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1、ACTIVEREADING1MappingMappingEmbarkationEmbarkationNavigationNavigationDestinationDestinationResourcesActivereading1:MappingActivereading1:MappingIdentifying pop scientific writing styleJudging with reasonsDetecting fallacies and subjectivities.BridginginformationgapCasestudyActivereading1:Embarkatio

2、nActivereading1:EmbarkationBridgingtheinformationgapGroup competition for science quiz : The whole class is divided into 6 groups. Each group will discuss and decide which one are true. Activereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:Embarkation1. The moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere. 2.

3、 Oil will always float on water. 3. Sound travels faster through air than through water. 4. Nothing can travel faster than light. 5. Water is a poor conductor of electricity. 6. Adults can hear a greater range of sounds than adolescents. 7. When you drop a piece of toast the butter side hits the gro

4、und first. clickSciencequizActivereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationIts not the moon which is in a different position, but the person looking at it. 1. The moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere. 2. Oil will always float on water. Oil and water have different types of molecul

5、ar bonds and so will not mix. Oil is less dense than water so it floats on top. 3. Sound travels faster through air than through water. Water is denser than air so sound waves move more slowly through it.MoreSciencequizActivereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:Embarkation This is regarded as a law of

6、 physics. 4. Nothing can travel faster than light. 5. Water is a poor conductor of electricity.In its pure state, it is; but as it usually has minerals in it and spreads all over surfaces, in most real life cases it carries electricity very well and this is why electrical switches and appliances sho

7、uld not be located in a bathroom. MoreSciencequiz6. Adults can hear a greater range of sounds than adolescents. Not at all, hearing starts deteriorating as early as the upper teens and early twenties.It usually does but not to annoy you. Given the height from which toast is usually dropped and the s

8、lant at which it is held, it will usually land face down. If you held it evenly by both hands, or dropped it from a height, this would not happen. 7. When you drop a piece of toast the butter side hits the ground first. Activereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationBackCasestudyActivereading1:

9、EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationGroupdiscussion: I never had a slice of bread,Particularly large and wide,That did not fall upon the floor,And always on the buttered side. Howdoyouexplainit?MathematicalelementPsychologicalelementToastCaseclickMythclickclickActivereading1:EmbarkationActivereadin

10、g1:EmbarkationPairwork:Eachtimewecurseourbadluckanditseemsthatwearealwaysthevictim.IsitaMyth?CasestudyIf there is something that science cannot interpret, then comes myth.1. “The buttered side down” case can be interpreted.2. Bad or good luck has no connection with myth.MoreCasestudyOne for sorrow T

11、wo for mirth Three for wedding Four for birthFive for silver six for goldIndividualrethinking: There are other things that have been carried down from our culture in both China and the West. Are they myths or cultural traditions?BackActivereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationCasestudyActive

12、reading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationMathematicalelement:IsitaMathoraMyth?Factorswhichdeterminethebuttersidedown: (Robert Matthews, Aston University)the height of the fall itself. gravity the speed of the fallthe toasts weightthe initial position of the toast on its container prior to and d

13、uring the fall.Determiningfactor:Primaryfactor:Otherfactors:BackCasestudyPsychological element: Activereading1:EmbarkationActivereading1:EmbarkationShallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.Ralph Waldo Emerson a close connection between peoples perception of bad luck and in

14、teresting coincidence (Para2, See Jigsawreading: try to identify the authors opinion toward psychological elements.BackTextorganisationTextexplorationTextevaluationDetectingfallaciesandsubjectivitiesFindingexpressionsFindingexpressionsaboutbadluckaboutbadluckJigsawreadingActivereading1:NavigationAct


16、yhurryReasonsReasonsclickGeneral-to-particular patternGeneralizationParticular situationActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationTextorganization ReasonsReasonspsychologicalpsychologicalmathematicalmathematicalA close connection between peoples perception of bad luck and interesting coincid

17、ence.ExampleExampleBad things always happen in threes.clickQuestion-answer patternQ1:Whatisbad?(Q1:Whatisbad?(ParasParas 4-6)4-6)Q2:WhatmightbetheQ2:Whatmightbetherationalrationalexplanation(explanation(ParasParas7-10)7-10)Badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than sth. wh

18、ich is there or not there.clickclickthe duration and memorability of the first eventclickto look examples which confirm and ignore those which dontRational explanation (Para 10) clickprobability and independenceThe most important of all (Paras 7-8) Tendency (Para 9) Activereading1:NavigationActivere

19、ading1:NavigationListing patternBackExample:Badthingsalwayshappeninthrees.Example:Badthingsalwayshappeninthrees.JigsawreadingActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationclickclickThewholeclass:ReadParas4-6andidentifythedefinitionaboutbadness.Thewholeclass:ReadParas7-10anddothecomprehensionexer

20、cises.Group1-3:ReadParas11-15,Group4-6:ReadParas16-17JudgeT/Fforthefollowingstatements.clickThedefinitionofbadnessBadness: Badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than sth. which is there or not there. Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationBackBadnessMarginally b

21、adExtremely badOnthespectrum: the train arriving 5 minutes lateclickNeutral: in no hurry Bad: for an important meetingReasonsforbadthingshappeninginthreesIdentify the functions of following two examples: Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:Navigationburst pipe (Paras 7-8)Being redundant (Para 10

22、)The duration and memorability of the first eventProbability and independenceMoreReasonsforbadthingshappeninginthreesActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationMatch the examples with the type of eventsBack1. An extremely memorable and unfortunate event2. Something which might happen because

23、you are feeling depressed or unwell3. The sort of event which confirms “the bad luck theory”4. An unlucky event which is bound to make people suffer depression1. A burst water pipe2. Car accident3. Losing wedding ring4. Being redundant5. Dropping a precious vase JudgingstatementsMap reading misfortu

24、nes 1. The chance of picking a destination which is close to the edge of the map is a lot higher than you might expect.2. People always forget about the number of times the road doesnt land awkwardly and remember the time it does.3. Thirty per cent of the map page is duplicated elsewhere as a result

25、 of our selective memory.4. Map reading misfortunes are a typical example of selective memory.Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationMoreJudgingstatements 1. The relative frequency of red and green lights on a journey is another example of selevtive memory.2. Traffic light is simplified a

26、s being like tossing a coin, with a 50 per cent chance of being red.3. Red lights come up not as often when the driver is not in a hurry.4. Red lights are instantly forgotten while green lights stick in the mind.Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationBackThelightsarealwaysredwhenIminahurr

27、y.DetectingfallaciesandsubjectivitiesGroup work: Re-read paras1-3 and underline all the opinions about bad luck and identify the subjective or objective tone behind them. Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:Navigation1. Do you ever get the impression that you were born unlucky?The opinion that “

28、you were born unlucky” is an impression.2. Even the most rational person can be convinced at times that there is a force out there making mishaps occur at the worst possible time.“Even”, the superlative “the most rational person” and “convinced” are used to emphasize it seems to be true.Moreclickcli

29、ck4. Part of the explanation for bad luck is mathematical, but part is psychological.The structure “part of explanation is, but part is .” can be read as an objective explanation.5. There is a very close connection between peoples perception of bad luck and interesting coincidence.“There be” structu

30、re emphasizes the objective fact.3. We all like to believe that Murphys Law is true.“We all like to believe” emphasizes the subjectivity.Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationMoreclickclickclickDetectingfallaciesandsubjectivitiesActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:Navigation5. There

31、is a very close connection between peoples perception of bad luck and interesting coincidence.“There be” structure emphasizes the objective fact.6. The notion that bad things always happen in threes is unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study, but it must have some basis in experience,

32、 otherwise the phrase would never have arisen in the first place.“Notion” means it may be incorrect, immature or without much evidence.“Be unlikely to” emphasizes impossibility.“It must have some basis” applies logical reasoning, emphasizing some sense in it.clickclickActivereading1:NavigationActive



35、cesPara7:Para8: Para9:Para10:Psychologi-calwordsPara7:Para8: Para9:marginally bad, extremely bad, on a spectrumneutralalive and kickingsubsequent misfortunes as part of a series, actively looking out for next disaster, the timescale has been extendedtendencysuffer some depression, lower the bodys de

36、fences, vulnerable to illness, less alert & responsiveconstant remindersstick in the front of your mind, quickly leap totempting fateActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationCriticalthinking1. Is bad luck an acceptable explanation for when things go wrong?2. Are there any non-scientific way

37、s people use to avoid bad luck?3. What symbols of good luck do people still value today?4. Are some people luckier than others?5. How can science challenge old-fashioned thinking, such as superstition?Groupdiscussion:Group1-3discussQ1&5,group4-6discussQ2-4.(Activity9,P102)clickclickclickclickclickAc

38、tivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationQ1BackItsausefulexcusetoexplainsomethingeventhoughitdoesnotexplainanything.Wemeanitwasnotourfault.Akindofhumanself-deceit:Weneverseekforpersonalreasons,butattributeourfailuretobadluck.Agree DisagreeEx:If“IamlatebecauseIoverslept”,itismyfault;If“thebusb

39、rokedown”,itwasbadluck.AsEmersonssays:Shallowmenbelieveinluck. Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationQ2BackNon-scientificwaysLuckywordsornumbersLuckcoloursorauspiciousdesigns(吉祥的图案吉祥的图案)Pendants Fengshuiorfortunetellinge.g.“Red”inChineseculturetendstowardoffevilinfluence,sodoesthedesigno


41、ewallAwholefishKylin(麒麟麒麟)Asymbolfortheoncominghappiness.Oneofthefoodforspringfestival,representingtogethernessandabundance.anauspicioussymbolforprosperitythecolorrepresentingjoy,auspiciousness,enthusiasmandprosperity.Q4 Activereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationBackTherearesomepeoplewhoarer

42、eallyluckierthanotherpeople.Fortuneonlysmilestothosewhotryhard.Thosewhohavewonthelotteryarereallyluckierthanthosewhodidnot.Geniusisonepercent,inspirationandninety-ninepercentperspiration.Agree DisagreeActivereading1:NavigationActivereading1:NavigationQ5BackThesecondstep: Superstition does not retire

43、 quietly from history.Thefirststep: new scientific knowledge occurs which counters against superstition.Thethirdstep: Through school education, media and efforts clustered from government or organizations, the society comes to realize scientific power.Thefourthstep: It turns out to be a new round of

44、 competition between science and superstition .Activereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationTalking pointsSummarisingActivereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationSummarisinglBad luck is a problematic concept because it is relative.lBad luck can be partly explained from the aspects of M

45、aths and psychology. lWhen it comes to bad things happening in threes, what may be most important of all is the duration and memorability of the first event.lThe longer the first bad event sticks in the mind, the more opportunity you will have to experience two more bad events.lThere is at least one

46、 rational reason why bad events might cluster together, that is, probability and independence.lAs with coincidence, in bad luck there is a tendency to look for the examples which confirm the theory and ignore those which dont. 213465IndividualWork:Number the following statements from the text in the

47、 order. Then form a short summary about the authors opinions.Summarising Activereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationPair Work: The below is a short summary about map reading misfortune example. Fill in the blanks with missing information. Map reading misfortune is one specific example which

48、_. Finding a precise route on the edge of the map page usually turns to be _. If our destination is anywhere in the shaded area on the map, we have 28% chance of being _ within 1 cm f the edge of the page, and 52% chance within 2 cm. As in most bad luck stories, we forget about the number of times t

49、he road doesnt land awkwardly and remember the times it does. We are bound to _. This illustrates peoples selective memory indeed.A.inanawkwardpositionB.AchoreofflickingbackwardsandforwardsC.becursingourmisfortuneorthemapsprinterD.cropupinlifeDBACActivereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationT

50、alkingPointsGroupdiscussion:Look at some bad predictions about scientific developments and decide which is the worst prediction. (see P103)ModelanswerExampleanalysis1. Everything that can be invented has been invented. clickclickGeneralanswerTalkingpointsGeneral answer: Activereading1:DestinationAct

51、ivereading1:DestinationIts hard to choose, isnt it? These predictions seem to be unreasonable and all have been proved wrong by history. I would like to choose Number X to be the worst prediction becauseBackProvedbyhistoryorProvedbyhistoryornot?not?Reasonableornot?Reasonableornot?Activereading1:Dest

52、inationActivereading1:DestinationTalkingpointsBackExample analysis1. Everything that can be invented has been invented.Extension:Human imagination is beyond imaginationFunction:Human activities and development can be traced back to their imagination.Nothing is impossibleHistory has proved what the p

53、eople imagined have turned into inventions.HumanimaginationHumanimaginationThingsthatcanbeThingsthatcanbeinventedinventedTalkingpointsPractices: Group 1, 3 and 5 discuss 2, 3, 4 and 5; Group 2, 4 and 6 discuss 6, 7, 8 and 9.2. I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the

54、 religious sensibilities of anyone. 3. Man will not fly for 50 years. 4. The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad. 5. Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value. 6. There is practically no chance communications space satellites will be used to provide better

55、 telephone, telegraph, television, or radio service inside the United States. 7. Who the hell wants to hear actors talk? 8. Rail travel at high speed is not possible, because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia. 9. There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.Active

56、reading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationActivereading1:DestinationTalkingpointsRelaxation: Listen to a song about bad lucks and discuss your unlucky experience.DifficultsentencesWordstonoteInformationrelatedActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesPreviewLangua

57、geinuseActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDifficultsentence1So badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than something which is there or not there.Trans所以我们更应该把事情的好坏看成是一个程度的问题,而不是非好所以我们更应该把事情的好坏看成是一个程度的问题,而不是非好即坏。即坏。spectrum: n. the whole range of ideas, qualitie

58、s and situations, etc. that are possible 范围,幅度 e.g. wide/broad spectrum: 广泛的范围 the parties at the centre of the political spectrum 处于政治活动核心的党派AnalsActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDifficultsentence2It may take less an hour to flood the house, but this one bad event can remain alive an

59、d kicking for many months, with the cleaning up operation and the debate with your insurers acting as constant reminders of the original event. (Para 7)Analswithacting as: with 所引导的伴随状语the cleaning up operation: the activity to make rooms clean 打扫,清扫serve/act as reminders: act as something that remi

60、nds you of 作为提醒记忆之物Trans也许不到一个小时你的家就变成了一片汪洋,而在接下来的几个月也许不到一个小时你的家就变成了一片汪洋,而在接下来的几个月里,你里,你的脑子都会不停地想起这桩倒霉事,因为你要把房子清理干净,还要和保的脑子都会不停地想起这桩倒霉事,因为你要把房子清理干净,还要和保险公司就赔偿问题讨价还价,这些都会让你不断地想起这件事。险公司就赔偿问题讨价还价,这些都会让你不断地想起这件事。Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDifficultsentence3The longer the first bad e

61、vent sticks in the front of your mind, the more opportunities you will have to experience two more bad events. (Para 8) AnalsTransstick in the mind/memory: not to forget it easily 铭记在心,历久难忘the more + adj./n. + 其它,the more + adj./n. + 其它: e.g. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the less chance yo

62、u have of getting cancer. 吃的水果、蔬菜越多,得癌症的可能性就越小。第一件倒霉事困扰你的时间越长,你再遇到两件倒霉事的机率就越大。第一件倒霉事困扰你的时间越长,你再遇到两件倒霉事的机率就越大。Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDifficultsentence4This means that finding the precise route becomes a chore of flicking backwards and forwards from one page to the next. (Para

63、 12) 这意味着要找一条精确的路线,你就必须从这一页翻到下一页,不这意味着要找一条精确的路线,你就必须从这一页翻到下一页,不停地翻来翻去,很是麻烦。停地翻来翻去,很是麻烦。chore: n. an ordinary job that must be done regularly 日常琐事flick: v. to make something move quickly and suddenly, especially with a quick movement of the hand (尤指收迅速地)弹、拂、掠、掷 n. a sudden quick movement 轻拂、轻弹、轻投e.g.

64、 have a flick through something 快速翻阅某物 flick through 快速地翻阅AnalsTransActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDifficultsentence5If you encounter six traffic lights on a journey, then you are no more likely to escape a red light than you are to toss six consecutive heads, the chance of which is

65、 1 in 64. (Para 16, the last sentence) 如果在路上碰上六个红绿灯,全部是绿灯就和扔硬币连续六次都是人头如果在路上碰上六个红绿灯,全部是绿灯就和扔硬币连续六次都是人头朝上的概率是一样的,为六十四分之一。朝上的概率是一样的,为六十四分之一。no more + adj. + than: 与一样不e.g. The notion that the extraterrestrial life is no more advanced than us reflects a human conceit. 认为外星人和我们一样不发达的想法反映了人类的自欺欺人。to toss

66、six consecutive heads: 连续抛掷出六次人头朝上consecutive: adj. following one after another in order and with nothing else in between 连续的e.g. Most staff work for 12 consecutive days and then have 3 days off. 大多数的员工连续工作12天,然后休3天假。AnalsTransActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesWordstonoteNewWordsPhrase

67、s1.neutral2.marginally3.duration4.subsequent5.vulnerable6.adjacent7.overlap8.duplicate9.frequency10.deprivation aliveandkickingbeboundtocropupActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesneutraladj.adj. neither positive nor negative 中立的,中性的Translate the following sentences.1. The security of all

68、of southeast Asia will be endangered if Laos loses its neutral independence. 如果老挝失去了它中立立场,整个东南亚的安全将受到威胁。 2.尼克松的复信采取了一种中立的方针。 The message from Nixon steered a neutral course. MoreActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesIdentifythemeaningofcollocations.remain neutral neutrala neutralcountryneu

69、tral reactionimpartialon neutral groundneutralunbiased objectivemiddle-of-the-road中性反应站在中间立场上保持中立中立国Identifymoreexpressionssimilarto“neutral”. Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesdurationadj.n. the period of time during which something continues to happen or exist 持续期间Complete the senten

70、ces.1.Disease resulting from stress is related to the_ of stress.逆境带来的疾病,同逆境的严重程度和历时长短有关。逆境带来的疾病,同逆境的严重程度和历时长短有关。 2.Periodic crises wrack the capitalist system, and they grow in _.周期性的危机破坏着资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间周期性的危机破坏着资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间在延长。在延长。 severity and durationsize and durationActivereading1:

71、ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcessubsequentadj.adj. happening or coming after something else 随后,继随后,继之之后后Translate the following sentences.1.两位首脑在这次会谈后所建立的和谐关系帮助了交接工作的进行。两位首脑在这次会谈后所建立的和谐关系帮助了交接工作的进行。 The subsequent rapport between the two principals assisted the transition process. 2.This informatio

72、n should be used to strategize about the approach to take in subsequent interviews. 这些信息应该用来为后续访谈中将采用的方法制定策略。这些信息应该用来为后续访谈中将采用的方法制定策略。 marginallyadv.adv. by only a very small amount 少量的少量的Replace the underlined parts with “marginally”.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resources1. The measures c

73、an only_, not eliminate the hazards.这些措施也只是在一定程度上减少、而不这些措施也只是在一定程度上减少、而不是消除了危险性。是消除了危险性。2. As for the training company, their costs _ _ but the profits shot up by many folds.对培训对培训公司来说,虽然成本有所上升,但利润却成倍增长。公司来说,虽然成本有所上升,但利润却成倍增长。 marginallyreducewentupmarginallyMoreActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading

74、1:ResourcesA marginal business盈利甚微的企业marginalMarginal notes 旁注Marginal culture边缘文化Marginal base边缘盆地States marginal to Canada 靠近加拿大的州Marginal people 边民A marginal existence勉强维生Marginal sea 边缘海Identifythefollowingcollocationsabout“marginal”.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesvulnerableadj.

75、adj. weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally 脆弱的, 易受伤的Identify the context-dependent uses of “vulnerable”.vulnerablegroupsavulnerablepointinNATOsdefencesbevulnerabletotemptationacountryvulnerabletonaturaldisasteradocileandvulnerableperson易受诱惑的弱势群体经常遭受自然灾害的国家感觉脆弱和消沉北大西洋公约的薄弱之处性格温顺和脆弱的人feelingvuln

76、erableanddepressedActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesadjacentadj.adj. next to or near something else 毗邻的,连接的 Convert the following expressions to “adjacent” and appropriate forms of “adjacent”.1. Neighbouring towns 邻近城镇2. Lands near to the mountains 邻近山脉的地段 3. contiguity, the state of b

77、eing neighbouring 毗邻(的状态)adjacent townslands adjacent to the mountainsadjacencyclickclickclickduplicatev.v. make copy of something 复制复制Translate the following sentences.1. The basic goal of procedures section in research paper writing is to allow readers to duplicate the experiment either to confirm

78、 or to refute it.研究报告的程序部分的基本目标是允许读者复制整个试验以便证实或反驳该实验。2. 该系统帮助我们复制信息,使得原件与复制文件都保留在同样的存储媒体中。The system aids us to duplicate information so that both the original and the duplicate are held on similar storage media.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesMore1.He duplicated his fathers failure.

79、 他重蹈父亲的覆辙。2.A duplicate sample 复样3.Usually we ask for a draft in duplicate. 我们通常要求草图一式两份。4.The system contains no duplicate code, unless that would violate the principle. 这个系统不包含重复的代码,否则就会违反原则。5.Workers in AI hope to imitate or duplicate intelligence in computers and robots. 人工智能的工作人员希望能让机器人有智力。Acti

80、vereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesIdentifythepartsofspeechof“duplicate”.duplicate vt. 复制,重复 adj. 重复的,抄存的 n. 复制品 ,副本,抄件,复件vt.Analsvt.Analsadj.Analsn.Analsadj.AnalsMoreIdentify the differences of following synonyms.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDuplicate: 一模一样可替代原件的复制品Copy:

81、指精确的或不精确的复制品Model: 可指按某物式样制造、按比例缩小的模型,也可指某物未制成之前做出的模型。 Reproduction: 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似 DuplicateReproductionCopyModelActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesfrequencyn.n. The number of times that something happens during a period of time 频度Translate the following sentences.1.事故正在愈加频繁地发生。

82、Accidents are happening with increasing frequency. 2.Their frequency of use both justifies and requires the memorization. 频繁的使用需要记忆,也促进了记忆。 MoreIdentify the meaning of collocations.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resourcesthe relative frequency of occurrancefrequencyhigh/low/medium frequencyr

83、adar frequencyfrequency measurement雷达频率频率测量事物发生的相对频率高/低/中频率overlapv.Translate the following sentences.1. Obviously, the two sets of policies overlap and can complement each other.显然,两套政策有互相重复的地方,也可以互相补充。显然,两套政策有互相重复的地方,也可以互相补充。 2. Our concern and theirs substantially overlap.我们的利害关系和他们的大致相合。我们的利害关系和

84、他们的大致相合。 Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesMorev. The edge of one fits over the edge of the other 重叠、互搭convergence,intersection,lapcoincidence,conjunction,crossroadActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resources1. 1. 重叠,重合重叠,重合(n.)(n.)2.2.重叠,重合重叠,重合(v.)(v.)Identifying the similar expr

85、essions to “overlap”.extend over extend overcoincide (partially or wholy)imbricatecooccurdeprivationn.n. a situation in which you do not have something that you need or want 剥夺、丧失Compare the following two sentences and decide different functions. 1. He is likely to be deprived of office by his boss.

86、 2. Deprivation of office is hanging over his head. Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resources被动语句,客观性地介绍他被解职的可能性。Anals(1) deprivation of office为句子的出发点,而施动者、即为句子的出发点,而施动者、即开除他的人被忽略。开除他的人被忽略。(2) Hanging over his head 为synecdoche( (提喻提喻) ),形,形象生动地再现了即将被解职的场景。象生动地再现了即将被解职的场景。AnalsActivereading1:R

87、esourcesActivereading1:Resourcesaliveandkickingstill existing, not gone or forgotten 还存在的,不被忘记的还存在的,不被忘记的Debate the following topic.Traditional values are still alive and kicking in current society.1.Traditional values are the basis of our ethics.2.Traditional values have been proved to the truest i

88、n history.3.Traditional values are what we cherish so much and still exert their influence on a highly developed society.Yes1.Most traditional values are out-dated.2.Some traditional values even turn to be obstacles for the social progress.3. Our society calls for new moral values.NoActivereading1:R

89、esourcesActivereading1:Resourcesbeboundtoto almost certainly happen 一定的,几乎肯定的Appreciate the following paragraph which is taken from Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream.The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of ou

90、r white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. 这场席卷黑人社区的新的斗争精神不应该导致对白人的不信任。正如今天许多白人兄弟的到场所证明的那样,他们已经认识到:他们的命运和我们的命运紧密相连,他们的自由已无法和我们的自由分开。cropupto appear or happen

91、suddenly or unexpectedly 突然发生Translate the following sentences.1. Intriguingly, similar ideas crop up in mainstream theories. 有趣的是,类似的想法在主流理论之中已然出现。2.她万万没有想到会突然出现一种新的可能性。It had never occurred to her that a new possibility would crop up abruptly. Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesUseful

92、expressionsActivereading2:ResourcesMore1.在公休日1. on bank holidays2.坏事成三2. Bad things always happens in threes. 3.经得起任何科学试验的检验3. stant the scrutiny of any scientific study4.稍稍有些不好4. marginally bad5.糟糕透顶5. extremely bad6.在一定范围内6. on a spectrum 7.持续的提醒者7. a constant reminder8.困扰在脑海里8. stick in the front

93、 of the mindUsefulexpressionsActivereading2:Resources9.两个月的跨度9. two month timescale10.延长时间跨度10. extend the timescale11.正式最初的预言11. confirm the original prophecy12.坏事扎堆12. Bad events cluster together.13.心情抑郁13. suffer depression14.降低身体的抵抗力14. lower the bodys defences15.使人容易生病15. make sb. vulnerable to

94、 illness16.使人反应不像以前灵敏16. make sb. less alert and responsive MoreUsefulexpressionsActivereading2:Resources17.翻来翻去的麻烦事17. a chore of flicking backwards and forwards18.全国地形测量局的地图18. an ordnance survey19.阴影区域19. in the shaded area20.尴尬的位置20. in an awkward position21.诅咒自己倒霉21. curse your misfortune22.允许邻

95、近的页码有重复22. allow overlaps between adjacent map pages23.选择性记忆23. selective memory24.掷钱币24. toss a coin25.在一会儿的时间理强迫自己费力和承受压力25. a moment of exertion and stressInformationrelatedMurphysLawParkinsonsLawPetersPrincipleActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesThreeculturaldiscoveriesin20thcenturyM


97、doitwrong,hellfindit.MurphysLaw:Ifanythingcangowrong,itwill. ParkinsonsLawActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesOrigin:takenfromParkinsons Law: The Pursuit of Progress(London,JohnMurray,1958),writtenbyCyrilNorthcoteParkinsonaBritishnavalhistorian,andauthorofsomesixtybooksParkinsonsLaw:Work

98、expandssoastofillthetimeavailableforitscompletion.Thenumberofsubordinatesinanorganizationwillincreaselinearlyregardlessoftheamountofworktobedone.ThePeterPrincipleActivereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:ResourcesDefinition: The PeterPrinciple is the principle that “in a hierarchy every employee tends

99、to rise to his level of incompetence. It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1969 book The Peter Principle.Interpretation: In a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer

100、competent, and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions. This principle can be modeled and has theoretical validity. PreviewFind some information about the musical influence, bad or good on the human brain. And exchange your information with your group members.Activereading1:ResourcesActivereading1:Resources Influence Body responseMemory and learningGroup 1: bad effectsGroup 2: good effectsGroup 3 & 5: bad effectsGroup 4 & 6: good effectsACTIVEREADING1



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