2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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1、必修 2Unit 1Cultural relics核心单词rarerarelyvaluablevalue1_ adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的_ adv.稀罕地;稀有地valuablesvaluelessinvaluable2_ adj.贵重的;有价值的_ vt.& n重视;珍视,价值_ n贵重物品_ adj.没有价值的;不值钱的_ adj.极其有用的;极其宝贵的3_ vi.幸免;幸存;生还;vt.幸免于;比活得长_ n幸存_ n幸存者survivesurvivalsurvivor4_ vt.使吃惊;惊讶_ n吃惊;惊奇_ adj.令人吃惊的_ adj.吃惊的;感到惊讶的_ adv.令人惊奇地5

2、_ vt.挑选;选择_ n选择6_ n设计;图案;构思_ n设计师7_ adj.奇特的;异样的vt.设计;计划;构思vt.想象;设想;爱好8._ n风格;风度;类型v设计样式9_ v装饰;装修_ n装饰;装修_ n装修工amazeamazementamazingamazedamazinglyselectselectiondesigndesignerfancystyledecoratedecorationdecorator10_ vi.属于;为的一员_ n复数动产;财物;所有物belongbelongings11_ n接待;招待会;接收_ vt.接待;receptionreceive接收_ n接

3、待员12_ vt.移动;搬开13._ adj.木制的receptionistremove14_ n怀疑;疑惑vt.怀疑;不信_ adj.怀疑的woodendoubtdoubtedformer15_ adj.以前的;从前的16_ prep.值得的;相当于的价值n价值;作用adj.古值钱的worthlocallocally17 _ adj. 本地的;当地的 n 当地人;本地人_ adv.局部地;在本地evidenceevident18_ n根据;证据_ adj.清楚的;明白的;显然的explodeexplosion19_ vi.爆炸_ n爆炸20 _ adj.formal vi.争论;辩论 非正式

4、的_ adj.正式的21_ n争论;争辩informaldebate常考短语searchdesigned1in _ of 寻找2be _ for.为设计3_ to 属于belongreturnwar4in _ 作为报答;回报5at _ 处于交战状态6_ than 少于lessremainmystery7_ a _ 仍然是个谜readydoubt8be _ for 为做好准备9without _ 毫无疑问地takelook10_ apart 拆开11_ like 看起来像12_ _ of 看重;器重 thinkhighly经典佳句couldneverhaveimagined1 Frederick

5、 William I, the King of Prussia, _ _ _ that his greatest gift to the Russianpeople would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。whereshespentherummers2Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palaceoutside St Petersburg _ _ _ _.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。T

6、hereisnodoubtthat3 _ _ _ _ _ theboxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg, which was at thattime a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边上的一个城市。4After that, _ _ _ the Amber Roomremains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋的去向便成了一个谜。whathappenedto课文回顾whichmissingwere usedThe Amber Room, 1._

7、was considered one of thewonders of the world, is now 2._ (miss) At first it wasdesigned for the palace of Frederick William I Several tons ofamber 3._ (use) to make it and it took the 4._(good) artists ten years to plete.Then the next King of Prussiagave it to Peter the Great.The room served as a s

8、mall 5._(receive) hall for important visitors.Later, Catherine II had herartists 6._ (add) more details to the room. Sadly, a war brokeout and the Nazis secretly stole the room 7._.From then on,what happened to the Amber Room 8._ (remain) amystery.By studying old photos of 9._ former AmberRoom, the

9、Russians and Germans built a new room in celebrationof the 10._ (300) birthday of their city.bestreceptionadditselfremainsthe300th单句语法填空1 (2017 年新课标卷 语法填空)When fat and salt_ (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missingsomething.are removedwere usedamazing2(2017 年新课标卷语法填空)Steam engines _(u

10、se)to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasantfor the passengers.3(2017 年新课标卷阅读理解 A)Its an _(amaze) acplishment.whichdecoratedbeing4(2017 年新课标卷语法填空)Like anything, it is possibleto have too much of both, _ is not good for the health.5It was also a treasure _ (decorate) with gold and

11、jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years tomake.6One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about_ (be) late for school.7 China is a country _ (belong) to developingcountries.belonginghighlythanin8Our monitor, a helpful boy with great sense of responsibility,is thought _

12、 (high) of by both our classmates and teachers.9 What they focus on is your ability rather _ yourappearance, so dont be anxious about your weight.10My parents are so devoted to me and I know I can neverdo enough _ return for their devotion to me.1amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶amazing adj.令人吃惊的amazed adj.吃惊的;感到惊讶的b

13、e amazed at sth.对某事/物感到惊讶be amazed to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶amazement n吃惊;惊奇in amazement 惊讶地to ones amazement 使某人感到惊讶的是【一句多译】使我惊讶的是他能在这个时候保持冷静。It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time. What amazed me was that he could be so calm at such atime.To my amazement, he could be so calm at such a time.

14、运用用 amaze 的适当形式填空To my _, he wasnt _ at the _fact that the meal here was _ cheap.amazementamazedamazingamazinglyvt.幸免于;比活得长2survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还survive on 靠存活下来A survives BA 比 B 活得长survive sth.幸免于;从中活过来survivor n幸存者survival n幸存;残存【名师指津】survive 表示“幸免于”时,是及物动词,不要在后面加多余的介词 from, in 等。survival运用单句语法填空(1)

15、We are trying to survive _ our own.(2)_ (survive) that accident , we wereconfident that everything else would be all right.(3)If he couldnt find his way out of the forest, there would belittle chance of _ (survive)Having survivedon3design n设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思design sb.to do sth.打算让某人从事某事be designed

16、 for/to do sth.旨在;打算被用来做某事by design 故意地;蓄意地【联想发散】(1)表示“故意地”:by design, on purpose, deliberately。(2)表示“碰巧地”:by chance, by accident, accidentally。designedbyfor运用单句语法填空(1)The project _ (design) to help jobless people justdidnt work out as planned.(2)It happenedwhether by accident or _ designthatthe two

17、 of them were left alone after all the others had gone.(3)This course is specially designed _ beginners likeyou.4worth prep.值得的;相当于的价值n价值;作用adj.古值钱的be (well) worth doing sth.某事(非常)值得做be worth it 值得一干;值得花时间/精力等be worthy of being donebe worthy to be done 值得做be worthy ofn.(be worthn.) 值得It is worthwhil

18、e doing/to do sth.某事值得一做【名师指津】(1)worth 后一般只接 v.-ing 形式,主动形式表被动意义,不能再用被动语态;(2)worth 前面修饰词只能是 well。运用一句多译,每空一词experiencingtobe既然你对中国传统文化感兴趣,我认为这个节日很值得你体验。experiencedofbeingexperiencedSince you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, I thinkthis festival is well worth _. Since you are interested

19、 in traditional Chinese culture, Ithink this festival is well worthy _ _/_ _ _. Since you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, Ithink it is worthwhile _/_ _ this festival.experiencingtoexperience1in search of 寻找;搜寻search for 找寻;探索;探求search out 查出;探出;找出make a search for 寻找;追求【名师指津】in search

20、 of 在句中常做表语或目的状语,名词 search 前不加限定词;若 search 前加 a/the/ones 等限定词时,of 一般换成for。运用完成句子,每空一词searchfor(1)我花了几个星期去找我需要的那本书。It took me several weeks to _ _ the book thatI wanted.aresearchingthewoodsfor(2)警察搜索森林,寻找失踪的孩子。The police _ _ _ _ _the lost child.ofsearched单句语法填空(3)She went into the kitchen in search _

21、 a drink.(4)Visitors are regularly _ (search) as they enter thebuilding.2in return 作为报答;回报in return for.作为对的交换/报答in turn 轮流,依次;反过来by turns 轮流;时而时而【联想发散】in case 以防万一in advance 提前;事先in danger 处于危险中in order 井井有条in place 在适当的位置return forin turnby turns运用用上面的短语填空(1)He wanted to do something in _ thekindn

22、ess that she offered him.(2)Theory is based on practice and _ servespractice.(3)The book is _ funny and very sad.3think highly of 看重;器重;高度评价think well/much of 对评价良好/很高think nothing of 对无所谓;不把当回事think badly/poorly of 对评价不高think of sb./sth.as 把某人/某物当作What do you think of sb./sth.? 你认为某人/某物怎么样?【名师指津】当用

23、于被动语态时,修饰动词的副词应放在 thought 之前,即 be highly/well/much thought of。运用句型转换,每空一词Highlythoughtof(1)She was highly thought of and was called one of theChinese ten filial piety stars (中国十大孝星之一)(用过去分词短语做状语改写)Thinkingnothingof_ _ _ , she was called one of theChinese ten filial piety stars.(2)She thought nothing

24、 of travelling around the world aloneand went on a journey on her own.(用现在分词短语做状语改写)_ _ _ travelling around theworld alone, she went on a journey on her own.原句 1Frederick William , the King of Prussia, couldnever have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian peoplewould have such an amazing hi

25、story.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。(1)“couldhave done”用于否定句和疑问句时,表示对过去情况发生的可能性的否定或质疑,意思是“不可能已经”或者是“可能已经了吗?”,此时可与“canhave done”换用。(2)“情态动词have done”表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等。如:could not have done 不可能做了某事(对过去的否定推测)must have done 一定已经做了某事(对过去的肯定推测)could have done 本可以做(实际上却没做)should/ought to have

26、done 本应该做(实际上却没做)would (not)have done (当时)就(不)会做什么(实际情况并非这样)运用单句语法填空(1)(2017 年新课标卷 七选五型阅读理解)If anyone hadtold me three years ago that I would be spending most of myweekends camping, I _ (laugh) heartily.完成句子,每空一词would have laughed(2)孩子们肯定在树林里迷路了,否则他们就会按照计划回到湖边营地了。musthavebeenlostThe children _ _ _ _

27、 in thewoods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp asscheduled.couldnothavedone(3)如果不是听了你的建议,我就不会做得如此成功。But for your advice, I _ _ _ it so successfully.原句2There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on atrain for Knigsberg.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡“There is no doubt that.”意为“毫无疑问”,th

28、at 后面引导同位语从句,说明 doubt 的内容。常见句型如下:There is some doubt whether.不太确定I have no doubt that.我相信/我确定I dont/never doubt that.我确信I doubt whether/if.我怀疑whether/ifthat运用单句语法填空(1)I doubt _ the news is true.(2)There is no doubt _ staying up late is more likelyto result in over-anxiety.原句3In a trial, a judge must

29、 decide which eyewitnesses tobelieve and which not to believe.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。“which not to believe”为“疑问词不定式”结构,在句中做宾语。whether, what, which, whom, who, where, when, how 等加不定式构成的结构在句中起名词作用,可以在句中做主语、表语和宾语。运用完成句子,每空一词whattosay(1)看到舞台下有那么多的观众,他紧张得不知道说什么。Seeing such a crowd of audience below

30、 the stage, he was toonervous to know _ _ _.(2)没有人能告诉我在哪儿能买到这本有趣的书。No one could tell me _ _ _ theinteresting book.wheretobuyWhenand(3)何时何地举行会议有待于进一步讨论。_ _ _ _ _ themeeting remains to be discussed further.wheretohold运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来There is no doubt 1._ the vase 2._ (belong)to Li Ming is a v

31、aluable cultural relic.The vase 3._ (make)of bamboo was designed in a fancy style and 4._(give) as a Christmas gift by his friend, an artist.5._ return,Li Ming gave a 6._ (rarely) stamp to his friend.But to his7._ (amaze), the vase was stolen last Saturday.Atpresent, the police are trying 8._ (they)

32、 best to search9._ it.However, whether it can be found remains a10._ (mysterious)thatbelongingmadewas givenInrareamazementtheirformystery阅读理解(二)阅读理解八个常考点解读之 3、4:3对比、比较篇章阅读中的对比常常为新老观点的对比、错误与正确观念的对比、新事物与旧事物的对比等;比较则常常为两种或多种事物的优点、缺点、用途、功能、原理等特点的比较。常见的表示对比或比较关系的词或短语有 while, whereas, than,pared with, in c

33、ontrast to 等。解题时要留意这些词或短语,并注意出现比较级、最高级的地方,另外要注意搞清对比或比较的对象。关键是,从对比或比较中看出作者要表达的真实意图及作者所强调的内容,有时要从对比或比较中加以合理地推理判断。【例】(2016 年新课标卷)Grandparents Answer a CallAs a third-generation native of Brownsville, Texas, MildredGarza never planned to move away.Even when her daughter andson asked her to move to San A

34、ntonio to help with their children,she politely refused.Only after a year of friendly discussion didMs.Garza finally say yes.That was four years ago.Today all threegenerations regard the move as a success, giving them a closerrelationship than they would have had in separate cities.No statistics sho

35、w the number of grandparents like Garza whoare moving closer to adult children and grand-children.Yet there isevidence suggesting that the trend is growing.Even PresidentObamas mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leaveChicago and move into the White House to help care for hergranddaughters

36、.According to a study by grandparents.,83percent of the people said Mrs.Robinsons decision will influencegrandparents in the American family.Two-thirds believe morefamilies will follow the example of Obamas family.“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldnt get awayfrom home far enough or fa

37、st enough to prove we could do it onour own,” says Christine Crosby, publisher of Grand, a magazinefor grandparents.“We now realize how important family is and howimportant it is to be near them, especially when youre raisingchildren.”Moving is not for everyone.Almost every grandparent wantsto be wi

38、th his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices,but sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequentlyinstead.Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especiallyknowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life youknow may be harder.27What did Crosby say about people

39、in the 1960s?AThey were unsure of themselves.BThey were eager to raise more children.CThey wanted to live away from their parents.DThey had little respect for their grandparents.解析:C细节理解题。这是一道需要通过对比,加以推断的题。原文第二段谈到目前祖父母愿意与子女一起生活的倾向 , 与第三段首句 “In the 1960s we were all a little wild andcouldnt get away

40、from home far enough or fast enough to provewe could do it on our own.”形成对比,故选 C。28 What does the author suggest the grandparents do in thelast paragraph?AMake decisions in the best interests of their own.BAsk their children to pay more visits to them.CSacrifice for their struggling children.DGet to

41、 know themselves better.解析:A 推理判断题。文章通过最后一段中“Almost everygrandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and.butsometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead.”两种观点对比,可知作者建议老人们要明智,要从自身最大利益出发去做决定。故选 A。(2017 年新课标卷)I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, thedirector o

42、f Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us inNew York City.When the studio didnt want me for the filmitwanted somebody as well known as Paulhe stood up for me.Idont know how many people would have done that; they wouldhave listened to their agents or the studio powers.The friendship that gr

43、ew out of the experience of making thatfilm and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact thatalthough there was an age difference, we both came from atradition of theater and live TV.We were respectful of craft ( 技艺)and focused on digging into the characters we were going toplay.Both of u

44、s had the qualities and virtues that are typical ofAmerican actors: humourous, aggressive, and making fun of eachotherbut always with an underlying affection.Those were also atthe core (核心) of our relationship off the screen.1Why did Paul and the author have a lasting friendship?AThey were of the sa

45、me age.BThey worked in the same theater.CThey were both good actors.DThey had similar characteristics.解析:D推理判断题。 根据文章第二段中的 “We wererespectful of craft ( 技 艺 ) and focused on digging into thecharacters we were going to play.Both of us had the qualities andvirtues that are typical of American actors.a

46、ffection.”可知作者与 Paul 之所以拥有持久的友谊是因为他们有相似的性格特征。故选 D。4并列、列举、举例并列、列举是指用 First(ly), Second(ly), Third(ly), Finally,not only.but also., in addition, furthermore, moreover, above all,on the one hand., on the other hand 等表示顺承或并列关系的词语列举出一系列并列的事实情况。为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者还经常会使用举例的方法来进行论证,常由 as, such as, for exa

47、mple, for instance, take.as an example 等引出。考生们在做这类题时,要全面读懂文章的结构,段与段之间的关系,一段内部的逻辑关系,弄清并列的要素;是对哪一个观点、论点进行列举或举例。【例】(2016 年江苏卷)El Nio, a Spanish term for “the Christ child”, was named bySouth American fishermen who noticed that the global weatherpattern, which happens every two to seven years, reduced t

48、heamount of fishes caught around Christmas.El Nio sees warmwater, collected over several years in the western Pacific, flow backeastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken, orsometimes the other way round.The weather effects both good and bad, are felt in manyplaces.Rich countries gain

49、more from powerful Nios, on balance,than they lose.A study found that a strong Nio in 199798 helpedAmericas economy grow by $15 billion, partly because of betteragricultural harvests: farmers in the Midwest gained from extrarain.The total rise in agricultural ines in rich countries isgreater than th

50、e fall in poor ones.But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are in flames.Amulti-year drought ( 干 旱 ) in south-east Brazil is beingworse.Though heavy rains brought about by El Nio may relievethe drought in California, they are likely to cause surface floodingand other disasters.The most recent powerf

51、ul Nio, in 1997 98, killed around21,000 people and caused damage worth $36 billion around theglobe.But such Nios e with months of warning, and so muchis known about how they happen that governments canprepare.According to the Overseas Development Institute (ODI),however, just 12% of disaster-relief

52、funding in the past two decadeshas gone on reducing risks in advance, rather than recovery andrebuilding afterwards.This is despite evidence that a dollar spent onrisk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction.Simple improvements to infrastructure (基础设施) can reducethe spread of disease.Better s

53、ewers (下水道) make it less likely thatheavy rain is followed by an outbreak of the disease of badstomach.Stronger bridges mean villages are less likely to be leftwithout food and medicine after floods.According to a paper in2011 by Mr.Hsiang and co-authors, civil conflict is related to ElNios harmful

54、effectsand the poorer the country, the stronger thelink.Though the relationship may not be causal, helping dividedmunities to prepare for disasters would at least reduce the riskthat those disasters are followed by killing and woundingpeople.Since the poorest are least likely to make up for their lo

55、ssesfrom disasters linked to El Nio, reducing their losses needs to bethe priority.62What may El Nios bring about to the countries affected?AAgricultural harvests in rich countries fall.BDroughts bee more harmful than floods.CRich countries gains are greater than their losses.DPoor countries suffer

56、less from droughts economically.解析:C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Rich countriesgain more from powerful Nios, on balance, than they lose.”可知富有国家从厄尔尼诺现象中得到的好处要大于所得到的坏处。接着在第三句中列举了 1997 至 1998 年的厄尔尼诺给美国经济带来的好处。故选 C。(2016 届湖北省黄石市高三九月调研)A few cups of green tea each day may help prevent heartdisease, Greek researchers s

57、aid on Wednesday.A study published inthe European Journal of Cardiovascular ( 心血管的 ) Preventionshowed further evidence of the potential health benefits from teaalready linked to a reduced risk of a range of cancers and otherconditions.The study showed that green tea improves blood flow and theabilit

58、y of arteries (动脉) to relax, said Charalambos Vlachopoulos,an expert at the Athens Medical School in Greece who worked onthe study.Other studies have shown that black tea also has benefits forcardiovascular health.The Greek team said they believed green tea might be evenbetter because it had higher

59、quantities of beneficial substancescalled flavonoids ( 类 黄 酮 )some of which are lost in theoxidation (氧化) process that black tea undergoes.Flavonoids are also found in cocoa, tomatoes and grapes.“Acouple of cups a day would probably be good for people , ”Vlachopoulos said.“This is the first study to

60、 show these effects forgreen tea.”The researchers gave 14 healthy volunteers either green tea,coffee or hot water and then measured the function of endothelialcells ( 内皮细胞) These cells help relax arteries and ease bloodflow.“What is important is these effects are evident within 30minutes,” Vlachopou

61、los said.The measurements taken 30, 90 and 120 minutes followingconsumption showed an almost immediate benefit among peoplewho had drunk green tea, he said.While the researchers looked onlyat a short-term effect, Vlachopoulos said the teams studies suggestthe protection is long-lasting.“Green tea is

62、 consumed less in the Western world than blacktea, but it could be more beneficial,” he said.2 According to the study, green tea can do the followingEXCEPT _.Aimprove blood flowBbenefit cardiovascular healthChelp relax arteriesDincrease the oxidation rate of flavonoids解析:D细节理解题。根据文章第二、三、四段可知选项 A、B、C 都是表达绿茶的功能,其中第二段“.improves bloodflow and the ability of arteries (动脉) to relax.”可知 A、C 正确;根据第三段“.also has benefits for.”可知 B 正确;从第四段可知选 D。



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