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1、UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.UAES 管理培训生管理培训生项目介绍项目介绍 2014 年年8月,月,HRD1 11UAES /Department | DD

2、/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.管理培训生项目目标管理培训生人员现状管理培训生招聘流程管理培训生发展体系目录目录2UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint

3、 Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.管理培训生制度有助于增加了企业对最具领导潜能的人才吸引力,使组织保持持久的竞争优势。管理培训生是UAES管理人才管道的基层建设。详情参见 WI-HR-113 管理培训生管理制度管理培训生制度管理培训生制度3UAES

4、/Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.管理培训生项目目标管理培训生人员现状管理培训生招聘流程管理培训生发展体系目录目录4UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYY

5、Y| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.5年份年份姓名姓名学校学校院系院系专业专业职位职位部门部门2013朱宇政同济大学汽车学院车辆工程销售工程师SA2011邵迪骏同济大学中德学院机械制造及其自动化设备工程师ShP/TEF2

6、013柯阳美国南加州大学同济汽车学院车辆工程质量管理工程师QM2005-2014 MT 2005-2014 MT 名单名单 II IIUAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parti

7、es.管理培训生项目目标管理培训生人员现状管理培训生招聘流程管理培训生发展体系目录目录6UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.7良好的沟通和团队合作良好的问题分析及解

8、决能力快速学习能力能够并愿意承担额外工作, 能承受压力体现领导能力/潜力英语/德语熟练管理培训生核心能力要求管理培训生核心能力要求UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties

9、.82014.92014.92014.92014.92014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.9-102014.112014.112014.112014.11招聘启动广告发布简历筛选电话面试面试复试(测评中心)2014.112014.112014.112014.11录用通知管理培训生选拔流程管理培训生选拔流程UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all

10、rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.管理培训生项目目标管理培训生人员现状管理培训生招聘流程管理培训生发展体系目录目录9UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the even

11、t of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. 基于实践的基于实践的 基于教育的基于教育的 负责/参与挑战性项目/任务 负责/参与流程改进 轮岗 做同事/主管的代理 国际派遣 主管的辅导/带教 辅导他人/做带教人 寻求反馈 课堂培训 读书 自学10%20%70%发展措施 基于关系的基于关系的管理培训生发展体系管理培训生发展体系10UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joi

12、nt Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.在岗实习阶段6个月项目阶段3-6个月目标部门在岗培训目标部门项目安排海外培训安排MED, MEGPRPRPR2-2.5 年年 (根据实际需求)MED, MEG( (轮岗轮岗) )发展体系发展体系- -基于实践的基

13、于实践的70%70%跨部门任务分配(轮岗2-3个部门)轮岗阶段约12个月海外培训3-6个月延长阶段(可选)约6个月海外培训安排11UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties

14、.发展体系发展体系- -基于关系的基于关系的20%20%辅导 高层管理人员:提升观察、思考问题的高度教练 直接上级:对实际工作提供指导分享与交流 有经验的同事/其他或历届管理培训生:分享专业 经验, 交流学习经验和成长感悟12UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal

15、 such as copying and passing on to third parties.导师辅导项目导师辅导项目项目持续时间两年沟通方式面对面交流会面频率每季度一到两次交流前准备MT工作回顾表交流后输出辅导面谈记录(由学员填写)在资深高层主管与新毕业潜力员工(管理培训生)间创建一个分享与沟通的平台。潜力员工能够从高层主管身上的经验学习做人和做事的方式方法,这对他们形成良好的价值观,和职业发展都十分有利,能够快速成为企业所需要的人才。13UAES /Department | DD/MM/YYYY| UAES, A Joint Venture of Robert Bosch GmbH and CNEMS, reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.发展体系发展体系- -基于教育的基于教育的10%10%课堂学习课堂学习读书读书14



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