高考英语一轮复习 unit4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5(浙江专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版浙江专用(2)根据语境猜词义(1) Our success depends on whether everyone works hard. (2) The map is a thing to depend on when you are in a strange place. (3) Depend on it, we shall succeed in time. depend on根据语义找匹配A. 依靠,依赖B. 视而定,取决于C. 请放心,没问题答案答案 (1) B (2) A (3) C depend on短语短语同义词:rel

2、y ondepend on / upon wh-从句 视而定depend on / upon n. 依靠,依赖,相信depend on / uponsb. to do 指望某人做depend on / upon it that 指望That (all) depends. / It all depends. (口语)视情况而定。单独使用或置于句首。 depend on活用活用 根据中文提示完成句子(1) He depends on you _ _ _. 他指望着你帮助他。(2) It _ _ _ _ _ we can go out for a picnic. 我们是否去野餐取决于天气。 depe

3、nd onhimhelptowhetherweathertheondepends(3) Can you finish the work before Sunday? 你可以在星期天之前完成这项工作吗? _ 这要看情况。It / That all depends. depend on活用活用 根据中文提示完成句子根据语境猜词义(1) The work was done ahead of time. (2) He is always ahead of the age. (3) Hes ahead of me in English. ahead of 根据语义找匹配A. 指时间或空间的,“在之前”

4、B. “比强 (高)” (主要用作表语)C. 提前,提早ACB短语短语go ahead 开始, 前进, 领先ahead of time 提前, 提早 ahead of 活用活用 请翻译下列划线部分的短语 I finished a project several days (1) ahead of the deadline and (2) ahead of me lay a tougher construction project, so I went shopping with my best friend to have a good rest before starting the tou

5、gher project. A young boy at the age of 5 (3) walked ahead of us, talking to his mother about his life in the future. His ideas were way (4) ahead of his time. ahead of (1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _答案答案(1)在截止日期前(2) 在我面前 / 即将面对的是(3) 走在我们前面(4) 超时代的 / 超前的 ahead of 活用活用 请翻译下列划线部分的短语根据语境猜词义(1) You must make sure

6、of the time and place.(2) Make sure that no one finds out about this. (3) She looked around to make sure that she was alone. make sure根据语义找匹配A. 确保,设法保证 B. 查明,核实,弄清(某事属实或已做)BAB短语短语make sure (of sth. / that) 确保,设法保证;查明,核实,弄清for sure 无疑,肯定be sure of / about 确信;确知;肯定;有把握be sure to do 一定;必定;无疑to be sure

7、(插入语)诚然,固然,无可否认 make sure活用活用 根据所给的中文用有关sure的短语填空(1) We _ his innocence. (确信)(2) The exhibition _ be popular. (一定,必定)(3) No one knows _ what happened. (明确,确定)(4) I think the doors locked, but Ill just go and _. (确认)(5) He is intelligent, _, but hes also very lazy. (无可否认) make sure答案答案(1)are sure of

8、(2) is sure to(3) for sure(4) make sure(5) to be sure make sure活用活用 根据所给的中文用有关sure的短语填空 have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力He has a nose for good deals.他对生意来往嗅觉灵敏总能赚上一笔。 have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力短语短语have an eye for 能欣赏(判断)have an ear for 对(音乐等)有鉴别能力under ones (very) nose 在面前look down ones nose

9、 at 看不起follow ones nose 凭自己的感觉keep ones nose out of 别管(闲事) have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)记者对新闻有很强的觉察力。Reporters _ for news.(2)许多妇女非常注意服装的式样。Many women _ clothes.have a good nosehave an eye for have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(3)任何歌唱家都要对音乐十分敏感。Any singer nee

10、ds to _ music.(4)凭自己的感觉,看能否找出答案。_ and see whether you can find out the answer.have an ear forFollow your nose Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. (P26) 我不但对摄影感兴趣,而且为了提高摄影技术,我还在大学里参加了一个业余培训班。观察下列例句(1) Not only do the nurses want a p

11、ay increase, but they also want reduced hours. (2) Not only was Lu Xun a great writer, but he was also a great thinker. 归纳归纳 句 中 not onlybut also连接两个并列句时否定词 not 位于句首,因而前一分句应使用倒装语序。 not onlybut also除了连接两个并列句以外,还可以连接句中两个任何平行的句子成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语依据就近原则和最近的那个主语保持一致。 Not only the students but also the head t

12、eacher was late for the lecture. My chemistry teacher can speak not only Englih but also Japanese. His youngest daughter was not only clever but also diligent. 注意:注意:not only but also中的also可以省略,而且but also可以用 butas well替换。链接链接 (1) 否定词never,seldom,hardly,scarcely(几乎 不 ),rarely (几乎不),little,not,nowhere

13、,by no means (决不),at no time(任何时候都不),on no account (决不),neither,nor(也不)等放在句首时,句子常用部分倒装。 (2) 具有否定意义的连词如not onlybut also,no soonerthan(一就),hardlywhen(一就),not until(直到时候)位于句首时前一部分 使 用 倒 装 结 构。注 意 no sooner than ; hardlywhen的时态, 即:no sooner / hardly 部分用过去完成时had done, 从句than和when用过去时态did。 活用活用 改正下面句子中的错误

14、(1) True friends share not our joys but also our sorrows. (2) Not only you but also he are wrong. (3) Not only has he heard of the film, but also has he seen it twice. (4) Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus had started.(5) Not until did she speak, had I realized she was foreign. 答案答案(1)在n

15、ot后加only(2) 把are 改为 is(3) 把also 后的has he 改为 he has(4) 将when从句中的had 去掉(5) 把did she speak 改为 she spoke活用活用 改正下面句子中的错误This is how the story goes. (P26)这就是故事的发展。 在主系表结构中,如果表语部分是由一个句子充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就是表语从句。表语从句属于名词性从句的一种,它使用陈述句语序,它 的连词除了 how 以外还有 that, what , who, when, where, which, why, whether, as if /

16、 though 和 because。特别注意的是表语从句中的 that不可以省略,在句中没有含义,不充当成分。活用活用 单项填空(1) I serve three meals every day and do almost everything for him, but he still fails me. Im sorry to say thats _ you are mistaken. A. how B. what C. where D. which(2) The problem is _ to take the place of Ted. A. who can we get B. wha

17、t we can get C. who we can get D. that we can getCC(3) She looked _ she were ten years younger. A. that B. like C. as D. as though活用活用 单项填空(4) My idea of a university is still _ it was ten years ago, a center of cultural life and a resource for the entire community. A. whether B. how C. what D. whic

18、hDC So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him. (P26) 因 此 我 们 安排了足球运动员和那个被认为要贿赂他的人之间的一次会面。 过去分词作定语常用来表示一个被动的、已完成的动作 。单个过去分词作定语时大都放在被修饰的词语之前 ,过去分词短语作定语时一般放在被修饰的词语之后 。过去分词所表示的动词和其所修饰的名词之间是被动关系。 有些 不及物动词的过去分词表示动作已经发生,而没有被动的含义。如:gone, fallen, retired, grownup, e

19、scaped, faded, returned。 例:例: a wellread person一个读过许多书的人 a muchtravelled man一个去过许多地方的人 a burntout match烧完了的火柴链接链接be supposed to do 应该做,理应做be supposed to have done本应该做而实际上未做supposing conj. 如果(可以引导从句,相当于if)I suppose so / not. 我认为是这样吧 / 不是这样的。 (表示赞同 / 不同意对方的观点)答案答案(1) an experienced English teacher(2) Most of the people invited to the conference 活用活用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(1) His father is _. (一个有经验的英语老师) (2) _ (大多数被邀请参加会议的人) were my old friends.



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