高考英语一轮复习 第3编语法突破 第3讲 形容词和副词课件

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1、第三讲第三讲 形容词和副词形容词和副词.形容词一、形容词作前置定语形容词作定语通常放在所修饰的名词前,当几个形容词与其他限定词共同修饰一个名词时,一般按照以下顺序排列:限定词(these,those.)数量形容词(three)描绘性形容词(beautiful)大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词(large,long,high)新旧(old)颜色(red)国籍(Chinese)材料(wood)用途(writing)被修饰名词(desk)。记准下面的口诀:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。all,both,such等冠词、物主代词、指示代词、数词品质、特性等大小、长短、高

2、低形态、形状年龄、新旧、颜色thepretty littleoldesthisnew greyallthebluetenstrongblacksuchaprettylongredthe thirdroundbrownboththetallold国籍、产地材料、用途被修饰的名词Chinesestonebridge中国最古老的漂亮的小石桥cottonshirt他的新的灰色棉衬衫memorialenvelopes所有的蓝色纪念封plasticbags10个结实的黑色塑料袋French skirt如此漂亮的红色法式女裙woodentable第三张褐色圆木桌Russianmen这两位身材高大的俄罗斯老人

3、特别提醒:1.若有两个或两个以上的颜色形容词修饰同一个名词,须用and连接,例如:a black and white dress一条黑白相间的裙子,a red,green and yellow flag一面红、绿、黄三色相间的旗子。2.多个形容词并列时往往短词在前,长词在后,其间一般不加逗号,有时为了强调同等重要可加逗号。二、形容词作定语后置的几种情况当形容词修饰不定代词one,no,any,some和every构成的复合词,如:something,anything,nothing时I have something important to tell you.当“形容词介词短语/不定式”构成的

4、短语作定语时The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer.当两个意义相近或相反的形容词用both.and.,and,or或but连接在一起作定语时The students were required to see a film both interesting and instructive.形容词如:alive,afraid,awake,alone,asleep,worth等作定语时,常放于被修饰词的后面The baby still asleep might be awake very soon.当old,long,high,

5、wide,deep等词附有数量词短语作定语时The peasants dug a well about fifty metres deep.三、表语形容词表语形容词(如:afraid,alone,awake,asleep,alive,alike,ashamed,well,sorry,unable,worth,sure)并非只能作表语,它们还可以作补足语,有的还可作后置定语(一般不作前置定语)。常见表语形容词如下:表示健康方面的词:well,unwell,ill,faintHe is ill.He feels faint.sorry,glad,fond,sure,worth,mistaken等I

6、 am glad that you are fond of the subject.大多以字母a开头的形容词:afraid,alive,asleep,awake,ashamed,alone,alike,ahead等The baby is asleep now.四、形容词作状语形容词作状语表示伴随或结果。说明主语所处的状态,并不表达动作的方式。He went to bed,cold and hungry.他又冷又饿地去睡觉了。He lay in bed,wide awake.他醒着躺在床上。He returned home,safe and sound.他回到了家,安然无恙。He is stan

7、ding there,full of fear.他站在那里,充满了恐惧。.副词一、两种形式的副词有些副词有两种形式,其中一种形式与形容词相同,另一种形式是在形容词后加后缀“ly”。这两种形式的副词表示的意义大不相同,应加以分辨。close接近(指距离)closely仔细地,密切地free免费freely自由地,自如地deep深deeply深刻地,深入地,深深地hard努力hardly几乎不wide宽阔widely广泛地high高highly高度地late晚,迟lately近来near邻近nearly几乎most最mostly主要地,绝大多数地firm稳固地firmly坚固地Deep in th

8、ought,he didnt notice me.陷入沉思中,他没注意到我。He was deeply moved by the moving story.他被这个感人的故事深深地感动了。二、有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语。Fortunately,he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA.幸运的是,他没被淹死,被解放军给救了。Happily for her,her stepmother was kind to her.使她高兴的是,她的继母对她很好。Obviously,your answer is absolutely wrong.很显然

9、,你的答案绝对错了。Naturally,you want to discuss this problem with your parents.自然,你想和你的父母商量一下此事。三、can not/never与enough或too连用表示“无论怎样都不过分;越越好”。You can not be careful enough/too careful to study.在学习方面,你再细心也不过分。Mary,look,what did I find?玛丽,你看,我找到什么了?Oh,my lost key?I cant thank you too much.(I cant thank you muc

10、h enough.)噢,我丢失的钥匙?太感谢你了。.形容词和副词比较级的用法一、平级比较句型典句示例用as.as.;not as/so.as.;the same as.;such.as.引导Henry is a worker as good as Peter(is)Henry is as good a worker as Peter(is)Henry is such a good worker as Peter(is)He has as many as 2,000 books.Henry does not have so/as many books as I have.His name is

11、the same as his fathers(name)It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science.句型典句示例as形容词as数量词数量词形容词,但表示强调The building is as tall as 100 meters.The building is 100 meters tall.The well is as deep as 130 meters.The well is 130 meters deep. The average cost of one day in a h

12、ospital in that country can run as high as $400.句型典句示例貌似同等程度比较结构的一些固定习惯用语英语中有些看似是同等程度的比较结构,实际上它们是一些固定的习惯用语,它们是:as long as只要;as far as远至,到程度;as soon as一就;as well as既又;as good as(very nearly)与几乎一样,几乎,简直I will work as(so)long as I live.As far as I know,he is a reliable person.He has experience as well

13、as knowledge.He as good as called me a coward.二、比较级句型典句示例“比较级than”表达一方超过或低于另一方的情况You look much younger than I do. She doesnt work harder than you(do)less than.意为“少于”。It cost Tom less than five dollars.not less than.意为“不少于,至少”。He is not less than 80 years old.no less than.意为“多达,有之多”,表示数量之多。No less th

14、an a thousand people came.no less.than.意为“同一样”。English is no less important than maths.not less.than.意为“在方面不亚于”。English is not less important than maths.句型典句示例more than.意为“非常”“很”;“多于;不止;不只是”。She is more than selfish.(more than 表示“非常”,多与形容词连用)more.than.意为“与其说,不如说”。She is more thoughtless than stupid.

15、not more than.意为“不超过,不多于”。I have not more than ten books in my bag.no more than.意为“仅仅,不过,只不过”,强调数量少。I have no more than ten books in my bag.not more.than.意为“不比更”。Tom isnt more clever than Jim.no more.than.意为“和一样不”。Tom is no more clever than Jim.句型典句示例“比较级and比较级”意为“越来越”。As summer is coming,the day is

16、 becoming longer and longer.“the比较级,the比较级”意为“越就越”。The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.“the比较级of the two名词”表示“两者中较的那个”。The taller of the two boys is my brother.“not比较级than”表示“不像那样”;“不如”。She is not more generous than her younger sister.“no比较级than”表示“和一样不”(否定二者)。This book is no more

17、 interesting than that one.用介词by表示相差的程度。She is taller than I by three inches.She is three inches taller than II missed the last train by one minute特别提醒:比较级的修饰语常见的有:rather,much,still,even,far,any(用于否定句或疑问句),a lot,a little,a great deal,by far,a bit,three times等。The students study even harder than befo

18、re.A car runs a great deal faster than a bike. 三、使用比较级应注意的问题1比较的范围如果比较的范围不一样,表达方式也应不同。China is larger than any other country /any of the other countries in Asia.(包含在比较的范围内)中国比亚洲其他任何国家都大。China is larger than any country in Africa.(不包含在比较的范围内)中国比非洲任何国家都大。2比较的对象要一致相同的对象可以比较,不同的对象不能进行比较The population of

19、 China is larger than that of any other country in the world.(人口与人口相比,要用代词that)The climate here is warmer than that of Shanghai.这里的气候比上海的温暖。The radios made in our factory are better than those(made)in your factory.我们工厂生产的收音机比你们厂的好。China has a larger population than any other country in the world.中国的

20、人口比世界上其他任何国家都多。3注意比较结构中的省略现象由于日常交际的需要,在彼此都明白的情况下,比较对象往往省略What do you think of the film?你觉得这部电影怎么样?I have never seen a better one.(后边省略了than this film)我从未看过比这部更好的电影。Toms composition,if not better(后边省略了than Jacks),is at least as good as Jacks.汤姆的作文,如果不比杰克的好,也至少和他的作文一样好。4下列情况用to不用than:be prior to早于,较重要

21、于be superior to优于,高于be inferior to次于be senior to年长于,地位高于be junior to地位低于,比年纪小The task is prior to all others.这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。In maths he felt superior to John.他觉得自己的数学比约翰的强。These apples are inferior in flavour to those.这些苹果的味道不如那些。He is two years senior to me.他比我大两岁。.形容词、副词最高级的用法1most前如没有定冠词the,就没有比

22、较的意思,只是用来加强语气,有“很,非常”之意。This is a most interesting story.这是一个很有趣的故事。2最高级可被序数词以及much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等词语所修饰。Of all the students,Jacks oral English is almost the best.在所有的学生中,杰克的英语口语几乎是最好的。3否定词比较级最高级。There is no greater love than that of a man who lays

23、 down his life for his friends.为朋友而放弃生命的人的爱是最伟大的爱。He has never spent a more worrying day.他度过了最担心的一天。4主语否定式谓语(含not或never)比较级。It cant be worse.(Its the worst thing Ive ever known.)这是我知道的最糟糕的事情。5No other单数名词/No one/None/Nobody比较级than.。No other student in the class is taller than he.他是班里最高的同学。.表示倍数的句型1A

24、 is倍数比较级thanB2A is倍数as原级asB3A is倍数the名词(size,length,height等)ofB4A is倍数thatofB5A is倍数what引导的名词性从句如:他的收入是她的三倍。He earns twice more than her.He earns three times as much as her.He earns three times the money that she does.The money he earns is three times that of hers.He earns three times what she does.

25、The output of this year is 3 times that of 2008.The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2008.今年的产量是2008年的三倍。After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced twice as many cars in 2008 as the year before.自从新技术被引进以后,这家工厂2008年生产的小汽车是上一年的两倍。.有些连词也可以作副词,但作副词时,常放在句末如:though,(ever)sinc

26、e,in case等。如:She promised to phone.I heard nothing,though.Though she promised to phone,I heard nothing.她答应要打电话来,可我没听到回信儿。He is old.He works hard,though.Though he is old,he works hard.他虽然年事已高,但他工作还是很努力。He came to this school in 1988.He has been working here ever since.He has been working in this school since he came here in 1988.1988年他来到了这个学校。自那时起,他一直在这里工作。I dont think it will rain,but I will take my umbrella,just in case.I will take my umbrella just in case it should rain.我想不会下雨,但我要把我的伞带上,以防万一。



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