广东省中考英语总复习 第五部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Unit 5Unit 9课件

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《广东省中考英语总复习 第五部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Unit 5Unit 9课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语总复习 第五部分 教材梳理 第2节 七上 Unit 5Unit 9课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二第二节 七年七年级(上上)Unit 5Unit 9考考 点点 聚聚 焦焦【考点【考点1】Do you have a soccer ball?你有一个足球?你有一个足球吗?吗?【解析】该句型用以询问某人有没有某物。【解析】该句型用以询问某人有没有某物。Do / Does have?意为意为“有有吗?吗?”句中的句中的do / does是助是助动词,帮助构成一般现在时,此时没有实际意义。动词,帮助构成一般现在时,此时没有实际意义。have意为意为“有有”,第三人称单数形式为,第三人称单数形式为has。have还可以表还可以表示示“从事;进行;吃;喝;渡过从事;进行;吃;喝;渡过”等意思。等意思

2、。【演练】【演练】( )1. Do you have a telephone? _. And its red. A. Yes,I am B. Yes, I did C. Yes,I do D. Yes, I doesC( )2. We are too tired. Lets stop _ a rest. A. to have B. have C. having D. has( )3. Daniel,_ play with the mobile phone while youre walking in the street. A. dont B. doesnt C. wont D. cantAA

3、( )4. Brian and Russ _ a great time at your party last night. A. have B. has C. to have D. hadD【考点【考点2】Lets think about the food. 让我们考虑一让我们考虑一下食物吧。下食物吧。【解析】该句型用以表达建议。这是个以使役动词【解析】该句型用以表达建议。这是个以使役动词let开头的祈使句。常用来提出建议,常用开头的祈使句。常用来提出建议,常用OK./ All right./ Good idea./ That sounds good. 等作答表赞成;若表等作答表赞成;若表示不

4、赞成,则用示不赞成,则用Sorry,I等作答。等作答。let sb. do sth.意意为为“让某人做某事让某人做某事”,表否定时用,表否定时用let sb. not do sth.。以。以Lets开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句的附加部分用开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句的附加部分用shall we;以;以Let us开头则用开头则用will you。think about意为意为“考虑考虑”,后面常接名词、动名词或带疑问词的,后面常接名词、动名词或带疑问词的不定式。不定式。【演练】【演练】( )1. Lets _ and help him. A. go B. going C. to go D. goe

5、s( )2. Lets go out for a picnic on Sunday. _. A. Good idea B. Here you are C. Nice to meet you D. Dont worry about itAA( )3. She always _ others more than herself. A. thinks B. thinks up C. thinks about D. thinks hardC( )4. Lets go to school on foot,_?A. will you B. do you C. dont we D. shall we( )5

6、. Im thinking about _ the fridge, the washing machine and even the micro oven before moving. A. to sell B. sell C. selling D. sellerDC【考点【考点3】Why does Bob like history? 鲍勃为什鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?么喜欢历史?Because its interesting. 因为它很有趣。因为它很有趣。【解析】该句型用以询问、阐述原因。【解析】该句型用以询问、阐述原因。Why意为意为“为为什么什么”,是疑问副词,用来提问原因,常常用,是疑问副词

7、,用来提问原因,常常用because引导的句子来回答。引导的句子来回答。because与与so在一个句在一个句子中不能同时出现。子中不能同时出现。【演练】【演练】( )1. _ do you like ping-pong? Because it is relaxing. A. How B. When C. Why D. WhereC( )2. We didnt enjoy the day _ the weather was too bad. A. because B. though C. unless D. tillA( )3. It might be a boys room _ the cl

8、othes look like boys clothes. A. when B. because C. but D. so( )4. _ I am very busy,_ I cant go out with you. A. Because; so B./ ; so C. So;/ C. So; becauseBB【考点【考点4】How much are these socks?这些袜子多少这些袜子多少钱?钱?【解析】该句型用以询问价格。【解析】该句型用以询问价格。“How much+is / are+主语?主语?”意为意为“多少钱?多少钱?”相当于相当于“Whats the price of

9、?” How much+不可数名词,可询问数量,不可数名词,可询问数量,表表“多少多少”。若询问可数名词数量则用。若询问可数名词数量则用how many。【演练】【演练】( )1. _ people are there in your family? Three. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How muchC( )2. _ pocket money do you usually get every month? Fifty yuan. What about you?A. How often B. How long C. How many D

10、. How muchD( )3. _ is the English dictionary? 40 yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How soon( )4. How much _ the milk? 4 dollars. A. are B. is C. am D. beAB【考点【考点5】My birthday is on May 2nd. 我的生日在五我的生日在五月二号。月二号。【解析】【解析】on+具体的一天或具体一天的上午、下午、晚具体的一天或具体一天的上午、下午、晚上;上;in+一段时间一段时间(如年、季、月等如年、季、月等)或不

11、具体的上午、或不具体的上午、 下午、晚上;下午、晚上;at+钟点时刻。钟点时刻。【演练】【演练】( )1. Do you know Victory Day in China?Yes,its _ September 3rd _ each year. It tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate wars. Chinese people will never forget the history. A. in;on B. on;/ C. at;/ D. on;inB( )2. When did you see Jimmy ag

12、ain after that? _ a sunny afternoon in June, last year. A. On B. At C. In D./ ( )3. On weekends,I usually go to bed late and get up at 10_ the morning. A. in B. at C. on D. forAA( )4. What activities do you have _ April?A. in B. on C. of D. at( )5. Lets meet _ 10:30 next Tuesday afternoon. A. for B. on C. at D. inAC



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