 下次你该问你应穿什么?You _ a

20、sk what you _ _ _ wear next time?aresupposedtodoshouldaresupposedtoB.B.YouareexceptedtobowinKorea.短语翻译:短语翻译:应该做应该做_顺便拜访顺便拜访_握手握手_第一次第一次_对宽松对宽松_准时准时_毕竟毕竟_制定计划制定计划计划做计划做10. 四处走走四处走走短语翻译:短语翻译:应该做应该做_顺便拜访顺便拜访_握手握手_第一次第一次_对宽松对宽松_准时准时_毕竟毕竟_制定计划制定计划计划做计划做10. 四处走走四处走走be supposed todrop byshake handsfor the

21、first timebe relaxed about on timeafter allmake plansplan to dowalk around快速阅读快速阅读3a,回答下面问题:回答下面问题:1)AretheyrelaxedabouttimeinColombia?2)WhatstheattitudetowardstimeinSwitzerland?Yes,theyare.InSwitzerland,itsveryimportanttobeontime.哥伦比亚/kl mb/ 态度 对于/swtslnd/ 瑞典1)仔细阅读仔细阅读3a,判断正(判断正(T)误()误(F)。)。( ) 1.

22、In Colombia, its OK if you arrive a bit late for a dinner.( ) 2. People in Colombia usually make plans to meet their friends.( ) 3. In Switzerland, people are pretty relaxed about time.( ) 4. In Switzerland, people never visit a friends house without calling first. TFFT我来的那个地方(地点状语从句)我来的那个地方(地点状语从句)


24、as.aspossible例:You should write as soon as you can. You should write as soon as possible She got to school as early as she could. She got to school as early as possible. 准时;按时准时;按时Itsimportant(forsb.)todosth.的首都;省会的首都;省会毕竟;终归毕竟;终归在中午在中午应该应该生气生气makeanefforttodosth.努力努力做某事做某事trytodosth.尽力做某事尽力做某事避免交通拥

25、挤避免交通拥挤withoutdoingsth.没有做没有做./m:k/m:k/ /tri:z/tri:z/ k:li/lupez/lupez/ / /klmb/klmb/luzn/luzn/ /swtslnd/lblbl: 1)Oftenwejustwalkaroundthetowncenter,seeingasmanyofourfriendsaswecan!(1)此句中此句中seeingseeingasmanyofourfriendsaswecan是现在分词短语作是现在分词短语作_。(2)在在asmanyofourfriendsaswecan中中asasonecan意为意为_,相当相当_,两


27、可能尽可能 asaspossible原级原级/原形原形couldcallingoftenasoftenaspossibleget mad 意为意为“生气生气”。 I got mad yesterday because of his lie. 昨天我昨天我生气了生气了,因为他的谎话。,因为他的谎话。生某人的气生某人的气be/get mad (at/with sb.) be/get angry (with sb.)例:例: Are you parents often angry with you for your grades成绩成绩. 短语翻译:短语翻译:对对随意随意berelaxedabout




31、entsinterestedinstudying.9.每一次我都努力通过考试。每一次我都努力通过考试。I_passmyexamseverytime.B B B AB B ontime forto makeanefforttoAttitude towards Colombiabeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsWe are pretty relaxed about time.We often just drop by our friends homes.We dont have to make plans w

32、hen we get together with friends. 3b. Read the passage again and complete the chart.Ideasandcustomsabout:Switzerlandbeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsIts very important to be Its very important to be on time.on time.We never visit a friends We never visit a friends house

33、without calling house without calling first.first.We usually make plans to We usually make plans to meet friends.meet friends. Role-play a conversation. Student A is Teresa and Student B is Marc. Teresa is late and Marc is mad.A: Hi, Marc. Sorry Im a little late.B: Teresa, youre 10 minutes late!A: I

34、ts just 10 minutes! Its no big deal!B: Well, in Switzerland, youre supposed to .Please continue3cbe on time是没什么大不了的是没什么大不了的/tri:z/tri:z/ /m:k/m:k/ wipe rude make noise stick eat. 从方框中从方框中选词并用其正确形式填空。并用其正确形式填空。1.Youd better not talk loudly or laugh while _at the table. 2. You are supposed _ your mout

35、h with your napkin after drinking. eating to wipe3. Its _ to speak with your mouth full. 4. Dont _ your chopsticks into the food. 5. Be quiet! You shouldnt _ in the library.rudestickmake noise . 单项选择( )1. When _ you supposed to _ the meeting yesterday? At nine am. A. were;had B. was;hadC. were;have

36、D. was;have( )2. Its impolite _ loudly in public places. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. speaks( )3. You should keep quiet _ having dinner. OK, Ill have it in mind. A.when you B. while C. without D. to( )4. You are supposed to _ school on time. A.get B. reach to C. arrive D. get to( )5. The tick

37、et is on the floor, please _ . A. pick up it B. picking up it C. pick it up D. look for it besupposedtodosth.=beexpectedtodosth.=shoulddosth.应该应该穿西装、打领带穿西装、打领带穿西装、打领带穿西装、打领带Itsimpolite(forsb.)todosth.(对于某人对于某人)做某事是不礼貌的做某事是不礼貌的ItsimportantItsimportant(forsb.forsb.)todosth.todosth.(对于某人(对于某人(对于某人(对于某人

38、 )做某事是重要的做某事是重要的做某事是重要的做某事是重要的1. When you go abroad, it _ bring your passport.2. After class, students _ clean the chalk off the blackboard.3. If you visit the northern coast of Norway during the winter season, it _ pack warm clothes.is important to4a.Completethesentenceswiththephrasesinthebox.isimp

39、ortanttoaresupposedto/areexpectedtobe supposed to be expected to be important to出国护照擦掉粉笔挪威北部北部北部北部的的海岸打包n:wei 东东南南西西北北eastsouthwestnorth东方东方的的南方南方的的西方西方的的北方北方的的eastern i:s tn southern s n western wes tn northernn:n 4. If there are people in the meeting room, you _ knock before entering.5. In many ea

40、stern European countries, you _ take off your gloves before shaking hands.aresupposedto/areexpectedtoareexpectedto/aresupposedto东部的欧洲的国家 take off 脱下(衣服)-put on穿上 (飞机等)起飞 knock at/on the door敲门进入手套2011(河北). Victor (敲)the door before he walked into the room.knocked atknocked onHomework 小结与作业小结与作业Table

41、 Manners餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪There are many table manners around the world. But different countries have different manners.InChina,youarenotsupposedtoeatwithyourhands.IndiaIn China, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food.stick.into.把插入里In China,the youngestperson is not excepted tostart eati

42、ng first.In China, you are not supposed to use your chopsticks to hit 撞击,敲打撞击,敲打an empty空的空的 bowl.In China, you shouldnt point at anyone with your chopsticks.point at .指向with用1. In India, youre supposed to eat with your hands.2. In China, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food.3

43、. In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first.4. In France, you are supposed to put your bread on the table.5. In China, its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.TF1a.How much do you know about 1a.How much do you know about table mannerstable manners around the wo

44、rld?Take the following quiz around the world?Take the following quiz测试测试测试测试. . Circle T for ture or F for false after each sentence.Circle T for ture or F for false after each sentence. 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪把把把把.插入插入插入插入里里里里TFTFTFTFStick to your dream ,youll succeed.坚持你的梦想,你就会成功。(stick-stuckstuck.)1b.St

45、eveisgoingtoChinatostudy.HisfriendYangMingistellinghimaboutthetablemannersinChina.Listenandnumberthepicturesintheorderyouhearthem.2131c.Listenagain.Matchthesesentenceparts.cbapoint at指向(近处,有不礼貌之意)point to指向(远处)point out指出 在餐桌旁在餐桌旁在餐桌旁在餐桌旁 A.Youre not supposed to talkB. Its also impolite to stick you

46、r chopsticks into your food C. youre not supposed to start eating firstD. You shouldnt point at anyone with your chopsticksE. Children are not allowed to speakF. Only parents are expected to talk YangMing:YoumustbeexcitedaboutleavingforChinatomorrow,Steve!Steve:Yeah,butImalittlenervous,too.YangMing:


48、dtheresonemorethingyouneedtoknow.4._whenyoureeatingdinner.5._.Steve:Wow!Thatsthatsunusual!YangMing:Haha,Imjustkidding开玩笑开玩笑!CBDAE表现表现;举止举止 明白明白 leavefor.前往前往=goto.=goto.通过刚才的听力训练,我们来总结一下:通过刚才的听力训练,我们来总结一下:Itsalsoimpolitetostickyourchopsticksintoyourfood.句子中的真正的主语是句子中的真正的主语是_,_是形式主语。是形式主语。练习:练习:1)和同学

49、们好好相处对我来说是很重要的。和同学们好好相处对我来说是很重要的。_importantforme_onwellwithallmyclassmates.2)多吃水果和蔬菜对你的健康是又好处的。多吃水果和蔬菜对你的健康是又好处的。_good_morefruitandvegetables.TostickfoodItsItstogetItstoeat1.敲门 knock at/on the door2.脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞 take off -put on穿上3.3.餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 table manners table manners4.4.把把把把.插入插入插入插入里里里

50、里 stick into5.指着任何一个人指着任何一个人 point at anyone6.用你的筷子用你的筷子 with your chopsticks7.在餐桌旁在餐桌旁 at the table8.前往前往leavefor.1. She _Shanghai next week. A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left2. He _ a stick into the ground.A. stuck B. sticked C. broke D. smelt3. Dont stick your chopsticks _ your fo

51、od, Jim.A. in B. to C. into D. at4. Its _ to ask the older people to eat first in China.A. impolite B. polite C. allowed D. supposedAACB上网查找其它国家餐桌礼仪的资料,并上网查找其它国家餐桌礼仪的资料,并用英语向你的家人或朋友进行介绍。用英语向你的家人或朋友进行介绍。HomeworkUnit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section B 2a2e知识目标:知识目标:口、笔头掌握句型口、笔头掌握句型:1.Imhavinga


53、pt,suggestion了解以下词汇或短语:了解以下词汇或短语:gooutofonesway,makefeelathome,elbow,gradually技能目标技能目标:能够运用目标语言谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。能够运用目标语言谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。情感态度情感态度:学会比较不同文化的差异,风俗和礼仪,增强学生的人际交往能力。学会比较不同文化的差异,风俗和礼仪,增强学生的人际交往能力。InFranceCustom:Putbreadonthetable. Custom:Donteatwithyourhands.Custom:Dontputyourelbowsonthetable.2b.(1)

54、WhereisLinYuenow?(2)Whatisthebiggestchallengesheisfacing?SheisinFrancenow.Learninghowtobehaveatthedinnertable. 细读短文,判断下列句子的正(细读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误()误(F)。)。1)LinYueishavingagreattimeonherexchangeprograminFrance.2)Herhostfamilygoesoutoftheirwaytomakeherfeelathome.3)BehavingatthedinnertableinFranceisnodiff

55、erentfromthewayyoubehaveinChina.4)InFrance,youresupposedtoputyourbreadonyourplate.5)InFrance,yourenotsupposedtoeatanythingwithyourhandsexceptbread,notevenfruit.6)InFrance,itspolitetosayyourefull.7)InFrance,youshouldputyourelbowsonthetable.TTFFTFF1)Theygooutoftheirwaytomakemefeelathome.go out of ones

56、 way to do 意为意为_。我们还学习过哪些含有我们还学习过哪些含有way短语,请把它们写下来:短语,请把它们写下来:_.练习:根据汉语完成句子。练习:根据汉语完成句子。(1)人们正在格外努力地保护地球。人们正在格外努力地保护地球。Peopleare_toprotecttheearth.(2)在我回家的路上,我经常能遇到他。在我回家的路上,我经常能遇到他。Ialwaysmeethim_.Discussingroups:Whatcanwelearnfromthissentence?Theygooutoftheirwaytomakemefeelathome.特地;格外努力做某事特地;格外努力

57、做某事inthisway,getinthewayof,ononeswayhome,thewayto.,bytheway goingoutoftheirwayonmywayhome2.My biggest challenge is learning how to behave a the dinner table.宾语 可由 疑问词+不定式构成。Please tell me _(怎样做).I dont know _(做什么).I want to leave for Shanghai. Could you tell me_( 什么时候离开).how to do itwhat to do when

58、to leave behave behave v. v.举止;行为举止;行为-behavi-behavioror n.n.3.Yourenotsupposedtoeatanythingwithyourhandsexceptbread,notevenfruit.except表示表示_,后面常跟名词,代词等。后面常跟名词,代词等。_表示表示“除了除了之外,还有之外,还有(包括包括.)”.练习:根据汉语完成句子。练习:根据汉语完成句子。(1)除汤姆之外,我们都去野餐了。除汤姆之外,我们都去野餐了。Weallwentonapicnic_Tom.(2)除了汤姆去野餐之外,我们也都去了。除了汤姆去野餐之外

59、,我们也都去了。_Tom,weallwenttothepicnic.除了除了(不包括不包括)besidesexceptBesidesDiscussingroups:Whatcanwelearnfromthissentence?Yourenotsupposedtoeatanythingwithyourhandsexceptbread,notevenfruit.4) I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things. find it difficult to remember ev

60、erything中的中的_是形式宾语,是形式宾语,_是真正的宾语。这种形式一般用是真正的宾语。这种形式一般用_结构来表示。结构来表示。练习:汉译英练习:汉译英(1) 我发现独自一人干这活很难。我发现独自一人干这活很难。 _(2) 我发现早晨读英语很有用。我发现早晨读英语很有用。 _Discussingroups:Whatcanwelearnfromthissentence?Ifinditdifficulttoremembereverything,butImgraduallygettingusedtothings,anddontfindthemsostrangeanymore.ittodofin

61、d/think/makeit+adj(forsb.)+todo sth.Ifinditdifficulttodothisworkalone.I finditusefultoreadEnglishinthemorning.get used to doing sth. 意思是意思是_.其中其中to是是_(词),后面(词),后面接名词、代词或动词接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。本文当中还有一个同义的短形式。本文当中还有一个同义的短语语_.区分:区分:usedtodosth._其类似短语其类似短语be used to do sth. 意为意为_,是,是_语态的形式。语态的形式。同义的短语同义的短语_.



64、alking,watchB.walk,watchingC.walking,watchingD.walk,watch5.Weshouldnt_theoldman.A.impolitefor B.beimpolitetoC.bepoliteforD.begoodforDACABI.所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1.Canyouputthe_(knife)onthetable?2.Doyouknowhow_(behave)atthedinnertableinChina?3.Maryisusedto_(use)chopsticks.II.单项选择单项选择1.Theygoo

65、ut_theirwaytomakemefeelathome.A.forB.ofC.toD.in2.WeChineseareused_withchopsticks.A.toeatB.foreatingC.toeatingD.tobeeaten3.Peopleoftenshakehands_eachotherwhentheymeet.A.forB.withC.inD.at4.Ifind_difficulttoremembereverything;itallhappenedsoquickly.A.that B.thisC.itD.to5.MyEnglishhasimproved_yourhelp.A

66、.becauseofB.because C.forD.toknivestobehaveusingBCBCA1. In China, students _ greet the teachers when classes begin.A.are supposed to B.are suppose to C.supposed to D.suppose to2. The plane will _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take on B. take off C. take out D. take away3.The pe

67、aceful music in the CD made the students relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel4. Peter has changed a lot, hasnt he? Yes. He used to the guitar, but now he is more_ in playing soccer. A. plays; interested B. play; interested C. play; interesting D. playing; interest5. All the people went home

68、_ Job, for he had to finish his work. A. with B. besides C. except D.well done. ABABC6. Have you read todays newspaper?.Not yet. Is there_ ? A.anything important B.important anything C.something important 7.Oh, dear! Whos broken my glasses? _ he _ I. It was your cat. A. Both; and B.Not only; but als

69、o C. Either; or D. Neither; nor8.In France, its _ to say you are full. A.impolite B.polite C.nice D.friendly9. Will you come to the dinner party? I wont come until Jenny _. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited10. John _ Beijing the day before yesterday.A. arrived at B. arriv

70、ed C. reached to D. arrived in11.You cant be expected _ a foreign language well in several months. A. to learn B. learning C. learnt ADADDA1We expected _ (have) fun in our school. 2To his _ (surprised), they succeed.3There are many trees on both _ (side) of the street.4He didnt mind _ (open) the doo

71、r as its hot.5I make many _ (plan) for my study.to havesurprisesidesopeningplans6Listen! There is someone _ (knock) on the door.7. The book is worth _ (read)8Thanks for _ (give) me the message.9Before _ (go) home, we did some shopping in the supermarket.10There are many different _ (manner) in diffe

72、rent areas.11You have to _ (cut) it off.12I find it difficult _ (remember) French.13I used _ (pick) up him by bike.knockingreadinggivinggoingmannerscutto remeberto pick (2009广东中考广东中考) She was supposed _ in the hospital,but people found her in the office. A. to be B. being C. be D. beenAYou _ ask for

73、 the teachers permission if you want to leave the classroom.Asupposed thatBare supposed toCare wantedDare suggested解析:解析:B。 题意:如果你要离开教室,题意:如果你要离开教室,你应该得到老师的同意。你应该得到老师的同意。be supposed to 意为意为“应该应该;被期望;被期望”。SelfCheck1Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox.1. In many countries, it is impolite to show up at

74、 someones house for the first time with_ hands. You should always bring a small gift.2. Billy was very uncomfortable at a fine-dining restaurant last night because he didnt know _ table manners.3. It is _ spending the time to learn about the customs of a country before you go there. That way, you wi

75、ll know what you are supposed to do in different situations.4. The _ is always the worst in the _ city. It is important to leave earlier if you are travelling by car.5. Sandy went into her sisters room without _ on the door. That made her sister _.emptybasicworthtrafficcapitalknockingmadworth capital basic traffic empty mad knocking出现出现beworthbeworthdoingdoing值得做(含有被动含义)值得做(含有被动含义)值得做(含有被动含义)值得做(含有被动含义)例如:The new book is worth is worth readingreading . 这本新书值得一读。



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